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Accel World Negative - Book 1: Reign of the Crystal King [NS/A]


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Accel World Negative

Book 1: Reign of the Crystal King

P.S. This occurs in the same universe as Accel World, but read the plawt plox.


It is the year 2046. Neuro-synchronization, a technology system that allows humans to manipulate their five senses, has become widespread where people can access the internet and enter virtual worlds. Few know of one Virtual Reality Massive Multiplayer Online Game (VRMMO) known as 'Accel World', but fewer know of its counterpart, a counterpart that could be considered a 'parallel universe' to Accel World. This alternate, mirrored Accel World is known as Accel World Negative.


Via the app known as the 'Reverse Brain Burst', people are able to access different arenas in Accel World Negative. These people are known as ‘Burst Linkers’.The primary purpose of the Accel World Negative is simply fighting, and acquiring Level 10. If you think that's simple, think again.


In Accel World Negative, just like the original Accel World, there are six different legions, each of them ruled by one of the Seven Kings of Pure Colour – Red, Blue, Yellow, Purple, Green, Black and White. The Seven Kings of Pure colour have formed a treaty to sort out peace measures between the legions:

- There is to be no major aggression during battles between players

- No two Level 9 players are allowed to engage in battle.

- Should one break the treaty, a member of their legion shall ‘pay’, AKA be destroyed.


Of course, many were quite happy, but there were many who were not, but went with the rules anyways. That was, one day, until a legendary Burst Linker who went by the name ‘Diamond Dragon’, along with his two companions, ‘Infernal Salamander’, one of the four elements, and ‘Bloody Alice’, began a rebellion against this treaty and the six legions. After acquiring Level 9, Diamond Dragon started his new, personal legion, Crystopia, under the title of the ‘Crystal King’. Over the months, many have joined him in his conquest as rebels who unite as one.


[spoiler=Prologue – Meeting of the Kings]

The six legion masters stood in a circle, in an odd, rocky place.

“This is all your fault, White [Name]! If you cast the Judgement Blow on him earlier, none of this would’ve happened!” The Black King crossed his arms, his inner hatred matching his hue, “this is what happens when you just let him ‘follow his heart’! Look at what he has done to our people!”

“Well, why not you just shut the hell up you ****ing ****er! OK, I’m sorry, but he hasn’t exactly-“

The White King was rudely interrupted by the Black King.

“Don’t ‘he hasn’t exactly broke the treaty yet’ me! It’s only a matter of time before he does!”

The Black and White Kings stared at each other with emotions that compelled like their polar opposite colours.

“OK guys, cut it out!” the Blue King decided to bring their argument to a halt. “We need to think of something to stop him. We can’t do that until he’s in the Unlimited Neutral Field.”

“Well, I’ve seen him there a few times there, he must pay a visit there often...” the Red King simply spoke.

“Well, according to reports,” the Purple King spoke, “the Diamond Dragon has been paying a visit there often. Trust me, his power is undeniably strong and powerful, especially with a really odd combo between his friends. He has anhilliated multitudes of Burst Linkers there!”

“While the Unlimited Neutral Field doesn’t follow the treaty conditions, we do have an excuse to destroy this dangerous man. When he sees what I can do, he will not like it...” the Green King spoke, though he was actually kind of afraid.


There was a great roar in the distance. Just then, the kings were stunned to see an odd, dragonoid silhouette falling from the sky. The best choice – run.


And so they did, but as the dragon slammed down on the rocks, he created a minor earthquakes, which caused a landslide.

“Take this as a warning, do not interfere with my plans!”


The kings were gone anyways. They escaped their ultimate fate. Diamond Dragon still stands.




1. Basic Advanced Clause Rules apply. Do read them, please.

2. You are allowed a maximum of 5 characters

3. There is a chance your character gets eliminated. When he does, you can make a new one.

4. My word is final.



[spoiler=Important things to note]

This RP takes place between the real world and the Accel World Negative


In the Accel World universe, each Burst Linker has a network avatar and a Brain Burst avatar. Their network avatar is what is generally used to access virtual networks. Their Brain Burst avatar, of course, is the avatar generally used in the Accelerated World Negative, solely for combat purposes.


No flying cars in the future. This future almost looks like our current era.


This takes place in Japan. This has nothing to do with my otakuism, the original Accel World took place in Japan as well. The Accelerated World Negative is designed after Japan, just like its parallel.


‘Acceleration’ is merely using the Brain Burst app to accelerate your brainwaves 1000 fold, allowing you to observe your surroundings via your Network avatar. Can be summoned by calling out ‘Burst Link’. Via this, you are able to challenge other Burst Linkers in a time-dilated virtual realm.


Other commands, such as ‘Unlimited Burst’, exist. It can only be used by Level 4 or higher Burst Linkers. It costs 10 points to activate. It allows you to access the ‘Unlimited Neutral Field’, where the treaty does not apply. The programme spawns an odd creature known as ‘the enemy’, which when defeated, gives 10 BP.


‘Burst Points’ are gained or lost in Battles. Each time you ‘accelerate’, you lose 1 Burst Point. The Burst points you begin with in this RP is your level times 100. The number of Burst Points you gain is equal to the number of Burst Points your opponent loses

When defeating a Level 1, you gain 10. To level up, you need 300 BP.

When defeating a Level 2, you gain 20, and so on. To level up, you need 600 BP, Level 3 requires 900, etc.

When you are Level 9 and defeat another Level 9, the victor acquires all the loser’s Burst Points. To reach Level 10, a Level 9 must defeat 5 other Level 9s, but due to the treaty, no one has.

When a Burst Linker loses all his Burst Points, he gets his Reverse Brain Burst fully uninstalled, deleting all memories related the the Accelerated World Negative.


The name format of a Burst Linker should be [Colour] [Name]. For example, Silver Crow or Black Lotus. [Colour] sometimes describes material. The material you are made of decides your resistances and weaknesses, for example, metals are weak against lightning-based attacks, and resistant to heat due to a high melting point, though weak against melee attacks. Salts dissolve in water, and are resistive to electricity. And a whole list. Choose whatever colour/material you want. Unless you’re a Legion Master, where your colour would have to be the main colour of your legion, for e.g. if you’re the Red King you’re Red [Name].


The Guardian of a Burst Linker is basically the Burst Linker who introduced him to the Reverse Brain Burst app. The Burst Linker under a Guardian is the Guardian's 'Protege'. A guardian can only have one protege and vice versa. They know each other in real life.


The four elements are purely neutral and belong to no legion, though they do take sides.



[spoiler=A basic description of each legion and their primary focuses, though it's optional to follow this.]

Blue Burst Linkers are melee-based.

Red Burst Linkers primarily focus on long-range attacks, like missiles and bullets

Yellow Burst Linkers are based on Indirect attacks.

Purple Burst Linkers cover both melee and long ranges alike.

Green Burst Linkers primarily rely on high Defenses. Their attacks are melee-based and indirect, though.

Black and White lack any specific traits.


Orange, while not a legion, focuses on long-range and indirect attacks.


Other materials, including metals and crystals and even water and fire, have their respective chemical properties. Metals conduct electricity and are therefore weak to electrical attacks, fire relies on oxygen to burn, etc etc...




