Desu the Blue Nerd Posted June 12, 2012 Report Share Posted June 12, 2012 [img][/img] [size=5][S]Theme Song[/size] [media][/media] [size=5]==>[/size] As you continue to scroll down through this issue after having listened to the theme song for this week you noticed that oddly placed arrow. I’d do the honors of informing you that it’s really only there to advance the article when there’s not a serious change like switching to a different person’s article or somebody starting to do something completely different but you once again become sidetracked when you hear a large amount of obscenities practically blasted into your ear. They may also possibly be cries for help. You really need to work on that attention problem you seem to have. [size=5]==>[/size] Upon further investigation you realize that he is a young man wearing the second most silly clothing available on the market. The notable parts of his clothing are the crown-like hood he has over his head and pantaloons you can’t help but giggle at. They really are quite ridiculous on him but due to their extreme comfort he just doesn’t seem to care. His clothing makes him look almost like a PRINCE. A very ANGRY one at that. You may even go off on a limb and call him the PRINCE of ANGER. Quite frankly your random guess would be a fairly accurate one too. You realize though that RAGE sounds cooler and instead think that he’s some sort of PRINCE of RAGE. Three consecutive dings ring in your head informing you that the new title does indeed sound cooler. Or you are going slowly crazy as you read this. [size=5]Enter name.[/size] You attempt to input a name but to due to the profanity that the PRINCE of RAGE assumed you were going use for him he destroyed the box as soon as it popped up. We’ll have to continue to use titles when referring to the colorful cast in this issue. I hope you feel good about yourself. You’ve been too enthralled with him to actually pay any attention to me though. You decide you want to be like him when you grow up. Or just do that right now. [size=5]Be the PRINCE of RAGE.[/size] One cannot just simply be the PRINCE of RAGE. He’s a pretty big deal. But in the purpose of advancing this issue he will allow you to simply be him for a little bit. God, have mercy on his soul. [size=5]“PRINCE of RAGE: Review Butt Attack Punisher Girl Gauttaman.”[/size] After reading that last command you regret having become PRINCE of RAGE. [spoiler=Show Rant] [color=#0000CD]6utt Attack Punisher Girl Gauttaman is an anime Denver has mentioned a few times and I got to say I hate him for this. I watched this piece of sh*t or about fourty-five minutes. And this was supposedly the first episode 6ut it could have been the last since it didn’t go over how the heroine gained her powers and instead actually reached some sort of conclusion. Really just dumped everything in on that one supposedly first episode. Possi6ly was the last episode 6ut who am I to say the site I watched it on is wrong? Like hell I was going to look into it and actually possi6ly watch more of it. It DID start with a lot of stuff that made it seem like it could 6e a first episode but let’s get to that a little later. Like now later. Right off the 6at this anime tells you how ridiculously stupid it will be. “…there’s a 6oom in religion that exceeds the total population.” That’s a line the narrator says. The very first line. Apparently religion becomes so freaking amazing that there are more religious people than there are people that actually exist. Perfect. F*cking. Sense. Now not even a minute later the main heroine is introduced along with her male love interest, Toshi6ama or something like that. They’re walking along and talking a6out religion…yeah, I talk a6out religion all the time with my opposite gender love interest too. We also have completely different philosophies when it comes to the same religion that we 6oth worship with extreme zealousness. Oh, I didn’t mention this yet? Well the guy is one of those overly religious douche6ags who 6elieves religion should have complete control over us. Typical antagonist stuff. Yeah, the male love interest is also a 6ad guy 6ut this can be more delved into later. Now our lovely heroine 6elieves people should 6e a6le to love and whatnot freely. I love how this anime is so o6sessed with every6ody 6eing religious and super serious a6out it 6ut these two people with completely opposite ideals are apparently in love. Perfect. F*cking. Sense. There is too much stupid sh*t to make fun of in this anime. I’ve only even made fun of the first two minutes so far. I’ll kick up on the pace a little 6it. You probably noticed I kept 6eing specific about the gender of the love interest. Yeah, there’s a female love interest. The heroine is bisexual. This is the moment where all the guys in the audience start high fiving. It is pretty awesome. I’d like to mention that she is such a badass. She calls Buddha on some bullsh*t and pushes him through a f*cking wall. F*CK YEAH! She also later *CENSORED* the main character. Here’s for another round of high fives. Since this is actually an ecchi anime and may 6e a 6it too much for me to actually be talking a6out here on YCM. Nearly hentai-ish at some points like when Saori, the previously mentioned female love interest, reaches down the heroine’s panties and *CENSORED* her off camera. Pretty much Saori’s way of helping some6ody out after the male love interest “moved” (he was killed by the female love interest and since you really don’t want to watch this I’m helping you not watch it by spoiling this) and the person had her ass inappropriately gra66ed by her father. I want her as my best friend. There’s also a part where three octopus monster attack and…well I’m sure you guys have seen enough hentai to know where this is going. I suppose I should get on with the 6ad guys. I’ve been withholding that for long enough, right? Well to sum things there’s a 6unch of 6ad guys calling themselves the 6lack 6uddhas. Their goal is to convert every6ody to their religion and have a6solute control over them. Toshi6ama, the douchenozzle male love interest, is actually the 6oss of them. Well, he’s more like second in charge since there’s a pope but quite frankly he’s pro6a6ly stronger than him since he lost to the heroine because he wasn’t a complete dum6ass and figured out who she really was so he COULDN’T fight 6ack even though a few seconds 6efore then he was a6out to win. The pope legitimately got his ass kicked 6ecause he sucked so much. Even the low level octopus “6rainwashing” demons did a better jo6 than him until they were 6eaten when the heroine randomly pulled out vinegar she had on her for whatever reason. The pope does redeem himself though 6y turning out to be the mother*cking Terminator. Not kidding. He goes from an old man to turning into some random douche in a 6iker’s jacket. After 6eing caught in an explosion 6rought upon by a randomly placed gasoline truck he turns out to be a ro6ot. Not even kidding. A little bit later he loses his lower half and attempts to fight by dragging himself along with his arms. Sometimes it’s hard to tell if this anime is somewhat amazing at some points or what? Sh*tty. The answer is sh*tty. To com6at this threat from the future 6uddha himself stops riding rainbows for a few seconds to give our heroine sailor moon style super powers. She is then able to transform into 6UTT ATTACK PUNISHER GAUTTAMAN! F*CK YE-wait, that’s a stupid name. A STUPIDLY AWESOME NAME! 6ut not really. It’s still very stupid. Now I went through a6out…half the things I can point out that are incredi6ly stupid about this anime. A few somewhat awesome things too 6ut they don’t even close to redeem the pure sh*itiness of this. Let’s look on the 6right side. Still better than Highschool DxD. Now it should be noted this is not one of the animes that are so bad it’s decent. Like Highschool DxD. It’s just bad. Really…really 6ad. Don’t. F*cking. Watch It. Don’t do it, man. No, don’t type it in Google. No, 6ad you. 6ad.[/color] [/spoiler] [size=5]“PRINCE of RAGE: Stop being the PRINCE of RAGE.”[/size] You became bored being that guy just spouting a silly and boring rant of obvious things being pointed out and him not even having mention the best and perhaps stupidest scene that I won’t even bother with mentioning since that article is over and you’re probably now waking up or you just skipped through it. You just end up deciding to stop being him. You also couldn’t handle how important you were being but you still enjoyed being somebody else. [size=5]Start being somebody else.