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Goat Format Enraged Drain Beat

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Well idk how else you're meant to put it.

Metamorphosis is far from as important here in Goat Control, but it's still Meta-f***ing-morphosis. If anything I can wait for my Drains to be destroyed and drop a Restrict. Also serves as an extra out to Jinzo, which apparently a lot of people are running right now.

Seriously, with the given card pool, it's ridiculous trying to keep this at 40 and I think Berserk Gorilla is pretty insane of a format with a pseudo-1900 attack barrier.

Haven't actually tested yet, it's still all theory-oh, but I'll test either later tonight or tomorrow if I can find anyone who's playing Goat format on.

What I should make most clear about Drain in here:

It shuts down TER entirely.

It shuts down Tsukuyomi as the deck's out to big beaters.

Stops Spirit Reaper chump-blocking me before I have Enraged.

Stops D.D. Warrior Lady/Assailant banishing Manticore, which is huge since Manticore is the permanent beat-stick.

Considering running Jinzo, since Jinzo+Manticore+Enraged is absolutely nuts, but hard to pull off, but again that space is insane to try to fit more stuff in. If anything, my priority is cutting down to 40 cards.

Oh and I should point out: Mask of Darkness is for people who save all their removal specifically for the Drain. It essentially gives me 4 Skill Drains, although it's somewhat difficult to pull off in a 2 NoC format that doesn't invalidate it.

Still includes obvious staple monsters (So, Sinister, MoF, Breaker, D.D. and Tribe) since they're amazing even when the deck's dedicated to drain, and I won't always have Drain.

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