[u]Real World Information[/u]
[b]Name:[/b] Preferably  Japanese, though with perfect reasons from your History, I’ll give grant.
[b]Gender:[/b] Duh
[b]Age:[/b] 15 or below please.
[b]History:[/b] 4 or more sentences please.
[b]Personality:[/b] 5 or more sentences.
[b]Appearance:[/b] Description or Picture please. 5 or more sentences or description.
[b]Network Avatar:[/b] What is your non-accelerated world avatar?
[b]Voice Actor:[/b] Clearly optional. Just wanna imagine shizzles. Generally Brain Burst avatars and their real world counterparts have the same voice.
[b]Misc:[/b] Other stuff that don’t fit up there?

[u]Burst Linker information[/u]
[b]Name:[/b] Remember, [Colour] [Name] format.
[b]Level:[/b] 1 to 9. Only Kings get 9.
[b]Legion:[/b] It must match your colour, unless you’re joining Crystopia.
[b]Legion Name:[/b] ONLY if you are Legion Master, can you give your legion a name.
[b]Appearance:[/b] Minimum 5 sentences. Do note that Brain Burst Avatars are generally mechanical-looking, and not organic at all.
[b]Resistances:[/b] Duh
[b]Weaknesses:[/b] Duh
[b]Primary Ability:[/b] Your main and strongest ability. A ‘purer’ colour is a sign that your abilities are more focused here. Also, do note that weaponry go here, provided you have any.
[b]Secondary Ability(ies):[/b] Weaker abilities that come in play sometimes. Weaponry may go here.
[b]Fighting Style:[/b] Duh. How do you fight? Offense-based? Speed-based? Defense-based?
[b]Killer Move:[/b] This can only be used if your ‘Killer Move gauge’ is full. It is basically your most powerful attack, or signature attack.
[b]Guardian:[/b] If unknown just put unknown.
[b]Protege:[/b] if none, just put N/A. Since you need not start as a Burst Linker and become one later instead, this could come in handy.



[spoiler=Accepted Apps]


[spoiler=Red - Stronghold]

[spoiler=Simdoggy - Red King - Ryuu Shiga/Ruby Sorcerer - BP900]

Real World Information

Name: Ryuu Shiga

Gender: Male

Age: 15

History: Ryuu was one of those nerdy kids at primary school, being forced to learn how to write and use program coding so he could one day take over his father's business in programming for the Global Network. Through primary school, he was left alone, abandoned by everyone and teased by a couple of the popular kids in his grade. Becaues of this, he turned to the Global Network, and started playing strategy games against other people, causing him to develop a sharp strategic mind. He also gained the Reverse Brain Blast program about 7 years ago, partway through primary school, and since developed his abilities until he ended up as the Red King. Right at the end of his primary school, he set up those who had bullied him to get them expelled, making them have troubles getting into a decent highschool. He managed to pass the entrance exams to get into a prestigious secondary school, and has since become one of the popular people at that school, because of his ability to fix everyone's Neuro Linkers when they have troubles. He's never lost a territory battle over his territory, and follows the beliefs of the other Kings that they shouldn't fight to get to level 10, but inside that he watches the world, and is hoping the disturbance of Diamond Dragon might allow him to take action at some point.

Personality: Ryuu is smart, and has a good strategic and tactical mind. He's quite popular at school and revels in it, making use of his social status in the school to get what he wants sometimes. He's also good at coding and is quite knowledgable about how Neuro Linkers work, causing several people to get him to fix any problems with their Neuro Linkers. Hidden beneath all that is a lonely and mistrusting personality, only willing to properly trust a small few people. While fighting in the Negative Accel World, he's also rather merciless to anyone he's fighting, refusing to give an inch and preventing them from getting any way to defeat him.

Appearance: Ryuu is tall and lanky, not with very many muscles underneath to back him up. He has short, spikey black hair, a small nose and a wide, usually smiling mouth. He has narrow eyes that always are looking suspicious of something, and his iris's are brown. While at school he wears the school's uniform, light green long pants, a white shirt, a light green jacket over the top of the shirt, and a polished pair of black shoes. Outside of school he wears jeans and a casual, usually black t-shirt, and much more casual shoes with them.

Network Avatar: Ryuu's network avatar looks nearly identical to his real world appearance, expect he's permanently wearing a full black suit, white shirt and polished black shoes.

Voice Actor: Takuya Satō

Misc: Ryuu can also cook quite well.

Burst Linker information

Name: Ruby Sorcerer

Level: 9

Legion: Red King

Legion Name: Stronghold

Appearance: Ruby Sorcerer is a humanoid being with a long red arcane cloak over his body, decorated with golden spirals that goes all the way down to the ground. Under that cloak, and visible from the front of his body, is a ruby body with a red mechanical skeleton visible inside the ruby body. The ruby body, and mechanical skeleton only extends to the end of his ribcage, with the ruby covering around and below it, meaning his body floats in the air at about human height. The cloak over his body, covers around him and reaches all the way down to the ground from his body, giving him the appearance of having a lower body, and also allowing him to levitate higher up if needed.

Resistances: Anything to do with using the ground to attack, Lightning and Fire attacks, Energy attacks

Weaknesses: Physical attacks and any matter based strikes

Primary Ability: Long range strikes by using energy blasts he generates straight out of his hands.

Secondary Ability(ies): A tempory energy shield, that if timed right, can block energy attacks and cause matter based attacks to ricochet off and have a small chance of hitting his enemies. Also, any energy attacks that hit him disperses around his body and vanishes away after a couple of seconds, causing only a slight amount of damage to him and hurting anyone who physically hits him while it's dispersing.

Fighting Style: Long range enery strikes, combined with some shielding of long range attacks.

Killer Move: Annihilation Sphere, A powerful red energy sphere he generates and throws at an enemy with good accuracy, that can partially curve towards them if they dodge and cause massive damage if it hits. Particularly effective against enemies who get into close range against him.

Guardian: unknown

Protege: none



[spoiler=Hazou - Enma Sai/Red Chomiea - BP500]

Real World Information


Name: Enma Sai


Gender: Male


Age: 15




You hadn't really noticed him in the classroom, he sat in the corner away from everyone. He watched everyone perform daily activities with an emotionless stare. He didn't seem interested in contacting with anyone, you didn't even really know his name. He was just the kid who sat in the corner, whom always came to school with bruises and bandages. The things you did know were brief, like the fights he starts at school or how he rarely comes in. One time you over heard a teacher and him talking about his poor grades in school. True you were easedropping and you were kind of stalking him, but he was the schools Enigma. His short, straight red hair blew in the wind coming from the empty windows. He only wore the school uniform pants, but wore a black jacket, with a sweater underneath, the hood peaking out. If he weren't in the school shoes, he'd wear black boots. When you had brief eye contact with him he gave you a dangerous, almost malicious look as if he would start a fight with anyone. If you didn't know better you'd say he was abused, but you knew he mostly started fights with kids at school. He seemed like your general bad apple, his pale skin was lit up by the afternoon sun. Many of your friends were worried as you continued to stare at him. You finally decided enough was enough, many of the students had taken into their hands to make him the object of rumors and fear. You grabbed your lunch box and stormed over, setting down your box on his table and sitting. He stared at you with his cold red eyes. They appeared dangerous and wild. You told him you weren't afraid of him, and he gave a small heh. His voice was calm, not exactly what you were expecting it was a quiet voice. He got up and you did it to, you noted his height, but didn't want to laugh in such a serious situation. He stood around five foot three, he was pretty short for someone who started a lot of fights. He asked what you were going to do, asked if you wanted to fight him. You only asked him to stay or lunch, he gave another smirk and waved you off. You noted the leather cuff on his wrist peeking from under the cuffs of his black jacket.You watched that short and rebellious boy walk off. Your friends continued to stare at you, both afraid for you and worried that you were crazy.

