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Return of the Orichalcos (Finishing/PG-13/OOC)

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ULTIMATE GOHAN IS THE most powerful person in all of DBZ canon. I was [b]HOPING[/b] you meant the ordinary SS Gohan but it appears as though...!

Ultimate Gohan is a Gohan, the person with the most potential in all of history, who has achieved his [b]maximum limit[/b].This means that [b]Ultimate Gohan can't get any stronger, because he's already way too ridiculously powerful, he's at the almost-fictional 'limit' that is only reached by an infinitesimal amount of people.[/b] Hirudegarn was a movie creation so they might not have displayed it correctly, or otherwise it's merely due to Gohan's inexperience as a fighter compared to Goku. [b]So you could say that once Gohan has enough fighting experience, he's probably equivalent to a god.[/b] But the thing is, ignoring GT...[b]Gohan is more powerful than Vegito, is more powerful than Buu, and is most definitely more powerful that SS3 Goku. Does that say something to you?[/b]

Meh. Excuse me. I'm rather annoyed when it comes to power levels...

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[quote name='Merciful Idiot' timestamp='1344837335' post='6006119']

ULTIMATE GOHAN IS THE most powerful person in all of DBZ canon. I was [b]HOPING[/b] you meant the ordinary SS Gohan but it appears as though...!

Ultimate Gohan is a Gohan, the person with the most potential in all of history, who has achieved his [b]maximum limit[/b].This means that [b]Ultimate Gohan can't get any stronger, because he's already way too ridiculously powerful, he's at the almost-fictional 'limit' that is only reached by an infinitesimal amount of people.[/b] Hirudegarn was a movie creation so they might not have displayed it correctly, or otherwise it's merely due to Gohan's inexperience as a fighter compared to Goku. [b]So you could say that once Gohan has enough fighting experience, he's probably equivalent to a god.[/b] But the thing is, ignoring GT...[b]Gohan is more powerful than Vegito, is more powerful than Buu, and is most definitely more powerful that SS3 Goku. Does that say something to you?[/b]

Meh. Excuse me. I'm rather annoyed when it comes to power levels...

yes, I meant Ultimate Gohan, thank you for clearing that up. Your right Super Gohan would have been SSJ 1 Gohan.

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How the hell did we get talking about DBZ power levels? (which I think are completel bullsh*t anyway) I'm pretty sure the point Merciful is trying to make is "Do not f*ck with Arche because Arche will f*ck you up!" Don't try and compare your own characters with her because you're just coming off as big headed.

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Well I was just rereading the posts and I noticed that Protheus breaks the fourth wall (if you don't know what that is here you go http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BreakingTheFourthWall) Anyhow when he says Yuuto is plot armored then I think he's breaing the fourth wall. Nothing wrong with this just thought I'd point that out.

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It will fly over the ruins of Detroit before landing at a large patch of grassland, bought and reserved by Doma many years ago. Curiously, it's been untouched by the earthquake.
There are stairs somewhere there Beneath it is the secret base of the cult, and those who had been chillin' around inside might not have realized there had been one at all until they exited.

You'll probably meet Lucas soon. Archetype Earth will have to deal with Kori first before she introduces your character to Castle.

[quote]Well I was just rereading the posts and I noticed that Protheus breaks the fourth wall (if you don't know what that is here you go [url="http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BreakingTheFourthWall"]http://tvtropes.org/...ngTheFourthWall[/url]) Anyhow when he says Yuuto is plot armored then I think he's breaing the fourth wall. Nothing wrong with this just thought I'd point that out.[/quote]

Correct. See, Protheus has this odd ability. Let's say you edit your post to have your character 'swing left' instead of 'swing right'. He will be momentarily confused as he phases into a new continuity. Pandora also inherited this trait, though to a much lower extent.

Protheus Maximus is well aware that he is in a fictional world, but for the sake of everyone's sanity, he never admits it.

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[quote name='Merciful Idiot' timestamp='1344861101' post='6006313']
It will fly over the ruins of Detroit before landing at a large patch of grassland, bought and reserved by Doma many years ago. Curiously, it's been untouched by the earthquake.
There are stairs somewhere there Beneath it is the secret base of the cult, and those who had been chillin' around inside might not have realized there had been one at all until they exited.

You'll probably meet Lucas soon. Archetype Earth will have to deal with Kori first before she introduces your character to Castle.

Correct. See, Protheus has this odd ability. Let's say you edit your post to have your character 'swing left' instead of 'swing right'. He will be momentarily confused as he phases into a new continuity. Pandora also inherited this trait, though to a much lower extent.

Protheus Maximus is well aware that he is in a fictional world, but for the sake of everyone's sanity, he never admits it.

Probably a good idea or everyone's heads just might explode.

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Mhm xD

[quote]That or they'd just assume he's crazy, I mean look at Deadpool[/quote]

Well, his Master was crazy. His Master's grand master plan was to have Protheus destroy the entirety of the fictional world, and then hE assumed that with an absence of fiction, hE could emerge into our world - that was hiS ultimate dream.

And then Paradox killed hiM.

Protheus chose a more logical reason later on afterwards to destroy the multiverse.

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I think everyone in the RP has some minimal ability to break the fourth wall, or at least lampshade some things.

Anyways, Gabriel and Russell are still stuck in a hole, still alive [s]'cuz I said so[/s] but knocked-out and will be in need of rescuing soon (a little hint: they actually fell through a second hole underneath the first one, and the ring mat is also blocking that second hole up)

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