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[REQUEST] A logo please :D


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Item: A logo
Render: Nothing way too complicated (read details)
Text: Imperial Creations™
Details: Please include the TM thing in the logo as part of it, and some styling with some really simple or basic renders would be fine, but nothing too "over"-ish like a crown or something. Coloring scheme as a kind of cool color mix (icy blue, light blue, bright green, blue-green tones, and some yellow maybe, and others that would fit). Something that is kinda pale, yet cool please. Things like effects to make "tails" that drag out from letters is fine. Font would be preferred as something like Alegre Sans (or w/e it's called) or either a fancy font that's still legible. Also, sometimes logos get a bit too complicated to make as no background. Please do not make it like that. I would prefer something that is neat, good-looking, and a 'true' logo.
Payment: Negotiable
Note: I would prefer someone who is good at things such as logos to do it. This is for my shop BTW.

***I noticed the 'Icyblue' pun thing, if you would call it like such almost as soon as I wrote it, so do not point it out or other things as such***

EDIT: If it's fine with whoever decides to take on the request, could you make a logo version with the TM symbol, and one without? Thanks in advance.[/b][/color]

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