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What do you look for in an anime? Relaxing, or Action?

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I was personally disappointed at the Summer Anime 2012 list. Mainly because most of the anime on there didn't involve the elements I look for in them. Or at least, they didn't seem like so.

As a matter of personal liking, I haven't got myself to ever like an anime (or any franchise) that doesn't involve the supernatural. I've tried the famous K-ON, but couldn't get myself to like it. It just seems that I can't stand those anime made to relax the viewers. The anime I like (Future Diary, Death Note, Evangelion, Code Geass, Hell Girl, Another, Higurashi, Elfen Lied, A Particular Magical Index, etc.) are all, without exception, “Dark Fantasy”.

Why? That's because for me, anime exists for me to jump into another world. To me it seems pointless to jump into another world that…is just identical to that of ours. Yeah, I admit it: I’m unsatisfied with what this world is giving me, and for me the best form of entertainment is to travel to completely different universes.

On a separate note, even though I’ve never studied psychology, I think the fact all of the above-listed anime I like involve violence to some extent could possibly mean I’m hiding a destructive wish deep inside. Also, much of them involve mentally deranged characters (most characters in Future Diary, Light Yagami, Shinji Ikari, Lelouch, most characters in Hell Girl, most characters in Another, most characters in Higurashi, most characters in Elfen Lied, Accelerator, etc.) This could mean I have a hidden desire for lunacy.

And no, I’m not the typical internet persona who’s all like “It’s the internet so let’s act all emo and pretend to be cool”. All of the above is true.

Now, some people, on the other hand, simply love the anime that D0ON’T involve any gore, mad characters, and fantasy. They love the anime that are so simply [i]mundane [/i]. I can’t understand them, but I don’t think they can understand me either. It’s personal liking so there’s no right or wrong, but it just came to me: How are you like, YCM?

[i]P.S. If you know a Summer 2012 anime that could go in the genre I like, can ya tell me? Giving either a rep or - let's say 2000 points because I don't care a s*** about them.[/i]

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I do find i favor the supernatural anime most times, but there are still quite a few gems from the other side of the spectrum; off the top of my head Bunny Drop, Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad and Bakuman[sub]o[/sub].

I havent actually looked at the Summer Anime list yet. I should fix that after i catch up on this season a bit.

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I've found that I have a broad range of tastes concerning anime, but at the end of the day, I prefer action/suspense over anything else.
I'm actually watching K-ON now and it's started dragging for me. I think relaxing anime where nothing happens is better to watch week-to-week rather than in a row, or it'll get boring (for me at least).
A good story's always nice and three-dimensional characters are a plus, but at the end of the day, the anime just needs to be entertaining in some form or another.

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[color=#0000CD]What's really hard to understand? People have their different tastes. Simple as that.[/color]

[color=#0000CD]I prefer anime that are either action packed or have a lot of comedy. Preferably a mixture of both. Normally I wouldn't watch an anime like Clannad but it was so funny and really did have a lot of great characters with a good relationship build that I found myself easily gliding through it. Although it did have some supernatural stuff such as girl in the hospital still coming to school or wish giving thingamajig. Also another world but again, the supernatural stuff isn't close to the main focus of the show. But honestly, I've been avoided K-On. Don't care for that music stuff.[/color]

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[quote name='Fusion X. Denver' timestamp='1339256843' post='5954372']
Sadly, the music stuff usually takes a back seat to cute moe shenanigans that they do for 80% of the show or so.


[color=#0000CD]Okay, I'm also a perv so that stuff can get me in too.[/color]

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I avoid anime with too many females in the main cast (although Rozen Maiden is an exception because of the fighting element), they're often too girly and I've always been more of a tomboy.

I find it hard to get into anime/manga unless there's some sort of supernatural element, like Zombie Loan's Zombies, Darker Than Black's Contractors. No idea how I ended up liking YGO in the end, because if I'd started with the manga I would have been disappointed after the Yu-Gi-Oh series ended and Duelist began (Probably because Kaiba is actually sane and not hiring people like mass murderers for his games (Dunno but I was shocked when I first read what he got up to in Death-T) since it stuck solely with one game not the different games/shadow games of earlier.

I'd have said Anime/Manga that make me think, but I find Death Note fries my brain if I try to watch 25 episodes in a row and Zombie Loan's final arc (revealing the main character's destiny) confused me the first time I read it, but I think I just about get the villain's use of her destiny.

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It generally doesn't matter, I don't look for anything, and I like a lot of different kinds. I tend to like the less action-y anime more, but mostly if it has a lot of comedy, or I might like action more. Plus they can be funny sometimes. It is true that I don't particularly look for anything, but it's more of the comedy that I find myself liking the most.

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I've always liked how Fist of the North Star is a gorefest, but uses it for comedic effect by having Ken kill moronic, stock enemies in funny ways. Or even this gem.


Basically, I like action. By action, I mean fighting and not standing around and telling one's tragic life story (though, I think FotS has been guilty of that at points,) which completely stops the show and the energy of the fight to do so. I like quick fights, major or not. It's why I dislike Dragonball Z, and why people prefer mixed-martial arts over boxing. There's only an amount of time I can sit and watch two people beat the crap out of each other, or in the case of Bleach, just move the sword left and right while posing like an Abercrombie model, and occasionally fly or do silly super moves.

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I have an innate desire to be mind-f***ed. I love the deep stories and psychological twists of Evangelion. The dark, crazed behaviors and motives behind the cast of Mirai Nikki. That character evolution and realism mixed with wicked versions of love and past in GUilty Crown. The sorrow and pure emotion that formed the power train of Clannad and Afterstory. How simple characters can etch into your heart and drive you to the brinks of yourself while placing that tear on your cheek the same way Ef did. Or the victory, the narcissism and power to change for the better no matter the cost and no matter what it took to achieve it I found in the protagonists of DN and Code Geass.

I crave those things because reality sucks in that regard.

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