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Maryoku Assault - Pt.1 The Zouhan [PG-13/Accepting]


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[color=#000000][b]Before you start any RP, I suggest that you go over Rinne's Rules. Mistakes can destroy this topic and might just ruin any newer ones that may happen in the future.[/b][/color]

[b][url="http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/283800-pg-13maryoku-assault-pt1-the-zouhan-oocnot-startedalways-accepting/"][color=#000000]Rinne's Rules[/color][/url][/b]


[b][u]Aoi Hamada[/u][/b]

Aoi is in the middle of the forest. She just finished her Maryoku training for the day. It's mid afternoon and she's already exhausted. She's sitting at the base of a tree while Inyou and Myou rested on her shoulders (Inyou on the left and Myou on the right). Inyou and Myou are spirits Aoi can summon with her Maryoku. She's only summoned them once. They can't return to their world until she learns how to reverse summon them. The reverse summon sends them back to where they were summoned from.

"[i]Let's call it a day[/i]." Inyou announced. "[i]Your skills have progressed and you're already past your limit.[/i]"

Inyou and Myou do not have mouths. They don't eat and they talk with their own mental energy.

"[i]There's something approaching[/i]." Myou said. "[i]Keep your guard up at all times Aoi. Remember this. This will be your first fight. Sister and I will not interfere. You must learn to hold your own. We cannot fight all of your battles.[/i]"

"[i]R-Right.[/i]" Aoi stuttered. "[i]I'll do my best Mr. Myou.[/i]"

"[i]Towards the south-east.[/i]" Myou announced.

Aoi hopped up and took her stance. She was prepared to fight what she thought would be a demon. The ruffling of the bushes only made Aoi even more nervous. She has never been in a real fight before. This would be her first battle. It wasn't a demon that came out of the grass, but a man. He wobbled towards Aoi without even looking at her. His eyes were fixated on the sky. A few seconds later, he finally came down to earth.

"[i]Hey there little girl and um... what do you call those things? I know there's a name for them, but what[/i]?" The man said in a relaxed tone. "[i]Oh wait! I remember. Hey there little girl and weird black and white ghosts.[/i]"

"[i]Hello. And um... don't you mean demons[/i]?" Aoi asked.

"[i]Wha? lemons? What are you going on about?[/i]" The man asked with a confused look on his face.

"[i]No, I didn't say lemons. I said demons.[/i]" Aoi stated.

There was a long pause before the man scratched his head said something again.

"[i]Anyways, what's a little girl like you doing in the middle of the forest playing with ghosts[/i]?" The man asked as he pointed at Inyou and Myou.

"[i]I wasn't playing with any ghosts. I was training with Inyou and Myou here.[/i]" Aoi answered.

"[i]In your tomato? What's up with you and food?[/i]" The man asked.

There was another long pause. This time Aoi let out a giggle since she was actually hungry. Aoi was about to say something, but then the man came closer to look at Inyou and Myou. He tried waving his hands through them to see if they were really ghosts.

"[i]So they aren't ghosts?[/i]" The man asked.

"[i]No.[/i]" Aoi replied.

"[i]Oh.[/i]" The man said. "[i]Then what are they[/i]?"

There was another long pause.

"[i]Can we please kill this fool? I've had about enough of this.[/i]" Myou whispered to Aoi.

"[i]No, we can't kill him Mr. Myou. And I think he's pretty funny.[/i]"

"[i]Suit yourself.[/i]" Myou said.

Aoi turned to the man. He was gazing into the sky when she looked at him. When he looked at her he turned around.

"[i]Hey little girl. I'm heading back to my village. You can follow me if you want. There's a bath house there in case you might want to take a bath.[/i]"

"[i]Sure, thanks[/i]" Aoi giggled. "[i]Is there a place I can get something to eat there?[/i]"

"[i]Like a restaurant? Nah. But you can eat at my place. My ma's a great cook.[/i]" The man said as they both started walking. "[i]She also owns the bath house, so you should be good for the night or whatever.[/i]"

"[i]Thank you. That's really kind. My name's Aoi Hamada. What's yours?[/i]" Aoi said.

