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The Beginning of Light and Darkness [NA atm/Started/PG-13]

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[right][url="http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/285618-the-beginning-of-light-and-darkness-pg-16/"]IC Thread[/url][/right]

[center]By: Quɛnn Aisu[/center]

[spoiler=The World of Lunin]Welcome to the world of Lunin, a planet filled with mystery and wonders. Within the world, every region is united together under one kingdom and the ruler? A man named [url="http://i117.photobucket.com/albums/o47/LyokoGirl720/Long_live_the_King___DS_by_dasAoD.jpg"]Edmund Godfrey XXI[/url]. Despite being in his 70's, this elderly King can still teach the new squires a thing or two. Before he became ill, that is. In the past couple of weeks, King Godfrey has become sick and his mental state has been slowly deteriorating. Taking his place is his son, [url="http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/182/0/d/aph_prussia_king_by_mlcamaro-d3kpf48.jpg"]Prince Edmund Godfrey XXII[/url]. After leading and participating in many archeological digs, this young chap has a vast knowledge of history and many relics of it. One relic he keeps with him just about all the time; a thin, gold scepter with a blood-red ruby orb near the top that had somehow been preserved over many centuries. It's age is believed to be so old, that it surpasses the age of this very Kingdom that was ruled over the world for many generations.

Within the Kingdom, there are 6 regions, each region created by one of the 6 Divine Dragons. One region holds the castle, where the Kingdom is ruled from, while the other 5 are overseen by appointed Lords that answer to the King. Many generations ago, to better serve his rule and human kind, King Edmund Godfrey XII appointed each region a capital and a Lord to represent that region. Having a better understanding of each region, the Kingdom flourished and grew into the 5 million population it is now.

Humans have been at peace with each for as long as history has been recorded. This is partially due to fact that humans are nowhere near the top of the food chain. Realizing that the only way they are to survive and flourish, they must work together, not fight. Even to this day and age, humans still haven't reached to top of the food chain, but they're not too far from it. Another factor is because all souls, not just humans, are pure. But as of late, there has been an increase people who have gone against society and the Divine Dragons will and have started to commit crimes. There has also been an increase of a type of magic that goes against the teaching of the Divine Dragons known as Black Magic. The origins of Black Magic is unknown as because the Divine Dragons bless a select few with the skills of magic.

Along with those blessed with the gift of magic are others blessed with the opportunity to join an elite force called the Holy Guard. The Holy Guard is a military managed by the King, but are lead by the Divine Dragons' will. Each member has a [acronym=in the shape of the dragon head in the logo]birth mark[/acronym] on a certain part of their body that resembles the class the Divine Dragons wish for them to train under. If the mark is somewhere on their head, that person is blessed with the powers of magic. If the mark is on the shoulder, the person is to go down the path of a Knight. The hands and feet represent the archer and ranger class, respectively, while the chest, bicep and back are for tamers, [acronym=aka monks in some rpgs]fighters[/acronym] and priests. Only 1 in 150 people are born with the blessed mark and even [acronym=About half]fewer[/acronym] choose to go and stay on the path to train and join the Holy Guard. Currently, the Holy Guard is about 17 thousand strong.

It's with one member of the Holy Guard along with a few others that our story takes place...[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Plot]After a private meeting with the King, Sophia, a knight within the Holy Guard, has had word sent out to every region, every town, and to just about every person that she is calling for people to volunteer in joining her for the search of Asedriron's Votum; a legendary object said to have the power to make just about any prayer come true. All those who have sought out the object have never come back or have come back empty handed and are forever changed for the worse.

It's been three weeks since the word has gotten around and it's the deadline for those volunteering to meet Sophia at the Kingdom's most famous tavern, The Crystal Mistress.

But little does Sophia know, not everyone volunteering is doing it as a good deed. As wolves in sheep clothing, some have joined in order to gain possession of this powerful object and intend to abuse it. Once Asedriron's Votum is within the group's hands, these greedy people plan on revealing their true intent as a battle for emerges.


Depending on a few factors, this rp can end in a few different ways. A few factors include how many people are left at the end/characters that are alive, character development, events during the rp, etc. So please~ If you join/reserve for this rp, keep this in mind that~[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Database][spoiler=Regions and World Map][img]http://i382.photobucket.com/albums/oo261/AisuGhost/BLD.png[/img]


[acronym=The red region]Ustrina[/acronym] - A very barren and mountainous region, Ustrina has many inactive volcanoes and a few active ones. With most of the continent's edges being cliffs as tall as 3 stories, the capitol, Ursand, sits at an area of the continent that isn't covered in either desert or mountains and is at the lowest part of the continent. With this being the largest habitable area on the continent, Ursand takes up practically the entire area it's at. Slightly over populated for the available resources on the continent, Ursand depends on its export of metal and metal goods to bring in the supplies needed. Despite the harsh environment of Ustrina, there are a few mining communities in the mountains for metals and in the deserts for jewels left over from eroded mountains from centuries ago. To the very north, there is, allegedly, a mystical forest said to contain trees able to grant wishes if harvest correctly. But due to the only access available is through a chain of mountains that cover a third of the continent and only legends contributing to this, no one in their right minds have dared to try to get to the forest.

[acronym=The darker blue region]Lympha[/acronym] - The most water-bound regions on Lunin, Lympha is the popular destinations for vacations due to its tropical weather and the beaches that last for miles. With its main export being tropical fruits and exotic fish, the demand for this region is wood, metal and other construction materials. With the small forests they have needed to produce the fruit and their few mountains full of lava, construction materials are in high demand to make houses, boats, businesses, etc. The capital, [acronym=also known as The Flower of Lunin]Hibianya[/acronym], is located in one of most flourished locations of the region. Known for the variety of colors, scents and shapes the flowers grown there are, Hibianya also grows a special flower that can only be located there: a magical flower called [url="http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/043/7/3/73eb5295fa0a05769d3dcecd16e9ccb1-d4pgtst.jpg"]Adelilia's Lilly[/url] that blossoms at night and emits a strong enough light that one bush can illuminate a 500 square foot area.

[acronym=The yellow region]Aura[/acronym] - A relatively arid region, most of Aura's land needs a simple irrigation to make it fertile. Even then, a limited range of plants are able to grow in this bright region and the forests are thin and short, making it hard to support livestock. The main export for this region is the art and music produced by its locals and the desert sand. The desert sand in this region has a special quality to it that allows it to reflect light back as if it were made up of thousands and thousands of tiny diamonds. This makes it a high demand item for the creation of glass, pottery, ceramics, etc. It also makes it quiet pricey due to their being very few permits out there that allows for the sand to be sold legally. Using their main export, they bring in the needed livestock and feed for an easier life. Cesentium, the capitol, is best known for the countless numbers of museums, fairs, art shows and their artists. With a swarming number of artists in all fields of study, the capital is an art piece itself, where each generation adds more and more to it.

[acronym=The light blue region]Gestus[/acronym] - The windiest of all the regions, Gestus is also the larger one. Gestus is known for three things: their wind, their trees and an area called Bireria's Valley. In Gestus, the wind is always constant, either it being a subtle breeze or a torrential windstorm. As for the trees, they are one of the most flexible and lightest trees known to man. Bireria's Valley is well known because due to the mountains and forests, the wind traveling eastward is channeled through a large, thin valley and can get up to speeds beyond a F5 tornado, making it a popular location for wind sports. The main export for Gestus is the variety of grains that grow there despite the constant winds. As for import needs, Gestus is in no immediate need of anything, but times during a [acronym=which are rather frequent]natural disaster[/acronym] has quickly changed that before. Austricul, Gestus' capitol, is filled with innovative minds working on creating ways to harness the planets natural resources for travel. For example, about a decade ago, windboarding was finally mastered. Now having materials strong enough to be used for the parachute and rope and finally finding the right combination of wood and metal for the board, a basic windboarding set is able to be used anywhere. There has also been rumors going around the past few months of an invention in the making that will grant man the ability to fly.

[acronym=The green region]Solum[/acronym] - The most abundant region of them all, Solum is also the second largest region. Due to the high levels of natural resources, the wildlife is just as high, it not, over populated. Due to the population of wildlife, they are fierce for territory and resources, making life here more dangerous than usual. Other than the fierce environment, Solum is also known for the high quality woodcrafts that are made out of a sturdy trees grown there. Solum is also very popular with botanists and zoologists due to there being a countless number of different plant and animals species living here. Itova, Solum's capitol, is fairly small, compared to the others, but is one of the better fortified ones. Itova's community is mostly filled with scientists and woodcraftmens leaving or going, making it a rather bland place to live in. With their main export as wooden goods, they use it to bring it needed medical supplies, weapons and armor.

[acronym=The orange region]The Kingdom[/acronym] - This region, the castle more specifically, is where the entire world is ran from under the control of the Godfrey family. Currently, the [acronym=Edmund Godfrey XXII]son[/acronym] is currently ruling as his [acronym=Edmund Godfrey XXI]father[/acronym] is getting bed rest as he fights off a mysterious sickness. The economy of this region has been described as the world's largest market. Due to the very limited amount of land in this region, it constantly relies on traveling merchants to come in and sell supplies and other goods. The main export for this region is most of the residents that live there: The Holy Guard. Besides the economy, this region is known for its peacefulness. With the creatures here being domestic animals and medium/small migrating birds, the only thing that disturbs the peace here are the friendly tournaments the Holy Guard has once and a while to see who's gotten stronger and who's ontop. There's also the bar fights that happen once and a while at the world's most well known tavern, The Crystal Mistress, which is located on the most southern island of the region. Here, the drinks are delectable, the food melts in your mouth and you're guaranteed to leave with a smile due to the wait staff. However, it's not because of those that puts The Crystal Mistress on the map. The fact the owner and chef is a 10' long female dragon named Aibetta is what makes The Crystal Mistress famous.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Divine Dragons][url="http://gelbooru.com//images/1298/45cc7b433001e0269b03c06a8e0ae925.png?1509803"]Asedriron[/url] - The Father of All Creation, Asedriron is as fierce as he is kind. With domain over energy, he controls everything within our world. From the air we breathe to the plants that grow, everything in the world has energy. But outside the range of humans and animals, he choices to let his family have control over the elements of the world, only stepping in when he needs to.

[url="http://gelbooru.com//images/1216/558f9b6f3579abcc3acb1a04bd30fdcc.jpg?1427403"]Adelilia[/url] - The Mother of Light, Adelilia is the wife of Asedriron. Combining their powers of life and light, they created the universe. And by combining their love for each other together, the couple also created the other elements and gave birth to their children who would control those elements. Keeping her children, and husband sometimes, in check with a firm, but loving hand, Adelilia circles the planet to make sure her children behave.

[url="http://gelbooru.com//images/358/51f3961a38e733561d435de43006759687d6b609.png?362777"]Bireria[/url] and [url="http://andyfairhurst.deviantart.com/art/Lazing-By-The-Sleeping-Dragon-142294599?q=boost%3Apopular%20forest%20dragon&qo=93"]Yaressa[/url] - The Twins of Air and Earth, Bireria and Yaressa where the first to be born. Bireria, the Twin of Air, is impulsive, quick to anger, and possessive. When angered, she often takes her anger out in the form of tornados and wind storms. Yaressa, the Twin of Earth, is more gentle one of the two and often comes to the aid of lost chilrden. When she does get upset, the world knows it through the form of earthquakes.

[url="http://zethrix.deviantart.com/art/Water-Dragon-212262914?q=boost%3Apopular%20water%20dragon&qo=2"]Lothadon[/url] - The Son of Water, Lothadon isn't the most emotionally stable of them all and hardly violent, despite how he's often depicted. One day, Lothadon is calm, the next, he angry. He'll be swimming in the oceans, guiding and blessing fishermen with bountiful harvests, the next week, he could be creating whirlpools to deter the fishermen from taking his fish. He's just one Divine Dragon everyone has a problem understanding, even his family.

[url="http://wallace.deviantart.com/art/Black-Dragon-119917088?q=boost%3Apopular%20lava%20dragon&qo=30"]Vaelith[/url] - The Son of Fire, Vaelith is a knowledge hungry dragon. With Yaressa's permission, Vaelith has been experimenting with different types of minerals found in the earth to create gems, metals, glass, etc and has been passing the knowledge on to the humans. In the past, he was working Lothadon to create more land for the planet, but a dispute has put a stop to that. This accounts for all the inactive/dead volcanoes around the world, but once and a while, he'll fire off one to create a little bit more land, despite Lothadon's wishes.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Temples][url="http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/277/8/4/pits_of_inferno_by_deathmetaldan-d4bv9fy.jpg"]Ignis Temple[/url] - This temple is located deep inside a dormant volcano and pays homage to Vaelith. Just because the volcano is dormant, it doesn't mean one shouldn't be cautious upon the journey and entering of it. If one isn't careful and pays careful attention, they'll soon find themselves caught and surrounded by lava for an unknown length of time.

[url="http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/222/6/a/forest_temple_concept_by_gamefan84-d465gqr.jpg"]Terra Temple[/url] - Located deep within the forest, this temple makes even Yaressa proud. Despite being deep in the forest, this temple is the calmest and safest of them all. Simply known as the Sanctuary by the locals, many of the local pregnant women try to visit this temple at least once during their pregnancy in attempts to have their children to be blessed and watched over by Yaressa.

[url="http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs51/i/2009/320/0/d/Concept_Desert_Temple_by_Ravenseye1113.jpg"]Lumen Temple[/url] - The main dangers of visiting this temple dedicated to Adelilia is dehydration, heat stroke and many other desert dangers. Despite being deep within a desert, if one plans ahead and navigates correctly, the temple can be visited, prayed in for a few hours and then return to one of the two rivers with an hour or two of daylight to spare.

