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Final Fantasy 10

Just Crouton

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I've been watching [url="http://www.twitch.tv/carcinogensda"]Carcinogen[/url] lately, and he's been playing FF10 without the Sphere Grid. It's the first main numbered Final Fantasy since Final Fantasy 4 to actually try something new that isn't just taking what was introduced in FF4 and changing the learning system.

-Some manipulation of who gets the next turn, allowing you to control the battle
-Greater depth of character customization, in a way greatly fleshing out FF2's customization
-Customizing weapons
-Swimming, which adds more exploration and expands the world
-Play as summons, and even customize them
-Environment interaction during some battles
-Switching party members during battle, which is more realistic, and adds more strategy

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Tidus wasn't great, but had more life to him and stood out more than other leads, especially Terra, who I consistently forgot existed after Sabin was introduced. I lean towards Tidus more than say, Cloud, because Tidus had more of a presence, his reactions to most of the story developments were logical for his character, and he had more character traits besides brooding and angst...Cloud and Squall.

[quote name='Јordan' timestamp='1339459503' post='5955627']
Pssh. Tifa would've been a better protaganist.

Barret and Avalanche fighting Shinra to build a better world for his adoptive daughter would be a better story than Sephiroth's "ima droppin mah pink meteor on yall". Heck, any story beats Sephiroth's "ima droppin mah pink meteor on yall."

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All FF Big Bad's just want to destroy everything except themselves. Not just Sephiroth. Ultimacea did. Kuja did (in the end). Seymour did (at least he had a crzed argument of saviour to go with it).

Anyway, some of my favourite characters ever (Auron and Rikku) one of the best quests (monster colesseum), a huge interactive and diverse world bough to life with sensational graphics, awesome music, voice actors, Blitzball, and a great story line with a mix of traditional favourites and new stuff. Still amazing an incredible 11 years on.

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  • 3 weeks later...

As someone who has never played a Final Fantasy game in my life, but has made a significant study of the franchise, I say the following:

[quote name='Wandering Artist - Issun' timestamp='1339457342' post='5955608']
I've come to notice that a lot of peopled criticize Tidus for being too whiny...
But at least he actually HAS emotions, unlike SOME FF protagonists.
I wouldn't call them 'emotions' so much as neuron misfires in what an anatomist would be forced to call a brain.

[quote name='God Machismo!!!!!' timestamp='1339460935' post='5955639']
Tidus wasn't great, but had more life to him and stood out more than other leads, especially Terra, who I consistently forgot existed after Sabin was introduced. I lean towards Tidus more than say, Cloud, because Tidus had more of a presence, his reactions to most of the story developments were logical for his character, and he had more character traits besides brooding and angst...Cloud and Squall.[/quote]
Now this I've always found bizarre. People complain that Cloud is an emotionless emo whatever. And he is...for about half an hour. Then he becomes more or less a normal guy, and then suffers an extremely disturbing psychotic breakdown. Then he gets better and becomes a perfectly well-adjusted human being. Then Advent Children happened, which so far as I can tell is a declaration that anything FF7-related (including FF7 itself) except Dirge of Cerberus is non-canon.

I enjoyed Squall's dialogue and found his character to be significantly nuanced. Unfortunately, FF8 disagreed with me.

tl;dr Cloud and Squall are actually excellent characters, it's just...Square happened.

[quote]Barret and Avalanche fighting Shinra to build a better world for his adoptive daughter would be a better story than Sephiroth's "ima droppin mah pink meteor on yall". Heck, any story beats Sephiroth's "ima droppin mah pink meteor on yall."[/quote]
[i]i am intelligent and you can tell because I dislike sephiroth everyone please tell me how smart i am[/i]

[quote name='Comrade Trollestia' timestamp='1339468629' post='5955687']
Tidus was terrible. He had no personality and the voice acting was atrocious.
I concur with this statement.

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