Exactly like image

[spoiler=Enma Sai]Enma.jpg



As you wondered the school hallway, you found yourself in the less busy area and made your way up the stairs. Now was the time for the school to settle down. The courtyard and the grass would become filled and busy with children. The hallways and classrooms deserted like a ghost town. You made your unto the roof to watch all the students meander home or wherever they go, but instead you noticed someone sitting on a wall. A little upset to see who it was, you stopped yourself as you noticed his gaze upwards. He seemed different than he was in school. His black jacket unbuttoned, his white hoody more exposed. He stared at the purpley sky with deep thought, and there was even a hint of sadness in his eyes. He didn't seem like the same boy who tried to start a fight with you. Everything about him seemed to shed away and he seemed much more ordinary. He noticed you and turned towards you, his red eyes flashing, but that dark look faded from him. He got up and walked past you, his black knee boots clicking down the stairs.

Exactly like image- now I note that in this picture his eyes seem purple and they were red in the other image. But this is part of an artistic technique. To appear as if his eyes were reflecting the colors of the sky. They are the same character.

[spoiler=Enma 2]Enma2.jpg



Network Avatar:


As you wondered through the home, you found yourself enamored by the glory of the world. Your eyes were being opened to a whole knew possible world. To be able to escape reality and come here. As you wondered in excitement you ended up bumping into someone, they didn't appear amused all though their eyes were covered. They wore a thick over body poncho and a pair of pants and some boots. Their appearance had an odd ancient futuristic look about them.

Exactly like image-I'd like to add for the most part his eyes remain hidden. But the first image is nice to use to show off his eyes. He's more like a cyborg or something. So ancient tribal cyborg appearance, thus his eyes remain hidden.


[spoiler= Network Avatar]Balmung.jpg



Network Avatar 2



His eyes tell a different story from his soul. His eyes seemed to tell the story of a bad kid, rebellious and unfortunate. A kid whom has no respect for the law and is quick to temper. His eyes tell the story of someone with no fear, no respect. They tell the story of a horrible child, someone so wicked and twistedly cruel. They tell the story of an invidual whom is always ready to fight. But his soul sings a different tune, his true self is much more different from the eyes that tell fake stories of himself. His soul says something different than what his eyes say. Those who do know him, see him as rather aloof and quiet. Of those who know him, they see the lost and sad kid he has become. All of his anger, if any exist, stems from the lies that he has created. It seems like any of the things he does is set out to get attention, good or bad. He seems to want to get the attention of someone, but not even those who do know him know who he is reaching out too. He's actually rather loyal and quiet, not anti-social just quiet and awkward in social situations. Alone he seems exhausted and tired of twisting lies that he created, spending quiet evenings to silently cry. The true emotions are none that the school whispers about. He seems like a bad apple, but he has no other recourse and feels that he has to resort to these desperate actions at times. He enjoys playing video games, they seem to be his way of escaping desperately from a situation he hides from everyone. He dislikes lies, ironic as he is lying about many things about himself. He also doesn't care for burnt food and likes food to be properly evened. He doesn't have much of a sweet tooth, likes fizzy fruit drinks, and enjoys programming as a hobby.




Why do we smile? Why do we lie to everyone around us? We share with everyone the smiles of still images, but all of these smiles are lies. Fake smiles are lined everywhere in this house. Of a child who grew up in Shibuya with a mother and father. They always look happy in the pictures on the shelves and everywhere else. They always smile, the child has no clue what's going on and he believes the lies that were told. He believed everything foolishly. He believed these fake smiles, and believed himself to be happy. But he was never happy, he only thought he was happy.


I was this child, living in a sad warp illusion of happiness. Living in a state of denial, living in this reality of lies. I had always thought my mother and father were happy. I was to young back then to understand all the things behind the currents. I was to young back then to know why my mother cried and told me it was nothing. I became a Burst Linker to escape this reality. I remember at age eleven is when I really understand, and when I really wanted it all to stop.


The door opened, it was 10:00pm. A pencil had been etching away at homework, numbers not my strongest subject. I heard the footsteps downstairs, it was dad. I heard mother's footsteps as well. She had cried earlier that night at seven when dinner had been set up.


"Where were you?" she ask.


"I told you had I to work late," he says.


"You said you would be home no later than seven,"


"I told you I had to work late! It went a little longer than I thought,"


I knew her thoughts. I knew her suspicions by then. He was such a liar. He only pretended to love her. He only pretended to love. I saw him one night when I went out to the convenient store, across the street in a quiet, not busy, inexpensive resteraunt with a woman whom was not mother he was such a liar. Mother had her suspicions, her suspicions were correct. She wanted to accuse him of his lies, his treachery, but she had no proof. The yelling was beginning to escalate, the numbers were becoming dull. So this child went to the only place he could to numb the voices to numb the lies, "Burst Link" this child whispered.


This is a family whom lies. Their smiles aren't true smiles. They aren't happy any more. I wonder when they stopped being happy. I wonder when they were no longer happy. I wonder if they even love me. I wonder if they'll ever stop fighting. I wonder if it will all go back to the way it was, back to the time if there was a time for them to be happy. I wonder if they'll be happy again. Some day. But for now, I will escape reality to a place to hide away from the lies.


Misc: Other stuff that don’t fit up there?




Burst Linker information


Name: Red, Chromiea


Level: 5


Legion: Red


Legion Name: ONLY if you are Legion Master, can you give your legion a name.




As the battlefield appeared, a wide open junkyard of parts and buildings there stood your opponent appearing as sleek as ever in the virtual moonlight. It's metallic body was lean and fit for combat, his metallic gaze appeared cold and menancing. At level five the battle should be even, but there had been tales of Chromiea, that he defied logic. You knew of his scythe weaponry and you knew enough to be able to cheap away at his health. But you didn't know about his secret. As you both approached your chosen area for an arena he appeared tall and many of his details emerged. Most of his parts were red and metallic, but they opened up in areas to show exposed wires and circuitry. Wires extended from his head like dreads of hair. The red metallic pieces appeared almost like armor and underneath was silverish gray other features like an underbelly. With all this exposed wire, how did he survive?


[spoiler= Chromiea]RedGrip.jpg



Resistances: Just as his name suggest Chromiea is made out of Chrome. A rather durable material, it resist magnetization. Chrome it is the only elemental solid which shows antiferromagnetic ordering at room temperature (and below). Thus Chrome is not attracted to magnetization easily.


Weaknesses: Not many know of the armored Chromiea, but he has a protection of chromium oxide protection. When his protection is lowered Chromiea is weak against corrosions such as from acids.


Primary Ability: Chrome is a good conductory of electrcity because of this, Chromiea has the abilities of electricity. The most usage you see is from his wire hair spines.


