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Alchema Archetype (Or what I have of it so far)


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In my days of Yugioh, most of the decks used utilize the banished pile only as some source to put cards in, but we never really do anything with them afterwards. Dino Rabbit just puts the bunny in there, and end of story. Chaos Dragons use it a bit more, but don't utilize it like they could. Agent is probably the best by playing Jupiter, but I still don't think it would work out too well. I have never seen a deck that utilizes the banished pile like most do the graveyard, except for maybe some weird Hybrid Macro Banishing Deck that you may see once in your life time. Well, here's my attempt to fix that by presenting the Alchema archetype.

Alchema Bulk: Trigom - Level 4/EARTH/Spellcaster/ATK 1700/DEF 1600
Effect: When this monster is Summoned while you control a face up Earth monster, other than this card: you can banish 1 monster in your graveyard; destroy 1 monster on the field.

[i]Monsters that put other monsters into the banished pile is always welcome in this deck, simply because it's how the engine starts working. The monster destruction doesn't hurt either.[/i]

Alchema Condor: Scarvas - Level 4/WIND/Spellcaster/ATK 1700/DEF 1000
Effect: When this monster is Summoned: Target 1 face up monster you control and 1 monster on your opponent's side of the field; Banish both monsters.

[i]Basically the Scrap Dragon of the deck, another monster that puts monsters in the banished pile for later use.[/i]

Alchema Desolate: Cragra - Level 4/EARTH/Spellcaster/ATK 2000/DEF 200
Effect: Cannot be Normal Summoned or Set: Must first be Special Summoned (from your hand) by banishing 1 monster in your graveyard. Once per turn: you can target 1 monster in your banished pile; return it to the graveyard.

[i]This card allows you to put already used monsters in the banished pile back in the graveyard, giving you the ability to re-use monster effects such as Winnson and Trigom.[/i]

Alchema Entrepenuer: Winnson - Level 4/WIND/Spellcaster/ATK 1200/DEF 1500
Effect: When this monster is Summoned while you control a face up Wind monster, other than this card: you can banish 1 monster in your graveyard; destroy 1 Spell/Trap card on the field.

[i]The same as Trigom, only with Spell/Trap removal instead of monsters.[/i]

Alchema Scholar: Liquiad - Level 3/WATER/Spellcaster/ATK 1000/DEF 1000
Effect: When this monster is Normal Summoned while you control a face up Water monster: Select up to 3 monsters in your banished pile; Shuffle them back into your deck.

[i]Another effect that messes with the banished pile, putting used monsters in your banished pile back into the deck. Sadly, it has no effect otherwise.[/i]

Alchema Stone: Casalisk - Level 1/WATER/Spellcaster/ATK 100/DEF 200
Effect: During the End Phase of the turn this face up monster on the field was banished: Special Summon it in face up defense position (from the banished pile).

[i]Basically, this is an Alchema version of D.D. Survivor.[/i]

Alchema Strategist: Voliva - Level 3/FIRE/Spellcaster/ATK 1500/DEF 1300
Effect: When this monster is Normal Summoned: You can banish 1 monster in your graveyard and select 1 "Alchema" monster in your hand; Special Summon the selected monster.

[i]Banishing a card to Special Summon anything except for Tennagonness or Cragra. I think that's a pretty good trade.[/i]

Alchema Technician: Fyrus - Level 4/FIRE/Spellcaster/ATK 1400/DEF 1200
Effect: When this monster is Summoned while you control a face up Fire monster: Select 1 level 4 or lower monster in your banished pile; add that card to your hand.

[i]If you summon this using Voliva's effect, you're basically able to bring out 2 monsters and get a monster in your graveyard back into your hand. It might be small, but it's still a nice little play.[/i]

Alchema God: Tennagonness - Level 8/LIGHT/Spellcaster/ATK 3000/DEF 3000
Effect: Cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. Must be Special Summoned (from your hand) by the effect of Ojo dos Dios, and cannot be Special Summoned in other ways. While this monster is face up on the field: This monster is treated as a FIRE, WATER, EARTH, and WIND monster also. Once per turn: You can target 1 monster in either players banished pile; Special Summon that monster.

[i]I don't think I need to say much about the boss of this deck. Banish 1 of each attribute in this deck to summon via Ojo dos Dijos, and he won't be targeted by Spell or Trap cards. He counts as any of the attributes used in the deck, so other monsters you summon with effects that need a monster with that attribute have easier access. Also, the free Special Summon from your banished pile gets monsters going again. But the best part is that he can Special Summon monsters from your opponent's banished pile as well, so you're able to nab something you banished via Scarvas or other card like Bottomless etc.[/i][/spoiler]

Alchema Dust Tornado - Normal Spell
Effect: Banish 1 Wind and 1 Earth monster in your graveyard: Destroy up to 3 cards on the field; Your opponent draws 1 for each card destroyed.

