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Accel World Negative - Book 1: Reign of the Crystal King [NS/A]


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Guest TheFinalFan

Real World Information

Name: Yuri Krutchnikov

Gender: Female

Age: 14

History: Yuri is a second-generation Russian-Japanese, her parents emigrating from Vladivostok just before she was born. She grew up in between two worlds, with Japan being outside of her house, and Russia still enclosed within the walls of her home. Her father, a former chess master, taught her the game when she was 6, and she quickly took to it like a fish to water, allowing her to gain many regional and several national awards, trophies, and medals. With a sharp mind and excellent tactical skills, one of her chess-playing friends introduced her to the Accel World Negative, where her unique powers and other attributes allowed her to quickly climb to the top. However, upon attaining the title of Purple King, she decided to instead take near-direct control of her territory in order to protect it from potential incursions, as her Regency is the smallest of the 7 Legions, with the least amount of territory, but it known for its staunch defenders.

Personality: Yuri is a rather calm and collected individual, preferring to use logic and reasoning to figure out problems. She absolutely abhors instincts and seemingly irrational behavior, and loves order above all else. She is the most neutral of the Kings, not even having any ambition to try and reach Level 10, but simply manage her territory and repel invaders. She is secretly quite paranoid, not fully trusting the other Kings, as she is afraid they might try and destroy what she has built, hence her neutral stance. While she is a strict ruler, she tries her best to make her territory peaceful by conducting fights in organized areas, and making sure nothing illicit or damaging occurs. This is due to a traumatic incident at a lower Level that left her the only survivor of the group she had created from her chess-playing buddies, and she now strives to protect those within her Legion, making it a sort of utopia. However, this new "Crystal King", who seeks to overthrow the current status quo, has her scared out of her wits, making her begin to think that she needs to trust the other Kings a bit more...






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[spoiler=Chess Queen]





Burst Linker Information

Name: Tyrian Regent

Level: 9

Legion: Purple

Legion Name: Tyrian Regency

Appearance: Tyrian Regent appears to be similar to a Queen chess piece, with her exterior made of a strange purple metal. She has a cylindrical dress studded with light-purple crystals that extends down from her hips towards the ground that flares out at the bottom, and a slender body topped with a armored breastplate and spherical shoulder pads, also with light-purple crystals, that resemble ruffs. Her arms are also slender, reaching down to nimble hands, and she carries a purple staff topped with a figure shaped like a king chess piece that has a light-purple crystal in the center. She possesses a dark-purple cape flowing behind her, and an ermine collar around her neck. Her head is similar to a knight's helmet, with a curving light-purple visor where her eyes would be, and a crown on top of her head studded with more light-purple gems.

Resistances: None

Weaknesses: See Abilities

Primary Ability: Tyrian Regent can create lower-level soldiers using her staff, which can project out purple motes of light that expand, then flash to create the soldiers. However, she only has 500 maximum "Points" to spend on troops, though any destroyed soldiers send their Points back to her.


Tyrian Legionnaire (Level 1, 1 Point): Weak infantry with a skinny frame. Possesses a short sword and a buckler.

Tyrian Ranger (Level 2, 2 Points): Swift but light-armored scouts/ranged fighters. Possesses a bow with an unlimited quiver and a machete.

Tyrian Phalanx (Level 3, 4 Points): Mid-range infantry with thicker armor. Possesses a shield and a spear.

Tyrian Chevalier (Level 4, 8 Points): Knight-like cavalry. Possesses a mechanical horse, a broadsword, a shield, and a lance.

Tyrian Golem (Level 5, 16 Points): A powerful but slow stone-like hulk. Posseses mace-like fists that can fire on chains and a pair of mortars on its shoulders.

Tyrian Grenadier (Level 6, 32 Points): A more modern-looking soldier with more mobile body armor. Possesses an assault rifle, a pistol, and grenades, all of which use purple energy.

Tyrian Marine (Level 7, 64 Points): An elite guard or shock trooper with armor resembling something from a video game. Possesses dual SMGs, an energy sword, an energy shield, and grenades.

Tyrian Champion (Level 8, 128 Points): A knight-like mechanical monstrosity with six arms. Possesses energy swords on one pair of arms, gatling guns on another, and missile launchers on a third.