Secondary Ability(ies): His main weapon is the scythe as seen in the picture


Fighting Style: Flashy and fast juggler. I have a video because I'm never to good at describing fighting style. Basically Cyrax. But focus less on the net and bombs and the 11222 punches and the reverse kicks presented in the video at a later time. There is even a move with saw blades, but replace the saw blades with his scythe. And the net is replaced with electricty, but not out of his chest.



Killer Move: Boogey Blitz- So again combat has never been my best thing to describe. So I'll have a video as a reference. And yes I know Mortal Kombat, but eh. Anyway so in the video you'll see him materialize ice, replace that with a little bit of electricity. The enemy is now zapped then he stabs them with his scythe. Cause that's cool and all.


of what I am talking about


Guardian: Unknown


Protege: NA


Misc: NA



Blue – N/A

Green – N/A

[spoiler=Purple – Tyrian Regency]

[spoiler=TheFinalFan - King - Yuri Krutchnokov/Tyrian Regent - BP900]

Real World Information

Name: Yuri Krutchnikov

Gender: Female

Age: 14

History: Yuri is a second-generation Russian-Japanese, her parents emigrating from Vladivostok just before she was born. She grew up in between two worlds, with Japan being outside of her house, and Russia still enclosed within the walls of her home. Her father, a former chess master, taught her the game when she was 6, and she quickly took to it like a fish to water, allowing her to gain many regional and several national awards, trophies, and medals. With a sharp mind and excellent tactical skills, one of her chess-playing friends introduced her to the Accel World Negative, where her unique powers and other attributes allowed her to quickly climb to the top. However, upon attaining the title of Purple King, she decided to instead take near-direct control of her territory in order to protect it from potential incursions, as her Regency is the smallest of the 7 Legions, with the least amount of territory, but it known for its staunch defenders.

Personality: Yuri is a rather calm and collected individual, preferring to use logic and reasoning to figure out problems. She absolutely abhors instincts and seemingly irrational behavior, and loves order above all else. She is the most neutral of the Kings, not even having any ambition to try and reach Level 10, but simply manage her territory and repel invaders. She is secretly quite paranoid, not fully trusting the other Kings, as she is afraid they might try and destroy what she has built, hence her neutral stance. While she is a strict ruler, she tries her best to make her territory peaceful by conducting fights in organized areas, and making sure nothing illicit or damaging occurs. This is due to a traumatic incident at a lower Level that left her the only survivor of the group she had created from her chess-playing buddies, and she now strives to protect those within her Legion, making it a sort of utopia. However, this new "Crystal King", who seeks to overthrow the current status quo, has her scared out of her wits, making her begin to think that she needs to trust the other Kings a bit more...






Network Avatar:

[spoiler=Chess Queen]





Burst Linker Information

Name: Tyrian Regent

Level: 9

Legion: Purple

Legion Name: Tyrian Regency

Appearance: Tyrian Regent appears to be similar to a Queen chess piece, with her exterior made of a strange purple metal. She has a cylindrical dress studded with light-purple crystals that extends down from her hips towards the ground that flares out at the bottom, and a slender body topped with a armored breastplate and spherical shoulder pads, also with light-purple crystals, that resemble ruffs. Her arms are also slender, reaching down to nimble hands, and she carries a purple staff topped with a figure shaped like a king chess piece that has a light-purple crystal in the center. She possesses a dark-purple cape flowing behind her, and an ermine collar around her neck. Her head is similar to a knight's helmet, with a curving light-purple visor where her eyes would be, and a crown on top of her head studded with more light-purple gems.

Resistances: None

Weaknesses: See Abilities

Primary Ability: Tyrian Regent can create lower-level soldiers using her staff, which can project out purple motes of light that expand, then flash to create the soldiers. However, she only has 500 maximum "Points" to spend on troops, though any destroyed soldiers send their Points back to her.


Tyrian Legionnaire (Level 1, 1 Point): Weak infantry with a skinny frame. Possesses a short sword and a buckler.

Tyrian Ranger (Level 2, 2 Points): Swift but light-armored scouts/ranged fighters. Possesses a bow with an unlimited quiver and a machete.

Tyrian Phalanx (Level 3, 4 Points): Mid-range infantry with thicker armor. Possesses a shield and a spear.

Tyrian Chevalier (Level 4, 8 Points): Knight-like cavalry. Possesses a mechanical horse, a broadsword, a shield, and a lance.

Tyrian Golem (Level 5, 16 Points): A powerful but slow stone-like hulk. Posseses mace-like fists that can fire on chains and a pair of mortars on its shoulders.

Tyrian Grenadier (Level 6, 32 Points): A more modern-looking soldier with more mobile body armor. Possesses an assault rifle, a pistol, and grenades, all of which use purple energy.

Tyrian Marine (Level 7, 64 Points): An elite guard or shock trooper with armor resembling something from a video game. Possesses dual SMGs, an energy sword, an energy shield, and grenades.

Tyrian Champion (Level 8, 128 Points): A knight-like mechanical monstrosity with six arms. Possesses energy swords on one pair of arms, gatling guns on another, and missile launchers on a third.



Secondary Ability(ies): Tyrian Regent's soldiers are extensions of her will, allowing her to see and hear whatever they do, and anything they know, she knows. Also, the more soldiers she creates, the more information is sent to her, meaning she can only control her entire deployed army units at a time, and can only fully focus on one squad or another, so she has to be careful about how she directs her forces. Furthermore, due to her attention and consciousness being sent among the hive mind of her army, her real body is quite vulnerable, possessing no real power or fighting skills of its own, meaning that anyone who can defeat her main body defeats her entire army.

Fighting Style: Tyrian Regent is rather defensive, preferring to use superior numbers and tactics to overwhelm a foe, as opposed to any true special abilities. She also prefers to send her more disposable, lower-leveled soldiers out to probe and scout out the opponent. Since her soldiers have no weaknesses, though they also have no resistances, she has little to fear, and can gauge her adversary's strength easily.

Killer Move: Entering Check: A purple aura surrounds herself and her soldiers, doubling the amount of Points she can use to 1000, and increasing the abilities of her soldiers, though only for a short time.

Guardian: None

Protege: Open for protege.

Misc: None.



Yellow – N/A

[spoiler=Black – Onyx Dominion]

[spoiler=Ketodama - King - Katsu Yokohama/Onyx Blade - BP900]

Real World Information

Name: Katsu Yokoyama

Gender: Male

Age: 14

History: Katsu has been sort of an odd person for most of his life. He's certainly been the athletic sort, but has always been interested in the sort of things that prevented him from being a Jock. Well, I suppose the main thing that has prevented his being the "jockish" sort has been his antisocial tendencies. He has preferred to be alone, rather than in the company of others, for the majority of his life and has chosen to perform most of his interactions over the internet or the Accel World Negative. All things considered though, he could easily have become one of the bigger jocks due to his tendency to try and stay as fit as possible. A year ago, he took up Kendo and utilizes that to a great extent.

Personality: Katsu can be described as the quiet type, preferring not to speak but rather to act and prove himself in that way. As such, there are a few girls pining after him which he chooses to ignore out of a desire to be left alone. The only time when he does accept other people being around him is when he's in the school's weight room training to benefit the Kendo team by improving his strength and agility. So far as being the leader of the Black chromatic legion, his only goal is to lead those beneath him to greatness and perhaps becoming the most powerful of the legions. This being the case, he is less than approving of the treaty which had been set out and schemes about ways to work around it at all times.

