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this deck kinda sucks in terms of effect choices, and only playing 9 spellbooks isn't enough in this, your playing 3 copies of the grab level 3 and only playing 5 targets, why the tricky, wheres the solemns, the junons, and the field spell.
and empur is a bad play in your deck because it has to banish a very limited number of targets here, which also plays into the usefulness of the magical casters, meaning, their weaker than they should be.
also, magical dimension should be a sideboard play at most for the deck.

and seriously, you need the citadel field or the magical field. the double draw/ spell-counter abuse you get is just plain out insurmountable.

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The Focus of the deck is to summon Rank 5 tricky is there as a SS level 5 monster i can discard practitinor to SS tricky and activate its eff and grab temper. magical dimension is there for some type of monster removal. as for empeur a level five that can take control of an opponents monster.My bigest isue in this deck is the Space

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