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Assassin's Creed III Box Art


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First post in Showcase, sue me.

I have recently got into Box Art creation and I downloaded Paint.net which is just super fun.
Out of all my creations I haven't had one that I was extatic enough about to put in the Showcase section, until now.

Since I am like all about Assassin's Creed III right now I decided to make a box art for it. I put the most extensive time and effort into this one and I was pleased with the result so I am showing to the YCM Showcase community.
Here ya go:
[spoiler=Assassin's Creed III Limited Edition][URL=http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/811/screediii.jpg/][img]http://img811.imageshack.us/img811/9773/screediii.jpg[/img][/spoiler]

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When trying to do something like this, you want it to look as realistic as possible. Proportions, text, and all that. Text effects are going to help you a lot with these. You also need to make the box longer or taller, just by a bit. The back is used to take advantage of the gameplay, and intrigue people's interersts by the pictures. Usually the back as a few lines to give away something. They allow the pictures to speak for itself, and place art where the it doesn't take away from the pictures. And every picture has something to divide them up, make it look more presentable and professional.

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