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When things just dont go your way

Zimiri of the Muse

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Well, what do you do when things just dont go the way you planned, whether in a minor way or in a life-altering way. last september I was diagnosed with MS (multiple sclerosis [full story at the end of the main paragraph]). I ended up resorting to music and maybe some other things Im not to proud of, but I made it through. Discuss how you cope with hard times in life.

[spoiler=]Diagnosed of M.S. of september 2011. I was in the hospital for a week, had several spinal taps that left me with minor nerve damage. M.S. is where white blood cells eat away at the nerve covering of my spine and parts of my brain. I was on massive ammounts on annebolic sterioids and the "micheal jackson" drug. I was released after a week, walked with a walker for a month, then a cane for two. I have 95% of feeling back. Injections every day rotating stomach arms and legs. Coped with music, and some other things which are better not going into detail with.[/spoiler]

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