[url="http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2010/244/8/a/the_lost_temple_by_shadowtuga-d2xsssx.jpg"]Caelum Temple[/url] - Bireria's [acronym=minus all the creepy faces]temple[/acronym] is located at the end of his valley and is one of the most dangerous ones to get to. Normally blocked off to the world via a large tornado, only a few people know the secret to getting in. When one doesn't know the trick, most people have to wait for a very small, as in minutes, window to where the tornado is down just long enough for people fast enough to get into the temple before the wind wall kicks back up. When people enter via this way, they must prepare to spend a day or two at the temple as they wait for another opening to get back out.

[url="http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs47/i/2009/233/5/3/Underwater_Temples_by_james_coutts.jpg"]Aqua Temple[/url] - Lothadon's temple is the most difficult one to get to out of all of the others. Located underwater, people have 2 ways to getting in and out of the temple. The more popular way is to wait for a rare lower than low tide to come in and expose the temple enough to be able to walk in and pray for a few hours before the water level starts to rise back up. The second way is only possible if one has good enough diving skills. A small percentage of the locals are able to swim down to the temple and enter it before running out of breath. With how the temple is designed, most of the temple is filled with air, rather than water. But depending how many people have dove down to visit the temple, the oxygen might be too thin to support for a swim back up to the surface.

[url="http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/033/1/9/temple_of_life_by_mayemaya-d4ofdgt.png"]Vita Temple[/url] - This temple, belonging to Asedriron, is the easiest and most beautiful temple of them all to get to. Simply located in a cave, anyone is able to walk into the temple. But just because it's easy to get into, it doesn't mean it doesn't have its share of dangers. With this temple argued to be the center of the world's energy, aka life, flow, people with weak wills and loose grasps on reality have been known to lose themselves within this temple. This can lead to the person passing out as their body slowly shuts down as their energy leaves them to join in with the flow. Even using a buddy system, lives have been known to still be lost.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=General Classes and Ranks]The following are just general classes and [acronym=listed in ascending order]ranks[/acronym] found in all militaries and Holy Guard. When filling out your app, feel free to be anything you'd like. You don't have to stick with these. Classes can also be thought of as what your character does for a living, if that helps.

Knight Class:[list]
Mage Ranks:[list]
Priest Ranks:[list]
Archer Ranks:[list]
Ranger Ranks:[list]
[acronym=in case you're wondering, Fighters fight with their body, usually no weapons, and little to no armor]Fighter[/acronym] Ranks:[list]
Tamer Ranks:[list]

[indent=1]❧ All YCM Rules apply, including the Advance Clause. This is also a PG-13 RP, meaning language and some sexual references can be and most likely will be seen.[/indent]
[indent=1]❧ The host, me, has the final say in all significant decisions and can accept, deny, add or even remove people from the RP as seen fit.[/indent]
[indent=1]❧ If you are unable to post for a while for whatever reason, please let me know via either the OOC or IM.[/indent]
[indent=1]❧ This is a RP set in a medieval setting, so please, make your apps accordingly.[/indent]
[indent=1]❧ For now, until the popularity of this rp is figured out, everyone is allowed one character for now.[/spoiler][/indent]

[spoiler=App Form][u][b]Personal Info[/b][/u]
Character's Name:
Gender: (Male or Female. Not doing in betweens anymore.)
Origins: (What region you're from.)
Class: (Be creative! You don't have to stick with that's been already listed.)
Rank: (If n/a, just remove)
Appearance: (Spoiler please. If using a picture, please also have 2 lines describing details like height, weight, piercings, scars, etc along with it. Pretty much anything that makes your character a little bit more unique than the rest of them. If not using a picture, please do 5-ish lines and to make sure its detailed. Also, please be sure to describe if they wear any armor since there won't be a spot for it later in the app. This is obviously void if the armor is in the picture.)
Personality: (Spoiler please. 4 lines please. I'd ask for more lines, but I know how hard it is to be really detailed about a character you haven't even played as yet..)
Bio: (Same as personality. Please include why they're going on this trip and what they plan to do with Asedriron's Votum once the group has it.)
Misc: (Spoiler please. Optional. If not used, please remove.)

[u][b]Combat Info[/b][/u]
Main Weapon(s): (Spoiler please. If using a picture(s), please include how long your weapon(s) are. If you have multiple weapons, that's fine. But please, keep it below 3.)
Fighting Style: (Just a quick description will do. You don't have to be too detailed.)
Secondary Weapon(s): (Optional. If n/a, please remove.)
Other Equipment: (General supplies like food, water, etc. don't have to be listed. Its those unique ones that matter. If n/a, please remove.)
Abilities: (Spoiler please. This is not to be confused for magic. Magic is for the Mage class only. Abilities is for everyone. This is where you list special techniques your character has. If you're a tamer, this is where you list off what companions you have so far. And be creative with those companions! Anything is possible in this rp.)
Magic: (Spoiler please and for Mage Class only.)
Misc: (Spoiler please. This is for anything else you want to mention for the combat info but haven't found the appropriate place for it. Please remove if not using.)[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Host's App][u][b]Personal Info[/b][/u]
Username: Quɛnn Aisu
Character's Name: Sophia (no surname)
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Origins: Lympha
Class: Knight
Rank: Knight


Standing at 5'7", Sophia weighs in at about 195, including her armor and equipment. The one thing she is most proud about with her body is her hair that stops at her lower back. Speaking of her back, most of it is scarred due to a burn she received when she 3 years by a priest that went mad.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Personality]Sophia is a kind, but firm, person. Polite most of the time, the only time Sophia gets roudy and truly lets loose is when she's hanging out with her 'family' at The Crystal Mistress. While there, Sophia is often cracking jokes, singing bar songs, dancing, friendly sparring, etc. But it's how she is when away from The Crystal Mistress that the world mostly knows her.

Calm, polite and quick to help, Sophia is known for the fact that despite having done countless missions, she has only killed 8 people. Sophia refuses to kill someone unless it's been absolutely needed, believing that everyone deserves a second chance. Instead, Sophia gives them a near death experience which often leads them to changing their lives for the better. The ones that don't change their lives end up being killed by someone else on a later date. When that happens, Sophia plays for their soul before moving on.

Sophia's also renown for the fact that despite being 25 and having the body she has, she has never been on a date nor ever been in a relationship. When asked why, she always has the same answer, a shrug and "It's because no one has caught my eye yet.." This leads many people to think that Sophia thinks highly of herself and lowly of others, despite what they are and if they're higher rank or not. That, or they think she's far too busy with work and trying to make everyone else happy that she's ignoring her own happiness. Either way, Sophia tells the truth; no one has caught her attention yet.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Bio]Much of Sophia's origins is unknown to people, even to herself. All Sophia knows is that she was born in a church in Lympha and her mother died giving birth to her and her twin brother, who also died during birth. The church, seeing how Sophia had the Blessed Mark on her left shoulder, raised her until she was about 3 years old. When she was 3 years old, one of the priests went mad and began to burn something unto Sophia's back. Due to her growing up and the healing, what was burnt onto her back is unknown and to this day, the remaining priests there refuse to talk about that day and what happened.

A Holy Guard visiting the following day decided to take Sophia from the church and take her to the Kingdom to start her training, seeing how she had the birth mark on her left shoulder. Normally, children don't start their training for the Holy Guard until they're 8, when their old enough to decide if they want to be in the Holy Guard or not. Seeing as how Sophia was only 3, the Holy Guard 'adopted' her and educated her in not only knowledge, but in basics of fighting as well. 5 years after officially joining the training program, [acronym=now 13]Sophia[/acronym] had moved up from Page to Squire, beating the previous record for the youngest Squire by 2 years. Then, when Sophia was 19, she turned into a Knight 6 years before the average Squire->Knight age of 25. Now, being 25 years old, Sophia is about to embark on a journey to find Asedriron's Votum for 3 reasons. 1) The King has personally asked Sophia to do this. 2) The King says she will learn many secrets of this world and of her past. Finally, 3) She hopes to restore the King back to health.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Misc]Many people attribute Sophia quick raise in ranks to the fact that she was trained very early in life. While that may have a factor, the main reason for Sophia's quick ascension is because the person that mainly raised her was [url="http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/032/6/f/white_dragon_by_anhellica-d38k8ea.jpg"]Aibetta[/url], the 10' dragon that owns and chefs for The Crystal Mistress. Raising Sophia like a daughter, Aibetta taught Sophia much of the world and many techniques that most people wouldn't learn until later on in life.


Theme Song - [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6l6i8jGS8WM"]Lyra's Song[/url][/spoiler]

[u][b]Combat Info[/b][/u]
[spoiler=Main Weapon][acronym=as seen in appearance]Sword[/acronym]- This 4' long sword was made by Aibetta as a gift for Sophia's 21st birthday. Within the hilt guard is gem that allows Sophia to manipulate the wind just enough to give her bursts of speed and make her jump higher.[/spoiler]
Fighting Style: Sophia is an up close fighter, often using martial arts to fight with rather than her sword when she's fighting other people. If she's fighting an animal, she fights fiercely with her sword, often getting in the first strike to try to end things quickly.
[spoiler=Secondary Weapon][url="http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/105/c/0/Sinaa__s_Dagger_by_Aikurisu.jpg"]Dagger[/url]- Though hardly ever used, Sophia keeps this dagger with her for 2 reasons. 1) To remind her of her encounter with the Crimson bandit gang about 3 years back and 2) to use it on Crimson's leader for leaving her to die in an Ustrina desert with the dagger. In a non-lethal way, that is.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Other Equipment][acronym=fan-service time~]Shield[/acronym]- Sophia keeps a [url="http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120418092411/queensblade/images/thumb/c/c3/Annelotte_9.jpg/288px-Annelotte_9.jpg"]shield[/url] strapped to her right hip that she'll use once and a while when its needed.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Abilities][b]High Jump[/b]- Using the power of the gem that's in her sword, Sophia is able to jump as high as 10' if she needs to.

[b]Wind Boost[/b]- Also using the gem for this, Sophia is able to get a short burst of speed that lasts for about 3-4 steps.

[b]Asedriron's Bash[/b]- This isn't much different than a normal shield bash. But with this, Sophia puts a little bit of her energy into her shield as she performs a shield bash. This gives the bash a little bit more of a kick to it when it contacts. If it does make contact with anything, then a small energy wave comes off of it that's only effective within a foot or two from the shield.

[b]Adelilia's Barrage[/b]- Using the light reflecting off of her sword, Sophia slashes into the air. From there, slices of compressed light flies towards the direction she slashed her sword at, slicing through just about anything she wants it to.

[b]Aibetta's Warmth[/b]- Named after the dragon that filled in the role of Mother as she grew up, Sophia uses up some of her energy to excel the healing speed of either herself or a comrade for a few seconds.

[b]Psychometry[/b]- A relatively new ability for Sophia, starting about 5 years ago, this ability still isn't quiet mastered. By touching an object, Sophia is capable of 'seeing' the objects history. But since this is a relatively hard ability to master, all Sophia is able to do is slightly direct what memories she receives. As to the frequency of how often this happens, it's not pretty. Not at all..[/spoiler][/spoiler]

[spoiler=Accepted][spoiler=Wandering Artist - Issun]
[u][b]Personal Info[/b][/u]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Username: Wandering Artist - Issun[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Character's Name: Titus Aren[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Age: 28[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Gender: Male[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Origins: Solum[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Class: Thief[/size][/font][/color]

[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][Spoiler=Appearance][/size][/font][/color]
Titus is about 5'11" (Roughly 1.8m), and weighs a measly 120 pounds (Roughly 54.4kg). On both of his ears, he has very dulled jade earrings. He has a long scar running vertically across his left eye. He has two dark grey scraps of fabric wrapped around his wrists, similar to the pale red one around his waist. He carries several satchels on him, some concealed, at all times. Has a gold amulet studded with three rubies, which he keeps tucked away, and not worn.[/spoiler]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][Spoiler=Personality]Titus would seem like a relatively polite person, despite being a thief, to anyone who didn't know much about him. In reality, however, he's only polite by choice, to make himself seem like a good guy, so his intentions aren't obvious. He can just as soon turn to a rude tone, and spit in your face, if he feels the need. Even though his politeness is generally a ruse, he does have the ability to care for people, however few, to whom he does act with genuine kindness and concern. Naturally, being a thief, he is indeed very greedy, and would just as soon backstab someone he didn't need anymore, if he would otherwise have to split a treasure with them. Titus doesn't have much of a temper, and doesn't take insults harshly; he has a fairly high opinion of himself, so he refuses to buy into them anyways. The one thing that sets him off is people trying to touch his gold and ruby amulet, which is very dear to him.[/spoiler][/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][Spoiler=Bio]Titus lived, originally, a peaceful life in the capital city of Solum, but that didn't last all too long. When he was only twelve, his parents were both killed, one murdered, and the other mauled, forcing Titus into the streets. Being the only way he could think of to survive, he took to thievery, stealing food and such just so he could eat. He soon found he had a knack for thievery, and a few years later, began bigger jobs, stealing directly from peoples homes, taking whatever expensive he could find, and pawning it off, except for one thing - A gold and ruby amulet, which he couldn't help but feel was too important to sell. When he turned eighteen, he established himself as an "Obtainer of Items" for hire, who anyone could contact through a local inn, by asking for "A postman". He lived like this for a while, never getting caught, and just recently received, like most everyone else, a message about needing volunteers to find some sort of artifact to bring most any prayer true. He made his way for the inn described as quickly as possible, so he could get his hands on this thing. His desire was simple, he wanted money. Enough money to start his life over comfortably.[/spoiler][/size][/font][/color]

[u][b]Combat Info[/b][/u]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Main Weapon(s): Two average steel daggers, eight inches each, one hilt in red cloth, the other in blue, and scabbards vice-versa.[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][Spoiler=Other Equipment] [/size][/font][/color][color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Smoke Bombs.[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Vials of various poisons that can paralyze enemies, [/size][/font][/color][color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]destroy their thought process,[/size][/font][/color][color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3] destroy their insides, destroy their outsides, make them hallucinate, or just quicken their inevitable death. [/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Fighting Style: Prefers the art of stealth, opting for slitting enemies throats from behind, or the likes. If he must fight without stealth, he prefers to get as close to the enemy as possible, giving them little room to swing their weapon, and cut them to ribbons with his daggers.[/size][/font][/color][color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][/spoiler][/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][Spoiler=Abilities] Lockpicking and pickpocketing, primarily. He is an expert at hiding in the shadows, and at sneaking up behind people to kill them.[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]He is extremely agile, with incredible speed and dodging ability[/spoiler][/spoiler][/size][/font][/color]
[Spoiler=Hotaru987][u][b]Personal Info[/b][/u]
Username: Hotaru987
Character's Name: Helena De Caux
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Origins: Aura, Cesentium
Class: Assassin turned knight
Rank: Page

[spoiler=Appearance:] [img]http://i47.tinypic.com/oqga9t.jpg[/img]
Her over coat is usually half way zipped or open like in the picture. Helena is around 5'3, average female height, and holds a weight of 135, most of which is muscle mass. Helena doesn't take kindly to piercings, but she does have a few battle scars. The first marking on her body is the birthmark on her shoulder that would put her on the path of one of the Holy Knights. After that there is a lengthy scar across the front of her stomach. Some of the skin on the palm of her hand is darker indicating that she was burned. Even though she is with the Knight class she doesn't wear any armor. The reason being is she doesn't like to be weighed down. Helena only carries the least amount.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Personality:] Helena is a "go with the flow" kind of person. If she doesn't feel comfortable doing something, then she just won't do it, or she'll do it begrudgingly. She is very open with her feelings towards someone, telling them out right if she doesn't like them. Helena harbors a childish side, never liking to take things seriously and prefers to have fun no matter what she is doing. When it comes to missions she likes to take her time, often taking many detours and doing things her own way. Even so, she always gets the job done even if the outcome is messy or isn't as quick as the other party would have hoped. Very fickle minded, and never goes in with a plan, finding it more entertaining to wing everything going on pure instinct and intuition. Not very honor bound to The Kingdom and doesn't really care about it one way or another. However, she is honor bound by her word. If she says she will do something then she will, even if she was forced to agree.