[/size] You start being somebody else. Unfortunately for you the person you are now is a female. You feel oddly comfortable though although your breasts are practically nonexistent. That or they’re like two whales. I shall allow your own imagination to decide on the size of the breasts of the person you started being. Really, just being in the presence of those buzongas seems to rejuvenate your well being and your life starts sucking less. That girl you like just sent you a text saying how nice your breasts are. It’s almost as if the person you’re trying to be is a MAKER BETTER of LIFE. You realize though that MAKER BETTER is a terrible sounding class and that you’re not actually as good at this as you thought you were. Instead you refer to her by the proportions of her breasticles. [size=5]==>[/size] NO! Stop playing around with youself! [size=5]“Washboard/Balloon Breasts: Review song.” [/size] [spoiler=Show Music Review] [color=#008080]ok s!nce th!s week's theme !s homestuck, !, the sylph of not-sure-!f-remember, w!ll rev!ew a song from the fandom, wr!tten and sung by the amaz!ngly talented hor!zon, aka hanyuudesu on youtube. she's part of the fans who wr!te and s!ng the!r own lyr!cs to or!g!nal homestuck songs and the song ! w!ll rev!ew !s her own take on flare.[/color] [color=#008080]the song + lyr!cs[/color] [color=#008080]background music only[/color] [color=#008080]!'m go!ng to focus more on the songwr!t!ng aspect rather than on the actual s!ng!ng, because the sylph of not-sure-!f-remember can't hold a s!ngle note !n tw!nkle tw!nkle l!ttle star. kk![/color] [color=#008080]now there's l!ttle that needs to be sa!d about the g!rl's s!ng!ng sk!lls. even though she's been do!ng th!s as a hobby and seems to have at least decent m!x!ng programms and such, but noth!ng really uber-pro-expens!ve of the h!ghest degree, her vo!ce control and th!ngs she can do w!th !t are top notch. just l!sten to !t, ! swear~ her vo!ce t!mbre really got me f!rst and ! l!ked how !t's a rather r!ch, deeper one, yet she can h!t fa!rly w!de ranges w!th !t. !n add!t!on, hor!zon knows how to record a song and m!x th!ngs, as heard at the beg!nn!ng, where her vo!ce !s superposed over the !ntro mus!c.[/color] [color=#008080]now onto the arrange !tself. flare is really an awesome song and !'m surpr!sed that there aren't many vocal arranges of !t ava!lable, s!nce there's so much you can do w!th !t. well, besides the s!nger hav!ng some real p!pes, she also wrote her own lyr!cs and ! th!nk that overall, she d!d a f!ne job. !t does the song just!ce and the ent!re melod!es, although sl!ghtly confus!ng at f!rst, st!ck w!th the or!g!nal.[/color] [color=#008080]the theme of the song seems to be regrets. regrets over a dead lover (! th!nk?), over not hav!ng been able to spend enough t!me together and th!ngs just gett!ng worse as a whole. hor!zon has stated to use rhym!ng d!ct!onar!es and some word cho!ces like the synchronous part (wh!ch she seems to l!ke us!ng) and the postmortem k!ss (wh!ch su!ts the m!ss part !n the net l!ne) sort of show !t. the lyr!cs are fa!rly s!mple and forward, and they really get the emot!ons to you. !f there's one th!ng !'d have to po!nt out however, !t's the number of syllables and words used at t!mes, wh!ch make the melody only sl!!!!!ghtly harder to flow. n!ce all!terat!ons and all, but espec!ally towards the end of the f!rst couplet, !t may have been better to leave some of them out and just hold some words longer maybe. but that's just a personal apprec!at!on (and trust me, ! tr!ed and went all "oh sh*t, sort of fast, eh?", but you really don't want to hear that.) my favour!te parts are probably "last n!ght I dreamt of you -- you were beaut!ful; am!dst a sky of blue", "!t was only the two of us, hearts beat!ng synchronously", whereas the very last couplet "! wanted so much more etc." !s just heart-grabb!ng.T.T[/color] [color=#008080]overall ! p!cked th!s arrange because !t's y favour!te so far bes!des pyrocomulus. apart from certa!n l!nes that don't flow so well, the songwr!t!ng was f!ne and manages to convey the r!ght feel!ngs.[/color] [color=#008080]! h!ghly approve of th!s[/color] [/spoiler] [size=6]==>[/size] After reading that article you finally managed to figure out that this issue has a [url=""]Homestuck[/url] stuck theme and all it actually took was somebody screaming it out at the top of her lungs. Or at least you assume that’s what was happening based on the massive amount of healing. Yes, healing. You still don’t know much about Homestuck and you’re too lazy to actually read through all the pages of it so you decide to check out the [url=""]wiki[/url] instead. After a while you come across a page for Homestuck’s [url=""]classes[/url] and [url=""]aspects[/url] that together give the player a [url=""]title[/url]. You most likely didn’t actually bother to check it out though and it’s not like you actually have much of an idea of what is being said anyway. To advance the issue though we’ll assume you did and that you were able to figure out that you’re currently being the SYLPH of LIFE. [size=5]“SYLPH of LIFE: Be the PRINCE of RAGE.”[/size] The PRINCE of RAGE is too busy flipping you off for you to be him. Tough attitude for a guy in pantaloons It’s after that comeback that you realized you’ve become somebody else who is also pretty awesome. [size=5]Realize you’ve become somebody else.[/size] You realize you’ve become somebody else but not of your own will. It’s as if your soul was taken from the SYLPH of LIFE. Checking back on the wiki to make sure you’re right you realize you’re the THIEF of HEART. Of course the guy you’re being already realized that and is truly only humoring you. His intervention was also just to advance things along more since he was getting quite annoyed with this Homestuck style narration and wanted to get this done quicker. [size=5]“THIEF of HEART: Ask PRINCE of RAGE what all the remaining titles were again.”[/size] PRINCE of RAGE informs you that the titles of the remaining people who had made an article for this issue are SEER of VOID, PAGE of SPACE, MAGE of MIND, and Rai. You don’t bother to question the last one. He also mentions that the SYLPH of LIFE has more stuff to check out. You were planning on becoming her again anyway. It felt oddly right for you. [size=5]“THIEF of HEART: Let reader be SYLPH of LIFE”[/size] You’re allowed to be the SYLPH of LIFE again even if it’s mostly for your own highly perverted reasons. [size=5]“SYLPH of LIFE: Interview Guardian”[/size] [spoiler=Show Chatlog] [color=#008080]ok !'m the sylph of !-don't-remember and ! am here w!th our !nterv!ewee of the week, who !s actually royalty god mater!al[/color] 1) so who !s god crouton, what does god crouton do, some bas!c facts, random tr!v!a and so on 1) I'm an artist. I draw a lot of fantasy stuff. 2) I like ukiyo-e, mostly the yokai art. 3) I like 80's anime, especially Fist of the North Star, Ronin Warriors, Zeta Gundam, Robotech, Megazone 23, and Riding Bean. 4) I like croutons. 5) My previous name, King Crouton, was a joke based on the fact that I regularly bought croutons at the time. 6) One of my past names, Delinquent Girl Niatsofi, was a reference to a comic strip I drew in 2008, and is the previous name of a comic I'm working on now called "Demon Woman", which is a Power Ranger/Masked Rider-ish series about a half-demon girl who fights demons that possess people by fusing with another demon and fighting like a Power Ranger. The story is crazy. 7) I'm a university student, and have 2 associate's degrees, 1 in communication design, and the other in web design. I'm pursuing a bachelor's in art history. 8 ) I used to write for Busy Street, which is notorious for criticizing That Guy with the Glasses and other internet reviewers, until they dropped all TGWTG discussion, and recently the entire blog and started a new blog on tumblr called Just Reset, where they discuss games. I frequent their weekly Saturday night streams. 9) I'm a regular at the Bonus Stage Marathons, a charity group involving Cornshaq and his friends where they play video games 72 hours straight for charity. I started the running gag where the entire chat plays on Cornshaq's name by replacing "shaq" with another word (ex: Cornrage). I also came up with the idea of the cornshake, which consisted of popcorn, creamed corn, and various other "corn" products, and Cornshaq drank it on camera during the stream. He drank it after they reached a donation goal. They later drank another type of shake which had old chinese food in it or something but that was a later marathon, and I can't remember what was in it. 10) I'm a huge fan of Transformers, mainly the cartoons. The only comics I read are the old Marvel ones. 11) I play video games. I own the Playstation 1 and 2, a Gameboy Advance, a DS Lite, and a Sega Game Gear. 12) Off the internet, I'm actually a really quiet person. I stutter a lot. 13) I watch professional wrestling religiously. Anything Scott Steiner says is gold whether on the mic or recently, his twitter feud with Hulk Hogan and Hogan's daughter. I miss Jerry Lawler's random shrieks. Stone Cold's "WHAT?" promos are hilarious. 