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It's a Trap!


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Very fun and awesome. Surprisingly good.
Stall, burn, and destruction good, but good nonetheless.

.dek list
[u]Traps[/u] (49)
Dark Bribe x3
Dimension Wall x3
Forced Back x3
Gravity Bind x3
Just Desserts x3
Magic Cylinder x1
Mirror Force x1
Narrow Pass x2
Ojama Trio x2
Sakuretsu Armor x3
Hidden Barrel x3
Skill Drain x3
Solemn Judgement x1
Threatening Roar x3
Thunder of Ruler x3
Torrential Tribute x2
Waboku x3
Wall of Revealing Light x1
Widespread Ruin x3
Embodiment of Apophis x3
Metal Reflect Slime x3

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your deck is better to have 40 cards at least
sorry, but my advices not help in this... it's only changes...

-3 Embodiment of Apophis
-2 Narrow Pass (this card is useless, with all the lock cards in this deck, your opponent possibly will more of the 2 monsters in the field.)
-3 Sakuretsu Armor

+3 Zoma the Spirit (instead of Apophis)
+3 Dimensional Prison (instead of Sakuretsu Armor)
+2 Bottomless Trap Hole

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This is an awesome idea! I might have to steal this for the next local tournament, just for shits and giggles. You might want to throw in a couple 7 Tools of the Bandits to counter the Royal Decree, just in case. Solemn Wishes might even work to counter the LP loss of 7 Tools.

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