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HERO Beat: On Budget

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Before you ask, I have Nova Master and roach spare.

3 Elemental HERO Neos Alius
1 Elemental HERO Stratos
2 Beast King Barbaros
2 Effect Veiler
1 Honest
1 Crusader of Endymion

3 Pot of Consistency
3 Gemini Spark
2 E - Emergency Call
3 Miracle Fusion
1 RoTA
1 Hole
1 Storm
1 Book of Moon
1 Reborn

2 Torrential
2 warning
1 Judgment
2 Dark Bribe
2 Drain

3 AB0
3 The Shining
1 Nova Master
1 Great Tornado
2 Blade Armour Ninja
1 Maestroke, the SymhPONY Djinn
1 Roach
2 Number 39: Utopia

3 D.D. Storm Crow
3 Prohibition
3 Rivalry of Warlords
3 Skill Drain
2 Crevice to D.D.

That sideboard needs some work.

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Maindeck is a bad meta call. You want to be maindecking Skill Drain Hero beat.

So basically something [i]like[/i]

3 Alius
1 Stratos
3-4 combo of: Barbaros/Rai-oh/Tech stuff
1 Crusader of Endymion

3 Spark
2 E-Call
1 RotA
3 Reborn/Hole/Heavy
1 BoM
3 Duality
3 Miracle
0-1 Super Poly (If you want to tech it)

2 Torrential
2 Warning
2 Drain
1 Judgment
2 Bribe
0-1 Starlight Road
0-2 D-Prison

idk what space I left for you, but if there is any, use it for techs.

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[quote name='Chris' timestamp='1339535242' post='5956041']
Maindeck is a bad meta call. You want to be maindecking Skill Drain Hero beat.

So basically something [i]like[/i]

3 Alius
1 Stratos
3-4 combo of: Barbaros/Rai-oh/Tech stuff
1 Crusader of Endymion

3 Spark
2 E-Call
1 RotA
3 Reborn/Hole/Heavy
1 BoM
3 Duality
3 Miracle
0-1 Super Poly (If you want to tech it)

2 Torrential
2 Warning
2 Drain
1 Judgment
2 Bribe
0-1 Starlight Road
0-2 D-Prison

idk what space I left for you, but if there is any, use it for techs.

I think I'll netdeck that main. 3 Barbaros and what else? It's all I have to hand, but I'm visiting the game store tommorow, so I'll be sure to get most of this. Thanks.

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[quote name='Јordan' timestamp='1339535736' post='5956044']
I think I'll netdeck that main. 3 Barbaros and what else? It's all I have to hand, but I'm visiting the game store tommorow, so I'll be sure to get most of this. Thanks.

Well I didn't count space, but going over 2 Barbaros will clog.

2 Barbaros 2 TKRO should work. If you have space leftover, throw in Honest too.

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