[i]Banish 1 Wind and 1 Earth? Ok. Destroy up to 3 cards on the field? Awesome. Opponent draws 1 for each destroyed... This is where the balance comes in. A pretty good field clearer overall for someone who wants to risk the 3 cards your opponent is getting.[/i]

Alchema Inferno Gale - Normal Spell
Effect: Banish 1 Fire and 1 Wind monster in your graveyard: Send all monsters on the field to the graveyard.

[i]This is the Dark Hole of the deck, basically having the same effect only with a cost. Well, almost the same effect.[/i]

Alchema Mud Shot - Normal Spell
Effect: Banish 1 Water and 1 Earth monster in your graveyard: Both players reveal their hands and discard all monsters in their respective hands.

[i]Most people might call this card overpowered. Me? I call it another Royal Tribute.[/i]

Alchema Steam Blaster - Normal Spell
Effect: Activate by banishing 1 Fire and 1 Water monster from your graveyard: Inflict damage equal to the number of cards on the field x200.

[i]A nice little spell to deal some damage for every card on the field, getting 1000-2000 damage isn't very hard.[/i]

Ojo dos Dijos - Continuous Spell
Effect: Activate this card by banishing 1 Fire, Earth, Water, and Wind monsters each from your graveyard: Special Summon 1 Alchema God: Tennagonness in face up Attack Position from your hand or deck; equip it with this card. The monster equipped with this card is unaffected by Spell and Trap cards, except this card.

[i]Refer to Alchema God: Tennagonness.[/i][/spoiler]

[spoiler="Traps:"]There are no trap cards at the moment, I still have to do the rest of the Spell cards.[/spoiler]

No cards will be added into the Extra Deck for this set.

Any [b]suggestive feedback[/b] is welcome.

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Right, few things I've noticed is that the synergy among the monsters, seeing as they are all different attribute and many require 'pairing up' with their fiery/watery breathren to activate their effects makes them too arduous and too slow in my mind. Nearly all of the cards in the set require the banishment of a monster in the graveyard to activate; some require a specific monster and some require two, yet there is little in means of graveyard filling. Many including myself have fallen into the same trap of creating cards we think have great effects because they rely on each other, without thinking about how difficult it is to get them in a position to rely on each other (my old Diablos archtype being a case in point by putting 'Fear' counters on opponents monsters, but not having the swarm power or muscle to make use of it).

At first glance Scarvas looks ridiculously overpowered, but it isn't. Its effect is compulsory, and if used in desperate circumstances when on the backfoot you're using your normal summon yet ending up with an empty field, so that's a pretty well designed individual.

Tennangoddess has too much going on for my liking. More is not necessarily always better.

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[quote name='Majestic Star Bahamut' timestamp='1339993660' post='5958531']
Right, few things I've noticed is that the synergy among the monsters, seeing as they are all different attribute and many require 'pairing up' with their fiery/watery breathren to activate their effects makes them too arduous and too slow in my mind. Nearly all of the cards in the set require the banishment of a monster in the graveyard to activate; some require a specific monster and some require two, yet there is little in means of graveyard filling. Many including myself have fallen into the same trap of creating cards we think have great effects because they rely on each other, without thinking about how difficult it is to get them in a position to rely on each other (my old Diablos archtype being a case in point by putting 'Fear' counters on opponents monsters, but not having the swarm power or muscle to make use of it).

At first glance Scarvas looks ridiculously overpowered, but it isn't. Its effect is compulsory, and if used in desperate circumstances when on the backfoot you're using your normal summon yet ending up with an empty field, so that's a pretty well designed individual.

Tennangoddess has too much going on for my liking. More is not necessarily always better.

This is why comments are so good, you might not see what another person does, so it always helps to get advice.
For the synergy, you're right, there is almost nothing that puts cards in the graveyard, I might add a trap that mills from the deck to do something, yeah, that seems like a good idea.
As for Tennagonness, I should probably change the effect to where it only Special Summons from the banished pile, that way the card isn't too overpowered, yet it still retains it's form as a boss monster. Also, I might make him treated as all 4 of the Attributes as well, to get off some of the monster's effects. Yeah, that sounds pretty good.

Anyway, thanks for commenting.

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