When Helena is around Caiden her entire personality changes. Caiden, being only 4, doesn't know what Helena does so she puts away her assassin hat for a mother hat. She acts more mature, and less indecisive. She's assertive, and firm, but keeps some of her playful side to entertain her son. Because Caiden loves fairs and circus', having been raised in Cesentium, Helena uses a lot of her assassin skills to perform a few acrobatic tricks for him. She would do anything for her son, as long as it makes him happy and he has a good life. When it comes to her son, he always comes first. She would even go back on her word if she finds out that her actions would hurt her son in the long run. Everything that Helena does she always has her son in mind.

As for Sethen, the one who was put "in charge" of her, she finds it fun to tease him. She consciously tries to push his buttons, to make him angry or at least annoyed. It's not because she doesn't like him, quite the contrary actually. Even though she thinks it's annoying, and demeaning, that he's pretty much her babysitter - which was a smart choice for the current ruler - Helena doesn't think he's a bad person. She just likes to have her fun at his expense. If she really didn't like him, then Sethen would know. When he asks her to do something, she always gives him a hard time, by either talking back or simply complaining as if she were a child. Though in the end she ends up carrying out what he asked, but she is sure that Sethen would rather her do it without so much back talk.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Bio:] Helena was born in Cesestium, the capital of Aura. However, she would never grow up to enjoy the festive life there as she was abducted as a child by an unknown man. Helena never knew her parents, and even now she doesn't know whether they are alive or dead. Helena was taken to Ustrina, and started her training at 3 years old. The man that abducted her had taken some other kids as well in order to train them all in the ways of an assassin. The man was called Kiyoshi, and he had a personal vendetta against the Kingdom. He wanted to train an army in order to destroy the kingdom, and everything that they had built. So Helena trained under him, excelling at his training far more than the others he brought. She was put through rigorous tasks, sent out on dangerous missions and was worked harder than the rest. By the time she was 13 she had already surpassed Kiyoshi, having become stronger and faster than he could have ever hoped to be. For the next two years Kiyoshi used Helena to exact his revenge on the kingdom, killing the guards, destroying towns and disrupting trade routs. Anything he could think of Helena did. Unfortunately for Kiyoshi, Helena was become bored and tired of this. She didn't want to spend the rest of her life carrying out Kiyoshi's desire to sabotage the Kingdom, so in the dead of night she slipped into his room slaughtering him in cold blood.

While she felt a tinge of sadness at killing the closest thing she had to a father, she knew that if she didn't kill him he would track her down. He always said that if any of them wanted to leave they would need to kill him, otherwise he would track them down. Helena knew he wasn't bluffing, so she took him out. After that Helena became a freelancer, using the only skill she had; being an assassin. Now an assassin for hire she took whatever job that came her way. Her employers ranged from poor men, to rich aristocrats wanting to get rid of competition. As the years passed, Helena realized that some of Kiyoshi's animosity for the Kingdom rubbed off on her as she had neutral, sometimes negative, views on the kingdom.

Now 19 years old, Helena had made a name for herself as an accomplished assassin. When someone needed her assistance they could never find her. Instead Helena would hear about it, and then go to them. This way she couldn't be tracked down. She never stayed in one place too long, always moving around. It wasn't until she met Alkien, her first love and 5 years her seinor. Helena was taking a trip back to her home town, and literally ran into him, instantly struck by the love bug. They moved along quite quickly, and two years later Helena was already having a child by him. Sadly, he would never see his child as he was struck down by a sudden illness. His dying breath was the name of the child, Caiden for a boy, and Elenora for a girl. Staying true to that, Helena named her new son Caiden. After that she stayed in Cesentium in order to raise [url="http://tinypic.com/r/2435ahv/6"]Caiden[/url], now working again but a normal job.

It had been 4 years since the last time she took on a mission, when suddenly she was approached by a hooded man who apparently knew who she was. He didn't waste any time and asked her to do a job, her most dangerous one yet, to assasinate the Prince Edward who had recently taken the crown in place of his sick father. Helena was going to decline until she heard the amount he was willing to pay her. It would have her set for life, and this money she was making doing this normal job was just barely getting her by. She needed money for her son. She was already thinking of escape routs, and a place for her and Caiden to escape to afterwards. So she agreed, and she and Caiden traveled to The Kingdom. However her plan didn't go so well. She didn't even get close to the Prince before she was caught - the first time ever. Due to her act she was going to be executed immediately, however they say the special birthmark on her shoulder depicting her path of the Knight int he Holy army. After seeing this, the Prince Edward gave her the choice of joining the Holy Army or being killed. Safe to say she chose the latter, not wanting to be killed and leaving her son behind.

Must to her dismay she was given the title of a Page and put under the care of the Paladin Sethen. When the news of the search team for the Asedriron's Votum Helena was quick to answer the call. Hearing that Helena was also going, some of her old clients and new clients came to her, wanting her to steal the item and sell it to them. The money they are offering is twice sometimes 3 times as much as what she was offered to kill the Prince Edward. At the moment Helena is unsure of whether she will go along with it. Since the time she had been in the Holy Army, she had been getting sufficient money to take care of Caiden and she doesn't want to potentially mess it up. On the other hand, all that money would also be good. So as to what Helena will do when the time comes is unknown even to her.

While Helena is away Caiden is staying with [url="http://www.google.com/imgres?q=anime+girl&hl=en&gbv=2&tbm=isch&tbnid=LWRQ0Fr1OIoeyM:&imgrefurl=http://nurul-nurulshark18.blogspot.com/2011/04/cute-anime-girls.html&docid=yxp_m6cfSNtaRM&imgurl=http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-51kkXU6dC5U/Ta8ZOIDxktI/AAAAAAAAB5g/Cyc24VQibAs/s1600/anime%252BGirl%252BFlowers.jpg&w=400&h=535&ei=bfTjT_6FM4qi8QS7-YyACg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=569&vpy=4&dur=2158&hovh=260&hovw=194&tx=154&ty=141&sig=105978587492137533636&page=2&tbnh=164&tbnw=123&start=11&ndsp=17&ved=1t:429,r:3,s:11,i:120&biw=1252&bih=546"]Tyelna[/url]; a close, personal friend, and the only friend Helena would trust to watch over Kaiden.[/spoiler]
-Likes Spicy Foods
-Doesn't like sweets, but will eat them if Caiden offers it.
-Always kisses the picture of Caiden before going to sleep.
-Enjoys talking about Caiden
-Whenever she has the oppertunity she sends a letter back to Caiden[/spoiler]

[u][b]Combat Info[/b][/u]
[spoiler=Main Weapon(s):] [url="http://tinypic.com/r/adda45/6"]Sais[/url]: Helena's main weapon are two sais, which she keeps on either side of her on the holsters on her waist. They are made of steal that has been folded at least 100 times, making it almost as high grade as a katana's blade.

On the same belt that holds her Sai's, she also as a number of [url="http://tinypic.com/r/15wdv00/6"]throwing knives[/url] in the empty belt loops. She can hold about 10 throwing knives, five in the front and five in the back.

She also uses hand-to-hand combat moves. Not really a specific style, and more of a Mixed Martial art. However, boxing, taekwondo, Hapkido and acrobatics are mostly seen when she is fighting close combat.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Fighting Style:] Helena's fighting style is geared mostly to close combat. She utilizes, and depend on her speed ing both her movements and attacks. She can effectively get in and out of an opponents range of attack while still getting blows in herself. When it comes to long ranged fighters, her speed allows her to dodge their attacks, though depending on the long ranged weapon she is up against it may range in difficulty on how close she can get. If Helena believes that she can win without, or with minimal injuries then she will go right in. However, if she knows that there is no chance for her to win, then she will run away without a second though. The last thing she wants to do is die, and leave her son all alone.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Secondary Equipment:] On her right wrist there is a small bracelet like device that holds about a 30 foot long, thin, black wire. Helena usually uses this as a means of getting from place to place quicker, almost like a grappling hook.[/spoiler]
Other Equipment: On the inside pocket of her jacket she has a [url="http://tinypic.com/r/2dqw013/6"]lock picking kit[/url] that she always keeps on her.
[spoiler=Abilities:][b]Joint Cutter[/b]: With her sais in hand, Helena swiftly cuts at the numerous joins on the body slicing the ligaments causing them to be unable to move. If her opponent has armor on, then she will aim for the places where she can.

[b]Sai Whip: [/b]A green glow surrounds her sais, before the aura extends from the sais creating a "whip like" form that extends for about 3 feet.

[b]Heavy Pressure: [/b]When in close combat, and using her fist, she will move around the opponent quickly while delivering a number of quick jabs to the pressure points temporary immobilizing the opponent.

[b]Knife Barrage: [/b]Just as it sounds, Helena unleashes all of her throwing knives at the opponent while moving around in order to get the best shots - mostly if the opponent is wearing armor. However what's special about this is that, each knife she throws is surrounded by a green glow, and when it makes contact the knife explodes. Her aim is usually always true to her target, but everyone isn't perfect all the time.

[b]Dual Sai: [/b]Simply a rush in attack while Helena has both of her sai's equipped. She uses a mix of her Sai techniques as well as her martial arts skills.[/spoiler][/spoiler]

[spoiler='Justice Master'][b]Username:[/b] Justice Master
[b]Character's Name:[/b] Adrius Oskera (A-dree-ous Os-care-uh)
[b]Age:[/b] 22
[b]Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Origin:[/b] The Kingdom
[b]Class:[/b] Burglar

Standing at 6 feet and 3 inches tall and weighing 135 pounds, Adrius is a slender man who is void of much fat and muscle. On jobs, he won't wear his metal boots and gloves, but rather much smaller leather counterparts that gives him his 135 pounds. He only wears his expensive metal clothing(excluding his chest plate, which he always has on.) when in public areas, of course to indicate his wealth.[/spoiler]
[spoiler='Personality:']Adrius has been known to be quite shy and antisocial, like much his family before him. He rarely talks when not spoken to and makes sure to avoid long conversations. When he does talk, however, he keeps it short and sweet. Any conversation that's over about two sentences causes him to become extremely uncomfortable, in contrast to his already nervous nature when speaking to another. Along with his social inability to have a long speech with another without trying to end it multiple times, he cannot stand human contact. With his antisocial nature, he isn't very effected when it comes to one trying to seduce him beyond himself becoming very nervous, as always.

Interestingly, said hatred of human interaction could be attributed to the fact that his job requires him to be unseen by them and to be seen so easily already starts his heart to beat fast. Although he has these problems, he tries to be as polite as possible while not talking to anyone. He thinks little of his life as a burglar and sees himself, as his elders did, apart of the balence of the communities. He does love to travel, however, and loves the beauties of the landscapes. He uses his time in other places(known by the public or not) to steal an extra buck for the future son he will, most likely, not have.[/spoiler]
[spoiler='Bio:']After years of trying to have a child, the queer(if you take this incorrectly, I may have to kill you) and wealthy Oskera folks had finally had a baby boy to call their own. At a young age, Adrius was taught by his parents how to carry on the tradition of the Oskera family. While outsiders looked at the prosperous family and saw a bunch who's ancestors had created a timeless weapon, the holders of the name knew quite different. Years before Adrius' parents had even been born, Karil Oskera, master burglar, in an attempt to cover up her stolen wealth that she was using to buy a home in The Kingdom, altered records behind even the king's back and made it seem as her great grandfather was the blacksmith who made the modern broadsword, and that money he stored up was so much the family barely had to work at all. Karil, knowing that her lifetime of burglary couldn't make the lie hold up for very long after her passing, taught her son how to steal while avoiding commiting murder. For years had this family taught the next generation how to steal.

That brings us to young Adrius who became a burglar like his many forefathers. Taught by his father, he learned the many aspects of nonviolence, silence, and subtlety, but there was one thing his father taught him that he treated with utmost mental importance. That if you give people money, they have to spend it. People can't hold onto power. Knowing this, he disicplined himself into controling that side of him as much as he could. In later years, armed with his grace and skill in the subject of burglary, he easily became as good as Karil long before him. As his parents had him later in their life, they passed away from natural causes, but this was when Adrius was around 17 and in his profession he didn't keep close relationships with anyone, so it did little to effect him.