14) I like cheesy action movies. My favorites are Invasion USA with Chuck Norris, and Showdown in Little Tokyo with Dolph Lundgren. I also liked the live-action Street Fighter movie with Jean Claude Van Damme. 15) I love crime shows like Criminal Minds and NCIS. 16) I like to play around with words and puns. 17) I currently work at a movie theater, and have worked there for 7 years now (started in 2005), through 2 company changes. It's my first and only job to date. 18) I'm not very religious, and in fact, rarely think about life or why we exist yada yada. 19) I started playing Yugioh in 9th grade because a girl played it. She thinks I'm creepy, and I really was. My first deck was just the Yugi and Kaiba Starters mashed together with 1 Giant Germ. The last deck I ran IRL (circa. 2006) was a 50-card beatdown that ran Chainsaw Insects, Goblin Attack Force, etc. I played a bit on DMG, but now only play on DN. [color=#008080]2) s!nce many people on the s!te are !nterested !nto yug!oh, what !s your favour!te archetype, both !n the actual tcg and one you made yourself? (note: mr./m!ss/th!ng crouton has been act!ve !n cc and some archetypes are l!nked !n the s!g)[/color] My favorite TCG archetype is Geargias because they mix great with Machinas. My favorite CC archetype is Onis, mostly because they're based off my Demon Woman character, whose is the princess of an Oni tribe. All the archetypes in my sig are based on characters from my series. [color=#008080]3) ! wasn't aware that you were draw!ng resp. mak!ng up com!cs. have you ever posted some on YCM and what were they l!ke?[/color] I haven't posted any comics here because I haven't started the comic yet. I'm still planning the story from start to finish, and currently have 77 issues planned. [color=#008080]4) rec!pes with croutons. want to share one w!th our readers?<3[/color] Aside from salad with croutons and wasabi strips, I have a few times just ate croutons with raspberry vinaigrette. [color=#008080]5) why should we wrosh!p god crouton?[/color] Because there is no salvation from me, there is only salvation through me...and Apocalypse ripped that line from me. [color=#008080]6) also, ! got you a new planet, wh!ch !s called planet crouton. you're the one and only ruler. now let's put th!ngs in there and get !t !nto mot!on.[/color] OMG. First, I'll create an army of Steven Seagal foot soldiers with blasters like Kilobyte uses, and, and, my fortress will be a mini-planet that orbits the planet and changes into Unicron, complete with Orson Welle's voice, and, and, my fortress will be guarded by hundreds of Sturm Gertz, and, and..what was I talking about again? [color=#008080]7) oh damn, !f only ! knew more or had a b!t more t!me to research about th!s mecha senta! ranger stuff. ah well, what would you do !f you woke up and real!zed that you were demon woman (or some other female com!c f!gure)? ...!n th!s regular world as we know !t?o_o[/color] Well, at first, I'd be shocked to find that I've become a brutish, 15-year old girl. But then, I'd...uhhh...find some way to make turning into a demon that rides an armored tiger useful...? [color=#008080]8 ) what !s your favour!ite art h!story per!od, mytholog!cal be!ng and mus!c genre?[/color] Art period, I kind of liked the Renaissance. Mythological being, the Oni if they count. Music, not one in particular. I really just like any song that sounds right to me. Examples would be Fairy Dreaming by WIZZ-KISS or Angel Night by PSY-S. [color=#008080]9) last mov!e you saw and any mov!e that !s currently be!ng shown and that you'd recommend r!ght now?[/color] Last movie in theaters: Date Night. Last movie in general: Invasion USA. I heard the Avengers was good. [color=#008080]10) what !s your favour!te breakfast food and what !s !n your fr!dge r!ght now?[/color] also favour!te dr!nk, !cecream flavour and veh!cle? Honey Nut Shredded Wheat. Apple slices are in my fridge. Orange soda, strawberry, and whatever Blurr transforms into. [color=#008080]11) emergency on planet crouton. the !nhab!tants have gone on a rampage lately because some stup!d trolls from another planet w!th we!rd commun!cat!on qu!rks have landed there and are st!rr!ng up trouble (oh and they're not of the cutesy k!nd e!ther). How doth thy ruler solve th!ngs?[/color] I would send in the extermination squads to dispose of them quick and swift. [color=#008080]12) !t's t!me for planet crouton's !nternat!onal anthem. p!ck one and elaborate pls.:3[/color] The Lord Zedd theme with "Lord Zedd" replaced with "Crouton." [color=#008080]13) !f someone wrote a b!ography about you, what would the t!tle be and what would !t be l!ke?[/color] God Crouton: A Royalty to Godhood Story. The narrator would talk like a fusion of Scott Steiner and Jim Ross. [color=#008080]14) who are your best fr!ends on th!s s!te resp. the people you look up to the most?[/color] I'm not really social, but Armadilloz and RobotBowtieofDestruction (whatever happened to him?) Arm introduced me to Monster Mash, and Bowtie helped me with Machina Gadgets circa. 2010. [color=#008080]15) peanut butter or fru!t jam? balsam!co dress!ng or yoghurt dress!ng? muff!ns or cupcakes? [/color] Peanut Butter, Balsamico dressing, and muffins. [color=#008080]16) !f you were an an!mal/tree, what sort of an!mal/tree would you be?[/color] Maybe a police dog [color=#008080]17) des!gn a sp!ce shelf for a bl!nd person. gogogo![/color] Something with lots of sounds to detect which shelf is which. [color=#008080]18) last one, w!ll you s!ng a part !n that song we're do!ng th!s week?=D[/color] I don't sing. ok that was pretty much !t. anything else you want to tell our readers? Uhhh...hmmm... ALL HAIL GOD CROUTON!! [/spoiler] [size=5]"SYLPH of LIFE: Be SEER of VOID."[/size] You start being the SEER of VOID once again only to realize you’ve become a girl again. Not exactly as sartisfying as being the one with the boobs that fit whatever preferences you have. [size=5]“SEER of VOID: Talk about pokemon based game.”[/size] [spoiler=Show tips on game] [color=#FF0099]Hello~ You probably all know me as Seer of Void. I joined this group several weeks ago but finally took it upon myself to write. My next eighteen articles will be on Pokemon Arena X, and you're lucky I'm the one writing the articles; I'm considered the best fighter of the thousands who play by a handful of the other, better fighters. I'm much more analytical than most of the proletariat and apply that skill to a game that is seen as shallow but has some depth to it. Anyway, it's just to say you're fortunate to have one in several thousand who is certainly better than nigh all who play. Speaking mathematically, I've been on at least three-hundred servers where twelve people are permitted a server, in addition to my being one of the first few to play the game ever....[/color] [color=#FF0099]Onto business.[/color] [color=#FF0099]Pokemon Arena X is a fangame made on Roblox. Despite the negative connotation Roblox has, the game itself is the epitome of the selection available on the game. It's much different from traditional Pokemon games; it is a three dimensional, real-time fighter. It's based on a large map, so anybody can enter or leave a fight at once and travel alone or in a group. While I don't expect any of you to play it, I'd enjoy writing an article for it. If you do play it, where I'm very pessimistic, notify me and I'll help you if you need anything. I do have a very long history in the game, so my knowledge could be useful to anybody who needs it. If you'd like to ask a question, do so and I'll answer them unless they ruin the fun of what ever I'll write next. That means no asking what I'll write next. My articles will focus on types individually. Because of the game's developing stage, many pokemon have not been made yet. I will, however, describe every pokemon how I can, strategies they may have, an expository on their abilities, anecdotes of mine with them, how powerful they'd be considered and how I feel about them. I'll maybe even tell a story of mine from time to time. Prince of Rage knows what they are, like when I took down that shiny Groudon and his server-wide army with my brother alone.[/color] [color=#FF0099]*Fixes glasses.*[/color] [color=#FF0099]The first type of the week is...