[spoiler=Appearance:[/b]] agoodfriendtomenicole-24.jpg


[spoiler=Network Avatar:]animeboy9pg.jpg


Voice Actor: Normal: Steve Blum; Brain Burst: Morgan Freeman

Misc: F'ing loves tacos.


Burst Linker information

Name: Onyx Blade

Level: 9

Legion: Black

Legion Name: Onyx Dominion

Appearance: Onyx Blade is perhaps not the most fearsome sight to behold, but he certainly has not needed to be fearsome in the past. He appears as a normal human male, standing six feet in height and glad in the typical dress of the Samurai when they were unarmored, done totally in black. His hair is long, and done back into a pony tail which rises up above his head in the back and stretches down to his waist. As far as his body, where skin should be he is composed entirely of black crystal growing off to form each of his arms and legs. His hair, upon a close look, is also formed of a white crystal of some sort which has grown out in strands. Furthermore, his face is flat from below the eyes, which appear as rubies cut into ovals, down all the way to his chin.

Resistances: Being composed of crystal, Onyx is resistant to most physical attacks and entirely immune to attacks based on electricity. He is resistant to energy-based attacks as well, particularly those meant to change the temperature of their target.

Weaknesses: Because of his crystalline form, Onyx is vulnerable to attacks which focus a great deal of physical force into a small area, as well as smashing blows. Furthermore, a sudden change of temperature from hot to cold could have devastating effects to his body.

Primary Ability: As suggested by his appearance, Onyx is a swordsman of pretty incredible ability. His skill with his blade is so great that he can actually use it to manipulate the air around him into pressure waves and such. The blade he wields is likewise composed of black crystal, and the edge is ever aglow with energy.



Secondary Ability(ies): When his body is broken, Onyx is capable of controlling the shards which have broken off for a short time. If his body is broken, the pieces will eventually pull back together to reform him with it taking longer depending upon how many and how small of pieces he is broken into. One can effectively "kill" him by separating the pieces from each other, but if they're brought back together he will reform.

Fighting Style: Onyx is what one might call a technique fighter, analyzing his foe's moves as they make them and looking for any sort of opening. He may be fast and he may be strong but he only applies those as needed.

Killer Move: Pitch-Black Sword:

Onyx's sword is surrounded by an aura so black that it almost seems to suck light into it. He then brings it up above his head and back down in less than a second, producing sufficient force to force the air out in all directions and create a widespread vacuum which the air then slams back in on with crushing force. The blade itself is also carried by a great deal of force granting it the ability to cut through many things it couldn't normally.

Guardian: Unknown

Protege: N/A, if someone wants to be his Protege then just ask.

Misc: Wishes he could eat tacos.



White – N/A


Four Elements

These Burst Linkers are actually made of the element they represent, which can be very useful most of the time.

Water – N/A

Wind – N/A

[spoiler=Lilly Satou - Fire - Erika Hino/Infernal Salamander - BP499]

Real World Information

Name: Erika Hino

Gender: Female

Age: 13

History: Erika first became a Burst Linker at the age of 7. She believed that the most important thing was to have fun. Despite this, she rarely challenges anyone, but others challenge her, and therefore Levels up at a slow rate. She was an excellent Burst Linker, surviving through thick and thin, winning some and losing some. One day, she befriended Ryujii and became his best friend, though his tsundere-like personality made it a little difficult. After finding out his gender, Erika introduced Ryujii to the Reverse Brain Burst. As the element of Fire, she taught Ryujii all he had to know about the Accelerated World Negative, until he finally caught up with her. To this day, she remains Ryujii’s best friend.

Personality: Erika is a cheerful young lass. There is hardly a moment where she is sad and dull. She is always fired up for any occasion, big or small, and rarely hesitates to do anything. She really enjoys flirting with Ryujii, although she does sometimes blush at the thought of him. A crush for him is very often hinted, especially when she acts really motherly towards Ryujii, or follows him in the Accelerated World Negative. All there is to know is that she is honestly so close to Ryujii she would die for him, like how a fire urns until its last spark.

Appearance: Erika has shiny, red drill hair pigtails with streaks of blue. Her eyes are a hue of orange. She has a curvy and slender figure with a bust size of C. She generally wears her school’s black-and-red sailor fukku, though her outfit varies as well. She wears a pair of crimson-framed glasses. She reaches a height of 1.65 metres tall, tall for her age.

Network Avatar: It basically looks like her, except with a wedding dress and wedding veil.

Voice Actor: Japanese: Yui Horie, English: Michelle Ruff

Misc: N/A


Burst Linker information

Name: Infernal Salamander

Level: 5

Appearance: Infernal Salamander is literally made from pure red, crackling flames, 0% matter. A pure energy being made from light and heat energy, it takes a simple humanoid shape. This shape matches her actual body style, busty and curvy. Her feet and hands are lizard-like and clawed. She has an additional tail for balance. She can walk on fours and twos alike. Her head can shift between human-like and lizard-like. Her eyes are a shiny orange.

Resistances: Being made from but pure flanes and energy, she is very resistant to many physical attacks.

Weaknesses: Energy-based attacks affect her, especially lightning. Water and strong winds too, affect her. In fact, things that can extinguish flames could possibly destroy Infernal Salamander. Unless she activates Supernova, metals are generally resistant to her attacks.

Primary Ability: Pyrokinesis. Not only is her body made from fire, she can also utilise fire to do many things, from flamethrowers to enhancing her size. She may be able to burn opponents. Her pyrokinesis is said to be the strongest in the game.

Secondary Ability(ies): While not as significant and rarely used, Infernal Salamander can scale walls with ease.

Fighting Style: She is a speedster who focuses on quick attacks and dodging, in addition to far-ranged attacks. She walks on fours for maximum agility, though she can use melee attacks.

Killer Move: Supernova – This is a move that lasts for 2 minutes(Accel World time, of course), and increases by 0.5 for reach level gained. It causes her flames to turn smoking-hot blue, increasing her temperature to a hundred degrees below the melting point of diamond. In this state, she can evaporate water with little effort, and weld metals while at it. Her offense is also greatly enhanced and multiplied by 1.5, in addition to her attacks being blue instead of orange.

Guardian: Unknown

Protege: Ryujii Kirigaya(Diamond Dragon)

Misc: She is the elemental embodiment of Fire.


Earth – N/A


Crystopia, the Rebels

[spoiler=Lilly Satou - The Leader - Ryujii Kirigaya/Diamond Dragon - BP900]

Real World Information

Name: Ryuuji Kirigaya

Gender: Appears Female, Actually Male

Age: 13

History: Ryuuji was a normal boy with a normal life. When he was really young, he was constantly bullied. Thus, at the start of elementary school, he took on the identity of a girl, AKA, began to crossdress, and even grew his hair long.

He acquired a best friend who went by the name of Erika Hino, the person whom he would later find out to be the Burst Linker ‘Infernal Salamander’. Of course, one day, for some reasons I cannot tell how, Erika found out about Ryuuji’s actual gender. Noting that he may have problems, she introduced him to the Reverse Brain Burst, and literally taught him what he needed to do to begin. This was the Dawn of the Diamond Dragon.