Secondary Ability(ies): Tyrian Regent's soldiers are extensions of her will, allowing her to see and hear whatever they do, and anything they know, she knows. Also, the more soldiers she creates, the more information is sent to her, meaning she can only control her entire deployed army units at a time, and can only fully focus on one squad or another, so she has to be careful about how she directs her forces. Furthermore, due to her attention and consciousness being sent among the hive mind of her army, her real body is quite vulnerable, possessing no real power or fighting skills of its own, meaning that anyone who can defeat her main body defeats her entire army.

Fighting Style: Tyrian Regent is rather defensive, preferring to use superior numbers and tactics to overwhelm a foe, as opposed to any true special abilities. She also prefers to send her more disposable, lower-leveled soldiers out to probe and scout out the opponent. Since her soldiers have no weaknesses, though they also have no resistances, she has little to fear, and can gauge her adversary's strength easily.

Killer Move: Entering Check: A purple aura surrounds herself and her soldiers, doubling the amount of Points she can use to 1000, and increasing the abilities of her soldiers, though only for a short time.

Guardian: None

Protege: Open for protege.

Misc: None.

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Guest TheFinalFan

Same if you want to be Yuri's protege. She'll be a great sparring partner, as she can create a near-endless army of soldiers to fight.

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Real World Information


Name: Shiro Ibuki


Gender: Male


Age: 15




Whispers meandered through the hallways as a young man walked down them, students covered their lips with their hands in order to whisper inside the ear of the person beside them. The hallway was the perfect hissing of silent words that could not be heard. You liked to pretend that you were not a busy body and you liked to pretend that you had important people to talk to, but for the first time you saw someone else be the odd man out. For the first time you didn't seem as crazy or as alone. You began to slowly walk past the whispers and walk closer and closer to the boy. For a second you swore the whispering had stopped, but only briefly as you became part of their nosey whispers. As you got close to the boy, the air became thicked and warped in this boys sorrow and solemness. His eyes were pale, maybe a blue maybe a silver, indistinguishable. They were sad eyes, they were eyes holding onto grief and solemn forlorn. He had pale skin and black hair. This is your chance to make an impression, this is your chance to be oustanding and ground. The only thing that comes out of your mouth is a pitiful hello. All the things you wanted to say, hidden in your mind. All the things you wanted to say sealed and locked away. The boy so lost in his head, so forgotten to this world looks up to you, and he quietly smiles. Such a smile, filled with lies and deceit, being the lonely person that you were, you knew these fake smiles when they were woven. Suddenly there was a loud gasp from the student mass as you wrapped your arms around the boy and gave him a hug. You were unclear of what you were thinking, his small frail frame made him look so easy and delicate. As if he could break. He only stared at you coldly and you apologized for your rudeness. You realized you probably did more harm then good and so you decided to walk away. You only knew the whispers would continue.

Exactly like image- Ibuki is often seen in parts of his school uniform. Always wearing formal black slacks and dress shoes. With a sweater vest of some sort and either a long sleeve or white sleeve button down shirt. These are usually either formal clothes of his own or modified pieces of his school uniform. And as I stated above, he looks exactly as the image depicts.


[spoiler= Ibuki]mirun41.jpg



If you rot, I rot. If you become evil, I become evil with you. If you are alone, then I will make sure you aren't alone. If you are wandering, I'll bring you back so you no longer wander. If you die, I'll die with you. My body is disposable. It can be left behind, all that matters is that I am with you.


[spoiler= Ibuki2]mirun39.jpg



Network Avatar:


You'll never be who you once were, you'll never be in this world again. I wanted to think, wanted to consider that I could bring you back in a new world, but even then you don't exist. So your soul becomes a ghost, and I create something of what you once were and the new version of you. A thick black fur coat, and a bell attached to your collar. Black ears and black long hair, and the sharpest of claws that could cut through diamonds. Your soul becomes an instrument of revenge and hatred. It was born of sorrow and grief, manifested into revenge and hate. For those whom know love also know the possibility of hate. You won't stand to tall, I would not have that. I will have you stand at five foot and three inches. Three inches enough for people to look at you and five foot to just give you the proper intimidation. So that way they may listen to your words. And once more, even though you're no longer here I have sewn a permanent smile on your face. For you'll always be happy and always endure. No matter how much pain, no matter how much sorrow you'll smile as if it means nothing. I'll give you decency of the mine, your legs covered by a pair of black pants, your button shirt white and stops at your waist. Your feet covered by long leather boots with lots of laces to tie you in snuggly.