As an only child, he lives alone in a relatively large house. He found no need for companionship and felt that his life was perfect. He would take trips to different parts of the land, steal a bit and come back. He got so good and pickpocketing that he could steal a pouch of coins from someone he walked by down the street and they wouldn't even notice until a fair amount of time later. About a week ago, he had overheard a few people speaking of the job for (name of object here). Remembering the important lesson of his father, he felt a need to go on that journey and get his hands on the relic. He knew what had to be done and being around people for a little bit to defend the kingdom he held dear, he decided on one suitable thing to do. Destroy it. To cover up his true intent on the item, he plans to fund the expedition and tag along, knowing all the while that people there have wishes that should never be fulfilled.[/spoiler]
[spoiler='Misc:']-Is fond of baked food, more specifically, cookies.
-Slightly claustrophobic.
-Sleeps only 5 hours a day, at most.[/spoiler]

[u][b]Combat Info[/b][/u]
[spoiler='Main Weapon:']A small, light brown wood club he keeps on his belt. The club is blunt enough that it can knock someone out with one hit to the back of the head, however, it requires the user to be dangerously close to the enemy.[/spoiler]
[spoiler='Fighting Style:']Adrius' real problem is that he has never been trained how to really fight, and with his lack of a weapon like the sword on hand, he is very vulnrable. His whole stratagy is to get behind the opponent and knock them out with his club or just sneak past them.[/spoiler]
[spoiler='Abilities:'][u]Knowledge of traps:[/u] Having been a burglar for his whole life, Adrius knows many of the common traps and even seem not so common. While he is not known as a burglar publicly, his experties on traps is his only publicly known fact that relates to his profession.

[u]Masterful lock picking and pick-pocketing:[/u] His ability to pickpocket is unmatched, this being true as well for his lock picking. Due to his lifetime of preperation, he knows just about everything about the lock in its entirety. There is almost no lock that can keep him out.

[u]Silence and athletic ability:[/u] Adrius is amazing when it comes to climbing and related subjects. His athletics know no bounds. He's has been able to scale walls that seem to be flat. He's quick on his feet and, with his lack of wieght, can walk without making a single sound at all.

[u]Money:[/u] Although Adrius is an amazing burglar and his athletic abilities are at their peak, his outrageous wealth has always proven to be a powerful tool aswell, giving him easy transportation, the ability to buy any weapon, and any disguise or wardrobe one could imagine.[/spoiler][/spoiler]

[spoiler=Kyng][u][b]Personal Info[/b][/u]
Username: Kyng
Character's Name: Jedediah "Jed" Rutherford
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Origins: Ustrina
Class: Bandit
Rank: Captain



Average in height and build, no more than 5'11" and 170 pounds, Jed's stature is best identified by both his very noble and extravagant, yet peculiarly loose and light wear, to which he uses such with extreme efficiency during combat; in addition to this, his eye-patch covers what appears to be a scarred [url="http://galdrnet.com/runes/images/lust.jpg"]runic symbol[/url], from top to the bottom of the iris, passing through the centre of the pupil, into his very right eye, which is in fact the curse placed upon him. Of course, his crucifix ear ring means nothing of his faith and he also is adorned in an under-shirt which, tightly fastened upon him, keeps the warm bits warm and the cool bits cool.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Personality:]Often doing nothing beyond rolling dice and throwing cards, Jed finds life an absolute bore at times. He does not enjoy being in a position whereby he cannot react, and in restricting situations he will often play a flamboyant manoeuvre in order to gain the upper hand, especially if it has a high risk chance to it. When outside of a dull scenario, Jed is often found to be very cunning, and exceptionally witty. Furthermore, he has quite the silver tongue, as his magic with words has distorted, or simply confused many people around him. Disregarding this, his repertoire as one of the most wanted men, his current sentence as being hung 'til death, and yet his ability to walk around in broad daylight simply states of his intimidating demeanour, despite his manner being far from intimidating. He does not admire the altruistic lifestyle, and rather enjoys hustling in the bar, and by far beats to his own drum as former leader of the Crimson Bandits; despite this, he can, and will, rise to any and all situations.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Bio:]As the son from the Ustrina Region's famous noble family, the Rutherfords, Jed was born with the silver spoon and the whole shabang. It went without saying that, being born into the Region's Prime Metal Manufacturer as well as proprieter of the major chains of said Metal manufacturing, Jed's life as a child was passing by swimmingly. He didn't have a worry in the world, anything he wished would be granted by his parents, but unlike most wealthy children this wasn't enough for Jed. He wasn't a spoilt brat at all, he didn't like the hand-outs, and they became more and more and more; it was natural that he wanted to earn his way, but most of this routed from boredom in the sense that, even working at the steelworks or the mines wouldn't give him the thrill, because he would always, always get the bail out.

He needed risks, he lusted for excitement, and thus he soon made quick from his home, stealing his father's prized possesions amongst the many of them, as he left the Rutherford house, age 16, ready to make his way across the world as an Adventurer, to go on adventures like the legendary heroes of lore. However, his life changed drastically coming across an old, heterochromic elder, to which he refers to as a Shrew, whom offered him a chance to be desired no matter where he went: naturally, male ego accepted the proposal, however Jed didn't realize, himself, the very nature of this curse, his eye permanently scarred and, as such, cursed with the Shrew's rune, his eye a dubious weapon which, though used at times effectively, has backfired horrendously.

An example of it's effective use was during the time Jed 'persuaded' the Bandit Captain of the Golden Gryphon Gang, securing him a place in the band initially as a rookie, however finding a delicious taste for crime he soon, easily, rised up in the ranks, and little by little impressed others to such an extent, he was eventually surrounded with his own crew within a crew of bandits, beggars, thieves and crooks. It went without saying he rose to the ranks of Lieutenant, and making use of his dastardly cunning mind, he blinded the Gang's leader to what eventually rose up to be a mutiny, Jed's manipulated mercenaries making quick work of the remaining Gang, and as such, taking the black and golden gryphon emblemed flag, coated in a thick coat of blood, he held the flag high and became Leader of one of the most vicious Bandit Gangs alive: Crimson.

As leader, he made quick waste of any opposition, thwarting others into submission and conquering territory for his own gain, and in doing so came across young Moira on her travels. The obvious initial reaction was the typical rape 'n' slaughter, but Jed sensed something different about the lass, and rather than letting his crew deal with her, he placed her in high regard, and ranking in Crimson's hierarchy, smirking with pride as he groomed the girl into becoming his own prodigy, a lethal and dangerous bandit after his own heart.

A very little known encounter was with the Holy Guard's own Sophia. Easily outnumbered, Crimson preyed upon a trading caravan with various riches which so happened to include an Orichalcum Sword, which Sophia herself was protecting. Three days since the event, rather ill of the idea of her being a bounty, Jed exiled Sophia in the vast volcanic deserts of Ustrina for dead, leaving her belongings alongside her, as well as a single dagger just in case she needed it; Jed, himself, was eager to fight Sophia, but rather than such he simply opted with his band doing his dirty work.

A fairly recent chain of events occured, with Jed discussing with his Lieutenant Moira about ditching Crimson, and seeking the fabled Asedriron's Votum, which opted him the chance for anything he wished: being the manipulative b*stard he was, of course he intended to take advantage of the situation by using the Votum to grant him Perfect Immortality, alongside his Lieutenant and the future Crimson Devils Gang. An Immortal Bandit King, he lusted the title, and he's willing to lie, cheat, and steal his way to the throne he knows that is rightfully his, because there is no army which could ever contend with Perfect Immortals.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Misc][b]Jed's Combat Theme[/b] - [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8TgLqVkbu7w"]Chaotic Battlefield[/url]
[b]Favourite Colour[/b] - Red
[b]Favourite Animal[/b] - Fox
[b]Favourite Brew[/b] - Hangman's Rum[/spoiler]

[u][b]Combat Info[/b][/u]
[spoiler=Main Weapon(s):][b]Orichalcum Sword:[/b]Jed carries a black Claymore, guard-less and peculiarly designed grip, which is made of the Fabled metal of Orichalcum. Mastering the mysterious weapon's demeanour, he has since been able to make use of it's light weight and incredible density to thrash his opponents around, and does so with a smile.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Fighting Style:]Jed is a very cunning and witty fighter, and often does not have to even resort to using his signature weapon when fighting. With his average frame, he does not have the greatest offensive ability, however his deceiving intelligence makes up for it, as well as his all around attributes. What makes Jed different from the rest is his nature to disregard etiquette of combat and, as such, he resorts to foul play and loves doing so. From simple slander to eye raking and blinding, even hostages and torture, Jed's bandit ways make a prominent difference in battle.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Secondary Weapon(s):][url="http://www.realswordmaster.com/product_images/s/160/Fighting_Dragon_Fantasy_Dagger_Knife_Red_Smaill_Edition__01224_zoom.JPG"][b]Rutherford's Knife:[/b][/url] Disregarding the absolute beauty of this expensive dagger, Jed makes use of it very well, it's tip permanently crimson from the number of lives it had ended. He wields this with prominence, almost as deadly as his sword, and needless to say he nicked it from his parents.
[b]Sandbag:[/b] A bag, usually filled with sand but optional replacements are possible, is used by Jed for blinding his opponent in a quick dose of sand, very effective for his dastardly tactics.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Abilities:][b]Cat's Feet:[/b] Simple dexterity has entrusted Jed the talent to land on his feet with ease.
[b]Cursed Eye:[/b] Inducing enemies in Subliminal Seduction to whom gazes upon his cursed right eye (covered by the eye-patch) Jed can easily use such a power to turn women into putty in his hands. This, unfortunately for Jed, works on whoever gazes upon it, partially the reason why it is covered.
[b]Silver Tongue:[/b] Jed's cursed eye has induced, upon him, a rather peculiar moveset; amongst those, Jed's words can often be used to caress someone's ears in order to bend them to his will, so long as he does it just right, of course.

[spoiler=Enrise][u][b]Personal Info[/b][/u]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Username: Enrise[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Character's Name: Lex "Enrise" Nightblade[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Age: 29[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Gender: Male[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Origins: The Kingdom (specifically, the Vita Temple)[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Class: Battlemage[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Rank: Battlemage[/size][/font][/color]

[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][spoiler=Appearance:][/size][/font][/color][img]http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs50/i/2009/313/6/5/LoZ_Series__Fierce_Deity_by_Wes_Talbott.png[/img]
[size=3][color=#696969]Disregarding the shown facial tattoos and glowing eyes (and the, um, elf ears), Lex dons a tattoo of a moon on his forehead. His birthmark stretched from the outer parts of his right eye, down to (not shown) the tip of his right shoulder. His eyes like a cold black stare, but as calm and quiet as a new moon. Currently, over his armor, he wears a dusty old cloak, covering him from neck down, draping onto the floor.[/color][/size][color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][/spoiler][/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][spoiler=Personality: ][/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Generally a quiet person, Lex is sometimes regarded as a mute; despite the lack of validity of this statement, he does express the idea most of the time, only give either few worded phrases, or just simple expressed noises (like a grunt for example). Although, there are times where he does speak like a normal person, usually when he stumbles across something he finds fascinating, or when an explanation is needed for others, even in the midst of battle, but for most reasons, it's when he talks to anyone but a human (say, an animal, or a dragon). Despite his quiet personality, he's a calm and caring person, usually giving the kindness he has to those who deserve it. While usually calm, if a fight among allies is destructive, he will do any means to stop the conflict.[/size][/font][/color][color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][/spoiler][/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][spoiler=Bio:] Before his birth came to mind, his father, Sirius Knightblade, a well-known Knight in the Holy Guard, embarked on a personal quest of sorts, to gain enlightenment on the world; to understand his place in the world, the world itself, y'know, the typical reasons why someone would go to such great lengths. His mother, Lilith Vendressa, who was just as famous as Sirius, but as a Mage, embarked upon the same type of quest as well, for the same reasons. Though the two did not know each other personally, they met up at the land of Lympha, specifically the capital of Hibianya. When they met, they were ambushed by a gang of highly trained bandits, sent to kill them. Fortunately, the two prevailed over these bandits, and a significant bond was forged in the fire of the ambush; their feelings grew more and more complex towards each other. Although they did not want their love for one another to be known, they each went their separate ways until they could bear the weight of such a love.[/size][/font][/color]

[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]It was a few years later, during a one-on-one combat session, their feelings for each other were shown by sheer accident. While they were sparring, one of Lilith's spell went horribly haywire, almost putting her life in danger. Stopping all desire for combat, Sirius threw his blade to the side, and charged after her, hoping to save her. Grabbing her scythe, and tossing it to his blade, he hoped that a kiss would calm the spell. Whether or not this was against regulation wasn't the question, they just didn't know how to go about resolving it. Sure, a few soldiers cheered them on, but had they ever been in love before till now? No. A true love, some would call it.[/size][/font][/color]

[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Several months passed since Lilith's endangerment, and Sirius' brave attempt to save her, he traveled to Hibianya; he finally thought he could bear the weight of the love they shared. Strangely enough, while he was at Hibianya, he met up with Lilith. Eventually, after many years together at the capital, they ventured to the Vita Temple, where they married, taking the name of Nightblade; this was also the place where their son, Lex Nightblade, was conceived. [/size][/font][/color]

[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Nine months later, returning to Vita Temple, was when Lex was born into the world, a healthy child. When born however, most who are Holy Guard worthy, have a birth mark on their head, shoulder, or a specific place, chosen to be one of the desired classes. Lex was born with a birthmark spreading from his right eye to his right shoulder. Some said it was a scar of sorts, others a sign from the Divine Dragon, [/size][/font][/color][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][color=#5A5A5A]Asedriron. The parents decided not to worry about it till the time came. For now, a health baby that would live long and prosper was all they wanted.[/color][/size][/font]