[/color] [color=#FF0099]Psychic. /nonchalant[/color] [color=#FF0099]In Pokemon Arena X, abbreviated as PAX from here on out, Psychic is a heavily underused type. It only has five pokemon with it as a primary type; Mew, Wobbuffet, Cresselia, Reuniclus and Shiny Jirachi. Unlike the actual games, where Psychic is defensively negative due to the common usage of Crunch, Sucker Punch or U-Turn, Psychic becomes less vulnerable where Dragon, Fire, Rock and Ice counter some of the game's strongest pokemon, in descending order. In PAX, some of Psychic's main, global worries are Accelgor, Volcarona and Gengar. Accelgor, while a minor threat to anything that has an AoE and a Fire move, is armed with Double-Edge, the absolute best melee move in the game, insane speed, a small hitbox, half the gravity and a resistance to your main moves as a Psychic type. Bug Buzz is another danger; it can devour nearly two-hundred HP as soon as it is used besides you. Volcarona is as much a sweeper in here as in the official games' metagame. It has, again, a resistance to your moves, Bug Buzz, Hurricane and Heat Wave. Hurricane breaks anything that doesn't resist it in half and Heat Wave, a move depicted as a moving wall of fire, drags you. Heat Wave's damage accumulates as it drags you, so a move to stop your momentum or to move you out of the way is necessary unless you're sure you'll survive. Besides that, hia huge hitbox and only decent speed make him an easy target. He can still be dispatched of. Gengar is a terrible opponent to face in the proper hands. It has Sucker Punch, which crushes pasty Psychic-types as yourself, Dark Pulse, which saves him from tripping and does a bit of damage and Toxic, which is thrown as a ball that trips and poisons you. The ball itself is invisible, though the projectile is surrounded by a purple smog. Will-o-Wisp is a terror to be hit by no matter who you are. Gengar is also fast and a tad difficult to hit. It could definitely go down, though it having immunity to Normal cripples Reuniclus users.[/color] [color=#FF0099]The pokemon themselves~[/color] [color=#FF0099][size=5][u][b]Mew[/b][/u][/size] HP: 500 Movement: Fast Moves: Ancientpower, Confusion, Light Screen and Pound. Hypothetical Tier: RU[/color] [color=#FF0099]Mew is not a common sight as a serious main. Most appearances it would make are by those testing various pokemon or those who have no idea what to use. That isn't to say Mew is terrible. I have used Mew very rarely and have taken down a surprising amount with it, though I would not main it. The main flaws Mew faces are a lack of killing power and frailty with a measly 500 HP. As speed is instrumental in real-time fighting, that frailty is redeemed by said speed. It can outrun any dragon besides Dragon Danced Altaria, Palkia and Garchomp, increasing the value of the speed it has. Mew has a moveset meant for poking and running. Confusion inflicts less than moderate damage but reloads rapidly and mostly trips mixed with Pound, a melee version of Confusion with Normal typing together lets it trip the opponent from any sensible range. A good idea is to shoot Ancientpower only when they're tripped and in the center of the opponent's hitbox; it appears as three separate rocks forming a triangle and slowly dispersing where every rock inflicts individual damage. Merging the three can break the will of anything Rock is super-effective against if done perfectly. It then has Light Screen. Light Screen blocks any projectile that is not a ring nor an object. It will not negate Rock Throw or Dragon Pulse but will negate anything from Thunderbolt to Hyper Beam. Use it if the opponent manages to trick you, which is unlikely, given your speed. What not to do as Mew is not to attack anything you know with a superior melee game head on, nor using your attacks without thinking. Mew requires a strategy involving patience and accuracy. Do not even try attacking a good Accelgor or Salamence head on. They can trip you with Double-Edge and Dragon Rush and stomp you with Bug Buzz and Fire Blast, both respectively. Do NOT squander Light Screen, either. If attacking that Salamence head on is your only choice, start with Confusion and only try putting him on the ground with Pound if Confusion fails. When he hits the ground, throw a super-effective Ancientpower and, if shot well, should lower most threats to half or below their maximum HP, then use Light Screen only if you're immobile or if he has used all his other moves.[/color] [color=#FF0099][size=5][u][b]Wobbuffet[/b][/u][/size] HP: 600 Movement: Medium Moves: Counter, Mirror Coat and Destiny Bond. Hypothetical Tier: NU[/color] [color=#FF0099]Ah, Wobbuffet. It is even rarer than Mew as to see at ALL. Nobody of my knowledge has ever mained Wobbuffet nor would they want to. It was, during an older version of the game, capable of spamming Destiny Bond on as many people as it wanted and suiciding to kill everyone affected or it could run away and, as long as it was alive, all those affected were invincible unless they were OHKO'd. Wobbuffet...really has little going for it. It has a massive 600 HP and smaller than average hitbox but a mediocre movement speed that makes that 600 easy to whittle down. The main threat it can outrun is...nothing. Wobbuffet's moveset is fully defensive. Counter makes him inflict damage tantamount to whatever damage a physical attack is inflicting upon use and only if the red barrier Counter appears as is apparent during use. This means you have to use Counter right before an opponent runs into you so that tripping moves like Double-Edge don't make you miss the reflecting damage. Mirror Coat is essentially the same but for projectiles, featuring an aqua orb, instead. Lastly, Wobbuffet has its signature move in this game, Destiny Bond. Destiny Bond makes Wobbuffet. It has been nerfed since long ago; Wobbuffet remains frozen for a time after any use and takes longer to reload with a smaller radius being affected. This means that Wobbuffet's only option in a real battle is to stall with Counter or Mirror Coat and use Destiny Bond if the opponent has tripped or is winning, to limit their best result to a draw. There isn't much you can't want to do as Wobbuffet. It has such a constricted moveset that the only things you shouldn't do are use Counter and Mirror Coat at the same time or miss with Destiny Bond. It would really be better not to use Wobbuffet. Actually, the worst thing you'd want to do as Wobbuffet is decide to continue using Wobbuffet. Unless you really like battles that consist of you tripping and tanking until Destiny Bond works and resetting to kill you and your opponent, it's really useless. Use it for fun.[/color] [color=#FF0099][size=5][u][b]Cresselia[/b][/u][/size] HP: 500 Movement: Medium-Fast Moves: Confusion, Psycho Cut, Aurora Beam, Light Screen and Lunar Dance. Hypothetical Tier: BL[/color] [color=#FF0099]This pokemon is not a very rare sight to behold as one would believe the official games proclaim. It is not common, but one can be found every third or four server. I have used Cresselia to disprove the theory that it is terrible, though it has not ended up as a main of mine, unfortunately. Cresselia's HP and above average sized hitbox make it difficult to dodge very well. Something faster could hit it without a problem, though a good player would be able to dodge well enough. It's fast enough to outspeed important enemies like Reshiram, Hydreigon and the previously mention Volcarona. It can escape its counters particularly well. It also has a very unique move in Lunar Dance. Cresselia's moveset allows it to compliment the speed it has and effectively kite while dragging the opponent down with Aurora Beam. Confusion is should not be the first move attempted with Cresselia, for Aurora Beam recharges faster and inflicts slightly more damage and, as a projectile, appears in the shape of five rings in a straight line the second it is shot, with decent space between every ring. This means that it can be shot from midrange and begin its trajectory already hitting the opponent. Spam it. Psycho Cut shoots two large, purple discs that, after traveling several meters, separate, stick to the ground and slide erratically, tripping anybody who they touch. This is a better Confusion and should be used when least expected to trip an enemy and follow up with Aurora Beam for adequate damage. Cresselia has the famous Light Screen, widely increasing chances of survival if tripped as most unleash all their projectiles during this time. Use Cresselia's Light Screen and punish the opponent by shooting an Aurora Beam through it; all your projectiles pierce Light Screen. Lunar Dance has the user stay in place and lower their HP to 1. While it sounds useless, it makes Cresselia a superior choice for fighting in teams, considering it actually fully heals anybody in a radius around Cresselia. If you're Cresselia, don't omit the use of Aurora Beam for the ignorable damage it inflicts. It can build up very quickly with the fantastic reload time it has. As with anyone, don't waste Light Screen. It's situational but can save you. Think of it as Gorz except you're not being rewarded for playing bad. Don't EVER use Lunar Dance in a one-on-one because it'll kill you and heal the enemy. As Cresselia, you do not want to get involved in a melee fight. Your worst nightmares are Accelgor, Escavalier and Ninjask worse than anything else. Good players with any of the mentioned three will easily curbstomp you unless you bait their Bug Buzz/ X-Scissor, punish with Psycho Cut and follow with Aurora Beam, which is super-effective to two of them. Your melee game as Cresselia exists, and it's called being an opportunist.