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PS3, Xbox360 getting outdated?

david ice

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Are you serious? The best games comes out when the consoles have been around for 5 years, as it takes time for the developers to fully take advantage of the hardware.

The hardware is still old, look at how far the pc has advanced and also do you want game games to be limited just on the fact that the console does not have enough power to run high quality games, e.g the wii all its games in my opinion are kinda ugly, why? cause it runs on old ass tech...

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PC games are always going to trump the consoles when talking about graphics quality simply because PCs are used for more than just gaming and thus have far more updates and fresher tech than consoles. There are new computers on the market constantly, and we've been gaming on the same console hardware for how many years now? Just doesn't seem like a fair comparison.

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The hardware is still old, look at how far the pc has advanced and also do you want game games to be limited just on the fact that the console does not have enough power to run high quality games, e.g the wii all its games in my opinion are kinda ugly, why? cause it runs on old ass tech...


Well, the PC is always superior because its a constantly updated medium. Consoles should be updated eventually, but if high quality game just means resource intensive, then no, I don't want them to be updated. If the developers have a cool idea for gameplay that the current hardware just couldn't handle, then yeah, I can understand that. But graphics? Give me a break.

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Ok, let's try and settle this.

Mario as a video game series is popular: This is a fact, even if we disagree, we must still acknowledge that it is one.

Desperado doesn't like Mario: This is an opinion, and we must respect it whether we agree with it or not.

Shradow likes Mario: This is an opinion, and we must respect it whether we agree with it or not.

Hope this clears everything up and we can get back on track to what this thread is about.


THANK YOU! That's all I've been saying this whole time! Yet apparently some people STILL don't get that!

Mario and Zelda are NINTENDO, not SONY or Microsoft.


That's not the point. He was just bringing up games that have focused on their single player (although Borderlands does focus more on the co-op aspect).

We're still talking because you keep asking questions. It would be rude of me not to answer.

This is pretty much the first time you've answered any questions I've asked. The rest of the time you've been arguing about nothing.


I do, in fact, know the difference between a fact and an opinion. The earth being round is as undeniable as Mario not sucking.

*Facedesk.* No...just no...you're clearly a moron...


You keep saying I'm claiming my opinion as fact, but if you'd been listening I haven't been.

You literally just did! Look at that last thing you just said. You grouped Mario not sucking together with the Earth being round.

I like Mario.

Holy sh*t, you actually said it like it was an opinion.

That is my opinion.

That's all it is though! It's not a fact that mario doesn't suck! People's opinions aren't all the same as yours and others, like me, believe Mario sucks. It's just my opinion that he sucks. I've already said this countless times yet you still haven't accepted that. I JUST WANT YOU TO ADMIT THAT IT WAS NEVER A FACT! JUST AN OPINION!

Mario has been in hundreds of games and has sold millions of dollars and is hugely popular and liked. That is the fact that I have been saying.

First of all, you didn't even bring that up until later in the argument totry and give evidence to your opinion being a fact. Secondly, that is not the "fact" I've been complaining about. The "fact" you need to shut the f*ck up about is your apparent "fact" that Mario doesn't suck even though that is really just your opinion. Read your first reply to me and proceed to realize you've been a complete idiot this whole time.


I said it in a way that was completely the same, just using different words. You just misunderstood what I said before so I had to spell it out for you.

You didn't though. You've just been stating the same rubbish over and over again while occasionally bringing something else up tthat does absolutely nothing to make your opinion an absolute fact. At least when I repeat things I have some sense.


I have listened to his music and I don't care one way or the other. I'm not pretending not to give a damn, I honestly don't give a damn, and I'm not hoping for anything.

How do you not gain an opinion after actually hearing it? If you heard it once and still don't listen to it then you probably didn't like it. But he's super popular, right? Then he must be awesome? How do you not like him? You must be insane! He's so popular and using your logic has to be awesome! Same goes for CoD!


But wait! You're allowed to not be in love with something super popular?! THEN WHY THE HELL CAN I NOT LIKE MARIO?! Why can I not believe Mario sucks and constantly claim that to be my opinion (notice how I say constantly claim things to be my opinion and not constantly claim Mario sucks?) yet you are allowed to not be a fan of Justin Beiber and CoD? ISN'T HYPOCRISY AMAZING?!


You're doing the same thing here. You yell and insult but it's all just opinionated bullshit, and that's all you ever do around here.

No. Here's the difference that I have already stated. I admit that what I'm saying is just my opinion. I've never denied things as being an opinion of mine. You were claiming your opinion is a fact. Again, look at your first few posts here and realize you've been stating garbage all along. And the reason I've resorted to insulting is because you've been too much of a pure dumba** to accept just logic alone. You are by far the greatest moron I've ever been in an argument with. Just talking to you is making me stupider because for whatever reason I'm too stubborn to just allow you to continue on being such a f*cking stubborn dumbass that exceeds even me in those departments.



Shradow, look at your first few posts. You stated that Mario is great as being a fact. It's an opinion. Not a fact.

Except Mario doesn't suck and that's a fact, so that says little of your opinion.

I don't like Mario. Never did. Always believed he sucked. That's my opinion. Same as you liking him is yours. It's just not a fact. That is what this whole argument has been about. You not admitting that it's purely opinion based.

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