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So I got my first computer yesterday..


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Yup. I'm 17 years old and I just got my first computer.

Of course, we're talking about the same scenario of grandma and grandpa handing down their 1987 Buick to their grandchild as their first car. My dad recently bought a new computer and gave me his old one. 2002 Dell Dimension 4300, 1.4GHz and maxed out at 512 MB of RAM. I've got a flat screen Dell monitor from 84 years ago and my speakers are actually older harman/kardons. For those of you who don't know, harman/kardon is used as a premium sound system in Mercedes and Audis I believe. The newest thing about my setup is the mouse, which came with my dad's new computer that he didn't want. I've got a wireless card so I can use the internet.

This thing is slow. :D

So tell me YCM.. What computers are you all using? Anything good? Feel free to post specs!

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I don't really like my current computer, since it's.. well after an Alureon rootkit has been inplanted, I left it off for a long time for fear of messing with it.
Currently I'm using a Toshiba laptop.

My future computer is gonna be a high-end, expensive, custom-made computer.
Gonna cost thousands. But it's all good.

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[quote name='Death Penguin' timestamp='1339918239' post='5958166']
I don't really like my current computer, since it's.. well after an Alureon rootkit has been inplanted, I left it off for a long time for fear of messing with it.
Currently I'm using a Toshiba laptop.

My future computer is gonna be a high-end, expensive, custom-made computer.
Gonna cost thousands. But it's all good.

Ugh.. we used to have a Toshiba laptop that ran Vista.. that thing sucked terribly as well.

OOH! I built a $25,000 computer on apple.com :D

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My laptop isn't anything special I got it just after Windows 7 came out (And plan to replace it when Windows 8 becomes mainstream) so it's nearly 3 (the max I've had any machine is 5 with new everything). Already had Dell run repairs on it because it suffered over heating issues.

I got my Dell Inspiron just after my sister got her's (She had Vista and I managed to buy at the right for Windows 7), spent about £370 which wasn't bad.

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[quote name='Yin' timestamp='1339926918' post='5958184']
My laptop isn't anything special I got it just after Windows 7 came out (And plan to replace it when Windows 8 becomes mainstream) so it's nearly 3 (the max I've had any machine is 5 with new everything). Already had Dell run repairs on it because it suffered over heating issues.

I got my Dell Inspiron just after my sister got her's (She had Vista and I managed to buy at the right for Windows 7), spent about £370 which wasn't bad.
Ugh.. We actually just took our Mac the other day to get a new hard drive since ours went out. It took a total of four days straight just to back it up to an external. So annoying :P Technology sucks! > <

[quote name='Gasai Yuno' timestamp='1339927406' post='5958187']
Custom built, 16 gigs of ram, dual nVIDIA video cards. Steel frame case, LEDs, several fans.

The works. ^_^
*applauds* I'd love that..

[quote name='Darkplant - VENOM' timestamp='1339939715' post='5958223']
This computer isn't really "mine", but I can use it freely at will at any time so I'm okay with it.

[b]Deleting history every time I go to porn sites is a bit tiring, though[/b]
I saw that. :l

..And I agree.

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[quote name='Comrade Trollestia' timestamp='1339979736' post='5958452']
I was 16 when I got my first computer and it was around as slow as that.

But I know I have a computer with 6GB of RAM and a 3.2GHz Dual-Core Processor!!!! *Laughs maniacally*

Both are/were Dells.
Once I find a job, I'm gonna save up for a nice laptop. I'm not sure I want a tower, seeing as I don't have a lot of space where I could put it, but I would love my own computer to use for school, music, stuff like YouTube, etc. I have to watch YouTube videos at 240p on this damn computer in order for it to run smoothly. o.o'

All the money I've saved up so far is going into a car. Hopefully, the one I plan to look at this week will be a keeper and I can buy it, but I'll still need money for gas and liability, so I'll probably need to get a job anyway. From there, easy savings.

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...Wow, those specs...

My old tower that I've been using off and on at its whim (the memory is failing, I think) has 2 gigs of RAM and a singe-core 1.8 GHz processor.

My current computer is a laptop that is easily (and almost literally) twice as powerful as the tower.

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i have my 'budget monster' pc, which is still a work in progress. 8 gig quad ram, dual core hyperthreaded, crossfire video setup, a 250$ case i got for 40$ i cant get the exact specs right now since im at work but i got all of this for under 500$. when i have the funds im gonna get a solid state harddrive and some newer video cards.

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  • 2 weeks later...

[quote name='Poc' timestamp='1340375194' post='5960940']
i have my 'budget monster' pc, which is still a work in progress. 8 gig quad ram, dual core hyperthreaded, crossfire video setup, a 250$ case i got for 40$ i cant get the exact specs right now since im at work but i got all of this for under 500$. when i have the funds im gonna get a solid state harddrive and some newer video cards.

Really seems to be the smartest thing to do. Build your own. No need for brand names. Having a big "Dell" on the side of your computer doesn't make it run any faster :P

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[quote name='MechaArif1000' timestamp='1341270658' post='5965760']
I have a pretty fine laptop with 6000 G of ram.
Where did I get the ram? Internet.....

Me want RAM! Me SMASH!

...lol my phone has 360MB RAM.. and my desktop has 512MB RAM.. Da fuq? C'mon computer! Get with the times! D:

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