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Cosmos! Burn it high and make a miracle happen! THOR!

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This deck is based in summoning "Thor, Lord of Aesir" using Constellar Level 3 Summoning engine.

Monsters: 22
[b][3] [/b]- Constellar Debaran
[b][3] [/b]- Constellar Leonis
[b][3] [/b]- Constellar Sheratan
[b][3] [/b]- Guldfaxe of the Nordic Beasts
[b][3] [/b]- Tanngnjostr of the Nordic Beasts
[b][3] [/b]- Tanngrisnir of the Nordic Beasts
[b][1] [/b]- Vanadis of the Nordic Ascendant
[b][1] [/b]- Super-Nimble Mega Hamster
[b][2] [/b]- Enraged Battle Ox

Spells: 05
[b][1] [/b]- Dark Hole
[b][1] [/b]- Monster Reborn
[b][1] [/b]- Heavy Storm
[b][1] [/b]- Book of Moon
[b][1] [/b]- Pot of Avarice

Traps: 13
[b][2] [/b]- Nordic Relic Megingjord
[b][3] [/b]- Gleipnir, the Fetters of Fenrir
[b][3] [/b]- Horn of the Phantom Beast
[b][2] [/b]- Torrential Tribute
[b][2] [/b]- Bottomless Trap Hole
[b][1] [/b]- Mirror Force

Extra Deck:
YXZ: 6
[b][2] [/b]- Number 17 - Leviathan Dragon
[b][2] [/b]- Constellar Hyades
[b][1] [/b]- Wind-Up Zenmaines
[b][1] [/b]- Constellar Ptolemys Messier 7
Synchros: 9
[b][2] [/b]- Thor, Lord of the Aesir
[b][1] [/b]- Loki, Lord of the Aesir
[b][1] [/b]- Odin, Father of the Aesir
[b][1] [/b]- Black Rose Dragon
[b][1] [/b]- Scrap Archfiend
[b][1] [/b]- Voltic Bicorn
[b][1] [/b]- Red Dragon Archfiend
[b][1] [/b]- Stardust Dragon

Main Deck Total: 40

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