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Odiad Chronicles [ OOC / Started / Currently Not Accepting ]

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Not that, I mean before you even post the actual post you warn people. Then after the post you warn them again. So you can warn those who don't want to read it after you post, but in my opinion, I don't see how anyone could not want to read it. It gives more depths to the character so it should be read ^_^

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Oh, okay.

Again, sometimes I don't notice the frequency with which I just post inane drivel. I think it's because I don't feel like I have a lot to contribute, discussion-wise...You guys seem to be taking charge with that, and I don't wanna mess with it, but I want to seem active, so I do that.

*Hits self with shovel.*

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Aww c'mon Dharc, you're making me feel bad ;_;

You're plenty active in the IC and that's what really counts. Plus, Alexander's a great character with a unique personality so contributing that is an amazing achievement in my book ^^

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