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Accel World Negative - Book 1: Reign of the Crystal King [NS/A]


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Yes guise, I'm here.

Actually, we don't know if our gauge is full. To fill the gague, we mainly offend the opponent or receive damage. After a certain amount of posts where your character has already dealt many blows and got damaged badly, then can you activate your Killer Move.

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Real World Information:


Name: Churime Soto

Gender: M

Age: 15



When I was younger, I always enjoyed a good VR game.


But that all changed when I moved to northern Tokyo. My parents had changed. Even I had changed. I remember a time when I was allowed to play pretty much any game I wanted, but now that we have moved, video games were banned in the house. I was forced to study day in and day out. I had no social life whatsoever. Even my so called friends at school began to drift away. I was infuriated with my life. i just wanted to be able to slip away you know? Take a break from my lonely life.


It was a Saturday and my parents had just left for work. Having nothing else to do, being that it's summer, I decided to go down to the local comic book shoppe. Upon my arrival, I saw an old friend of mine, Handa Ichirou.


"Hey" I exclaimed.

"Hey" he replied.

"What have you been up to?" I asked.

"Nothing much. Just enjoying this new game I downloaded" he replied.


Intrigued by my lack of game interaction, I couldn't help but pry for more information.


"What is it called" I asked.

"Accel World" he replied.


I searched from this game on the app market, but I couldn't find it. He noticed my disappointed look and cheerfully asked "Would you like to play?"


"Yes!! Yes I would".....


3 years has passed since that day. In that 3 year period I have become the White King; but at a cost,

the loss of my Guardian.










Churime was a friendly and well-mannered kid, but upon his arrival into the Accel World he has now become cold and heartless. His very essence screams hate and solitude. He is very knowledgeable when it comes to Accel World. During battles he is able to deduce and counteract most strategies. Usually killing most opponents when in the Unlimited Neutral Field. After becoming the White King, he became known as "God's Wrath" as to reflect his flight and God like skills on the battlefield. He is merciless and always up to a challenge. His ego usually gets in the way of his judgment but nonetheless his raw power allows him to make up for it. He lacks trust, humor, and a heart in most cases. In the real world, he enjoys hamburgers, fries, and a shake. As it is his favorite meal. He plays piano, and loves basketball.




Churime is 5"5, with grey eyes and short, spiked, white hair. He usually wears a standard school uniform. Along with his uniform, he wears a black waterproof watch on his left wrist and 3 different rubberbands on his right. The bands are red, black, and white. He wears a pair of all white Nike 6.0 Dunk High LR sneakers and usually hangs a jacket over his shoulder. When not at school he wears a white polo shirt, tan khaki's, and white Van's, and the aforementioned accessories.


Network Avatar: A chibi eagle with a red scarf and red goggles!!


Burst Linker information:


Name: White Phoenix

Level: 9

Legion: White

Legion Name: Speariartus



But with wings.

Resistances: Any ground-based, long-range attacks, and most elements don't affect me.

Weaknesses: Electric-based attacks and close-range attacks


Primary Ability: Sustained Flight is my main ability. My limitations is no higher than Haru(Silver Crow)


Secondary Abilities: Sword and Shieldsmanship, Master shieldthrowing (if that's possible).


I believe this video explains my sword skills:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yl8fNiK4Vpc


Fighting Style: Offense-based with Close and Long-ranged skills.


Killer Move: White Knight Spiral Blow: Here's a video:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svHxZzGGcNY


Replace the energy blasts with sword strikes and when I fly up instead of blasting the opponent, I dive down in a spinning motion with my sword extended to stab the opponent through the heart.


Guardian: Deceased

Protege: N/A

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Sorry pal, your app needs a lot of fixing and elaboration. You'll need a much longer history of 4+ lines/sentences, a greater personality, and a slightly more elaborated appearance.


Your Duel Avatar...

You need to elaborate on how your abilities work, and what you can do with them, like their limitations and such. And you need to clearly describe your Killer Move.


Sorreh, work harder.

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Guest Hatcher

*is in an RP-ing mood* ^_^


*sees all topics labeled as "not accepting", and the few that are accepting are a million billion pages long* v_v


*bottom of first page, sees this one*


... Is this RP even active? =\

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