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My Hieratics - Suggestions and Criticism Please...

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Hey guys! I am new here and I was looking for some help with my Hieratics. Here it is:


I am thinking of swapping CardCar for One Day of Peace, because it is still a draw engine but if I first turn it with a bad hand, i'll be safe until my next turn.

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[quote name='Blazeking777' timestamp='1338852189' post='5952107']
I've never seen a dragon deck that mains duality. Also what is the purpose of the luster & wattail exactly? & no level 8s...kind of a weird hieratic setup.

The level 8 hieratics aren't as good as the level 6 build. level 6 vanillas make Atum and let you go for the OTK.
Duality works in tandem with card-car for setup.
The level 5 guy, Eset's brother, I forgot the name, is only decent. I'd suggest running one or two, not three.

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[quote name='Blazeking777' timestamp='1338852189' post='5952107']
I've never seen a dragon deck that mains duality.
[/quote]You've never played against anything other than Chaos Dragons obviously.

[quote name='Blazeking777' timestamp='1338975579' post='5952863']Only thing i'm not seeing is a dark hole but I'm not really sure this deck actually needs one.
[/quote]Hieratics are an all-out-attacking OTK type of a deck, they don't need Dark Hole clogging up space.

OT: I don't suggest running 3 REDMD, 2 is enough. Run 1 Brionac and BRD if you must run Synchros no more. And run 3 Gaia Dragon else your Atums will be sitting ducks on the field.

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