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Accel World Negative - Book 1: Reign of the Crystal King [NS/A]


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The main seven colours represent different Legions. It doesn't actually represent anything.

According to the anime, an avatar is 'designed by your heart', or in other words, the programme designs it based on your personality. In this RP, this is unstated and optional.

Reserve accepted.

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I'd actually prefer 'Red' to 'Ruby', but seeing that the Red King in canon too isn't 'Red', I guess I'll accept

But guise, don't overdo this.


Oh right, I'm readying my other character, Bloody Alice. Anyone wants to be her guardian?

Preferably Alice-in-wonderland-themed please, though anything would do.


Could I be the Mad Hatter then?




I mean I'd like to be her Guardian, as Mad Hatter or Cheshire. But much prefer Mad Hatter.

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Guest Lujan Solo

I'd like to reserve the Black King.

By the way, as a complete stranger to the way the colours work in the anime after which this is based, what does Black entail?

The basic rundown of colors specialties is


Red-Long Range



The intermediates are in between, like Green specializes in defense, but their attacks are physical and indirect, Purple can cover all ranges, and Orange is long and indirect.

The more Black or White that gets mixed into the colors, the more unique they are, like Ash Roller fell under Green, but the amount of white mixed in made him completely different from other Greens.

Metals typically have the second highest defense (with Green having the highest) and the element's chemical properties are carried onto the avatar, like Copper would be a great conductor of electricity, Cobalt would be magnetic, Mercury would have low heat resistance, etc.

Hope that answered your question.

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Guest Lujan Solo

I find it funny how a black and white comic relies so heavily on the color of its characters.

I was thinking that too when I started reading the manga.

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Oh right, could've sworn seeing that(except Purple) somewhere.

Better add that to front page. And modify Bloody Alice to have a slightly bluer hue.

It's optional to follow these, but it would be reccomended.

I'm on my phone, so I'll add when I get back.

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Real World Information

Name: Katsu Yokoyama

Gender: Male

Age: 14

History: Katsu has been sort of an odd person for most of his life. He's certainly been the athletic sort, but has always been interested in the sort of things that prevented him from being a Jock. Well, I suppose the main thing that has prevented his being the "jockish" sort has been his antisocial tendencies. He has preferred to be alone, rather than in the company of others, for the majority of his life and has chosen to perform most of his interactions over the internet or the Accel World Negative. All things considered though, he could easily have become one of the bigger jocks due to his tendency to try and stay as fit as possible. A year ago, he took up Kendo and utilizes that to a great extent.

Personality: Katsu can be described as the quiet type, preferring not to speak but rather to act and prove himself in that way. As such, there are a few girls pining after him which he chooses to ignore out of a desire to be left alone. The only time when he does accept other people being around him is when he's in the school's weight room training to benefit the Kendo team by improving his strength and agility. So far as being the leader of the Black chromatic legion, his only goal is to lead those beneath him to greatness and perhaps becoming the most powerful of the legions. This being the case, he is less than approving of the treaty which had been set out and schemes about ways to work around it at all times.

[spoiler=Appearance:[/b]] agoodfriendtomenicole-24.jpg


[spoiler=Network Avatar:[/b]]animeboy9pg.jpg


Voice Actor: Normal: Steve Blum; Brain Burst: Morgan Freeman

Misc: F'ing loves tacos.


Burst Linker information

Name: Onyx Blade

Level: 9

Legion: Black

Legion Name: Onyx Dominion

Appearance: Onyx Blade is perhaps not the most fearsome sight to behold, but he certainly has not needed to be fearsome in the past. He appears as a normal human male, standing six feet in height and glad in the typical dress of the Samurai when they were unarmored, done totally in black. His hair is long, and done back into a pony tail which rises up above his head in the back and stretches down to his waist. As far as his body, where skin should be he is composed entirely of black crystal growing off to form each of his arms and legs. His hair, upon a close look, is also formed of a white crystal of some sort which has grown out in strands. Furthermore, his face is flat from below the eyes, which appear as rubies cut into ovals, down all the way to his chin.

Resistances: Being composed of crystal, Onyx is resistant to most physical attacks and entirely immune to attacks based on electricity. He is resistant to energy-based attacks as well, particularly those meant to change the temperature of their target.

Weaknesses: Because of his crystalline form, Onyx is vulnerable to attacks which focus a great deal of physical force into a small area, as well as smashing blows. Furthermore, a sudden change of temperature from hot to cold could have devastating effects to his body.

Primary Ability: As suggested by his appearance, Onyx is a swordsman of pretty incredible ability. His skill with his blade is so great that he can actually use it to manipulate the air around him into pressure waves and such. The blade he wields is likewise composed of black crystal, and the edge is ever aglow with energy.



Secondary Ability(ies): When his body is broken, Onyx is capable of controlling the shards which have broken off for a short time. If his body is broken, the pieces will eventually pull back together to reform him with it taking longer depending upon how many and how small of pieces he is broken into. One can effectively "kill" him by separating the pieces from each other, but if they're brought back together he will reform.

Fighting Style: Onyx is what one might call a technique fighter, analyzing his foe's moves as they make them and looking for any sort of opening. He may be fast and he may be strong but he only applies those as needed.

Killer Move: Pitch-Black Sword:

Onyx's sword is surrounded by an aura so black that it almost seems to suck light into it. He then brings it up above his head and back down in less than a second, producing sufficient force to force the air out in all directions and create a widespread vacuum which the air then slams back in on with crushing force. The blade itself is also carried by a great deal of force granting it the ability to cut through many things it couldn't normally.

Guardian: Unknown

Protege: N/A, if someone wants to be his Protege then just ask.

Misc: Wishes he could eat tacos.

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