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Xyz and Monarchs

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-1 Mobius
-2 Pot of Duality
-1 Zaborg the Thunder Monarch
-1 Maxx "C"
-1 Treeborn

+1 Frostosaurus
+1 One for One
+2 Tragoedia
+1 Dupe Frog
+1 Enemy Controller

For extra,
-1 Shooting Star Dragon (Why the hell is he in here?)
-1 Adreus, Keeper of Armageddon
-1 Gachi Gachi Gantetsu
-1 Black Rose Dragon

+1 Number 12: Crimson Shadow Armored Ninja
+1 Evolzar Solda
+1 Number 61: Volcasaurus
+1 Daigusto Phoenix

Pleiades is good, but Solda is better. I see no reason to run Adreus over Volca, and a 2nd Gachi over Daigusto Phoenix. Number 12 works better than on paper, and besides, you'll never go for BRD in Monarchs. Pot of Duality is utter crap in this deck, and it's better to use Dupe Frog if you want consistency. Tragoedia at 2 is always necesarry. 1-4-1 is another staple here. Enemy Controller is best at 3.

Otherwise, good.

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