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[i][u][b]Sig Request:[/b][/u][/i]
[b]Pic:[/b] [url="http://th09.deviantart.net/fs71/300W/f/2012/074/c/d/kaito_kid_by_luceino-d4sursb.jpg"]http://th09.deviantart.net/fs71/300W/f/2012/074/c/d/kaito_kid_by_luceino-d4sursb.jpg[/url] (Its not a render...so if you can render it before you make the sig, it would be nice)
[b]Size:[/b]Not exactly sure with exact size, just not huge.
[b]Details:[/b] I would like it to be like the pic itself, but surprise me with the style. I'd like it to say either "1412", "Kaitou Kid", or "Phantom Thief".
[b]Payment:[/b] Depends on the work. If necessary we'll negotiate a price.

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  • 5 weeks later...

[color=#800080]I'll take a try at it...[/color]
[color=#800080]Using Paint.NET.[/color]
[color=#800080]I'm finished with it.[/color]
[color=#800080]I made it look like a bad quality anime Hypnotist show.[/color]

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