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Aggro fails at Bubblebeat


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Skill Drain isn't good in Bubblebeat (at least mained) as in regular HERO beat since you're relying a lot more on the effects of your Xyz monsters, specifically Blade Armor, and it just becomes unnecessary hassle and a dead card in general to use.

Forbidden Chalice all the way, stops maindeck Snowman and Reaper from raining on your parade too.

Would personally advise dropping Thrashers since personally I never liked them but if you find they work then that's fine.

Book of Moon is an amazing card this format. Use it.

I would personally advise against Super Poly at more than 1 since this is evidently TCG only, side the second by all means but it just gives you too many dead cards.

Bottomless Trap Hole is also a good card this format, better than D-Prison too (if you even need to take it out, I haven't counted these changes and they're sporadic thoughts for the most part) because it does something against Inzektors.

Forbidden Lance and Compulsory Evacuation Device should also definitely be on your consideration list.

Oh and I also have a personal preference now of maining 2 Soul Takers, they help so much in the Hero match, Rabbit match and Dragon match. Not the best thing ever against Inzektors, but it's manageable there too.

Sorry if my thoughts weren't particularly concise or specific, just I'm kinda tired but wanted to post since I hadn't noticed you posted this until now.

EDIT: Oh and CyDra/Chimeratech don't seem as useful this format as running Papilloperative would be.

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