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[Finished]newhat's Eccentric Card Contest (Yee-haw!)


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[color=#4b0082][size=5]Dalies and mentlegen, it's time for an [/size][/color][color=#ff8c00][size=5]Eccentric Card Contest![/size][/color]
[spoiler="Entrant Requirements"]- The entry fee is 20 points.
- You can post your card as soon as you pay for entry.
- Any Level of contestant is allowed.
- Up to 6 people may enter. If only 1 person enters, there ain't no prize.
- You must post your card here. Do not put it in a PM.[/spoiler]
[spoiler="The Card"]
You must make a single Spell, Trap, or Monster Card. It can support an [b]existing[/b] TCG or OCG archetype or strategy, or be[b] self-reliant[/b], but it cannot be a [b]Normal Monster[/b].

[color=#ff0000] However, the card's strength or weakness is not the major issue. Your mission is to create a balanced card that is [b]not like most cards that are created on this site[/b]. What does this mean? You should use a normal card frame, but the properties of the card should be as underused as possible.[/color]

[color=#800000]Your card should also be [b]convenient[/b]. A monster with 1463 ATK is inconvenient because it screws up the math. A monster with 1850 ATK is OK because the extra 50 ATK mainly keeps it from dying in battle to 1800 monsters.
You can also make a card convenient by making its effect as [b]concise[/b] as possible. For an extreme example, [/color][url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Molten_Zombie"][color=#800000]Molten Zombie[/color][/url][color=#800000] is not as concise as [/color][url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Sacred_Crane"][color=#800000]Sacred Crane[/color][/url][color=#800000]. It doesn't have to be two lines long. Just [b]use the text box efficiently[/b].[/color]

[color=#daa520][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Finally, you should choose art that is [b]not generic[/b]. This includes, but is not limited to[/font][/color]
[color=#0000ff]- Powersuits and mechs
- Wolves
- Dragons
- Moe kawaii uguu, or any generic anime person
- Supernatural humanoids
- Baloth-type creatures[/color]

...other than that, GO CRAZY.

[spoiler="Grading"]?/5 for BALANCE
?/5 for OCG
?/10 for FLAVOR


[spoiler="PRIZES!"] Grand Prize: 200 points and 1 [color=#00ff00]Rep[/color]
Superb Gift: 3 [color=#00ff00]Reps[/color]
(The Superb Gift may be given to someone who blows my mind, rows, rows, and fights da powah. Or it may be given to nobody. Try your luck!)[/spoiler]
Final Rankings:
1. seattleite
2. ∂materasu
3. Xi-3

A big thanks to you three for participating in this ridiculous exercise!

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Points sent.
This might be a disaster, but here goes.
[quote]2 Level 8 Machine-type monsters
Must be Special Summoned to your opponent's side of the field by Xyz Summon, and cannot be Summoned in any other way. This card is unaffected by it's controller's card effects. When this card is Xyz Summoned: Place 1 Magnetism Counter on it. When this card destroys a monster by battle: Place 1 Magnetism Counter on it. During each of this card's controller's End Phases: They take 2000 damage for each Magnetism Counter on this card.[/quote]
Also, the card pic requirements are ever so slightly ridiculous.

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Points send... and as if you didn't know this was coming eventually. My card is highly useful only to those whose decks contain leveling monsters. Of course "Persona Swap-Out" which is in the same set can be used with other cards, but this one is much more effective, which also explains the cost. They also don't look this cute in-series.
[spoiler=It's All In The Draw]
Lore: "Pay half your LPs: Choose 1 leveling monster(s) you control and Special Summon any higher level from your Deck or Extra Deck, banishing all previous levels, including material monsters. This effect cannot be negated. Gain 500 LPs for every monster banished by this effect. This card can also be treated as a Field Spell. This card doubles your monster slots when "Seal of Orichalchos" is in play.
[spoiler=The Orichalchos Countering Secret Effect]
When "Seal of Orichalchos" or another Field Spell with "Orichalchos" in its name is in play your monster slots become capable of holding 2 monster cards each. Monsters successfully summoned into the forward row, or Attack Tier, can only be summoned into Attack Position. Monsters successfully summoned into the rear row, or Defense Tier, can only be summoned into Defense Position. Your monsters cannot change Battle Position, and your opponent must destroy all of your Attack Tier monsters before he or she can attack your Defense Tier monsters.

