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Neo Eyes Chaos

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Trying For Something a little bit different. A Neo Galaxy-Eyes Photon-ish deck. Not sure really what to think of it.

Deck: 42

Monsters: 28

3x Pulsar
2x Galaxy Eyes
3x Eclipse Wyvern
2x Dark Flare
2x Chaos Sorc
1x DAD
1x BLS
3x Lyla
3x Ryko
3x Tour Guide
1x Sangan
2x Delta Flyer

Spells: 14

1x FuFu
2x Swords
1x Charge of the Light Brigade
2x Solar Recharge
1x Reborn
1x Allure
3x Dragon Ravine
1x Heavy
1x Dark Hole
1x Avarice

Extra: 15

1x FGD
2x Neo Galaxy Eyes
1x Zenmaines
1x Trident Dragion
1x Stardust
1x Red Dragon
1x Scrap Dragon
1x Leviathan
1x Leviair
1x Gaia Dragon
1x Exa-Beetle
1x Atum
1x Giga Brilliant
1x Strike Bounzer

Side: 15
3x Veiler
3x D.D. Crow
1x Mind Control
1x Return from D.D.
2x Stamping Destruction
3x Trap Stun
2x Smashing ground

Well this is all it. Basic Chaos dragons (used aggro's chaos dragons as a skeletal build), with a Neo Galaxy-Eyes engine.

I'm still not fond of Dark Flare.... I don't know why, but i know how useful he "can" be. I just can't think of anything better to put in his place. I was thinking Divine Dragon Apocralyph... for some toss and return power....

Delta Flyer is in here for sync and overlay power. He can increase any other monster on the field by 1 level.... making level 10 synchs with pulsar (Trident... not needed, but eh. i like him.).. also can bring about rank 6 and 7 overlay easier. as well as making level 8 synchs.

bout all i could think to do to put this engine in.... was thinking of doing a disaster blue-eyes for neo galaxy, but this deck is much faster and gets everything needed out for it faster.

Rate, comments, fixes. all appreciated. Thank you.

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[quote name='byakksmodeus' timestamp='1338614809' post='5950836']
If you want to summon Neo Galaxy Eyes, just play Hieratics that use the 0/0 level 8 + Guardian of Order.

i know. i'm just trying for a chaos dragons that can summon him

[quote name='Blazeking777' timestamp='1338685984' post='5951277']
3 Pulsar seems excessive since u only have 5 targets for him to bring back. I always advocate for Apoc he's just sooo useful. summmon him pitch to bring back w/e u need then remove him for red eyes.

chaos dragons works on removal power. 5 targets for pulsar is plenty. not to mention the removal power on wyvern to pull REDMD to hand. and all the cards able to send away wyvern and anything else i need. so that sets up the pulsar/REDMD easy

the light to dark ratio is at a decent standing. pulsar, dark flare, chaos sorc and BLS all do light and dark removal from the grave. and also them plus Ravine can help set up a DAD summon pretty easy.

but the main issue is summoning out neo galaxy faster in chaos. i cant figure out how to

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Agreed. The claim is this Deck is meant to support/Summon Neo Galaxy-Eyes, reinforced by the fact you're running 2 Neo Galaxy in the Extra Deck (which is already pushing it, as 1 should be all you ever plan to use).

However, the Deck doesn't support Level 8 monsters. REDMD comes closest due to its revival power, but barring BLS and Galaxy-Eyes itself, you have no Level 8 monsters in the Main Deck, so you'd have to Synchro Summon the other Material(s), and that's devoting more resources than you should be, most of the resources combined being superior to Neo Galaxy.

Chaos Dragons have much more potential for OTK and mass swarm. I'd be more inclined to consider this based on Neo Galaxy if you had a method of turning that swarm into Neo Galaxy (Galaxy Queen's Light comes to mind) but an OTK is usually better than Neo Galaxy and Galaxy Queen's Light can dead draw if you included it.

Rank 8 Hieratics seems to be the only Deck I've noticed capable of dropping Neo Galaxy with almost laughable ease.

So, if you want to focus on Neo Galaxy, build the Deck around supporting Level 8 monsters, or include a method of swiftly and with minimal dead draws, turning resources into Neo Galaxy Material. Otherwise, solidify your attention on the main win condition of swarming with powerful ATK monsters.

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