"[i]I'm Akane, and its my pleasure.[/i]" Akane said. "[i]So what are you training for? You part of that new rebellion against Kouhei?[/i]"

"[i]Not officially. I have yet to meet with any of the other rebels. I want to meet the leader of the rebellion.[/i]" Aoi said.

"[i]Well your in luck. I heard from an anonymous source that the rebels are going to have a meeting here in my village. I'll give you the details later.[/i]" Akane said.

"[i]Thank you. This will really help.[/i]" Aoi said. "[i]Are you a rebel?[/i]"

"[i]No that's too much work. I just hear things.[/i] [i]So how old are you little rebel?[/i]" Akane asked.

"[i]I'm only 15. How old are you?[/i]" Aoi asked.

"[i]Only 15? That sucks? I thought you were of age.[/i]" Akane said in disappoint.

"[i]Huh?[/i]" Aoi asked confusingly.

"[i]UM NOTHING.[/i]" Akane said in a fast tone. "[i]I'm 25 by the way.[/i]"

"[i]Why were you staring into the sky like that earlier?[/i]" Aoi asked.

"[i]Its the clouds. They speak to me.[/i]" Akane said.

Aoi giggled and they moved on. A few moments later they entered the village. There were people planting and pulling crops from the ground. Some were doing laundry. It was just your ordinary village.

"[i]There's my house and that's the bath house right next to it.[/i]" Akane said as he pointed at a small but big enough bath house.

Aoi followed Akane into his home where he met his mother, fiance and their son. After getting acquainted, she headed off to the bath house for a nice refreshing bath before dinner. The dinner was just as Akane said. It was delicious. They finished up and Aoi headed to the room Akane's mother had set up for her. It was around 3:00[size=2]AM[/size] when Aoi was awaken by someone entering her room. It was Akane.

"[i]What are you...[/i]" Aoi stopped as Akane put his hand over her mouth.

"Sh[size=3]h[/size][size=2]h[/size][size=4]..." Akane shushed her and went to close her open window. "Stay quiet. Kouhei has spies everywhere. If they even get a whiff of a rebel, you're dead meat.[/size]

Akane looked serious. He didn't look like the loaf Aoi met a few hours ago.

"[i]There is going to be a meeting. I'm not sure if the leader will be there, but some of the higher ups will be. The meeting will take place in 2 days. Its going to start at 3:00[size=2]AM[/size] under the bath house. I'm hosting it, but ma doesn't know. Be ready, I'm coming to get you at that time.[/i]" Akane whispered. "[i]You must never speak of the meeting until it takes place.[/i]"

Before Aoi could even respond, Akane left the room.[/color]

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[size=4][color=#222222]Hikaru had been sent on a spy mission an officer. His mission was to find out where the meeting was. He had followed a man named Akane, who had quite literally had his head in the clouds. Hikaru his behind a tree as the man had began to talk to a little girl. [i]Rebellion, could Akane make this any easier?[/i] Hikaru thought to himself. He followed the man home, at a safe distance. He then ducked under the slightly open window, and over hearing the conversation, he decided to make his move. He dashed far away from the house, and when he was at a safe distance, called one of the officers who had assigned him the job. When the officer picked up, Hikaru had repeated the message into the phone. "[i]There is going to be a meeting. I'm not sure if the leader will be there, but some of the higher ups will be. The meeting will take place in 2 days. It’s going to start at 3:00[/i][/color][i][color=#222222]AM[/color][/i][i][color=#222222] under the bath house. The address is 8354762" [/color][/i][color=#222222]Hikaru then grinned and went to the officer’s headcounters to help prepare the plans. [i]Time to crash this rebellions party. [/i]Hikaru thought.[/color][/size][color=#222222][/color]

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Souken had already placed himself in the village where the meeting was to be held dressed in what appeared to be peasant clothing as he defined it. He hated himself this was beneath his station but sometimes it is best to use a more powerful piece to sweep and destroy the enemies pawns. He had set up shop in a neighboring bath house and proceed to stay there for a while. Acting as Mr. Invisible no one would ever even know he was there if it wasn't for the money he paid for. As he looked out the window of his room he saw the agent of the Emperor Hikaru make a call and wondered if he should introduce himself. After vacillating over the thought for a couple of seconds he decided it would be best if he let the agent go on about his own life. While he waits patiently for people to move about. Souken used his phone to call back the family household at the Emperors palace to check in on the status of the Mori clan.