Personality: On the exterior, Ryujii is a timid little person who tends to fear things if he knows he is not safe. He shies away from things and tends to lean towards Erika for help. He is a little tsundere towards Erika, giving her the cold shoulder sometimes, calling her his ‘lacky’ whenever in the Accelerated World Negative. Deep within his heart, he believes he is a true man, standing up for what many others have feared to stand up for. He also tends to resort to violence when necessary. Despite this, he is a well-mannered person who usually respects the decisions of others, except a few times.

Appearance: Ryujii has pure white hair, as shiny as crystals. His skin is a light hue. He has a slender, slightly curvy figure, yet he stands a 1.1 metres, short for his age. He generally wears his black and red sailor fukku around, although sometimes wearing something else. Ryuji’s eyes scream the blood of his victims, in addition to an adorable-looking fang adorned among his teeth.

Network Avatar: It basically looks like his regular appearance, except with a tuxedo, green skin and Guy Fawkes mask.

Voice Actor:

Japanese: Rie Kugimiya(Real World), Norio Wakamoto(Diamond Dragon)

English: Brina Palencia(Real World), Crispin Freeman(Diamond Dragon)

Misc: As mentioned above, her Brain Burst Avatar’s voice is different from her original, due to unknown reasons.


Burst Linker information

Name: Diamond Dragon

Level: 9

Legion: Crystal Legion

Appearance: Diamond Dragon, as his name suggests, is basically constructed of pure diamond crystals. While most Burst Linkers have humanoid appearances, Diamond Dragon is the first Burst Linker to primarily walk on fours. He has the record of the largest avatar – 4 metres in length. He has the appearance of a European dragon, in addition to pupil-less red eyes and an odd, curved horn near his supposed nose. Unlike most Burst Linkers, he actually has a mouth, though it is not used for speech, but for combat. He can sprout smooth, two-inch thick diamond wings from his back. His claws are a notable trait, being able to slice through nearly anything due to being made from diamond.

Resistances: He can take almost any attack. He is completely immune to energy based attacks that not even an anhilliation ray of sorts can affect him. He has an absurd defense to make up for his reduced speed.

Weaknesses: While he is affected primarily by slices and punches, his high defense make those feel like simple bee stings. Matter-based missiles affect him more. He lacks speed. Materials that are harder than diamonds are known to be able to be able to affect him. Drills and chainsaws too, scare him. Of course, he has counter-measures. Also, to deal massive damage, you kick the ball of energy into his open mouth when he is charging an energy attack, though he would probably release his attack by then, making that a risky action.

Primary Ability: His primary ability, where his abilities are most concentrated, is the ability to spread wings and fly. In this state, he is faster, and can soar limitlessly. He uses this ability for heavy slams and wing slices.

Secondary Ability: When he is struck by an energy-based attack, 75% of it is dispersed. The other 25% is stored inside his crystal body. When he has stored enough energy, he is ready to charge and fire from his open mouth.

Fighting Style: Diamond Dragon is basically a defense-based Burst Linker who primarily walks really slowly(for now). He focuses on slashes from his dragon claws, and heavy blows via headbutts from his giant head.

Killer Move: “Ultimate Slamdunk” – This attacks involves Diamond Dragon flying up into the sky, before finally retracting his wings, ready to land on the ground on his feet with a huge THUD, creating a minor earthquake that can cause massive damage. If you’re under him, be careful. Flying is actually a rare ability, so running as far as you can to reduce damage is smart.

Guardian: Erika Hino(Infernal Salamander)

Protege: N/A

Misc: He has a unique trait – he is the first and only avatar to change appearances every level. Since he’s Level 9, this doesn’t really matter anymore, apart from explaining his great and unusual size.


[spoiler=Lilly Satou - Cali-chan/Bloody Alice - BP300]

Real World Information

Name: Unknown, but commonly known as ‘Cali-chan’

Gender: Female/Transvestite(Stop laughing)

Age: 10

History: Cali-chan was born a male. When she was 3, her parents took her for a sex change op since they initially wanted a daughter, not a son. Of course, this affected her negatively in many aspects. When she started elementary school, there have been rumours about her initially being a boy(which was true). How it started, no one knows. How it ended, it never did.

In secret, she cried and weeped, and was on the verge of going so insane she had to go to a Mental Hospital. Of course, she didn’t reach that state yet, but she’s going to.

One day, she met... well... someone who introduced the Reverse Brain Burst to her. This was when she discovered her True potential as Bloody Alice, the most violent and brutal Burst Linker who can’t help but attack aggressively.

Due to this, she is an outlaw in the Red Legion for breaking the ‘no agression’ policy of the treaty. Many have failed due to her brutality, but she has managed to escape the misunderstanding hands of those who seek to eliminate her.

She joined the Diamond Dragon as his subordinate not long ago. The Diamond Dragon found her massive insanity to hide her true heart, thus recruited her into his rebellion, knowing the warrior within.

It should be noted that she has not met Diamond Dragon in real life, but trusts him.

Personality: Cali-chan is a ‘Yandere-type’ character. In other words, generally sweet, yet very insane. She is sexually attracted to the Diamond Dragon’s great heart and shining personality, and believes he is a dashing hunk in the Real World. She views him as a knight in shining armour. This day, all she has up her mind is the Diamond Dragon, so much that she would kill to protect him and make him hers. This is the main reason why she isn’t in good terms with Infernal Salamander, or practically anyone who flirts with him. She holds really long grudges.

Appearance: Cali-chan is a young girl of height 1.23 metres. She has long, blonde hair and shining blue eyes. She wears a cyan-coloured top and a red checkered skirt. Along with that, her stockings extend to her thighs, coupled with a shiny pair of red shoes. Her blonde hair is tied in one single braided ponytail, along with a headband that makes it all complete.

Network Avatar: She looks basically the same, except she wears a dress akin to the Disney incarnation of ‘Alice’ in ‘Alice in Wonderland’.

Voice Actor: Cristina Vee(English), Kana Hanazawa(Japanese)

Misc: N/A


Burst Linker information

Name: Bloody Alice

Level: 3

Legion: Crystal(Red traitor)

Appearance: Bloody Alice varies in size. Her original size is but 0.25 metres tall. Her blood-red hue is a sign of her victim’s screams for help. In each size, he appeared slender with little bust, in addition to wearing a checkered blood-and-rose dress. On her head is long, wavy, crimson hair, topped by a headband. Her eyes are a shining green. She can be seen dual-wielding axes very often.

Resistances: N/A, neutral to attacks.

Weaknesses: N/A, neutral to attacks.

Primary Ability: For each level she acquires, she gains armour of different sizes. These ‘armour’ look exactly like her and can be worn over her to make her look like she’s increased in size. So far, these armour come in sizes 1 metre, 2 metres and 3 metres tall. They also have matching sizes for dual-wield axes. By default, she begins the battle wearing her 1-metre tall armour. However, each of these armour require half her Killer Move gauge. The bigger the armour, the more damage caused. Of course, damage can still be inflicted even through all that armour.

Secondary Ability(ies): Doesn’t really count as abilities, but her dual-axes, known as the Jabberwocky, are her main choice of combat, and she is extremely skilled in them despite being a newbie.