[font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][color=#5A5A5A]Several years later, when Lex approach the age of 13, his parents told him about his birthmark, what some believed, and so forth. He took the same stance as his parents; it mattered not if this was from Asedriron or not. If he chose to give Vivec a birthmark of such, then so be it. It was not Lex's place to debate. Instead of worrying about his birthmark differences, he took up the sword and spell at that age, wanting to be like his parents; a Battlemage he called it, the integration of the spell and sword.[/color][/size][/font]

[font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][color=#5A5A5A]Years passed since his involvement with the magical arts and study of swordsmanship, and he has rigorously raised from being a simple Adept of the arts to the class of Battlemage, granted the knowledge to learn more powerful spells, learn more things about the world. It was also when he inherited his parents' weapons, the Sword of the Moon and the Scythe of Nocturne.[/color][/size][/font]

[font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][color=#5A5A5A]When his age came to be, he decided not to join the Holy Guard at first, for the confusion of the birthmark specifically. Instead, he set out on his own, seeing the world on a first hand basis prior to joining the Holy Guard, where he would still remain hesitant on joining. He traveled to each of the other Temples, including the Vita Temple, and devoted his time to the Divine Dragons.[/color][/size][/font]

[font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][color=#5A5A5A]When he learned of the [/color][/size][/font][color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Asedriron's Votum from a Knight known as Sophia, he took haste into finding out what this object was. Learning that it had the power to realize almost any prayer, he felt that it would be a horrid thing to this world, and desired it's riddance. He was only thankful to the Divines that the artifact has yet to be found. He believe that with this artifact, the world itself could go in disarray, whether the object's power was true or not. While it may be true the object could do good, it could more easily be used for wrong intentions. Bring back the deceased, taking over an empire, learning the secrets of the world, so on. His new goal was to find the artifact, and, perhaps if possible, destroy it.[/spoiler][/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][spoiler=Misc:][/size][/font][/color][list]
[*][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][color=#5A5A5A]Doesn't condone any kind of alcoholic drinks or narcotics that destroys the human body from the inside.[/color][/size][/font]
[*][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][color=#5A5A5A]Has significant taste buds, he enjoys almost any kind of food/drink (save alcohol and the few foods).[/color][/size][/font]
[*][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][color=#5A5A5A]Has a significant love for animals (no reason given).[/color][/size][/font]
[*][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][color=#5A5A5A]Has a wider library of knowledge of the world than any off the mill traveler.[/color][/size][/font]
[*][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][color=#5A5A5A]The reason he's a bit of a mute is that, travelling the world alone has left him that way. With no one to talk to, his mouth has only opened to the tastes of the world, and to share the same air as animals (and even talking to animals).[/color][/size][/font][color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][/spoiler][/size][/font][/color]
[u][b]Combat Info[/b][/u]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][spoiler=Main Weapon(s):][/size][/font][/color][list]
[*][color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Scythe of Nocturne - A 5' 3" long scythe, its properties are induced by the long ebony base that helps conduct energy to and fro, and a very captivating blade it had; made from the purest metal know to date, it's harvesting of energy comes naturally. Though the original usage of the scythe was to be a harvester of energy, to power one's spells or weapons, it can also be used as a weapon. Inherited by his mother.[/size][/font][/color]
[*][color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Sword of the Moon - 4' 2" claymore made from the purest metals, it was said to be created during a Winter Solstice on a Full Moon. However, the story is a legend, and no one knows how to prove the validity of this legend. However, despite that, it's bestowed on a great gift of magic, rendering weak magic attacks to useless, and absorbed by the sword. At the base of the blade, is an inscription of an unknown language. Some believed that this was an act of nonsense, not having any meaning. Some believe otherwise. Inherited by his father.[/size][/font][/color][color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][/spoiler][/size][/font][/color][color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Fighting Style: Adaptive to the situation of fight, he doesn't have a specific fighting style; thereof, if his actions require close-combat or distant spell casting, he will do what is necessary.[/size][/font][/color][color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][spoiler=Abilities:][/size][/font][/color]
[*][size=3][color=#696969]Integration - He is able to "transfer" his strengths to and fro of his sword and spell. To be more accurate however, all this really does is either strengthen his physical dominance, while weakening his magical prowess, and vice versa.[/color][/size]
[*][size=3][color=#696969][color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Asedriron's Gates - A technique that is only mastered through the knowledge of the enlightened; one who has seen the world for what it is, they will not have as much trouble as the average learner. The belief of this technique is said that, since Asedriron controls all forms of energy, there is a gate for each form of energy (i.e. Water, Air, Fire, Light, etc.). When a gate is open, the energy around the user becomes laced with the gates' power. In example, if the gate of Wind is opened, the energy will become wind-like; battles that would normally occur on land will then feel like they are battling inside a tempest created by [/font][/color][/color][/size][color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Bireria himself. However, the possibility of Lex of mastering it at this time is nigh. He has only seen the surface of the world; therefore he has not mastered it, nay, scratched the surface of this ability. Records show that those who have been in possession of this ability, theorize that not all forms of energy have been found, so the ability has yet to reach its full potential. The validity of this theory has not been confirmed, especially by Asedriron himself, the creator that rules all forms of energy.[/size][/font][/color][color=#696969][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][/spoiler][/size][/font][/color][color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][spoiler=Magic:][/size][/font][/color]
[*][color=#696969][size=3]Moon Blood - A healing trait that's at it's most powerful in the night, especially during a Full Moon, or dark places.[/size][/color]
[*][color=#696969][size=3]Basic magic spells - Basic spells that lower class spellcasters are able to use, such as Fireball, Lightning Bolt, and whatnot[/size][/color]
[*][color=#696969][size=3]The 88 Incantations of Sealing- A very tedious and highly complicated spell to prepare, it drains nearly all magical presence of the user if they are a Battlemage or higher. For the untrained spellcaster, it could not only drain all magical energy, but also heavily fatigue the user, possibly leading them to serious side effects (long lasting headaches, strained body, etc), and possibly even death. It's an unorthodox sealing technique, tearing the soul from the target's body. This technique lasts as long as the caster is alive, so if they die, they can either pass the role of the sealer to another person, or let the world suffer the wrath of the one who was sealed (although, this only applies to an evil overlord who has the potency of destroying the world, not some bandit). While this sealing is in effect, the soul is left to wander the world, unable to accomplish nothing, or rather, do nothing. The sealing is permanent when the body naturally decays and becomes a part of nature once again, but the sealing is still temporary if the body is destroyed by unnatural means (i.e. forced burning, mutilation of the body, so forth). To prepare the spell however, the caster must create a circle around the target, which can be either a simple task, or a nearly impossible task. When the circle has been created, a blood offering must be made (whether a minimal drop of blood or an extensive body limb; a whole body for the willing), to strike a contract between the magic of the sealing and the caster, linking their life forces together. However, the chance of success is also dependent on the blood offering. A few drops of blood may have a small chance, while a limb may have a higher chance (about half-time success); offering a body will almost guarantee the success rate. However, despite a body being offered, the caster can't use his own body (otherwise the spell will be nullified), and using another body will also result in a void attempt of a contract between the caster and the magic of the sealing technique. Thus, the caster must at least offering a drop of blood, to seal the contract (the body in this case is used to increase the success probability).[/size][/color]
[*][size=3][color=#696969]The 24 Destruction Spells - A highly destructive spell that combines 24 different kinds of destruction spells (hence the name). The conflicts the spells may pose against themselves however, contributes to the possible instability of the spell itself, which can not only damage the target, but the user as well, and even the area surrounding the them. But, despite the instability it poses, its still highly dangerous, and it features spells ranging from simple lightning to firestorms, to rocks being thrown at you to balls of darkness being shot at you. When casting, a giant spell circle appears infront of the caster, facing the target, containing 24 symbols (one for each spell), and other fancy schamncy arcane stuff. The spell is has a moderate time consumption, but the toll it takes is massive, draining all current magical energy [/color][/size][color=#696969][size=1]of the user.[/size][/color]
[*][color=#696969][size=1]Arcane [/size][/color][size=3][color=#696969]Imbuing - Used to implant high amounts of arcane energy into weapons or body parts, it has several uses: to increase the strength of the physical attacks, increase magical potency of a spell, or both. Unlike other spells, if the attack misses its target, the energy disperses.[/color][/size]
[*][size=3][color=#696969]Bind - Not an attack, but a spell that halts or limits the movements of the target. The spell appears as a chain, and is nigh indestructible.[/color][/size][color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][/spoiler][/size][/font][/color][color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][spoiler=Misc:][/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]It took years of solitude, study, and practice, for Lex to learn advanced spells, much like the 88 Incantations of Sealing and the 24 Destruction Spells; likewise for ability Asedriron's Gates. The only difference between the ability and the magical spells is that he has a less chance of success with Asedriron's Gates because of the lack of enlightenment required to master the technique. That still does not mean his chances of success with the advanced magics are guaranteed.[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][/spoiler][/size][/font][/color][/spoiler]

[spoiler=Admiral_Stalfos19][u][b]Personal Info[/b][/u]
Username: Admiral_Stalfos19
Character's Name: Noah Lyman
Age: 19
Gender: [acronym='Wait, what? We can't gender bend any more? Nawww... 8(']Female[/acronym]
Origins: The Kingdom
Class: Necromancer
Rank: [acronym='During the course of the RP, Noah WILL upgrade into a Revenant, the highest rank in which one of the Necromancer class can achieve. However, due to a conflict with her personality and the task required for her to do so, this won't happen until a reasonably late stage in the RP.']Necromancer[/acronym]

^image credit goes to lenored

Noah is rather tall for a young woman, standing at 5' 9", and weighs a respectable 63kg. However, the vast majority of the flesh in her body is in her bosom and buttocks, which in turn gives the rest of the body a look of nothing but skin and bone. Her body frame seems to follow the pear shape, her [i]exact[/i] Bust-Waist-Hip measurements being 35-26-41, but the blue dress she wears gives plenty of emphasis on the bust, even going so far as to provide plenty of cleavage, and is designed to make an effort of concealing her oversized buttocks enough so that they don't draw [i]all[/i] the attention of her figure. The dress that Noah wears also has a black wing-like "sleeve" stitched on the back, which she throws over her right shoulder. Noah's hair is [i]technically[/i] blond, but so much colour has been drawn out of it that it appears white to the naked eye, and almost shears the same colour as her skin, which of course is meant to be beige like most everyone else. The irises of the eyes are blood red, and they always manage to give off a look of pure venom, even if Noah only means a neutral look. The eyelid of the right eye appears to have been bruised, and Noah has a second bruise around her stomach, as well as a series of cuts around her waist area and back, and a nasty stab wound above her left breast, which is awfully close to her heart.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Personality:]In the end, Noah will [i]always[/i] be looked at as selfish. She tends to think highly of herself, and she can spite just about anyone at all, making enemies with good and evil people alike. Noah will either do something because she wants to or not do something because she doesn't want to. There's no middle ground with her on that subject, a matter of which she's [i]viciously[/i] stubborn about. However, once in a blue moon, there comes a time where Noah turns around [i]completely[/i], feeling a sense of weakness within herself, and becoming all heartfelt and overcome with sorrow, even to the point where she sheds tears for no apparent reason. Why exactly she feels this way is unknown; it could be because she feels a sense of remorse from time to time, or it could be because this feeling is actually a façade, allowing her a chance to manipulate people as she sees fit. One thing for sure is that the best way to [i]truly[/i] know her is to take advantage of this so-called "outofcharacterness". And be quick about it, because it doesn't last long, and Noah eventually turns back to her normal, selfish and spiteful self without even the slightest warning. Note that Noah is on the slightly lesbian side of bisexualism, and is part necrophiliac too.

During combat, Noah tries to refrain from killing her enemies too quickly. This isn't because she's a hesitant fighter though; it's because she's a sadist at heart, preferring to ensure her enemies' deaths are as tormenting and as excruciatingly painful as possible. She also tends to throw conscience to the [i]wind[/i] when she's fighting, continuing her relentless assault on her enemies even as they give in and plead for mercy. She's [i]especially[/i] sadistic towards bandits and other criminals, as she believes the world would be better off with every single one of them dead. Noah would rather walk around stark naked than with any body armour, as she believes this will only slow her down. She'd also rather walk around stark naked than with a bloodied dress, which ironically leads to her taking her dress off and moving it out of the way before getting up close and personal with her intended weapon. This is especially the case when she only has The Spine Ripper as her current weapon, assuming the wand has been knocked out of her hand or stolen from her. Although she's not thrilled about killing her enemies right off the bat, what she [i]will[/i] focus on doing as soon as possible is paralysing and disarming all of them, so that she can take all the time in the [i]world[/i] to kill each one individually. Due to her selfishness, she will also try to use her allies as meat shields if she comes under heavy fire, even from multiple and/or strong projectiles such as a volley of heavy crossbow bolts.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Bio:]The first 12 years of Noah Lyman's life went relatively smoothly. The Lyman family had a lot of wealth, but then again, citizens within The Kingdom always [i]would[/i]. Noah always be able to obtain whatever it was that she desired, and her parents would rarely have any difficulties even [i]finding[/i] that something being available for sale, never [i]mind[/i] purchasing it. She was in for a happy life, until a group of bandits, disguised as merchants so they could enter The Kingdom no problem, had been plundering from civilians all over, including the Lyman family. The parents were killed instantly, but the lives of Noah and her older sister were spared... only so the bandits could use the poor girls as their [i]personal[/i] living sex toys. Both of them had to raped, then forced to make out with one another and then raped again, until Noah had suddenly threw up half-way through, and was punished for this with a swift boot to the chest. Noah was then ordered to lick the innards of her sister's genitals, but she flat-out [i]refused[/i]. Nothing was going to make her co-operate with the bandits any more, as they kicked her in the chest again, punched her in the eye, whipped her, and one of the bandits even stabbed her just above the heart with his dagger, all of this to no avail. In a final attempt to get Noah's co-operation, the other bandit had murdered her sister in cold blood.

