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I wanna build zombies to..

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Monsters: 20

1: Dark Armed Dragon
1: Gorz, Emissary of Darkness

3: Tour Guide from the Underworld
3: Effect Veiler
3: Pyramid Turtle
2: Goblin Zombie
2: Zombie Master
2: Necro Gardna
1: Plague Spreader Zombie
1: Mezuki
1: Sangan

Spells: 13

2: Mystical Space Typhoon
2: Pot of Duality
2: Book of Life
1: Creature Swap
1: Monster Reborn
1: Heavy Storm
1: Dark Hole
1: Mind Control
1: Book of Moon
1: Burial From a Different Dimension

Traps: 7

2: Phoenix Wing Wind Blast
2: Torrential Tribute
2: Solemn Warning
1: Solemn Judgment

Basic Zombie Extra Deck

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