Fighting Style: She is primarily a speedster, relying on high speeds and agilities to strike her opponents down with strong melee attacks.

Killer Move: Wonderland – This move allows Bloody Alice to move at high speeds. It allows her to deal multiple blows to her foes, chipping, slashing and breaking them apart like a violent massacre. If she is wearing multiple armour, she splits from them and they all attack at once.

Guardian: Unknown

Protege: N/A

Misc: N/A



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Real World Information


Name: Enma Sai


Gender: Male


Age: 15




You hadn't really noticed him in the classroom, he sat in the corner away from everyone. He watched everyone perform daily activities with an emotionless stare. He didn't seem interested in contacting with anyone, you didn't even really know his name. He was just the kid who sat in the corner, whom always came to school with bruises and bandages. The things you did know were brief, like the fights he starts at school or how he rarely comes in. One time you over heard a teacher and him talking about his poor grades in school. True you were easedropping and you were kind of stalking him, but he was the schools Enigma. His short, straight red hair blew in the wind coming from the empty windows. He only wore the school uniform pants, but wore a black jacket, with a sweater underneath, the hood peaking out. If he weren't in the school shoes, he'd wear black boots. When you had brief eye contact with him he gave you a dangerous, almost malicious look as if he would start a fight with anyone. If you didn't know better you'd say he was abused, but you knew he mostly started fights with kids at school. He seemed like your general bad apple, his pale skin was lit up by the afternoon sun. Many of your friends were worried as you continued to stare at him. You finally decided enough was enough, many of the students had taken into their hands to make him the object of rumors and fear. You grabbed your lunch box and stormed over, setting down your box on his table and sitting. He stared at you with his cold red eyes. They appeared dangerous and wild. You told him you weren't afraid of him, and he gave a small heh. His voice was calm, not exactly what you were expecting it was a quiet voice. He got up and you did it to, you noted his height, but didn't want to laugh in such a serious situation. He stood around five foot three, he was pretty short for someone who started a lot of fights. He asked what you were going to do, asked if you wanted to fight him. You only asked him to stay or lunch, he gave another smirk and waved you off. You noted the leather cuff on his wrist peeking from under the cuffs of his black jacket.You watched that short and rebellious boy walk off. Your friends continued to stare at you, both afraid for you and worried that you were crazy.

Exactly like image

[spoiler=Enma Sai]Enma.jpg



As you wondered the school hallway, you found yourself in the less busy area and made your way up the stairs. Now was the time for the school to settle down. The courtyard and the grass would become filled and busy with children. The hallways and classrooms deserted like a ghost town. You made your unto the roof to watch all the students meander home or wherever they go, but instead you noticed someone sitting on a wall. A little upset to see who it was, you stopped yourself as you noticed his gaze upwards. He seemed different than he was in school. His black jacket unbuttoned, his white hoody more exposed. He stared at the purpley sky with deep thought, and there was even a hint of sadness in his eyes. He didn't seem like the same boy who tried to start a fight with you. Everything about him seemed to shed away and he seemed much more ordinary. He noticed you and turned towards you, his red eyes flashing, but that dark look faded from him. He got up and walked past you, his black knee boots clicking down the stairs.

Exactly like image- now I note that in this picture his eyes seem purple and they were red in the other image. But this is part of an artistic technique. To appear as if his eyes were reflecting the colors of the sky. They are the same character.

[spoiler=Enma 2]Enma2.jpg



Network Avatar:


As you wondered through the home, you found yourself enamored by the glory of the world. Your eyes were being opened to a whole knew possible world. To be able to escape reality and come here. As you wondered in excitement you ended up bumping into someone, they didn't appear amused all though their eyes were covered. They wore a thick over body poncho and a pair of pants and some boots. Their appearance had an odd ancient futuristic look about them.

Exactly like image-I'd like to add for the most part his eyes remain hidden. But the first image is nice to use to show off his eyes. He's more like a cyborg or something. So ancient tribal cyborg appearance, thus his eyes remain hidden.


[spoiler= Network Avatar]Balmung.jpg



Network Avatar 2



His eyes tell a different story from his soul. His eyes seemed to tell the story of a bad kid, rebellious and unfortunate. A kid whom has no respect for the law and is quick to temper. His eyes tell the story of someone with no fear, no respect. They tell the story of a horrible child, someone so wicked and twistedly cruel. They tell the story of an invidual whom is always ready to fight. But his soul sings a different tune, his true self is much more different from the eyes that tell fake stories of himself. His soul says something different than what his eyes say. Those who do know him, see him as rather aloof and quiet. Of those who know him, they see the lost and sad kid he has become. All of his anger, if any exist, stems from the lies that he has created. It seems like any of the things he does is set out to get attention, good or bad. He seems to want to get the attention of someone, but not even those who do know him know who he is reaching out too. He's actually rather loyal and quiet, not anti-social just quiet and awkward in social situations. Alone he seems exhausted and tired of twisting lies that he created, spending quiet evenings to silently cry. The true emotions are none that the school whispers about. He seems like a bad apple, but he has no other recourse and feels that he has to resort to these desperate actions at times. He enjoys playing video games, they seem to be his way of escaping desperately from a situation he hides from everyone. He dislikes lies, ironic as he is lying about many things about himself. He also doesn't care for burnt food and likes food to be properly evened. He doesn't have much of a sweet tooth, likes fizzy fruit drinks, and enjoys programming as a hobby.




Why do we smile? Why do we lie to everyone around us? We share with everyone the smiles of still images, but all of these smiles are lies. Fake smiles are lined everywhere in this house. Of a child who grew up in Shibuya with a mother and father. They always look happy in the pictures on the shelves and everywhere else. They always smile, the child has no clue what's going on and he believes the lies that were told. He believed everything foolishly. He believed these fake smiles, and believed himself to be happy. But he was never happy, he only thought he was happy.


I was this child, living in a sad warp illusion of happiness. Living in a state of denial, living in this reality of lies. I had always thought my mother and father were happy. I was to young back then to understand all the things behind the currents. I was to young back then to know why my mother cried and told me it was nothing. I became a Burst Linker to escape this reality. I remember at age eleven is when I really understand, and when I really wanted it all to stop.


The door opened, it was 10:00pm. A pencil had been etching away at homework, numbers not my strongest subject. I heard the footsteps downstairs, it was dad. I heard mother's footsteps as well. She had cried earlier that night at seven when dinner had been set up.


"Where were you?" she ask.


"I told you had I to work late," he says.


"You said you would be home no later than seven,"


"I told you I had to work late! It went a little longer than I thought,"


I knew her thoughts. I knew her suspicions by then. He was such a liar. He only pretended to love her. He only pretended to love. I saw him one night when I went out to the convenient store, across the street in a quiet, not busy, inexpensive resteraunt with a woman whom was not mother he was such a liar. Mother had her suspicions, her suspicions were correct. She wanted to accuse him of his lies, his treachery, but she had no proof. The yelling was beginning to escalate, the numbers were becoming dull. So this child went to the only place he could to numb the voices to numb the lies, "Burst Link" this child whispered.