EDIT R2: I've changed the card to D-version. I prefer the picture I had the first time, but that one is 'moe' and this one is on-model for the series. I think that accounts for all the changes I want to make to this card.

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Xi-3, "the summon(s) cannot be negated" won't do anything because the monster is Summoned while the effect of this Spell Card is resolving. You can't activate anything in response to the Summon of a monster from an effect, similar to how Solemn Judgment cannot negate the effect of Future Fusion if its initial activation was successful.

∂materasu, they certainly are ridiculous. Now why do you think that is? (Hint: Look at the card below yours.)

Glad to see ya here. Keep it up!

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Someone's going to try to negate it (okay, they can negate the Spell Card anyway unless it's guarded). That's why the clause is there, however if you can find a better way to phrase the effect please do feel free to share it when you evaluate/judge all the cards. It would be unfair of me to change the card based on your comment, unless you were to disqualify it altogether (I'm sure I could come up with something else).

Sure, you find a better picture of Tomoe and Kaoru together. They're not 'generic,' and they're generally not 'moe.' But then, it'd not have a good reason to include it in something called 'Cuteness Counterattack Set.' You want a different card I'll bring in "Confrontation Overload" or "Fist Against Fist" from my revised Ala Alba Set. Oh, but those are 'supernatural humanoids.' I'm screwed. Am I disqualified?

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[quote]...if you can find a better way to phrase the effect please do feel free to share it when you evaluate/judge all the cards. It would be unfair of me to change the card based on your comment...[/quote]
I'm giving you a suggestion. You can edit your entry if you want; this Contest is not grammar-focused. Since the effect can't be negated by Solemn Warning anyways, you could try "Your opponent cannot activate cards or effects in response to the Special Summon from this effect", which would block Bottomless and Torrential Tribute, or "Your opponent cannot activate cards or effects in response to this effect", which would block Oppression and Vanity's Emptiness.

[quote]But then, it'd not have a good reason to include it in something called 'Cuteness Counterattack Set.' You want a different card I'll bring in "Confrontation Overload" or "Fist Against Fist" from my revised Ala Alba Set. Oh, but those are 'supernatural humanoids.' I'm screwed. Am I disqualified?[/quote]

You're not disqualified! Most people have cards that fall under the art categories listed. If they weren't the majority, I wouldn't have bothered with this contest. The worst thing that can happen with your art is that you'll miss out on a few points.

If the cards that you've made all fall under the disdained categories, can't you, y'know, make a new card?

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So the phrasings you suggested are really that different from what I have? Not to mention, from each other? I must not be as smart as I thought I was, because I cannot see the differences between the three phrases. If you want concise, does "your opponent cannot negate this effect" or "this effect cannot be negated" cover it the same, or is that different?

EDIT: I would also have to move that clause to before the "Gain 500 LPs" part for it to work on the right effect. Not a problem, if it does what it's supposed to.

Make a new card, you say? All I could do would be to make a card similar to a TCG card that already exists, and there's really no point in doing that. I guess you have not read, under the thread for this card's original version, the story behind it.
[spoiler=The Story]Here's the watered-down summary version: the idea for this card had been percolating in my brain ever since the Doma Arc of [i]Yu-Gi-Oh!: Duel Monsters[/i] first aired. I wanted something that could counter the Orichalchos cards' strength in numbers, so that was the Orichalchos countering effect. After the Ceremonial Duel, Silent Magician became one of my new favourite cards. I like the idea of leveling cards, since they can tell the depicted character's story as he or she grows and changes. That, you can pretty well tell from nearly all the cards I have created here. I wanted a card that would bring out the high-levels faster, at a believable cost. [i]Rurouni Kenshin[/i] provided the answer in the last arc. Essentially, Kenshin's answer there becomes the key to unlocking the leveling monster's potential strength. Since the answer was centered around whether or not Tomoe and Kaoru were smiling, the card itself as to be called "Smiles for Swordsmen." If it's called that, it has to depict Kaoru and Tomoe to get the full spirit of the concept across. [/spoiler]
That's the story, and now there are two versions of the picture in the card.