But that achieved the wrong effect [i]completely[/i]; Noah had gained enough adrenaline to pry herself from the bandits' grasp and escape with her life, continuing to run until she was far away from home where it had all happened. Days passed at a time until a necromancer by the name of Merrick Aeolus, who was making his way to the Vita Temple, had found Noah collapsed on the ground, naked, cut and bruised from the attack and ridden of energy due to exhaustion. Merrick had since taken Noah under sanctuary, where she could recover from the whole ordeal. She even gotten a new dress, which she seemed to like the look of. But nothing she could do at that stage could bring back her sister. Noting that seeing her sister again was what Noah wanted most of all, Merrick suggested that she start learning the art of necromancy, and thus she started out as an Acolyte, as with every other Necromancer. Noah was quick to learn that unlike the other classes, Necromancers don't advance ranks naturally. Instead, those training to become Necromancers must perform a series of tasks to advance ranks; but because of the nature of these tasks, some said that even advancing from Acolyte to Death Greeter would take a heart of stone. However, Noah was quick to advance from Acolyte to Death Greeter, as she didn't care [i]whose[/i] blood she had to spill at this point of her life. In fact, Noah advanced within the first 3 months of training, before her 13th birthday had come around.

During the course of her Acolyte training, Noah had mainly been trained in the use of the dagger, as well as some more defensive physical manoeuvres; the latter of which would be used in case the enemy would get too close to her, and the former of which in case her wand would be knocked out of her hand or stolen. She did [i]learn[/i] about some of the spells that Necromancers were known to use, but that was only through theory, for the moment. Transition from Acolyte to Death Greeter was all too easy; all Noah had to do was stab someone in the heart in front of the class, which she, unlike most others, had no problem with. But the transition from Death Greeter to Necromancer was a bit more daunting. To prepare for this task, Noah spent some time mastering a few of the spells that she thought would help her cause, now being taught the use of her wand. Finally, at the age of 17, she was ready to take on the task; to kill a dragon, with the help of only a [i]small[/i] army of warriors, and then eat its heart. To ensure the warriors would actually [i]help[/i] kill the dragon, Merrick had cast a spell that would allow him to take control of the dragon, and immediately sent it to attack the village closest to its den. However, the dragon was not meant to damage the village too heavily; it was just meant to cause enough of a ruckus to entice the villagers into believing they were under attack, which in turn led them to ring the town bell. As per the requirement of the "exam", Noah also had to wait until every single one of the warriors were slain before she could attack the dragon, at first only being able to watch as they were killed one by one. Eventually, the dragon was killed a while after Noah joined the fray.

However, there still came the task of eating the heart, which as Noah found out a little too late for her liking, continued to beat and pump blood even as it was removed from the body. Not wanting to get any blood on her dress, Noah [i]insisted[/i] that someone help take it off for her, as her own hands had been bloodied from handling the heart. It was tough going, as the heart was tough to chew, and it still beating gave the feeling of it squirming inside Noah's throat. At last she managed to get it down, but she had become ill for the next 4 days, and ended up not eating a morsel of [i]anything[/i] during this temporary illness. Still, she had advanced a rank nonethelehass, from Death Greeter to Necromancer. However, that's where her rank advancing desire had come to a grinding halt, as she found out the [i]final[/i] task before she could advance to Revenant, which didn't turn out to be to her liking; far from it to tell the truth. Yet she still took at least [i]some[/i] training as a Necromancer, learning to cast her spells without the need of her wand... at the cost of some of her life force. Perhaps that was why she had to eat the dragon's heart, so that casting spells that way would even be [i]possible[/i]. But when Noah hit the age of 18, Merrick was running out of things to teach her, until he had finally set her off into the world, to go about her own way.

It was shortly after she [i]left[/i] Merrick's sanctuary that Noah came across the same bandits that ended the best life she ever had, but [i]this[/i] time she was prepared to make them [i]pay[/i] for it. Unaware of how powerful she had become, the bandits had tried to plunder from Noah once again, only this time they never had a chance to do so much as draw [i]close[/i] to her... well, at least not before she suddenly decided she was an 8-year-old girl with a magic wand, that was. Just before their inevitable demise, however, the bandits had mentioned Asedriron's Votum, a powerful artefact known to answer any prayers true. Realizing she could [i]use[/i] such an artefact, Noah demanded more information from the bandits, reminding them that she was in a [i]perfect[/i] position to torture the [i]hell[/i] out of them if that was what she had to do to get them to spit it out already. And then she killed them, just as she promised that she'd spare their lives... which was [i]clearly[/i] a lie, as she had [i]no[/i] intention of leaving alive the very persons that changed her life forever; for the [i]worse[/i]. However, intrigued by Asedriron's Votum, Noah decided to tag along with the expedition... if only because acquiring such an artefact might allow her to summon a gargantuan army of undead warriors; [i]perhaps[/i] even large enough for Noah to bring about Armageddon if she so wanted to. If [i]that[/i] wouldn't have her prove she was amongst the most powerful Necromancers in the world, [i]nothing[/i] would.[/spoiler]
Theme Song: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dbLQhzsJG0A"]Otherworld, from the FFX Official Soundtrack[/url]

[u][b]Combat Info[/b][/u]
[spoiler=Main Weapon:][b]Carin Shard[/b]

Noah's main weapon. It doesn't deal much damage if used to strike enemies, although it would probably hurt if one was poked in the eye, but that's not the way Noah uses it; she uses it properly, waving it around in a similar manner that a Mage would swing his or [i]her[/i] wand, assuming he or she has one. Although the outside of the Carin Shard is made of glass, it is filled with a mixture of dragon blood and the glowing energy from the Vita Temple itself, all inside two tubes of 9 inch glass plaided together with a 4 inch glass handle. Below is an image of its appearance.

^Image Credit goes to BonsaiHinoki[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Secondary Weapon:][b]The Spine Ripper[/b]

A dagger that Noah mostly uses for ritualistic purposes, but can as a weapon in case her wand is knocked out of her hand. The dagger itself is immensely large for a dagger, as it's total length measure out to be a sizeable 15 inches, making it comparable to the blade of a short sword. It is coated with an aura that allows any blood that comes in contact with the blade to retain its moisture, which in turn lets Noah use this blood for some of the various spells under her disposal. The blade in its entirety, including the teeth that run along the edge after the first 4 inches, is made of a steel that is strong enough for the dagger to catch onto any bone within the skeleton of the intended victim, human or otherwise, and then rip that bone out of the body. Hence why it's known as The Spine Ripper; the wielders of this weapon would often target the back bones or neck bones. Below is an image of what [i]exactly[/i] the hilt of The Spine Ripper looks like.

^Image Credit goes to KGBigelow[/spoiler]
Fighting Style: Noah doesn't tend to move much at [i]all[/i] during combat, the commonly seen movements being waving her wand arm, stepping back if need be and gesturing for any allies to move forward so that [i]they[/i] take the knocks for her. But if an enemy gets too close to Noah, she [i]may[/i] try to kick that enemy in the face or around the loin area, but only if "the situation [i]calls[/i] for it". Noah relies heavily on her wand, and if it gets knocked out of her hand or stolen, then she'll do [i]anything[/i] in an attempt to get it back, just as long as it doesn't cost her her life. She [i]can[/i] cast her spells without it, but this drains her of some of her life force.
Other Equipment: Noah carries various potions and scrolls within her winged-shaped "sleeve", and two separate talismans which she places close to her heart. The scrolls are mostly notes of writing from her advancement of each rank, but she has quite the quantity of each different potion, ranging from rejuvenation potions, thawing potions, stamina potions, antidotes and even some volatile chemicals stored inside glass bottles, which are thrown as grenades, and will either spread poison to any nearby enemies, or just... explode. The two talismans help with her magicks; the first stops the golem summoning spell from draining too much of Noah's energy, whilst the other makes her blood and bone spells more potent.
[spoiler=Abilities:][b]Iron Maiden[/b] - Noah's dress is enchanted with a powerful spell that can reflect any physical damage dealt to her as [i]pain[/i] towards the attacker in question. In order to damage Noah without triggering off this spell, one has to rely [i]solely[/i] on the spell he or she actually [i]casts[/i]; even if Noah is forced back by a powerful spell and slams into a wall, the spell her dress is enchanted with will [i]still[/i] trigger and inflict pain to the caster. However, because of the way this spell works, Noah feels [i]twice[/i] as much pain from self injury as any other person. Note that Noah will not be under the effect of the spell if she's not wearing her dress, and that the spell can be transferred to whomever [i]does[/i] wear it.

[b]Marvellous Resurrection[/b] - If Noah is ever slain in battle, regardless of how [i]exactly[/i] she dies, every single cell of her corpse will soar towards a single meeting point. From there, Noah will instantly become reborn, with nothing left on her body saved for any birthmarks she may have had. In order for this ability to work once again, [acronym='So basically this only works once, since when you divide that number by the number of seconds in an hour, 3600, and then by the number of hours in a day, 24, you get the number of days in a year, 365. This is assuming, of course, that this RP doesn't go from one year to the next.']Noah has to [i]live[/i] for at least 31,536,000 seconds in this reborn form.[/acronym] Noah is currently unaware she [i]has[/i] this ability, which, in combination with her selfishness and lack of care if anyone [i]else[/i] dies, explains why she sometimes tends to throw any allies she has into the front-line.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Magic:][b]Necromancy[/b] - Raises skeletal warriors to fight for Noah.

[b]Infusion of the Golem[/b] - Transforms any form of material, whether that be a tree, a rock or a large block of ice, into a golem that will [i]also[/i] fight for Noah. The amount of material used for the transformation determines the size of the summoned golem.

[b]Bone Reconfiguration[/b] - Manipulates and distorts the bones within a being's skeleton. This spell is [i]easily[/i] the most versatile of the spells Noah actually knows, as it allows her to shrink the enemy's skeleton so it becomes nothing more than a blob of flesh and sinew, make [i]new[/i] bones in the enemy's skeleton specifically designed to trigger of his or her pain reticules, force an enemy to slap him or her self [i]silly[/i], etc. Noah can even cast this spell on [i]herself[/i], to grow wings, sharper finger bones, a tail, etc.

[b]Corpse Explosion[/b] - Makes a corpse explode, sending blood, bone, skin, flesh and sinew soaring in all directions, preventing a corpse from being resurrected by normal means. The explosion does a fair amount of damage against enemies that are foolish enough to draw near the exploding corpse, whereas the bone acts as lethal shrapnel.

[b]Dragon Blood Stream[/b] - Fires a forceful stream of dragon blood, which can sear through the bone of those on the receiving end of the spell, piercing through their bodies and [i]commencing[/i] to travel down range. [acronym='It's THEIR blood, what do you expect?']Dragons are [i]unharmed[/i] by this spell.[/acronym]

[b]Spirit Forge[/b] - Summons the spirit of a deceased person. The spirit that is most [i]often[/i] summoned by this spell is that of Noah's older sister, who looks surprisingly similar to Sophia in appearance, except for a few [i]structural[/i] details to her body. Noah refuses to use this spell when she's under attack, as it serves her no combative advantage for the [i]most[/i] part, but it can be used to retrieve important information from the spirit, inform him or her about something he or she might need to know, or even just so Noah has someone to [i]talk[/i] to. Spirits can be dismissed with the wave of a wand, but if that doesn't happen, then the spirit will continue to linger around the earth, until they're dismissed by [i]another[/i] necromancer.[/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler]

[spoiler=NPCs][spoiler=Sethen "Seth" Drakas]Age: 27
Gender: Male
Origins: The Kingdom
Class: Knight
Rank: Paladin


Seth stands at a height of 191 cm (6'03") and weighs approximately 67 kg (147 lbs). Seth is a fairly muscular person without being bulky or large. On Seth's back is a large diagonal scar that he has received as a bandit (this is further explained in the "Bio"). His birth mark is located on his left shoulder.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Personality:]Seth is a man who puts his duty above all else. He even places his duty before his own personal feelings. Seth is stoic, honorable, polite, calm, and usually expressionless. Despite his seemingly cold outside, he is just and fair, and sometimes loosens up when talking to others. Seth is a humble man who detests the act of boasting about one's abilities too highly, even though he, himself, has much to boast for. Being one of the King's most highly trusted officers, Seth carries a heavy burden in which he believes is his life-bound duty to never fail the King. This causes Seth to become rather stressed or agitated when something of great importance doesn't fall in his favor; although Seth seems to be able to regain his composure rather easily. Because of a painful experience in his past, Seth becomes emotionally pained when he sees a small town or village destroyed by bandits. It also causes him to urge children to listen to their parents always and don't be so eager to strike out on their own.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Bio:]Seth was born to a small farming family in a rural area of The Kingdom, a ways away from the capital where the King lives. When he was born, his parents noticed an extraordinarily strange birthmark on his left shoulder. Unlike a lot of people, his parents were uneducated about the Holy Guard, and so they had no idea their son was special. Growing up, Seth was very different from the way he is now. As a child Seth was rambunctious and rather troublesome. He used to pick fights with kids twice his size and would often go home with bruises and other light wounds. As Seth grew a little older, he started developing an interest in the military, much to his parents' dislike. They wanted Seth to become a farmer like them, but Seth wanted to serve his people and his King. Seth would often visit a blacksmith in his village to train with wooden weapons; of course he did so in secrecy.

However, once his parents found out, they restricted him from leaving the house. After about a month, Seth decided to run away from his stale life to begin a life of adventure and one day, to join the military. Seth quickly found out that living all on his own wasn't the best idea. He was captured by bandits that, at first, were going to kill him, but then ultimately decided to train him to be one of them. As Seth became a teenager, he had forgotten his childhood and now his life was based around robbing travelers and pillaging small towns and villages. During one raid, Seth was attacked by a retired knight and received a large diagonal scar on his back. One day, the bandits that he lived with were captured by a small unit of The Kingdom's military. Seth was out hunting and by the time he had come back, the bandits were already gone. Seth was on his own now. Seizing the opportunity, Seth went to The Kingdom's capital to attempt to join the military.