Exactly like image


[spoiler= Cheshire]Cheshire.jpg





He's such a sad kid. Doesn't speak much, but when he does he hides behind a permanent smile. As if he is enduring everything. Socializing pains him, speaking hurts him, there is strain in his words and grief on his face. He seems to be hiding something. He seems afraid to say what. He seems rather obsessed with death, and appears rather melancholy. He scares many, he's into the occult and curses. Even spoke to a few students about a curse, and even swore to plague the school with a curse. That what would wonder the halls would be a ghost of revenge and evil. That when he died his soul, his revenge would become a weapon. A lot of the kids thinks he is crazy, he speaks poetically and politely, very little does he speak in rhyme. But he enjoys the twist of the tongue and enjoys riddles. He'll never give you an answer with a straight answer, forcing many to think for themselves. He seems to like cats, always feeds the stray cats outside of school. He doesn't seem to like people much or maybe it's just the kids at school. He seems to talk friendly enough to the teachers. Sometimes he is seen late at night walking around like a vagrant. He doesn't like sweet things, he much prefers bitter drinks like tea. Distrust and paranoia seem to be his main traits, and a lot of anxiety and fear. So sorrowful and so sad.




His hands around my neck and yet I'll endure. I'll endure as the life inside of me leaves, just as long as you're here. Just as long as you're here. You brought me out of my darkness for once I felt that there was something to life. Now there is nothing to life, now that you aren't here. Thick black coat, I remember that thick black coat. My hands always running through it, and your brief desire for my companioship. I knew he hated you, I knew he detested you. I never knew he'd go this far. Your little body laying in the middle of the street, so cold, so hurt, unable to breathe. I'd exact my vengeance for you and you only.


"Get over it, it's just a pet,"


They would say. Kids at school whispers and in turn the walls whispers as well. They all looked at me as if I were a weirdo to care for you. They all looked at me as if I had lost my mind. But no, my mind was in tact. My mind was perfectly in tact. All that I had lost was you. I imagine you still in the cold, still so scared. Scared like I was, like I am. He comes home every night, not the same man. Always influenced by intoxication. I am his slave, I am not the object of his love. For his love left a long time ago. Tell me is his love with you now. Tell me, can I go there with you?


I stand on the roof, contemplating my life. My neck with the bruises of his hand, my clothes with the stench of his poison, my hands shaking from the fear that he has embodied into me. I take a jump and I remember being in my own blood. I remember stranger murmurs and the footsteps.I remember seeing you again, seeing you like the first time I saw you. We were two birds locked inside a cage. Yelled at. And after we were used up, we were thrown away.


If you rot, I'll rot with you. If you become evil, I will become evil with you. If you are alone, then I will make sure you aren't alone. If you are wandering, I'll bring you back so you no longer wander. If you die, I'll die with you. My body is disposable. It can be left behind, all that matters is that I am with you. My bones and your bones will lay to rest side by side. And then we'll become one. We'll become the embodiment of scorn, of revenge, we will become the embodiment vengeance and all that we know. We shall curse him to our sins. I remember these thoughts. I remember my soul leaving, coming closer to you. I could feel the anger you left, residing in this spiritual realm. I could feel the pouring sensing of frustration and hatred.


And then I was taken from you. I was taken, the last thing that I clinged to. The last thought of happiness; no the last thought of hope I had of love, of forgiveness, of feeling as if I had an existence. They brought me back, so much farther away from you. I need you, I want you to come back home. So I made you. I upgraded you. I brought you back in my own way. I wish this new world was the afterlife, but this will do.I will become your hate, your anger. I will become the malice and demise. I will become your sins. I'll take everyone down. And I'll guide them the way you had guided me.


Voice Actor: None-I'm going to write a little commentary for myself about this voice actor thing. See I don't choose voice actors because I write my characters as if they are real people. I write them as if they are people, thus if I gave them a voice actor it would take away from that, imo.