"Uncle how is the family doing? I have been here for all of a day now and everything is going according to my calculations."
"We are all well on this nephew some of your younger relatives still oppose your choices for the family but that is all" his uncle replied.
...Anyway my business shall be concluded in the coming weak...prepare my clothes.

After the that phone was immediately hung up and Souken continued to look out the door and rub his temple. "Why can't they do anything with efficiency around here" he said to himself?

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The moon was starting to show its face upon the Emperor's castle from the East, as the sun began to set itself to the West. Dusk has started to cloak the castle, and through this dusk came the peaceful sounds of quiet. It was calm, and soon after this notion of calmness, would be a storm that would scar time. It was through this dusk calmed time that a meeting was being held between the Emperor and his councilmen. [i]I wonder what the Emperor has on his mind at the moment? Surely he would not call for a meeting for something as trivial as the recent uprisings from the small rebellions, would he?[/i]

While he strolled around the castle, where weapon-ready guards lurked around every corner to protect his majesty and his allies. Occasionally he would receive a polite bow from the guards, and he would bow back from the presence of respect. And occasionally he would come across the ones that would stand in attention, keeping his sights on only what was in front of him to his peripherals. They would do nothing but such, he would casually walk across them.

It was nearing the sun's departure to the western hemisphere, and Minoru noticed the full moon above the castle, and gave a deep exhale from his nostrils. [i]It's almost time for the meeting with the Emperor. I should depart quickly, and make my way to the meeting.[/i] At his side, the famed Uso family blade was sheathed and still, and moved only with the motions of Minoru as he tread to the meeting. Minutes later, he arrived in time, with only minimal arrivals thus far, time was to be spared to await the others before the Emperor would show.

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Nori was in the forest close to the village where the rebel meeting would be held. He was meditating in an open area within the forest. The reason was because his Maryoku required a tremendous amount of concentration, even in the mist of battle. Nori had been meditating there for about 3 hours now, it was even getting dark. "Hmm, this is going to be my first official rebel meeting." He said as he opened his eyes. "I hope it goes well, and maybe i can meet the leader as well." Nori stood from his meditating stance and stretched. "I guess I should practice creating the new armor." he said as he closed his eyes and put his arms out in front of him. Nori then started mumbling something, almost casting some sort of spell. He kep mumbling for about 5 minutes until he opened his eyes and screamed "Soul of Pegasus!"

Chi started to pour out of his body forming a blob around him. Within seconds the blob took the shape of Nori, getting a light blue color. Befoer the chi could do anything else, the chi despersed leaving Nori standing there like an idiot. "Dam it." he said laughing. "I can't seem to form that armor yet. I guess I'll just stick to the armors I have right now." With that he started walking toward the village, where he was going to sleep until the rebel meeting happens.

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Jay drove up to the small village where HQ had indicated a rebel meeting was to happen. As the dirt road made the black van tip dangerously from side to side, Jay was stricken by the stark contrast between the bustling, paved roads of the cities controlled by the Empire and the backwards dirt roads of the countryside that were no better than they were in the Feudal era. Then again, this rebellion brought back Japan to its feudal habits. Jay let out a sad sigh for the modern Japan he had fallen in love with and how he can help Japan return to its former glory. Finding a secluded area to park his van, he disembarked and made his way to the village's bathhouse. As he walked by, he noticed how poor the clothing the villagers wore. This only made Jay stand out even more; his black suit and his obviously foreign appearance drew suspicious looks from the villagers.
"Maybe I overdressed for this..." Jay muttered to himself before entering the bathhouse.

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  • 2 weeks later...


