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D.D. Warrior vs D.D. Assailant

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+ Banishes anything it battles, Reaper etc included

+ Gets around Bottomless

+ Rat target

- Low ATK means lots of damage unless you Set it.

- Banishes itself along with anything it battles, meaning it's easy to play around.





+Higher ATK means it stays out longer

+Doesn't activate until it's destroyed; meaning you can kill lower ATK stuff without losing your monster

-Hit by Bottomless



Any points I'm missing besides the ones they share (EARTH Warriors)?



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DD Warrior is mandatory, which is..annoying at best. It means that regardless of whether it attacks or is attacked, both monsters get banished.


DD Assailant has better stats, but it only banishes when it's destroyed by battle, and it lacks the same searchability of Warrior (Rat/Sangan), due to its higher stats.


But that is why DD Warrior Lady is the best of the trio. It has the searchability they both share (Reinforcement of the Army), but a solid 1500 ATK while still being Sangan searchable, Light for Chaos fodder and Honest, and the most important part: It's optional and flexible. You can banish something with too much DEF or something crucial like Zenmaines. Whereas DD Warrior must banish, DD Warrior can choose not to, thus it can actually defeat things in battle and stick around until something kills it. Assailant may have more ATK, but the fact it must die in battle makes it less strategic as it cant banish defenders the way the other two can.

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  • 4 weeks later...

D.D. Assailant hand down.This card has the right amount of attack to stay on the field and the right amount of defense to not be destroyed by weaker monsters. Heck, every time my opponent has a monster that controls the field, I just get 1 of these out and go suicidal bomber on his !@#. And wala, problem solved. ;)

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D.D. Assailant hand down.This card has the right amount of attack to stay on the field and the right amount of defense to not be destroyed by weaker monsters. Heck, every time my opponent has a monster that controls the field, I just get 1 of these out and go suicidal bomber on his !@#. And wala, problem solved. ;)

Or just use Warrior Lady

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Or just use Warrior Lady

I'm not a big fan of D.D. Warrior Lady. I have 1 of them in my deck. The only things I do with her is either:

A first turn monster

Xyz material

A Decoy

A substitute for D.D. Assailant(if he's not in my hand)

Or a bit of "Deadly Alliance" action with my D.D. Assailant(s).

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