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Aggro's Infamous Ice Barriers... okay this is kind of a different model, but still


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Umm... I have to be honest, I used to play Ice Barrier, I considered it my best deck... and it looked nothing like this. The only same things I saw looking at this were Dewdark, Prior, Strategist, Medallion, and some of the staples, so I don't really see how this deck would work out. I imagine it has to do with changing the battle position of distant sea to get cards for Prior to summon, but... I just don't see the good swarming tactics that Ice Barriers are supposed to use. For now though, you can start by getting rid of your Warnings for Salvage, because I think you already have enough Summon negation, any more is just overkilling it in my opinion.

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This deck plays completely different from any other Ice Barrier deck I've ever played.

Also, terrible call on the Warnings, I don't know what you're thinking getting rid of them. Well, I do, since you said it, but what you said is illogical so I'm ignoring it.

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