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[quote name='Xi-3' timestamp='6913732275' post='5952223']
So the phrasings you suggested are really that different from what I have? Not to mention, from each other? I must not be as smart as I thought I was, because I cannot see the differences between the three phrases. If you want concise, does "your opponent cannot negate this effect" or "this effect cannot be negated" cover it the same, or is that different?[/quote]
In the current metagame, they function the same way. If Royal Oppression is ever unbanned, "Your opponent cannot negate this effect" will still be vulnerable to a Royal Oppression you control, while "This effect cannot be negated" will be immune. The differences are subtle, and for the purposes of this contest, don't really matter.

The backstory you gave me for this card is cool. With the backstory involved I see that the anime ladies (girls? I cannot tell) must be in an image that features them smiling for the card to make sense.

And not to spoil anything, but [spoiler="anything"]the art requirements were intentionally designed to be frustrating to require that contestants think outside of the box.[/spoiler]

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Lore: You can pay 500 Life Points to put 1 "Subzero" counter on a face-up monster without a "Subzero" counter. Monsters with "Subzero" counter(s) cannot be destroyed in battle and if they change their battle position, they are destroyed (These effects apply even when this card is not on the field.) When this card is removed from the field, except in the turn it is summoned, destroy all monsters with Subzero Counter(s).

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[size=5]Time for solemn judgment![/size]

[size=5][size=4][size=5] ∂materasu:[/size][/size][/size]
[size=4]BALANCE: 4/5[/size][/size][/size][/size]
[size=5][size=4][size=5][size=4]This card inflicts a lot of burn damage at once. It's a -3 to Summon even if you can get both Level 8 monsters out for free. It has no restrictions on attacking or doing damage, so whoever Summoned it will have to defend himself while it burns its controller to death. If used in the way you intended, it can't be removed via Dark Hole or Torrential Tribute, and it's not blocked by Skill Drain. But it can be Tributed for whatever purpose so you'd better pray your opponent doesn't draw Level 5 or 6 monsters.[/size][/size][/size][/size]
[size=5][size=4][size=5][size=4]OCG: 3/5[/size][/size][/size][/size]
[size=5][size=4][size=5][size=4]I would deduct a minor point for using "it's" (it is) instead of "its" (belonging to it), but this card loses major points for being unaffected by [i]any[/i] of its controller's card effects--[b]it won't place counters on itself.[/b][/size][/size][/size][/size]
[size=5][size=4][size=5][size=4]EFFICIENCY: 5/5[/size][/size][/size][/size]
[size=5][size=4][size=5][size=4]It's readable without spoilers. You could have compressed it slightly by making it Semi-Nomi but it might not have taken fewer lines. Everything seems necessary.[/size][/size][/size][/size]
[size=5][size=4][size=5][size=4]FLAVOR: [/size][/size][/size][/size][size=5][size=4][size=5][size=4]8/10[/size][/size][/size][/size]
[size=5][size=4][size=5][size=4]It's a giant WATER leviathan. It sticks to the opponent. It serves and hurts them for some reason. It's big, at Rank 8 and 3500 ATK. But why is it a Machine?[/size][/size][/size][/size]
[size=5][size=4][size=5][size=4]CREATIVITY: 14/20[/size][/size][/size][/size]
[size=5][size=4][size=5][size=4]It's an Xyz Monster, which isn't exactly common but won't gain you any points. It's also a beatstick that's given to your opponent to do burn damage, like Lava Golem. Unlike Lava Golem, there's no element of removal, so you must build your Deck around Summoning and then defending yourself from this card.[/size][/size][/size][/size]
[size=5][size=4][size=5]Total: [color=#00ff00]34[/color]/45[/size][/size][/size]