[/color] [color=#FF0099][size=5][u][b]Reuniclus[/b][/u][/size] HP: 540 Movement: Medium Moves: Light Screen, Psycho Shock, Psychic and Hyper Beam. Hypothetical Tier: UU[/color] [color=#FF0099]Reuniclus is the least common Psychic-type you'll see besides Wobbuffet. It is not fast enough to fight toe-to-toe with the most powerful or popular pokemon and is not overpowered in any particular field, so the use of it is varied. I had Reuniclus as a secondary main months ago and, if done well, is sufficient as a primary main. Unfortunately, it is heavily underestimated, though many fail to see Reuniclus' potential. Reuniclus has sufficient HP and speed to tank what isn't consistently super-effective against it. Reuniclus has a ton of killing power but falters to anything rapid, small and aggressive. Unfortunately, Reuniclus has a huge model and a rather unsatisfactory speed, so that tanking it has becomes more precious, but try not to rely on it. Forty HP is still only forty HP above a standard 500. Reuniclus is almost as much a slow, bulky sweeper in here as it is in the official games. Psychic and Hyper Beam both deal considerable damage, the latter inflicting about two-hundred to anything that doesn't resist it and the former slightly more than half, reloading fast enough to negate the opponent's natural regeneration and then some. Psycho Shock is a fantastic move currently unique to Reuniclus. It inflicts nearly the same damage as Psychic but has incredible knockback, always sending the opponent dozens of meters away and tripping them. Use it in conjuncture with Hyper Beam or to create space if you're tripped. This moveset is even better as a counter to being tripped with Light Screen, cutting the risk tripping introduces to a fraction of usual. None of Reuniclus' moves pierce Light Screen, so set it up after your other moves have been used or defensively if the opponent uses many projectiles, like Dragonite or Raichu. Why it would be placed above Cresselia or Mew is because of Hyper Beam and Psycho Shock. Hyper Beam easily overwhelms any opponent more than Cresselia's Aurora Beam or Mew's Ancientpower ever does and Psycho Shock is much more effective than Confusion. Psychic inflicts great damage and sometimes trips, surpassing anything the others could use in one hit besides Mew's super-effective Ancientpower. Don't use Reuniclus if you have terrible accuracy. It only has adequate speed, but all the moves it has require patience and accuracy to use. Hyper Beam should never be used unless you're sure it will hit, because taking down big pokemon becomes difficult with Psychic and Psycho Shock alone. As always, Light Screen should only be used if you can't dodge and the opponent is using an AoE to set up for Dragon Pulse and Fire Blast at the same time. Even less so than with Mew, do not fight at close range unless it is to increase the chances of one of your moves hitting. Try not to use Reuniclus against somebody who is fast or melee-based. Somebody fast can easily bait your moves and punish your attempts while somebody melee-based can shut your options down, if they're faster than you and skilled at dodging.[/color] [color=#FF0099][size=5][u][b]Shiny Jirachi[/b][/u][/size] HP: 530 Moves: Confusion, Wish, Doom Desire, Double Edge and Draco Meteor Movement: Fast Hypothetical Tier: Uber[/color] [color=#FF0099]This pokemon is owned only by one-hundred or so players, though it sees much use under those who own it. If you were to use Shiny Jirachi, you'd always have three or four people comment on it and an another few ask how you obtained it. I'm one of the little who have it, though I disdain using it because of my inexperience with it. In a world where legendaries or uber-tier pokemon were all that was available, though, this would be my main. Shiny Jirachi is faster and smaller than Mew, making it difficult to hit unless you have an AoE, which may not even trip it. That thirty HP it has over Mew lets it regenerate only slightly faster, but helps it last longer with its small hitbox. Your main worry is Fire Blast. It already inflicts the most of any normal projectile but has the addition of being super-effective to you. The weakness to Fire alone already makes using it risky in a game where many popular pokemon have a Fire move. Your moveset is absolutely incredible. Of all the pokemon in the game, Jirachi has the most damage-dealing move besides OHKOs; Doom Desire. Doom Desire only shoots two or three seconds after it is used and sends out a tremendous orb. With a neutral damage multiplier, it can inflict four to six-hundred damage. It actually varies, but even the minimum it would inflict mixed with your speed and the rest of your moveset make missing with even such a powerful move fine. After missing Doom Desire, Jirachi has Double-Edge and huge speed, letting it inflict about two-hundred and tripping with a simple touch if it doesn't backfire. If you manage to trip them with Double-Edge or Confusion, the latter essentially a filler move that is not good in relativity to your other moves, stand near them and use Draco Meteor. Draco Meteor involves your charging with a purple aura and a dozen and a half meteors raining in the area around you. Every meteor inflicts two-hundred damage. This move is ideal in a game of idiots spamming the biggest dragon they can find. Wish fully heals you upon use but has a huge reload time. Wish lets you wall your opponent and increases your variety of options. You could have your opponent waste all their moves and then use Wish to make their efforts in vain. Your main strategy should be starting with Double Edge all the time to trip them and catch up to their being knocked back if possible to 2HKO them with Doom Desire. If you'd rather make your victory more sure, try Confusion as an alternative. It has a much smaller knockback but still trips, letting you use Doom Desire without having to aim while catching up to them or using Double-Edge to throw them around more. Use Wish if the opponent is that much more skilled than you or if they have an AoE and Fire Blast, if you even survive what ever damage Fire Blast inflicts to you. Don't start your fight with Doom Desire. It'll make your aggression obvious and makes Doom Desire easy to waste if they anticipate it. Wish should only be used in dire situations. It doesn't work every time, so using it in a bad position makes it more important than using it if it doesn't always work. If you want to use Draco Meteor, don't stand on your opponent or use it while they're not tripped; it is the easiest move in the game to predict with the purple aura and waiting of three seconds while your pokemon stands in place. Never fight anything with Fire Blast that is faster than you; Garchomp could use Earthquake to pin you down and combine Dragon Pulse and Fire Blast, always bringing you to zero, Salamence could use Dragon Pulse to trip you and the use Fire Blast, shooting another Dragon Pulse to finish you off before you rise and something like Blaziken could trip you with Karate Chop and Using Flamethrower and Fire Blast at once, killing you. There's really not much to using Shiny Jirachi besides having common sense. It isn't as rare as pessimists asseverate.[/color] [color=#FF0099]~~~~[/color] [color=#FF0099]A story I could share in terms of a Psychic-type pokemon would be of several years ago in a prototype of Pokemon Arena X. That was when the first version of the first game was created. My brother and I, as already stated, used to spend quite a bit of our time on it as some of the first players. We had a less common sort of partnership and played a bit differently than most other people because my brother and I used to commit server wipes. That is when any amount of people decide to attack everybody in a server, fighting them all at once for the enjoyment of the challenge or just to bother people. Back then, my brother used Mewtwo while I used Porygon-Z. Mewtwo was overwhelmingly powerful and Porygon Z was only decent, but we managed to take down large servers together. At a point, my brother and I were near a small lake, surrounded by ten people and we managed to defeat them until the server split up into a more organized group consisting of a Blaziken, Sceptile, Porygon-Z, Rayquaza, Articuno, Zekrom and Kyurem, of all that I can remember. The Blaziken, Sceptile, Porygon-Z, Swampert and Articuno would remain at the peak of this large mountain in the center of the map while Rayquaza, Zekrom and Kyurem would be wandering around. There definitely were three other members of them, but memory isn't serving me well in terms of an exact, minor event two years ago. Anyway, my brother had me attack Articuno's part of the group while he fought