There, the military noticed Seth had the birth mark that all Holy Guard members have on their bodies and decided to report him to the Holy Guard. They tested Seth to see how worthy he was of joining their order and he passed with flying colors. From then on, Seth became a renown Holy Guard and one of the King's best officers. When Seth was 25 years of age, he decided to pay his parent's village a visit and to apologize to his parents. Unfortunately, by the time he arrived back to his home village, the village had become nothing more than ashes and rubble. Bandits had gone through his village, looting and killing everyone before burning it down. With no leads on who was responsible, Seth was unable to get revenge, and till this day, still carries the painful burden on his chest, albeit he is healing gradually.

Recently, Seth was assigned by the King to accompany Sophia on her quest to retrieve the Asedriron's Votum. Once he had been briefed about the Votum's power, Seth decided that if possible, he would restore his home village and revive the innocent people who have lost their lives to the bandits.[/spoiler]

[u][b]Combat Info[/b][/u]
[spoiler=Main Weapon(s):][b]Spear[/b]: Seth uses a spear in combat and is quite a master at it. He is just as well as home when using a lance or javelin, however, he prefers the spear because it can both be use as a medium-ranged weapon and a long-ranged weapon. The spear that Seth currently uses is a standard model shown in the "Appearance".[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Fighting Style:]Seth is a powerful fighter that relies heavily on his spear. His basic attacks consists of powerful thrusts or stabs, and wide slashes. Seth boasts an incredible attack strength as well as defense. The area that he is lacking in, however, is speed and maneuverability. Due to the spear and shield combination, Seth becomes rather slow on his feet. While he is able to evade and jump short distances, Seth's maneuverability really fall shorts to someone who uses lighter gear. However, Seth can sacrifice some of his attack power for speed and maneuverability by using his sword instead of his spear, although Seth prefers the latter. His sword and shield combination comes in handy when fighting in smaller spaces, closer range, and against faster enemies. A notable advantage that Seth has as well is that he can fight on horseback, being trained in doing so since age 19.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Secondary Weapon(s):][spoiler=Sword][img]http://i812.photobucket.com/albums/zz46/wirespy/Anima__Knight_swords_set_1_by_Wen_M.jpg[/img]

[b]Sword[/b]: Seth will sometimes use the sword and shield combination instead of his usual spear and shield combination. This allows for him to be faster and more maneuverable in exchange for some of his attack power. Seth rarely uses his sword and only does it when it is advantageous for him depending on the situation.[/spoiler]
[b]Shield[/b]: While not in the typical sense a weapon, Seth's shield, as shown in the "Appearance", can be useful in ramming, smashing, and pushing enemies away. While it is certainly not lethal, with enough force, Seth can fracture bones and ribs.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Abilities:][b][u]Passive Abilities[/u][/b]
[b]Master Combatant[/b]: Having had weapon and combat training as a child, as a bandit, and as a Holy Guard, Seth has become a master combatant, rarely being defeated in battle. Common enemies are no match for him and can easily be defeated by a single blow, and even powerful enemies will have difficulty fighting Seth.

[b]Skilled Strategist[/b]: While not an expert and certainly not a master, Seth, from years of experience of commanding soldiers, has developed the keen sense of a skilled strategist. This allows him to easily outsmart common enemies an can go toe-to-toe against more skilled and smarter enemies.

[b]Expert Horseback Fighter[/b]: As a paladin, Seth has been trained to fight on horseback which he has become a master in. He is able to swiftly and expertly maneuver on a horse while attack his enemy with his signature weapon: the spear. While Seth is also good at fighting on horseback with a sword, it leaves him at a disadvantage due to its short length.

[b]Reputation[/b]: Due to him being one of the King's best and most trusted commanding officers, Seth has a well-known reputation amongst the other regions. This is easily advantageous for him for example he could force innkeepers to give him free food and board, but due to his humble nature, Seth does not abuse his reputation. His reputation can also be a bad thing as he will often become a target for attack by those who opposes the King's rule.

[b][u]Active Abilities[/u][/b]
[b]Spiral Lance[/b]: The blade of Seth's spear becomes enveloped by an [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azure_(color)"]azure[/url]-colored energy, resembling a drill shape, that rotates rapidly. Seth then thrusts his spear at an enemy with enough power to even shear and rip through metal.

[b]Earthshaker[/b]: Seth slams the bottom of his spear into the ground, creating a powerful tremor, which has a radius of up to twenty feet, that is able to knock enemies into the air and onto their backs. Useful in situations when he or his allies are surrounded as it only affect enemies.

[b]Steed of the Zephyr[/b]: An ability used only on horseback, temporarily, this ability greatly increases the speed of whatever horse Seth is riding on.

[b]Holy Wind[/b]: Can be used with both Seth's spear and sword, Holy Wind is an ability that allows Seth to create a sharp gust of compressed wind that sparkles with [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spring_green_(color)"]spring green[/url]-colored particles when he slashes towards the enemy(s) with his chosen weapon. The gust of wind is capable of cutting through the walls of thick fortresses. Furthermore, Seth can rotate his spear or his sword in the air to build up energy in order to unleash a medium-sized cyclone to attack. The cyclone lasts only for a short duration and its movement cannot be controlled by Seth so it is best to use this only in an open field to avoid hurting innocent people or his allies.

[b]Arcem[/b]: Learned when he was a bandit, this ability allows golden energy to surge from Seth's body, giving a visible golden aura around Seth that temporarily increases Seth's power by tenfold. However, after the aura vanishes, Seth becomes fatigued to the point of collapsing. Being the cautious man that he is, Seth will only use this technique when absolutely necessary, which so far has been never.[/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler]

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Immediate reserve.

Now, I will take my time reading and post my app in some time.


[b]Personal Info[/b]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Username: Death Penguin[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Character's Name: Lex "Enrise" Nightblade[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Age: 29[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Gender: Male[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Origins: The Kingdom (specifically, the Vita Temple)[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Class: Battlemage[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][spoiler=Appearance:][/size][/font][/color]
[size=3][color=#696969]Disregarding the shown facial tattoos and glowing eyes (and the, um, elf ears), Lex dons a tattoo of a moon on his forehead. His birthmark stretched from the outer parts of his right eye, down to (not shown) the tip of his right shoulder. His eyes like a cold black stare, but as calm and quiet as a new moon. Currently, over his armor, he wears a dusty old cloak, covering him from neck down, draping onto the floor.[/color][/size]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][/spoiler][/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][spoiler=Personality: ][/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Generally a quiet person, Lex is sometimes regarded as a mute; despite the lack of validity of this statement, he does express the idea most of the time, only give either few worded phrases, or just simple expressed noises (like a grunt for example). Although, there are times where he does speak like a normal person, usually when he stumbles across something he finds fascinating, or when an explanation is needed for others, even in the midst of battle, but for most reasons, it's when he talks to anyone but a human (say, an animal, or a dragon). Despite his quiet personality, he's a calm and caring person, usually giving the kindness he has to those who deserve it. While usually calm, if a fight among allies is destructive, he will do any means to stop the conflict.[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][/spoiler][/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][spoiler=Bio:] Before his birth came to mind, his father, Sirius Knightblade, a well-known Knight in the Holy Guard, embarked on a personal quest of sorts, to gain enlightenment on the world; to understand his place in the world, the world itself, y'know, the typical reasons why someone would go to such great lengths. His mother, Lilith Vendressa, who was just as famous as Sirius, but as a Mage, embarked upon the same type of quest as well, for the same reasons. Though the two did not know each other personally, they met up at the land of Lympha, specifically the capital of Hibianya. When they met, they were ambushed by a gang of highly trained bandits, sent to kill them. Fortunately, the two prevailed over these bandits, and a significant bond was forged in the fire of the ambush; their feelings grew more and more complex towards each other. Although they did not want their love for one another to be known, they each went their separate ways until they could bear the weight of such a love.[/size][/font][/color]

[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]It was a few years later, during a one-on-one combat session, their feelings for each other were shown by sheer accident. While they were sparring, one of Lilith's spell went horribly haywire, almost putting her life in danger. Stopping all desire for combat, Sirius threw his blade to the side, and charged after her, hoping to save her. Grabbing her scythe, and tossing it to his blade, he hoped that a kiss would calm the spell. Whether or not this was against regulation wasn't the question, they just didn't know how to go about resolving it. Sure, a few soldiers cheered them on, but had they ever been in love before till now? No. A true love, some would call it.[/size][/font][/color]

[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Several months passed since Lilith's endangerment, and Sirius' brave attempt to save her, he traveled to Hibianya; he finally thought he could bear the weight of the love they shared. Strangely enough, while he was at Hibianya, he met up with Lilith. Eventually, after many years together at the capital, they ventured to the Vita Temple, where they married, taking the name of Nightblade; this was also the place where their son, Lex Nightblade, was conceived. [/size][/font][/color]

[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Nine months later, returning to Vita Temple, was when Lex was born into the world, a healthy child. When born however, most who are Holy Guard worthy, have a birth mark on their head, shoulder, or a specific place, chosen to be one of the desired classes. Lex was born with a birthmark spreading from his right eye to his right shoulder. Some said it was a scar of sorts, others a sign from the Divine Dragon, [/size][/font][/color][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][color=#5a5a5a]Asedriron. The parents decided not to worry about it till the time came. For now, a health baby that would live long and prosper was all they wanted.[/color][/size][/font]

[font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][color=#5a5a5a]Several years later, when Lex approach the age of 13, his parents told him about his birthmark, what some believed, and so forth. He took the same stance as his parents; it mattered not if this was from Asedriron or not. If he chose to give Vivec a birthmark of such, then so be it. It was not Lex's place to debate. Instead of worrying about his birthmark differences, he took up the sword and spell at that age, wanting to be like his parents; a Battlemage he called it, the integration of the spell and sword.[/color][/size][/font]

[font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][color=#5a5a5a]Years passed since his involvement with the magical arts and study of swordsmanship, and he has rigorously raised from being a simple Adept of the arts to the class of Battlemage, granted the knowledge to learn more powerful spells, learn more things about the world. It was also when he inherited his parents' weapons, the Sword of the Moon and the Scythe of Nocturne.[/color][/size][/font]

[font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][color=#5a5a5a]When his age came to be, he decided not to join the Holy Guard at first, for the confusion of the birthmark specifically. Instead, he set out on his own, seeing the world on a first hand basis prior to joining the Holy Guard, where he would still remain hesitant on joining. He traveled to each of the other Temples, including the Vita Temple, and devoted his time to the Divine Dragons.[/color][/size][/font]

[font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][color=#5a5a5a]When he learned of the [/color][/size][/font][color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Asedriron's Votum from a Knight known as Sophia, he took haste into finding out what this object was. Learning that it had the power to realize almost any prayer, he felt that it would be a horrid thing to this world, and desired it's riddance. He was only thankful to the Divines that the artifact has yet to be found. He believe that with this artifact, the world itself could go in disarray, whether the object's power was true or not. While it may be true the object could do good, it could more easily be used for wrong intentions. Bring back the deceased, taking over an empire, learning the secrets of the world, so on. His new goal was to find the artifact, and, perhaps if possible, destroy it.[/spoiler][/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][spoiler=Misc:][/size][/font][/color][list]
[*][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][color=#5a5a5a]Doesn't condone any kind of alcoholic drinks or narcotics that destroys the human body from the inside.[/color][/size][/font]
[*][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][color=#5a5a5a]Has significant taste buds, he enjoys almost any kind of food/drink (save alcohol and the few foods).[/color][/size][/font]
[*][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][color=#5a5a5a]Has a significant love for animals (no reason given).[/color][/size][/font]
[*][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][color=#5a5a5a]Has a wider library of knowledge of the world than any off the mill traveler.[/color][/size][/font]
[*][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][color=#5a5a5a]The reason he's a bit of a mute is that, travelling the world alone has left him that way. With no one to talk to, his mouth has only opened to the tastes of the world, and to share the same air as animals (and even talking to animals).[/color][/size][/font]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][/spoiler][/size][/font][/color]

