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Troll Junk

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An interesting junk deck i threw together. Based off the Horakhty FTK it's designed for trolling. basically you just spam the crap out of junk destoyer. it's tested on a 4-1 win base so far. it's just a lucksacky draw you gotta look for.


Monsters: 20

x3 Junk Synchron
x3 junk servant
x3 Doppelwarrior
x3 Tuningware
x3 darksea rescue
x2 quickdraw synchron
x2 card trooper
x1 dandylion

Spells: 16

x2 double summon
x3 de-synchro
x1 spell reproduction
x2 machine duplication
x1 monster reborn
x1 heavy storm
x1 allure of darkness
x2 magical stone excavation
x1 tuning
x1 one-for-one
x1 scapegoat

Traps: 4

x2 starlight road
x1 torrential triblute
x1 mirror force

extra: 15

x2 stardust
x1 red dragon
x1 iron chain
x1 black rose
x3 junk destroyer
x2 junk berserker
x2 junk archer
x1 nitro warrior
x1 drill warrior
x1 T.G. Hyper librarian

spams synchro, spams draw power. spams destruction.... unfortunately... stardust kills the crap out of all this....

rates, comments, fixes

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