So this is a very heavy story. Not only do I bring in suicide, but I also bring in the possibility of alcoholism and abuse. I decided that I'd help clarify a bit about this character. Yes, this will be the Cheshire Guardian of Lily's character, but I took a much darker and maybe more Japanese path. My inspiration for this story was of the Bakeneko. A ghost cat, and mainly inspired by if anyone has seen Japanese Classic Horror with the Medicine Seller. The ghost cat takes on the revenge and anger of the woman whom it adored and love. However, the tides are turned Ibuki takes on the revenge and anger of the cat. And that may sound odd, however, with the clarification of his story a background of abuse, being bullied, feeling invisible, it seems perfectly natural of Ibuki. I'd also like to take the time in this misc section to explain another thing based on Personality. In the world Ibuki's personality matches the one written.


But in the Network, Cheshire is Cheshire. He is malicious, cruel, and adores riddles. He answers questions with more questions, enjoys philosophy and enjoys mischief. He is crude and blunt, honest, and truthful. And he says all with the a sewn on smile. A smile that throws everyone off, a smile that could mean love or hate, chaos or order. Cheshire toys and enjoys cursing people.


All though I tried to make Cheshire's personality like the book, I wanted to give it the influence of something Japanese alongside my own little flair as well.


Burst Linker information


Name: Violaceous, Cheshire


Level: 7


Legion: Tyrian Regency


Legion Name: NA




Oh where has the coat of yours gone. Only now a metallic husk of what you once were. Your skeleton now expose for the world to see, such beautiful exterior as you rise from the grave. You now no longer represent what you once were, the friendlessness of a cat has long, but since disappeared. Your anger and your desire for vegeance has changed you, morphed you. Those who look at you can hardly see what you once were, they fear you when they see you. And they only idly gawke in fear. You stand taller than before, not to tall only taller. All though do to your frighful appearance you appear taller much much taller. Your permamnent smile is all, but corrupt. Now your smile represents all the malice and spite you have. From a distance in the dim light you appear organic, but those who believe that are merely fools.

Exactly Image- Now I understand the pictures themselves are not very cat like. I mean they are and they aren't. It's kind of a different perespective on how a cat should look. I only hope that people don't mind.


[spoiler= Cheshire]Cheshire5.jpg



[spoiler= Cheshire 2]Cheshire6.jpg



Resistances: Duh

Weaknesses: Duh

Primary Ability: Your main and strongest ability. A ‘purer’ colour is a sign that your abilities are more focused here. Also, do note that weaponry go here, provided you have any.

Secondary Ability(ies): Weaker abilities that come in play sometimes. Weaponry may go here.

Fighting Style: Duh. How do you fight? Offense-based? Speed-based? Defense-based?

Killer Move: This can only be used if your ‘Killer Move gauge’ is full. It is basically your most powerful attack, or signature attack.

Guardian: If unknown just put unknown.

Protege: if none, just put N/A. Since you need not start as a Burst Linker and become one later instead, this could come in handy.




Define: Violaceous


Of a violet color.


Get it. Vicious Cheshire, Violaceous.


Theme Song: Are universal between Cheshire and Ibuki


Underworld -




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Your character might make an interesting balance for Yuri. Want to have her as your character's Guardian?


I'm actually the Guardian to Bloody Alice. Lily's character. And I don't think someone can have be the guardian to two people.

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I'm actually the Guardian to Bloody Alice. Lily's character. And I don't think someone can have be the guardian to two people.


Just because you're a guardian doesn't mean you can't have a guardian.


Also, and this question arises because it is in no way mentioned in the rules at all, how the hell do we know when our "killer move gauge" is full? I mean if there's no way of actually knowing then we could have people running around getting their killer move out after a single round of combat.

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Keto, I assume we'll be using a dice roll system.'




Misunderstood the question Final, yes that would be cool you could be my Guardian then. :) Cheshire would like that. Cheshire would really like that. Cheshire is so pleased he can serve.

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Guest TheFinalFan

However, maybe you could keep it a secret that you're the guardian of Bloody Alice, who is working with Diamond Dragon.

It could lead to later plot shenanigans.

Plus, Tyrian Regent kinda fits into the whole Alice thing, considering she's based on chess.

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Guest Simdoggy

I thought that part of the Alice theme was based on playing cards, not on chess pieces. Regardless, the chess theme does still somewhat suit anyway.

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