the three legendaries. The first time I ventured to the peak, I wasn't really taking the battle seriously and was felled quickly by the group, considering their massive advantage in numbers. My brother, on the other hand, was having little trouble fighting three legendaries with the occasional addition of another of their members once in a while. I returned up with a more powerful resolve, manifested as I had been my brother being teamed on by many people. I remember starting with a surprise attack, hitting the Sceptile with Zap Cannon and Hyper Beam and finishing him off quickly. The Swampert and Blaziken surrounded my sides and shot projectiles while parallel to each other until I tripped the Swampert and took that Blaziken down on another side of the mountain. The Articuno, the player not being a natural fighter, called somebody they were reliant on as a secret weapon as I finished the Swampert off and attacked him. Unfortunately, the Articuno was able to escape and I lost him, but I turned around to see a different name appearing and an Entei emerging from a cave. At this moment, my brother had been having trouble as well. His HP was rather low and he still had the Zekrom alive while my HP wasn't exactly great and I had an Entei on my tail. I still fought my opponent, but he had the upper hand and during the beginning of the battle, it was visible he wasn't to be taken very lightly. He had some significant skill, but it wasn't anything I couldn't handle. I started by jumping in and using Discharge to trip him. It worked, but his Fire Fang followed and almost tripped me. Then next move was to take him down while he was vulnerable with Hyper Beam and Zap Cannon. As the projectiles were invisible in the distance, so was the Entei until he appeared out of nowhere, half-dead, actually managing to hit me with Fire Blast. The Porygon-Z was able to stand it, but not easily. I finished him off with another move that currently escapes my memory, but it was a close battle. My brother, in the meanwhile, had finished his three opponents off and the Sceptile, who joined his part of the fight, was also defeated. The Zekrom returned but didn't attack my brother, challenging him to a one-on-one fight to see who really was the best in the server before his large group rallied more uninvolved people to team up against my brother and I. He accepted the challenge which was to begin on a mountain not far from the first one. I was spectating beside the Kyurem from earlier on the far side of the mountain. Somehow, my brother managed to start the battle on only equal fotting with the Zekrom who was honestly only mediocre. He was much faster, capable of running circles around the Zekrom and attacking him, but the opposition had few AoE attacks, making it difficult to get nearby. As they had been fighting a match they both intended to be fair, the Kyurem began shooting Ancientpower and Dragon Pulse at my brother to my disbelief. I quickly threw him off the mountain with Zap Cannon, telling m brother what had been happening where he replied that he was aware. I continued my pursuit but was unable to keep up with Kyurem's higher speed. I still managed to give him Hyper Beam later on with my brother going to crush with his even faster movement speed. The Zekrom dispatched of his group and had been sure to inform the former members of my brother's superiority, thinking my brother and I had an ever-expanding group that accepted new members and "joining," along with various others until the entire server was calling my brother their lord while I just left.[/color] [color=#FF0099]~~~~[/color] [color=#FF0099]Various Tips:[/color] [color=#FF0099]-After using Cresselia a bit, I found that, if used well, she kills incredibly efficiently. All her offensive moves trip the opponent, so it's possible to combo these moves and bringing even a Reshiram from full to dead. It's based around Aurora Beam being used every second move and jumping back when Psycho Cut is used because it can backfire if you move forward when using it. The basic combo is : Aurora Beam>Confusion>Aurora Beam>Psycho Cut>Aurora Beam if you do not time your moves properly. Using this combo and the moves as quickly as possible will bring nothing to you but Aurora Beam and either of the other moves working rarely. When used with two to three seconds of delay between every move, Aurora Beam will always be available and Confusion and Psycho Cut will have reloaded after every cycle.[/color] [color=#FF0099]-The space button is the best defensive button in the game. If timed properly, jumping (with the space bar) will negate tripping and most knockback but not damage. If mistimed, you'll end up stumbling on the ground longer and flying further. The best reason to master this is so you don't get tripped and put in a combo until you die and to improve your defensive game by using this to outlast your opponent much easier.[/color] [color=#FF0099]-In Roblox, WASD moves you in the given direction while the arrow keys turn your camera and let you move back and forth. Scrolling zooms the camera in and out while holding the right click and moving the mouse lets you freely drag the camera. Use WASD rather than the arrow keys and always keep your camera zoomed out enough to let you notice attacks from behind. Always be prepared to right click. That button is essentially your vision. Any other way and you'd have a lot of trouble dodging and moving how ever you please.[/color] [/spoiler] [size=5]==>[/size] You feel it as an accomplishment to have been able to read all of that. If you were God Tier you certainly would have gained a badge. Instead you barely inch your way up on your echeladder. You’re beginning to feel somewhat uncomfortable being the SEER of VOID and feel it best to become somebody else right away. [size=5]“SEER of VOID: Be the PAGE of SPACE.”[/size] You decided the best way to do things was to go down the list that the PRINCE of RAGE had presented to the THIEF of HEART. Good thing you’re able to scroll up and look at it otherwise you probably would have forgotten the order. Being the PAGE of HOPE you realize that you are the youngest of the cast but are able to work just as well as those older than you and only have potential to be better. [size=5]“PAGE of SPACE: Review manga.”[/size] [spoiler-Show not so random manga review] [color=#008000]Bef0rehand, I’d 1ike t0 te11 y0u guys that I’m dumping the wh01e “Hit rand0m thing.” This wi11 n0w be kn0wn as the Sp0tlight f0r Manga. This means n0w I can g0 back t0 s0me o1der manga that I’ve read, s0 I can share it with y0u a11! Enj0y![/color] [color=#008000]Hi, I’m The Pa9e of Space, and this is[/color] [color=#008000]The Page of Space's Sp0t1ight f0r Manga![/color] [color=#008000]This week’s sp0t1ight?[/color] [size=5][color=#008000]Kikai Banashi Hanasaka Ikkyuu[/color][/size] [img][/img][Genre/Tags] – C0medy Dem0ns Drama Fantasy Psych010gical Sh0unen [color=#008000]“There 0nce was an ayakashi called Karma wh0 cha11en9ed his victims t0 a battle 0f wits. If the subject succeeded, the ayakashi w0u1d 9rant them 0ne wish, but if they l0st, he wou1d dev0ur their s0u1. At the same time, there was a y0un9 m0nk called Hanasaku Ikkyuu, wh0 was famed f0r his c1everness. He used t0 eager1y sharpen his mind, s01ving cha11enging ridd1es sent to him, unti1 his m0ther fe11 i11. When he f0und that his cleverness was 0f n0 use in he1ping her, he gave it up. Karma seeks 0ut Ikkyuu, eager t0 best him in a batt1e 0f wits and c0nsume his s0u1. 0ne day, Ikkyuu rescued a y0un9 be99ar b0y, 0nly t0 see him fa11 i11 with a mysteri0us i11ness. That same day, Karma fina11y finds Ikkyuu and 0ffers him his danger0us bargain. Thanks t0 Karma, wi11 Ikkyuu fina11y have a way to use his c1everness t0 he1p the pe0p1e around him?”[/color] [color=#008000]…*Interest peaked*[/color] [color=#008000]We11, I 100ked ar0und Mangareader for quite s0me time n0w, bare1y c0ming acr0ss anything interesting. I even began t0 100se h0pe. But then, THIS happened.[/color] [color=#008000]As y0u can tell, it’s a manga ab0ut a clever m0nk wh0 g0es ar0und with a dem0n, using his wits t0 s01ve as many pr0b1ems as he can. He’s a1s0 trying t0 get a11 12 Wish Sea1s (0r whatever they’re ca11ed) s0 he can wish f0r, in sh0rt, w0r1d peace. I was sketchy at first, but I didn’t have very many 0pti0ns, s0 I gave it a g0. And I’m quite g1ad I did.[/color] [color=#008000]The main f0cus of this manga are the puzz1es (of s0rts) that are 0ften thrust up0n the main character. They are rather clever, 0ften causing me b1ank 0ut just trying t0 s01ve it. H0wever, 0nce the answer is revea1ed, y0u’11 sit back and think “Why didn’t I think 0f that in the first p1ace?”[/color] [color=#008000]H0wever, this manga wi11 f0rever be stuck at chapter 15, with 0n1y 12 chapters scanned and trans1ated. This is high1y depressing, m0st1y because I’m s0 wrapped up in the p10t. But that’s h0w life w0rks, I guess. Despite h0w interesting a c0ncept is, if it d0esn’t se11, it’s n0t g0nna make it.