This is a family whom lies. Their smiles aren't true smiles. They aren't happy any more. I wonder when they stopped being happy. I wonder when they were no longer happy. I wonder if they even love me. I wonder if they'll ever stop fighting. I wonder if it will all go back to the way it was, back to the time if there was a time for them to be happy. I wonder if they'll be happy again. Some day. But for now, I will escape reality to a place to hide away from the lies.


Misc: Other stuff that don’t fit up there?




Burst Linker information


Name: Red, Chromiea


Level: 5


Legion: Red


Legion Name: ONLY if you are Legion Master, can you give your legion a name.




As the battlefield appeared, a wide open junkyard of parts and buildings there stood your opponent appearing as sleek as ever in the virtual moonlight. It's metallic body was lean and fit for combat, his metallic gaze appeared cold and menancing. At level five the battle should be even, but there had been tales of Chromiea, that he defied logic. You knew of his scythe weaponry and you knew enough to be able to cheap away at his health. But you didn't know about his secret. As you both approached your chosen area for an arena he appeared tall and many of his details emerged. Most of his parts were red and metallic, but they opened up in areas to show exposed wires and circuitry. Wires extended from his head like dreads of hair. The red metallic pieces appeared almost like armor and underneath was silverish gray other features like an underbelly. With all this exposed wire, how did he survive?


[spoiler= Chromiea]RedGrip.jpg



Resistances: Just as his name suggest Chromiea is made out of Chrome. A rather durable material, it resist magnetization. Chrome it is the only elemental solid which shows antiferromagnetic ordering at room temperature (and below). Thus Chrome is not attracted to magnetization easily.


Weaknesses: Not many know of the armored Chromiea, but he has a protection of chromium oxide protection. When his protection is lowered Chromiea is weak against corrosions such as from acids.


Primary Ability: Chrome is a good conductory of electrcity because of this, Chromiea has the abilities of electricity. The most usage you see is from his wire hair spines.


Secondary Ability(ies): His main weapon is the scythe as seen in the picture


Fighting Style: Flashy and fast juggler. I have a video because I'm never to good at describing fighting style. Basically Cyrax. But focus less on the net and bombs and the 11222 punches and the reverse kicks presented in the video at a later time. There is even a move with saw blades, but replace the saw blades with his scythe. And the net is replaced with electricty, but not out of his chest.



Killer Move: Boogey Blitz- So again combat has never been my best thing to describe. So I'll have a video as a reference. And yes I know Mortal Kombat, but eh. Anyway so in the video you'll see him materialize ice, replace that with a little bit of electricity. The enemy is now zapped then he stabs them with his scythe. Cause that's cool and all.


of what I am talking about


Guardian: Unknown


Protege: NA


Misc: NA

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I'm debating whether or not I want to join this. It looks pretty fun and the only two RPs I'm invested in at the moment are on hold so there's not really a reason not to.


Pop me a reserve and if I decide to join I'll try to get it in by Wednesday but...one question first. Suppose someone wanted a name like "Night [Name]" or something along those lines. Would that count towards the colour black or would that be somehow elemental?

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Guest TheFinalFan

Reserve. I need to see if I can fit this in.

It seems like a really cool idea, and I've read several chapters of the original manga.

Can anyone take a Legion Master and be a Guardian to another player?

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Guest Simdoggy

Real World Information

Name: Ryuu Shiga

Gender: Male

Age: 15

History: Ryuu was one of those nerdy kids at primary school, being forced to learn how to write and use program coding so he could one day take over his father's business in programming for the Global Network. Through primary school, he was left alone, abandoned by everyone and teased by a couple of the popular kids in his grade. Becaues of this, he turned to the Global Network, and started playing strategy games against other people, causing him to develop a sharp strategic mind. He also gained the Reverse Brain Blast program about 7 years ago, partway through primary school, and since developed his abilities until he ended up as the Red King. Right at the end of his primary school, he set up those who had bullied him to get them expelled, making them have troubles getting into a decent highschool. He managed to pass the entrance exams to get into a prestigious secondary school, and has since become one of the popular people at that school, because of his ability to fix everyone's Neuro Linkers when they have troubles. He's never lost a territory battle over his territory, and follows the beliefs of the other Kings that they shouldn't fight to get to level 10, but inside that he watches the world, and is hoping the disturbance of Diamond Dragon might allow him to take action at some point.

Personality: Ryuu is smart, and has a good strategic and tactical mind. He's quite popular at school and revels in it, making use of his social status in the school to get what he wants sometimes. He's also good at coding and is quite knowledgable about how Neuro Linkers work, causing several people to get him to fix any problems with their Neuro Linkers. Hidden beneath all that is a lonely and mistrusting personality, only willing to properly trust a small few people. While fighting in the Negative Accel World, he's also rather merciless to anyone he's fighting, refusing to give an inch and preventing them from getting any way to defeat him.

Appearance: Ryuu is tall and lanky, not with very many muscles underneath to back him up. He has short, spikey black hair, a small nose and a wide, usually smiling mouth. He has narrow eyes that always are looking suspicious of something, and his iris's are brown. While at school he wears the school's uniform, light green long pants, a white shirt, a light green jacket over the top of the shirt, and a polished pair of black shoes. Outside of school he wears jeans and a casual, usually black t-shirt, and much more casual shoes with them.

Network Avatar: Ryuu's network avatar looks nearly identical to his real world appearance, expect he's permanently wearing a full black suit, white shirt and polished black shoes.

Voice Actor: Takuya Satō

Misc: Ryuu can also cook quite well.


Burst Linker information

Name: Ruby Sorcerer

Level: 9

Legion: Red King

Legion Name: Stronghold

Appearance: Ruby Sorcerer is a humanoid being with a long red arcane cloak over his body, decorated with golden spirals that goes all the way down to the ground. Under that cloak, and visible from the front of his body, is a ruby body with a red mechanical skeleton visible inside the ruby body. The ruby body, and mechanical skeleton only extends to the end of his ribcage, with the ruby covering around and below it, meaning his body floats in the air at about human height. The cloak over his body, covers around him and reaches all the way down to the ground from his body, giving him the appearance of having a lower body, and also allowing him to levitate higher up if needed.

Resistances: Anything to do with using the ground to attack, Lightning and Fire attacks, Energy attacks

Weaknesses: Physical attacks and any matter based strikes

Primary Ability: Long range strikes by using energy blasts he generates straight out of his hands.

Secondary Ability(ies): A tempory energy shield, that if timed right, can block energy attacks and cause matter based attacks to ricochet off and have a small chance of hitting his enemies. Also, any energy attacks that hit him disperses around his body and vanishes away after a couple of seconds, causing only a slight amount of damage to him and hurting anyone who physically hits him while it's dispersing.

Fighting Style: Long range enery strikes, combined with some shielding of long range attacks.

Killer Move: Annihilation Sphere, A powerful red energy sphere he generates and throws at an enemy with good accuracy, that can partially curve towards them if they dodge and cause massive damage if it hits. Particularly effective against enemies who get into close range against him.

Guardian: unknown

Protege: none


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I'd actually prefer 'Red' to 'Ruby', but seeing that the Red King in canon too isn't 'Red', I guess I'll accept

But guise, don't overdo this.


Oh right, I'm readying my other character, Bloody Alice. Anyone wants to be her guardian?

Preferably Alice-in-wonderland-themed please, though anything would do.

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