[color=#000000]Isoroku walked into the hall without even muttering a word. One of the male servants rushed over to pull Isoroku's chair from under the table for him.[/color]

[color=#000000]"[i]Let me get that for you sir.[/i]" The servant said with his head down.[/color]

[color=#000000]Isoroku looked at the man and could see that he was shaking. This made Isoroku chuckle. Everyone else in the hall turned in Isoroku's direction to see what was so funny. The servant was still shaking. Isoroku's little chuckle only made it worse. Soon the chuckle turned into a loud laugh. Isoroku could see the fear in the man's eyes. He must have known who Isoroku was to get so startled.[/color]

[color=#000000]"[i]HURR HURR HURR HURR HURR HURR![/i]" Isoroku laughed hysterically. "[i]Come on, laugh with me fool[/i]."[/color]

[color=#000000]The startled man let the most fake laugh in all of man kind. [/color]

[color=#000000]"[i]A... HA... A... HA...![/i]" The servant didn't notice, but he was actually stuttering with his fake laugh.[/color]

[color=#000000]Suddenly, without even blinking, Isoroku unsheathed his blade and but it back before anyone can notice what just happened. The servant was on the floor laying in a puddle of blood. A woman servant who just entered the hall almost let out a yelp before stopping herself.[/color]

[color=#000000]"[i]You. Woman. Come clean up this mess.[/i]" Isoroku yelled out to her.[/color]

[color=#000000]"[i]Y-Yes S-Sir.[/i]" The woman sobbed silently as she dragged the man's corpse through the hall.[/color]

[color=#000000]When she finally got it through the servant's entry, another woman came out to clean the mess. Isoroku sat down in the chair that was pulled out for him. Everyone saw what happened, but thought nothing of it.[/color]

[color=#000000]"[i]I wonder where Kouhei is.[/i]" Isoroku thought to himself.[/color]

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Seeing the incident with his eyes, Minoru only gave a sigh of disappointment. The male servant should have known who he was, and he still dared to approach him despite his known reputation? And idiot he thought. Still, a servant who has the knowledge of a teaspoon should have no business here.

"Isoroku huh? I suppose I should have expected to see you hear as well." Minoru grimaced. They were both Councilmen. But two highly different people. One who disgraced their family's traditions, one who fled from his family. While it may be true they both had experiences that traumatized them, the fact remains that they both serve the Emperor to their deaths.

"Males always seem to disgust you it seems, but was it really necessary for you to go and kill the poor thing? He did have [i]some[/i] purpose after all." giving a fake smile, Minoru took his seat where designated (about ten feet away from Isoroku), and placed his sword next to him.

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Hikaru had been bored. He walked for a good hour, and he arived at the castle. He saw a corpse dragged out of the castle, and it disgusted him, yet at the same time, made him wonder. Hikaru proceded into the castle. In the castle, two officials were seated, and a pool of blood was on the floor. Servents were trembling everywhere. Hikaru didnt care. Hikaru proceded to the table. There he took a seat a decent distance from the other two. He saw the two council men had been in a friendy chat. Hikaru didnt care who was hurt any more. He sat back and waited for the meeting to start. He was a bit nervouse, but with his knowlage, he knew he wouldent be killed. He remembered on of his friensds quotes. [i]H[/i][i]e who holds knowlage holds power. [/i]

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Souken had arrived back at the castle after growing bored with the lack of activity on the peasants part. In addition to that he had received word from his family that Isoroku had been acting out again. By the time he arrived he had already shed this disgusting peasant attire and dawned garments worthy of his status. His families handlers had pretty much informed him of the impromptu beheading, but Souken's face remained ever still. This news did not warrant emotion for it was a typical day in the life when it came down to it. As he made his way he noticed that Hikaru had also made his way back to the castle. "Maybe boredom is contagious.."he thought to himself. He took his seat at the table which was coincidentally right across from Hikaru. Being connected by family doesn't get you as close to the emperor as you would have liked but it was enough to be at the table. Souken was busy fanning himself as the councilmen waited on the emperor. "Punctuality never was his strong suit" he thought but his face was as emotionless as ever.

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