[u][b]Combat Info[/b][/u]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][spoiler=Main Weapon(s):][/size][/font][/color][list]
[*][color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Scythe of Nocturne - A 5' 3" long scythe, its properties are induced by the long ebony base that helps conduct energy to and fro, and a very captivating blade it had; made from the purest metal know to date, it's harvesting of energy comes naturally. Though the original usage of the scythe was to be a harvester of energy, to power one's spells or weapons, it can also be used as a weapon. Inherited by his mother.[/size][/font][/color]
[*][color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Sword of the Moon - 4' 2" claymore made from the purest metals, it was said to be created during a Winter Solstice on a Full Moon. However, the story is a legend, and no one knows how to prove the validity of this legend. However, despite that, it's bestowed on a great gift of magic, rendering weak magic attacks to useless, and absorbed by the sword. At the base of the blade, is an inscription of an unknown language. Some believed that this was an act of nonsense, not having any meaning. Some believe otherwise. Inherited by his father.[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][/spoiler][/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Fighting Style: Adaptive to the situation of fight, he doesn't have a specific fighting style; thereof, if his actions require close-combat or distant spell casting, he will do what is necessary.[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][spoiler=Abilities:][/size][/font][/color][list]
[*][size=3][color=#696969]Integration - He is able to "transfer" his strengths to and fro of his sword and spell. To be more accurate however, all this really does is either strengthen his physical dominance, while weakening his magical prowess, and vice versa.[/color][/size]
[*][size=3][color=#696969][color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Asedriron's Gates - A technique that is only mastered through the knowledge of the enlightened; one who has seen the world for what it is, they will not have as much trouble as the average learner. The belief of this technique is said that, since Asedriron controls all forms of energy, there is a gate for each form of energy (i.e. Water, Air, Fire, Light, etc.). When a gate is open, the energy around the user becomes laced with the gates' power. In example, if the gate of Wind is opened, the energy will become wind-like; battles that would normally occur on land will then feel like they are battling inside a tempest created by [/size][/font][/color][/color][/size][color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Bireria himself. However, the possibility of Lex of mastering it at this time is nigh. He has only seen the surface of the world; therefore he has not mastered it, nay, scratched the surface of this ability. Records show that those who have been in possession of this ability, theorize that not all forms of energy have been found, so the ability has yet to reach its full potential. The validity of this theory has not been confirmed, especially by Asedriron himself, the creator that rules all forms of energy.[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#696969][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][/spoiler][/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][spoiler=Magic:][/size][/font][/color][list]
[*][color=#696969][size=3]Moon Blood - A healing trait that's at it's most powerful in the night, especially during a Full Moon, or dark places.[/size][/color]
[*][color=#696969][size=3]Basic magic spells - Basic spells that lower class spellcasters are able to use, such as Fireball, Lightning Bolt, and whatnot[/size][/color]
[*][size="3"][color="#696969"][size=3]The 88 Incantations of Sealing- A very tedious and highly complicated spell to prepare, it drains nearly all magical presence of the user if they are a Battlemage or higher. For the untrained spellcaster, it could not only drain all magical energy, but also heavily fatigue the user, possibly leading them to serious side effects (long lasting headaches, strained body, etc), and possibly even death. It's an unorthodox sealing technique, tearing the soul from the target's body. This technique lasts as long as the caster is alive, so if they die, they can either pass the role of the sealer to another person, or let the world suffer the wrath of the one who was sealed (although, this only applies to an evil overlord who has the potency of destroying the world, not some bandit). While this sealing is in effect, the soul is left to wander the world, unable to accomplish nothing, or rather, do nothing. The sealing is permanent when the body naturally decays and becomes a part of nature once again, but the sealing is still temporary if the body is destroyed by unnatural means (i.e. forced burning, mutilation of the body, so forth). To prepare the spell however, the caster must create a circle around the target, which can be either a simple task, or a nearly impossible task. When the circle has been created, a blood offering must be made (whether a minimal drop of blood or an extensive body limb; a whole body for the willing), to strike a contract between the magic of the sealing and the caster, linking their life forces together. However, the chance of success is also dependent on the blood offering. A few drops of blood may have a small chance, while a limb may have a higher chance (about half-time success); offering a body will almost guarantee the success rate. However, despite a body being offered, the caster can't use his own body (otherwise the spell will be nullified), and using another body will also result in a void attempt of a contract between the caster and the magic of the sealing technique. Thus, the caster must at least offering a drop of blood, to seal the contract (the body in this case is used to increase the success probability).[/size][/color][/size]
[*][size=3][color=#696969]The 24 Destruction Spells - A highly destructive spell that combines 24 different kinds of destruction spells (hence the name). The conflicts the spells may pose against themselves however, contributes to the possible instability of the spell itself, which can not only damage the target, but the user as well, and even the area surrounding the them. But, despite the instability it poses, its still highly dangerous, and it features spells ranging from simple lightning to firestorms, to rocks being thrown at you to balls of darkness being shot at you. When casting, a giant spell circle appears infront of the caster, facing the target, containing 24 symbols (one for each spell), and other fancy schamncy arcane stuff. The spell is has a moderate time consumption, but the toll it takes is massive, draining all current magical energy [/color][/size][color=#696969][size=1]of the user.[/size][/color]
[*][color=#696969][size=1]Arcane [/size][/color][size=3][color=#696969]Imbuing - Used to implant high amounts of arcane energy into weapons or body parts, it has several uses: to increase the strength of the physical attacks, increase magical potency of a spell, or both. Unlike other spells, if the attack misses its target, the energy disperses.[/color][/size]
[*][size=3][color=#696969]Bind - Not an attack, but a spell that halts or limits the movements of the target. The spell appears as a chain, and is nigh indestructible.[/color][/size]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][/spoiler][/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][spoiler=Misc:][/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]It took years of solitude, study, and practice, for Lex to learn advanced spells, much like the 88 Incantations of Sealing and the 24 Destruction Spells; likewise for ability Asedriron's Gates. The only difference between the ability and the magical spells is that he has a less chance of success with Asedriron's Gates because of the lack of enlightenment required to master the technique. That still does not mean his chances of success with the advanced magics are guaranteed.[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][/spoiler][/size][/font][/color]

I also have a new class for suggestion, and respective classes:[list]
[*]War Wizard

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That's fine Kakashi. The only thing in the database that needs immediate looking at is the General Classes and Ranks. Everything else is just a description of the world. The Regions might help with creating a bio, though.

But yeah.. For the class, get creative. Kyng and Lunar are gonna be Bandits.

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[quote name='Quεnn Aisu' timestamp='1340202708' post='5959837']
That's fine Kakashi. The only thing in the database that needs immediate looking at is the General Classes and Ranks. Everything else is just a description of the world. The Regions might help with creating a bio, though.

But yeah.. For the class, get creative. Kyng and Lunar are gonna be Bandits.
Awesome. I'm gonna be a Hunter/Mercenary. :D

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[quote name='Kakashi Hatake' timestamp='1340203570' post='5959844']
Awesome. I'm gonna be a Hunter/Mercenary. :D


I couldn't help but think that when I saw you wanting your character to be a hunter/merc. XD

But yeah, have at it! After all, they'll need someone able to put meat on the fire every night without horribly decapitating it. Lol.

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Issun: Nice! I like having a variety of Classes. Hopefully, they're be a variety of strength going on too.. Ya know, not everyone making their characters high level from the getgo.. After all, there will be LOTS of room for character development to happen. Lol.

Justice Master: That's fine. There's no problem with that! I look forward to your app, if you finish it. :3

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[Spoiler=Titus Aren]
[u][b]Personal Info[/b][/u]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Username: Wandering Artist - Issun[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Character's Name: Titus Aren[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Age: 28[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Gender: Male[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Class: Thief[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Appearance:[/size][/font][/color][color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3] [Spoiler=Appearance][/size][/font][/color]
Titus is about 5'11" (Roughly 1.8m), and weighs a measly 120 pounds (Roughly 54.4kg). On both of his ears, he has very dulled jade earrings. He has a long scar running vertically across his left eye. He has two dark grey scraps of fabric wrapped around his wrists, similar to the pale red one around his waist. He carries several satchels on him, some concealed, at all times. Has a gold amulet studded with three rubies, which he keeps tucked away, and not worn.[/spoiler]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Personality: [Spoiler=Personality]Titus would seem like a relatively polite person, despite being a thief, to anyone who didn't know much about him. In reality, however, he's only polite by choice, to make himself seem like a good guy, so his intentions aren't obvious. He can just as soon turn to a rude tone, and spit in your face, if he feels the need. Even though his politeness is generally a ruse, he does have the ability to care for people, however few, to whom he does act with genuine kindness and concern. Naturally, being a thief, he is indeed very greedy, and would just as soon backstab someone he didn't need anymore, if he would otherwise have to split a treasure with them. Titus doesn't have much of a temper, and doesn't take insults harshly; he has a fairly high opinion of himself, so he refuses to buy into them anyways. The one thing that sets him off is people trying to touch his gold and ruby amulet, which is very dear to him.[/spoiler][/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Bio: [Spoiler=Bio]Titus lived, originally, a peaceful life in the capital city of Solum, but that didn't last all too long. When he was only twelve, his parents were both killed, one murdered, and the other mauled, forcing Titus into the streets. Being the only way he could think of to survive, he took to thievery, stealing food and such just so he could eat. He soon found he had a knack for thievery, and a few years later, began bigger jobs, stealing directly from peoples homes, taking whatever expensive he could find, and pawning it off, except for one thing - A gold and ruby amulet, which he couldn't help but feel was too important to sell. When he turned eighteen, he established himself as an "Obtainer of Items" for hire, who anyone could contact through a local inn, by asking for "A postman". He lived like this for a while, never getting caught, and just recently received, like most everyone else, a message about needing volunteers to find some sort of artifact to bring most any prayer true. He made his way for the inn described as quickly as possible, so he could get his hands on this thing. His desire was simple, he wanted money. Enough money to start his life over comfortably.[/spoiler][/size][/font][/color]

[u][b]Combat Info[/b][/u]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Main Weapon(s): Two average steel daggers, eight inches each, one hilt in red cloth, the other in blue, and scabbards vice-versa.[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Other Equipment: [Spoiler=Other Equipment] [/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Smoke Bombs.[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Vials of various poisons that can paralyze enemies, [/size][/font][/color][color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]destroy their thought process,[/size][/font][/color][color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3] destroy their insides, destroy their outsides, make them hallucinate, or just quicken their inevitable death. [/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Fighting Style: Prefers the art of stealth, opting for slitting enemies throats from behind, or the likes. If he must fight without stealth, he prefers to get as close to the enemy as possible, giving them little room to swing their weapon, and cut them to ribbons with his daggers.[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Abilities: [Spoiler=Abilities] Lockpicking and pickpocketing, primarily. He is an expert at hiding in the shadows, and at sneaking up behind people to kill them.[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]He is extremely agile, with incredible speed and dodging ability[/spoiler][/spoiler][/size][/font][/color]

[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]There we go, how does that look?[/size][/font][/color]

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Raine: Sweet! Take your time with it~ Quality over speed!

Issun: o__o That was fast.. Very fast.. .___.; Is he a character you've been saving for a while? Lol. But yeah, other than the pic being broken and needing to be reloaded, you're good. n__n

Ad: Alright! Sounds like a plan. And yeah.. I might shut down the reserving for now until apps come in. .__. There's Kyng, Lunar and one other that haven't posted yet cause they aren't on. o___o;

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Woot! Raine's on board!

[spoiler=The Appy App]
[u][b]Personal Info[/b][/u]
Username: Kakashi Hatake
Character's Name: Kayon "Kay" Ulfric
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Class: Mercenary
Rank: Hunter


Kay is about 6'0". He's never actually checked for his height. He also does not know his own weight but he's got to be around an average size. You cannot see it in the image above, but he has a small "K" shaped scar on the right corner of his mouth. He designed his own armor at an early age for fun and wanted to have it built. Because he was young, his design was a bit unrealistic so the smith who built it for him made it look a little less ridiculous but still pretty ridiculous. His sword was later gifted to him by that same smith as reward for some work he did.
Kay is quite the rambunctious young man. He will often run head on if the situation allows but this does not mean that he can't sneak. His ability to stay out of sight is only a little above average but so far, it has served his purposes well. (meaning he's a decent hunter but sometimes scares away his game) Speaking of, he often sees his target (being a mercenary) as sport. If he's been hired to "take out the competition", he tries to think less of it being murder and more of it being hunting because does not enjoy it. He sees it a doing what is best to survive and protect himself and the ones he loves, and what is best in his situation is being better than the other mercenaries.
Kay was born into a moderately famous guild of hunters called the "Shield". His parents were both killed during a hunt. Betrayed by a "family friend". Nothing is known about why but because of this, Kay was raised by his numerous "Shield Brothers and Sister", the members of the guild. Kay was always especially fond of one girl in the guild, Ela. She was always like an older sister to him and has saved his life numerous times. One day, a rather skilled member of an opposing guild, the "End Brotherhood", snuck into the room Kay and Ela were sleeping in. He awoke just in time to see his Ela's life taken from him. He was still only a child and this effected him greatly.

At the age of fifteen, Kay left the guild as a mercenary to have the chance to travel the lands and find a way to bring his Ela back. He soon caught wind of the request for volunteers to aid in the procuration of an object called "Asedriron's Votum". He did not pay it much mind until he was hired by a man in rags to acquire this object. He gave Kay a book about Asedriron's Votum. After reading that it could answer any "wish", Kay's mind was dead set on obtaining this treasure in order to bring back Ela. He plans to get that treasure at all costs.

[u][b]Combat Info[/b][/u]
Main Weapon(s): Main weapon is shown in the image above in the "Appearance" spoiler.
Fighting Style: Kay has a particular talent for handling blades (swords, daggers, etc) and bows. His "style" is simply a rather advanced knowledge of a few different handling styles that aren't worth mentioning as well as some rough hand-to-hand combat training.
Secondary Weapon(s): He often carries a [url=http://images.wikia.com/elderscrolls/images/2/2b/ImperialBow.png]bow[/url] and a [url=http://images.mmosite.com/2moons/images/item/weapon/dagger/02_01_01_l.jpg]dagger[/url].
[b]Enchanted Blade:[/b] Kay's sword was infused with an odd enchantment during forging that allows him to change the size of the blade at will, anywhere between the size of a tooth-pick and a claymore although the smith said that the more power Kay put into it the bigger it would become. If Kay were to die, his blade would transform into a simple metal rod until another person picks it up. It would then transform into a sword suited to their style (rapier, claymore, etc) but still keeps it's same powers from before.
[b]Safety Wings:[/b] Kay's armor has a small wing-like charm attached that allows flight for a brief amount of time. The most Kay has ever gotten out of it was around ten seconds but it makes up for the lack of alloted time with swift speed.
[b]Only the Best:[/b] Since Kay paid a lot of coin for his armor, he made sure that it was made of the best material he could get. His armor is very strong. It's fibers help to stand against straight shots from blades or arrows and the metal is very durable. It would take hours in a forge's fire to fully melt them.

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Oh? Yep.. There he is, peeking in! Lol. Hey Rinne, if ya wanna join up too, I'll accept ya! But that's it besides Kyng, Lunar and Shadow who aren't on to reserve but they've told me in the past they're reserving. Lol.

Issun: Looking forward to seeing what he looks like.

Kakashi: Accepted. I loved seeing that little story ya put in about the armor and sword. n__n

Everyone else that are interested in joining: All though the resevation.accepting stage is closed atm, you can still lmk you're interested and I'll set up a little list of back-ups to come in just in case someone drops their reservations, drops out, etc.

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His image is working for me, so...
Not exactly sure what could be wrong.

Either of those work?

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Edit on the reserve thing: The people who helped to preview some of this rp and made pointers are able to reserve as well. Meaning Blu, Hotaru, and Desu.

Issun: It's probably not working because when I click on the link, it sends me to the homepage.. Get to the picture again.. Right click and click "open image in new tab" and use that link for the image. It should work..

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