[size=5][size=4][size=5] Xi-3[/size][/size][/size]
[size=5][size=5][size=4][size=5][size=4][size=5][size=4]BALANCE: 4/5[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size]
[size=5][size=5][size=4][size=5][size=4][size=5][size=4]This doesn't do anything broken. It has a huge cost, and it can't Summon Nomi monsters like Silent Swordsman LV7. You probably created a monster that can Level Up through the Extra Deck, but since this contest was for OCG and TCG support there won't be any accounting for that. The ability to press back against The Seal of Orichalcos is nice, but what did you intend to do to combat it?[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size]
[size=5][size=5][size=4][size=5][size=4][size=5][size=4]OCG: 3/5[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size]
[size=5][size=5][size=4][size=5][size=4][size=5][size=4]I'm not entirely sure, but I'm guessing the activated effect should say "Select 1 'LV' monster you control, Special Summon 1 monster with the same name but higher 'LV' from your Deck or Extra Deck, and banish all monsters with the same name as the Summoned monster but lower 'LV' that are on the field or attached to Xyz Monsters as Xyz Material, then gain 500 Life Points for each monster banished by this effect. This effect cannot be negated." I don't know how it would work to "also" treat this card as a Field Spell; does it come into play as a Field Spell? Can you change it into one after it's face-up? What happens if you try to convert it while Seal of Orichalcos is out?[/size]
[size=4]EFFICIENCY: 4/5[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size]
[size=5][size=5][size=4][size=5][size=4][size=5][size=4]Since I don't fully understand the effect, so I cannot say which effects are necessary and which aren't, but gaining LP isn't....[/size]
[size=4]FLAVOR: 6/10[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size]
[size=5][size=5][size=4][size=5][size=4][size=5][size=4]Rurouni Kenshin is a show. The smiles of the ladies are needed to unlock moar true potential. This is also intended to combat Orichalcos. How? I have no idea. Maybe there is a fantastic story and set of cards behind this, but this card does not stand alone and tell me what that story is.[/size]
[size=4]CREATIVITY: 12/20[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size]
[size=5][size=5][size=4][size=5][size=4][size=5][size=4]It's common to see a card designed to combat something the creator perceives as broken. What is [b]not[/b] common is a card designed to fight a card that can barely be said to exist, and to preserve its owner's soul. This also supports LV monsters kind of like how Level Up! does. Nonetheless, cards based off anime series are relatively common.[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size]
[size=5][size=5][size=4][size=5][size=4][size=5]Total: [color=#008080]28[/color]/45[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size]

[size=5][size=5][size=4][size=5][size=4][size=5] seattleite[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size]
[size=4]BALANCE: 5/5[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size]
[size=5][size=5][size=4][size=5][size=4][size=5][size=4]It's Level 5. There's a trick there with A Legendary Ocean. He can stomp on a little monster and stick a counter on a bigger one, a 2 for 2. If there are several bigger monsters, you can pay for counters on all of them. You can also "freeze" a small monster as a gateway for damage, though if the opponent uses it for a Synchro or Xyz Summon you're left in a lurch. There are inefficient ways to force monsters to change Battle Position, like Stumbling or Eisbahn. A fun way to use this card would be with Call of the Haunted on your opponent's End Phase, slap Subzero Counters on everything, and Tribute or Synchro with it for a field wipe. There's nothing insane about any of this; it depends on intelligent use of resources.[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size]
[size=5][size=5][size=4][size=5][size=4][size=5][size=4]OCG: 4/5[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size]
[size=5][size=5][size=4][size=5][size=4][size=5][size=4]It's written in old text, which is fine. There's minor grammar splickery (e.g. full stop in parentheses[color=#ff0000][b].[/b][/color]) It's clear what this monster does and when he does it.[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size]
[size=5][size=5][size=4][size=5][size=4][size=5][size=4]EFFICENCY: 4/5[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size]
[size=5][size=5][size=4][size=5][size=4][size=5][size=4]Subzero doesn't need quotation marks, and could have just used Ice Counters. No big deal.[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size]
[size=5][size=5][size=4][size=5][size=4][size=5][size=4]FLAVOR: 8/10[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size]
[size=5][size=5][size=4][size=5][size=4][size=5][size=4]Cryo-genius! Psychic and ice together's nice. This card drips with flavor, but he appears to be in a powersuit.[/size]
[size=4]CREATIVITY: 16/20[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size]
[size=5][size=5][size=4][size=5][size=4][size=5][size=4]The ATK and DEF are both appropriate for a Level 5 monster. The Level is also uncommon, as is the Psychic Type. You created your own Counters for this card, which is extremely common. If you go for pure card presence, this card is like Elemental HERO Absolute Zero.[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size]
[size=5][size=5][size=4][size=5][size=4][size=5]Total: [color=#cc4355]37[/color]/45[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size][/size]


