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The Major Comeback: Nightmare School! [APPLICATION THREAD] [Not Started/Accepting] [PG-16]

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After a one month hiatus...

[center]The year 2012...[/center]

[center]Where Ron's old secondary school sits. Until Ron plans on taking things over. But, first.[/center]

[center]You are someone who enrols to that school, Purbrook Park, during its last years but it is in a brink of closing down.[/center]

[center]Ron looks at the Ofsted Reports online and felt disappointed, so he wanted to take action. But not until he finished his studies.[/center]


[center]2018, Ron decides to go to Purbrook Park face-to-face and throws out the current headteacher, making the school his. Now nightmares start pouring in and you'll never know what...[/center]

[center]So, you decide to track Ron down as he starts his journey as a headteacher. Well, he's currently on his music career so that wouldn't happen just yet.[/center]

[center]The next year, Ron will run charity events every year and also becoming OBE. Did he really deserve that? Then two and a half years later, he became a baron in exchange of an OBE. Yet, you didn't expect that either.[/center]

[center]Later in the RP, you decide to take Ron down as a headteacher, but then he would become invulnerable. Or, would he? If only you could find a way...[/center]

[center]Expect surprise attacks my friends... At the age of 27, Ron will throw out nasty surprises as he finally takes his seat as headteacher![/center]


[center]This is the RP where you must think your own way. We start in the year 2018 as a student, a teacher or maybe a public figure. We all start off with £1000. Think about how you will spend your life with this amount of money. Consider this RP as if you're in real life. The only twist is, you'll be fighting. Be sure to bring weapons with you.[/center]

[center]As there is no headteacher currently in 2018, someone must make one. The school is still running, you know...[/center]

[center]Ron may as well throw you out later, so don't be alarmed...[/center]

[center]Ready to go? Well, you know what to do. I'll be waiting...[/center]

[SPOILER=School Rules]
These are the rules in-game half way through the RP when Ron takes place as headteacher. But for now, the rules would be much stricter and has less freedom.

1. Always wear your uniform properly with shirts tucked in, tie done up to reach waist-line and top buttons done up.

2. Mobile phones only allowed in designated areas.

3. Don't argue with teachers.

4. Weapons ARE allowed in school for occasional reasons only.

5. School talant shows are held annually. Everyone is encouraged to take part.

6. Being punctual to every class doesn't hurt, so BE ON TIME.

7. No fighting or bullying unless you are told to.

8. Profanity is only allowed when another teacher can tolerate it.

Anyone who disregards any of these rules will be held in detention for a minimum of an hour and a half or £100 pay cut.

[SPOILER=General Rules]
These are the rules of YCM. Try to obey them.

1. I'm the gamesmaster. I need two hosts, so first two people to apply gets it.

2. Don't spam or commit crimes such as godmodding, meta-gaming or power playing.

3. This is an educational premises you're RPing in, so keep fights to a minimum.

4. Everyone starts off with £1000. GBP is our in-game currency, just like those in the UK.

5. 10 lines per post, as it is Advanced Clause. Failure to do that will result in a pay cut for teachers. It won't affect any other occupation.

6. Try and be active in here. This RP will determine whether or not I should make another.

7. This RP is rated PG-16 with strong language and potential scenes of violence.




Appearance: (6+ lines)

Personality: (5-6 lines)

Occupation: (Student/Teacher/Other) (If Other, please state)

Biography: (10+ lines)

Weapon(s): (This school does have nasty surprises, so it would be best if you brought one with you. Be realistic.)

RP Paragraph: (12+ lines)

[SPOILER=Sample Application]
Name: Ron Yim ('Baron Yim of London' or 'Lord Yim' in later segments of the RP)

Age: 23; at the beginning of the RP

Gender: Male

Appearance: He sports a feiry hair, with the colours of flame red and orange, though he may dye it back to black during his days as a headteacher. When he's a headteacher, he sports red eyes and a scar on the left side of his face, almost exposing the flesh, though it doesn't happen at the beginning of the RP as he was a musician at that time, in which he sports brown eyes instead. In both sides, Ron wears a robe crafted from the Medieval era so he could fit his insignia in his left hand. He weighs about 170kg and is 6' long. Though muscular, he doesn't look as big as thoe who weighed the same as 20 stone. Despite that, he could lift things the same size as three people holding a 15kg cardboard box. In the first half of the RP, he doesn't wear a wedding ring until the second half fades in, when he takes over several schools for the government's good. During the second half of the RP, he will wear a gold watch and a death bracelet, signifying danger to not only himself, but the entire world, as it comes. He also brings in a much paler face than in the appearance he used to look like in the first half. More to be revealed throughout.

Personality: Not much was known about him. He inherits a soft side when it comes to being a musician. Always caring and polite and always willing to cooperate. However, near the end of the RP, when he becomes a headteacher of his now-defunct former school, he begins to release a more darker side to himself, becoming much stricter and more enforcing, to ensure the school is a better one, hopefully surpassing its defunct precedessor. Ron is also determned to do whatever he feels it is right to do and takes everything for granted. Especially his own family, whom he starts near the end of the RP with his future wife hopefully. All that can change though, as there might be different endings to the RP. When it comes to his music career though, he is just as determined to complete the work set than bosses may think. It might be different when he becomes a headteacher of his former school. When he set up the rules in his former school, he expects the best standard from all students and expects them to be on time for all lessons, though none of his expectations were promised.

Occupation: Musician (At the beginning of the RP); Headteacher (As the RP progresses half-way through)

Biography: Born in the year 1994, Ron lived with his parents until the age of 18, when he moved out to try out his music career, which was on a brink of being ruined by surprises which might as well change his life forever. Ron fought for his life and his career up until the point where he begins his path into becoming a headteacher of his former, now-defunct Purbrook Park, which he now calls 'School of Nightmares'. Now, at the age of 23, Ron is settling in with his girlfriend and puts his plan forward into becoming a headteacher. But until then, he starts a music career with his own record label. His record label, 'Ronzilla Music Ltd.' attracted media attention and the press wanted to know about the record label. This is when Ron started to become popular not only as a producer, but as a performer as well. Not long before his 24th birthday, Ron signed his first artist to his independent label (He was not mentioned in the RP for legal reasons) who happens to be an MC, or otherwise called a rapper. During that time, he ran charity events each year to raise awareness for autism and epileptics. Shortly after his 24th birthday in the RP, he was awarded OBE ([b]Officer [/b]of the Most Excellent Order of the [b]British Empire[/b]) by the Queen (Who was still in the UK at this time) before being knighted as 'The Right Honourable' two and a half years later, holding the title and being given the name of 'Baron Yim of London' by the Duke of Edinburgh and is entitled to use 'Lord' in his name before his last name. This makes Lord Yim (As he is half way through the RP) halt his plans of being a headteacher until his 27th birthday, which would take place later in the RP (If he is able to make it that far). Ron assumed his place at the House of Lords just before taking the job as the RP would explain. When Ron becomes headteacher of the School of Nightmares, he would follow the legacy he wanted to as he enters the music industry, teaching everything he knows to every student in that school.

Weapon(s): Omega Insignia, A weapon shaped like a sigil, which allows the imitation of all character's weapons including the usage of his own.

RP Paragraph: N/A; He is the creator of this RP, so therefore not required to fill in this part.

[SPOILER=1. Dark Necromancer]
Main Character: Ron Yim

Other Characters: N/A

Money: £1000

Status: Gamsmaster/Participating

[SPOILER=2. Admiral_Stalfros19]
Main Character: TBA

Other Characters: TBA

Money: £1000

Status: Reserved


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