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Yugioh 5Ds Booster Pack and Box


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Here they are:
[spoiler='5Ds Booster Pack'][img]http://i954.photobucket.com/albums/ae27/sapphirebird/deepseadestroyersbp.png[/img][/spoiler]
[spoiler='5Ds Booster Box'][img]http://i954.photobucket.com/albums/ae27/sapphirebird/deepseadestroyers.png[/img][/spoiler]

Besides newer templates, any suggestions on how to make them better?

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[quote name=''Nw' timestamp='1341003128' post='5963907']
Never use comic sans for anything, ever.
The first and most basic rule in anything graphic design.

And what's the purpose for the 15 threads?
i have no idea... my mouse must be screwing up...
and thanks for the suggestion!

How is this one?: [spoiler='My New Booster Pack'][img]http://i954.photobucket.com/albums/ae27/sapphirebird/deep_sea_destroyers.png[/img][/spoiler]

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[quote name=''Nw' timestamp='1341003128' post='5963907']
Never use comic sans for anything, ever.
The first and most basic rule in anything graphic design.
Ha hahaha haahahahhaha! Stop it, please! It hurts! xD

[quote name='blooper15' timestamp='1341008306' post='5963927']

How is this one?: [spoiler='My New Booster Pack'][img]http://i954.photobucket.com/albums/ae27/sapphirebird/deep_sea_destroyers.png[/img][/spoiler]
The text is definitely better on this one. You could try giving the text a more booster pack-like texture. Also, you could definitely go for some higher quality logos. Where did you even get these? xD

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