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newhat, I guess you don't know that while a lot of my cards would technically count as LV-types they don't actually have 'LV' on their names, so interpreting "Smiles for Swordsmen's" effect that way would also make it useless for all of my decks. But of course, not having looked at the set from which this card originated you would not have known that. To make things short, I have cards like "PPGZ - Rolling Bubbles" that level-up to cards like "PPT - Bubbles." See how 'LV' is not in the name? "Smiles for Swordsmen" is designed to bring out the higher- or highest-level version in one go. In exchange it has a high LP cost. Also, because of the trick in the phrasing if the controller has more than 1 leveling monster already on the field it's technically possible to use the effect on all of these monsters all at the same time, thus preserving LPs. The effect of gaining LPs means that there is potential to regain most of what was lost -- but that effect can be negated.

Treating "Smiles for Swordsmen" as a Field Spell only works if you treat it as such when you set it to activate. In other words, you have to choose whether to put it into a Spell Slot or the Field Spell Slot straight off -- and of course, if you put it in the Field Spell Slot your opponent can use its effects too, but you save a Spell Slot. As "Smiles for Swordsmen" is designed to function directly against "Seal of Orichalchos," and "Seal of Orichalchos" apparently could not be destroyed by another card's effect, they would both operate at the same time, even in the Field Spell Slot -- but SfS doesn't allow the user of SoO to use the ATK/DEF Tier (explained in the second spoiler when I posted the card) set-up, since that would be redundant. Logically "Smiles for Swordsmen" would be played into a Spell Slot, so only the controller can use it.

That's it for my information, unless you have more questions.

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[spoiler="Xi-3][quote name='Xi-3' timestamp='8331148298' post='5956016']
newhat, I guess you don't know that while a lot of my cards would technically count as LV-types they don't actually have 'LV' on their names, so interpreting "Smiles for Swordsmen's" effect that way would also make it useless for all of my decks. But of course, not having looked at the set from which this card originated you would not have known that.[/quote][/spoiler]

[size=3]I thought you were supporting an existing TCG or OCG archetype or strategy. [/size]

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The existing strategy I was supporting was getting higher-level versions of monster cards that have different levels onto the field -- and as much as I like Silent Magician, I also see Dark Magician and Buster Blader as levelers of a sort due to Skilled Dark Magician and Skilled Light Magician. In this way, not all TCG cards have 'LV' in the name -- still, it seems official cards won't work on them the same. Fortunately, "Smiles for Swordsmen" works on both these types, because I used 'leveling' and not 'LV.' I think that's pretty neat.

I was also the only one not to create a monster, so comparisons between the cards start to break down, however you scored all the cards using the same criteria -- so the scores stand.

As for OCG, I am known for trying to disregard it altogether, because it is redundant and often does not make much sense from a normal grammatical standpoint. I do try to fit OCG more for contests, so I will change what's in the Description field as much as I can think to do so. It's something that comes through in that I don't score OCG when I run contests. Everyone can run his or her contests the way she or he likes, and you have done a good job with this one. Well done.

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