[/color] [color=#008000]0h we11. If y0u fee1 1ike testing y0ur wits or just want a sma11, interesting read, I’d rec0mmend it.[/color] [color=#008000]I give this manga.[/color] [color=#008000]N0te: I have n0 idea what I’m d0ing.[/color] [color=#008000]By the way, when I say "I give this manga.", it's intentional.[/color] [color=#008000] I doing this right?[/color] [/spoiler] [size=5]"PAGE of SPACE: Be MAGE of MIND"[/size] An odd fascination with PRINCE of RAGE overcomes you. You want to be him right this moment. [size=5]"MAGE of MIND: Be Prince of RAGE"[/size] You are unable to be PRINCE of RAGE because he said so. Twice already. Stop asking. THIEF of HEART said no too. [size=5]"MAGE of MIND: Do BARD of DOOM's thing except with something called maldoches."[/size] [spoiler=Show Review] [color=#B22222]The Madolche have been a forum favorite ever since their reveal, and for good reason. They bring together two things that YCMembers loves[s], one enough to be banned for. In any case, the Madolche are based around one specific function and the result of that function: Returning themselves from the Graveyard to the Deck upon destruction. The obvious result of these effects, as stated, is that the Graveyard remains empty at almost all times. This works well for the Madolche boss, Madolche Puddingcess, who gains 800 ATK when there are no monsters in the Graveyard. It also allows other cards to be used in since they follow the same purpose, the most notable of these is Guardian Eatos, a 2500 ATK beater that can Special Summon itself from the hand if there are no monsters in the Graveyard. Of course, in a deck where you can’t just run ALL Madolches- not to mention Puddingcess is a Level 5, so you’re more than likely going to tribute summon it- it’s important to have cards that can eliminate problem cards from the Graveyard. Cards like Transmigration Prophecy, Pot of Avarice, and banishment cards such as Soul Release and Crevice into the Different Dimension, all can do this, but none clear the Grave with a greater bonus, than Madolche Manners. Manners is simple: By simply shuffling a “Madolche” monster from the Graveyard into your Deck, you can increase the ATK of ALL “Madolche” monsters by 800. Plus, its last effect allows you to return yet another monster from the Graveyard to the Deck. Since the boss lady Puddingcess gains ATK when there are no monsters in the Graveyard, using this at the right moment can cause a 1600 ATK swing in Puddingcess’s favor, ending up at 2600, and an even more staggering 3100 if Madolche Chateau is on the field. Plus, with Puddingcess’s effect, you’ll be able to pop a card right after, leaving a stunned Opponent to have to gather the pieces. But not’s all fun and games in candyland. Because of the Madolche’s effect that returns them to the Deck every time they’re destroyed, the Deck never really gets thinned. This is a problem for them, as it means that consistency is weakened. With more cards in the Deck, you’re less likely to draw the card you need. There are two cards Madocle use that attempt to alleviate this concern. The first is Madolche Magilene, who can add 1 “Madolche” monster, including another copy of herself, from your Deck to your hand. An effective searcher, you could figuratively normal summon a Magilene every turn over and over since they’ll return to the Deck when destroyed just to be searched again. The second card doesn’t try to thin the deck as Magilene does, instead Madolche Chateau attempts to bypass the problem in total, instead of returning to the Deck, with Chateau out, all monsters that would- by a Madolche effect, mind you- are added to the hand instead. Now, as you can imagine, this is very important, as it keeps the deck thin and consistent. Along with that, Chateau increases all Madolche’s ATK by 500, a hearty and helpful boost for a relatively low ATK archetype, as well as returning all Madolche in the Graveyard to the Deck upon activation. Chateau is, indeed, very important. It’s so important, in fact, that Konami made Madolche Buttlerusk, which can add it to your hand if you have another face-up Madolce monster. Though I should note that Terraforming works just as well. Unfortunately, these two cards are merely that: two cards, six total in the deck. Out of 40 cards, that doesn’t exactly breed consistency, even with searchers. And in the end there is also one other serious problem that Madolce, like many other archetypes, are forced to face. They just aren’t supported enough. Well, I shouldn’t say that. What I mean to say is that they aren’t supported WELL enough. Madolce are supposed to thrive with an empty Graveyard, but in reality, they only have two or three cards that can take advantage of this gamestate they create. Puddingcess and Eatos are the only notable cards capable of taking advantage, with Madolche Tea Break simply existing and not being used by anyone. There isn’t that much leeway to make a cool deck with Madolces, since their point is to have an empty Graveyard, you can’t put too many cards in that will end up sitting in the Graveyard all game. This is why something like Metaion the Time Lord is so helpful. It continuously returns to the Deck, meaning no worries about being in the Graveyard. So that’s it, really. Madolches are a very simple archetype based around one unique principle, a principle that restricts the creativity and teching that can be done in the deck, a principle that keeps the deck thick and draws inconsistent, and a principle that is neither taken advantage of, nor supported well enough to possibly compete in the higher meta. Madolches are a fun deck, through and through, though if they get any bit of support, it really would not surprise me if they become fairly good. Just look at some of the cards your fellow YCMembers have made! Even they can significantly improve Madolches with but a few simple cards. So, as I may end up making customary, I will join my fellow YCMembers and make a Madolche support card… possibly a broken one at that, but still.[/color] [/spoiler] [size=5]“MAGE of MIND: Make written card for Maldoches”[/size] [spoiler=Show written card] [color=#B22222]Madolche Créme Potion Trap Target 1 “Madolche” monster you control; Shuffle it into the Deck. Then banish Monster cards in your Opponent’s Graveyard until both players have the same amount of Monster Cards in their Graveyards.[/color] [/spoiler] [size=6]END OF DISC 1[/size] [size=6]INSERT DISC 2[/size] [size=5]"MAGE of MIND: Be Rai"[/size] You realize being the MAGE of MIND sucks so you became somebody else. Not the PRINCE of RAGE though. He already said no. The person you became is Rai. Rai doesn’t play by the rules. Rai is Rai. We forgot to actually give Rai a title. Probably the HEIR of something but it doesn’t matter now. [size=5]“Rai: Do an artist review”[/size] [spoiler=Show Review] [color=#003366]Rai today is writing an article on dear Lunar's notebook of all things arty farty. Rai has already enjoyed following the artwork for a short while, so Rai will enjoy taking a professional view on it. Firstly, Rai could not start without providing Rai's watchers with a link to the notebook. Gasp. Here is the notebook that Rai is talking about. Rai will now discuss the benefits of having a notebook. Rai truly does suggest that anyone wanting to become better in drawing do daily art exercises. Whether this be a notebook of sketches like Lunar has done, or just drawing everyday or something, Rai promises it's the most powerful way to improve. Rai commends Lunar for taking this initiative. Unfortunately, Rai has noticed it has died down a little, but that gives Rai no reason to rave on the first three days. Firstly, Rai's going to check out that awesome list of materials! If you want to try something out like this, definitely buy some art materials first. Go and do it, then come back. Rai will be waiting, with popcorn.[/color] [color=#003366]Day One. Yuno is here. Rai casually replied to the topic first, and wrote:[/color] [color=#003366][quote]What Rai likes is that you've acknowledged the mistakes. Yeah, the hand is disproportionate to the rest of the body, but since you know, you can improve on that.[/color] [color=#003366]The necks of women are actually a little thinner that you're drawing it. It's noticeable in anime and manga style too. Flatter shoulders maybe?[/color] [color=#003366]Also, neaten up inking. Inking really should be impeccably neat and clean, so try to get some inking practice in.[/color] [color=#003366]Rai does really like this, and the fact that you're doing a daily sketchbook. Extremely awesome. [/quote][/color] [color=#003366]Well, Rai agrees with Rai's own comment. Everything there is a fair comment, but everyone must learn! It's the one pitfall of starting artists: not taking in constructive criticism. It can put people off, but Rai says you've got to learn not to be put off. Obviously, Lunar hasn't been. Good work.[/color] [color=#003366]Day Two. Rai loves the scent of improvement: fulfilled dreams and marshmallows. Rai is enjoying looking at that sexy lineart. Look at it. The instant improvement of Lunar is showing well. One of those fun things about keeping a notebook is looking through and seeing how you've improved, which in turn will make you a better artist. It is why Rai enjoys a day or two with a mug of tea and a laptop looking through past artwork. Comfy.[/color] [color=#003366]Day Three. Take a look for yourself. Rai's tips and random rambling should have given you some artistic views. Get those juices flowing. Lunar has talent. Rai approves. You should approve. Well done, Lunar. Stunning. Rai will insert a heart smiley here: ['less than' sign][the number three].[/color] [color=#003366]Oh look! Rai sees an upload website. Let's crash it! TOGETHER. TOGETHER. YUM.[/color] [/spoiler] [size=5]==>[/size] THAT'S ALL F-OH GOD, KEEP THAT BASEBALL BAT AWAY FROM ME! [color=#0000CD]Wooh. Finally glad that f*cker is done talking. Now let’s get the last of this sh*t taken care of. You’re going first, wash6oard Sylph.[/color] [color=#008080]today we're look!ng for a member who !s most probably male and surely over 18 (although that should be a large part of the s!te) he got a few name changes !n the past, but not many and has stuck w!th th!s one s!nce the end of 2011 th!ngs he's known for are h!s love for v!deo game mus!c and guard!ng the anc!ent c!stern sect!ons he posts !n are for example tcg and your deck, but some others too !t's not a member w!th over 500 reps and over 10000 posts, but he's well-known and act!ve (just so you know that we d!dn't exactly go through 2009 and p!cked some random !nactive member there...although he did s!gn up on ycm !n 2009)[/color] [color=#008080]can you guess !t? or w!ll you let us down aga!n?D: feel free to post your p!cks or send them to a cast member :3[/color] [color=#0000CD]Good jo6, 6oo6y lady. Now this week we have a different contest. If you’ve noticed, which of course you have, every6ody who had an actual word in this article used some special typing quirk, color, and title. The first person to figure out what title goes with what actual mem6er will gain a reward point like in the usual mem6er hunts. I’m sure we’ll figure out a use for them eventually. Another reward point can 6e gained 6y the first person to figure out what all the quirks are along with the font color for each person. This doesn’t require knowing who is really who though. Send in your answers to this issues host which is the guy that had posted this issue.[/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Agro Posted June 12, 2012 Report Share Posted June 12, 2012 Wow, the author really seems to be fond of the Prince of Rage. And doesn't seem to like the Mage of Mind. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sploda Posted June 12, 2012 Report Share Posted June 12, 2012 Well obviously the narrator is a completely unbiased individual with a unique understanding of this issue. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Desu the Blue Nerd Posted June 12, 2012 Author Report Share Posted June 12, 2012 [quote name='Aggro' timestamp='1339474884' post='5955744'] Wow, the author really seems to be fond of the Prince of Rage. And doesn't seem to like the Mage of Mind. [/quote] [color=#0000CD]It was actually a reference to how you kept asking to be the Deus of Finale. >: D[/color] [color=#0000CD]And I insult the Prince of Rage plenty of times.[/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Agro Posted June 12, 2012 Report Share Posted June 12, 2012 [quote name='Desperado of Finale' timestamp='1339475728' post='5955754'] [color=#0000CD]It was actually a reference to how you kept asking to be the Deus of Finale. >: D[/color] [color=#0000CD]And I insult the Prince of Rage plenty of times.[/color] [/quote]Yet you still assume that everyone wants to be him. And I still think you should go back to Desu the Finale and i'll be Deus the Finale and we'll just f*ck with everyone. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Desu the Blue Nerd Posted June 12, 2012 Author Report Share Posted June 12, 2012 [quote name='Aggro' timestamp='1339475989' post='5955757'] Yet you still assume that everyone wants to be him. [color=#0000CD]Roll with the joke, man. The tangled mass of irony that is Episode 6.[/color] And I still think you should go back to Desu the Finale and i'll be Deus the Finale and we'll just f*ck with everyone. [color=#0000CD]I'll think about it. Deus the Finale sounds more like something I'd be called after ascending to God Tier. Still looking for that quest bed.[/color] [/quote] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Agro Posted June 12, 2012 Report Share Posted June 12, 2012 Well fine then just flip them. I'll be desu, you'll be Deus, and we'll f*ck with them even more. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Desu the Blue Nerd Posted June 12, 2012 Author Report Share Posted June 12, 2012 [color=#0000CD]I'll think about it.[/color] [color=#0000CD]By the way, Amaterasu figured out this week's member riddle. It was Koloktos.[/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Northern Sage Posted June 12, 2012 Report Share Posted June 12, 2012 Awesome work Madolche review and interview was awesome. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bahamut - Envoy of the End Posted June 12, 2012 Report Share Posted June 12, 2012 Hmm... good issue. Probably my favourite or joint favourite of those I've read so far. Found the whole styling a bit trippy to start with, was all a bit '.....k?', but once into it it was something different and creative so that's cool. But especially enjoyed the anime review and the Madolche review having not really looked at those cards before. The opening song was a good pick too. Didn't so much enjoy the interview, too listy at the start just felt... a bit too formal and uninteracting and too Q&A. But yeah, good episode all in all. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Desu the Blue Nerd Posted June 13, 2012 Author Report Share Posted June 13, 2012 [quote name='∂materasu' timestamp='1339531905' post='5956025'] Awesome work Madolche review and interview was awesome. [/quote] [color=#0000CD]Thanks.[/color] [quote name='Majestic Star Bahamut' timestamp='1339544982' post='5956094'] Hmm... good issue. Probably my favourite or joint favourite of those I've read so far. Found the whole styling a bit trippy to start with, was all a bit '.....k?', but once into it it was something different and creative so that's cool. But especially enjoyed the anime review and the Madolche review having not really looked at those cards before. The opening song was a good pick too. Didn't so much enjoy the interview, too listy at the start just felt... a bit too formal and uninteracting and too Q&A. But yeah, good episode all in all. [/quote] [color=#0000CD]That actually means a lot coming from you. Thanks and I'm glad you enjoyed it.[/color] [color=#0000CD]P.S. If you guys want to you can recommend more absolutely terrible pieces of sh*t for me to watch mostly just to torture me and I can review it. Maybe I'll convince others to feel the pain along with me.[/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sploda Posted June 13, 2012 Report Share Posted June 13, 2012 Also, if you guys can give Desu a topic to rage about. If your lucky he might pick it and do an article about it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CinnamonStar Posted June 14, 2012 Report Share Posted June 14, 2012 I really loved this episode, not even because I'm in there, but it's nice to have a theme. Oh well, since the member riddle is out (and I reeeaaally tried to make it easy as hell this time), you can till win YCMW tickets for figuring out who is the Thief/Hunter/Mageandstuff of what.;3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Desu the Blue Nerd Posted June 15, 2012 Author Report Share Posted June 15, 2012 [color=#0000CD]Thanks, Opal. I may not be gaining much response on this but still good to hear that the little I'm getting is really good. I'd also like to thank Creator since as a fellow Homestuck fan he helped with a lot of this stuff. :3[/color] [color=#0000CD]Since the Thief of Heart didn't have an actual part he doesn't need to be figured out. Who needs to actually be figured out is the Page of Space, Mage of Mind, Prince of Rage, Sylph of of Life, and the Seer of Void. Their quirks (and Rai's) too but that doesn't require figuring out who is who. So really this issue had the oppurtunity of winning three times.[/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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