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Hidden gems that we should play


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Everybody has their favourite game/franchise. Some of those are plenty well known, like Mario or Halo, but there are others that not many people may have played or even heard about. I'm always looking for good games to procrastinate with, so I'm asking you to post your favourite games that undeservedly slipped under the mainstream radar. Games can be anything from the good old days of the 2600 to right here and now in pre-apocalypse 2012. It'd be nice if you'd mention what made you like the game, what it's about, or at least the genre and system. Heck, even flash games count, I suppose. Anyway, I'll be happy to hear about your favourite games, but I'll start this thread with one of mine.

-Castlevania Chronicles/X68000-

I know I'm kinda cheating already. Castlevania is not an underground series, spanning many systems and several generations of hardware. This game, though, was originally only released in Japan for the Sharp X68000 computer system as "Devil's Castle Dracula (Castlevania)". It is mostly called "Castlevania X68000" to differentiate it. Being a remake of the original Castlevania, it retained the level design and conventions of classic Castlevanias such as the intense difficulty and a great soundtrack that earned it's place in my head. That said, it did make some concessions to prevent you from smashing your then very expensive computer; you could now alter the trajectory of your jumps mid-air, and Simon could now whip straight down and diagonally below him. Even with those changes, it was, and still is a very hard game. The good thing is, it's that certain kind of hard where you want to keep trying until you beat it, like the Megaman games. It was also made available in 2001 for the Playstation as "Castlevania Chronicles", not to be confused with "Dracula X Chronicles", with a polarizing redone soundtrack, a new sprite for Simon, and adjustable difficulty. It is now available on PS3 and PSP via Plastation Network for $5.99. It should be noted that Chronicles comes with the original game as well; also, the original sountrack sounds better on PS3/PSP due to some cleaning up and enhancing. Overall, it's a great (and cheap) buy if you're into old 2-dimensional platformers and don't mind more than a bit of difficulty.

Don't worry, you don't have to type that many words. A sentence or two is fine. :P

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God Hand. It's gotta be one of the hardest things I've ever played, but it's so damn fun. Good music, hilarious scenes, awesome boss fights, and complete randomness. On top of that, your moveset is insanely flexible and it can be adjusted during your pauses, but no matter what your moves are, you're always at Fist of the North Star level. And how could I fail to mention the credits.


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Eternal Champions Challenge from the Dark Side. It's incredibly underrated because:

1) The original game was a flop on the Genesis due to it's difficulty. This game fixed many problems of the original and made it more playable.
2) It was on the Sega CD.

Reasons to play include:

1) A majority of the finishing moves beat out even the goriest of Modern Games in the department of blood and gore. It literally makes Mortal Kombat look like a child's game because of them.
2) Incredibly dark storyline
3) Once you get used to using start to switch between punches and kicks (or if you have a 6-button control rather than the 3-button control), the game can be enjoyable (If you can get past the fact that if you lose in a standard match, you go two fighters back and if you lose against the Eternal Champion, you get the bad ending but if you lose against the Dark Eternal Champion, you get a game over in terms of a cinekill).

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God Hand looks pretty f***ing awesome, especially when it has what appear to be the Power Rangers.

Also, this isn't really a gem, but...McKids on the NES. It's way better than you'd expec a McDonald's game to be. Granted, you probably didn't expect much, but... hey.

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Albert Odyssey: Legend of Eldean

A gaiden game to the Albert Odyssey series, it's also the first one of the series to be released in English (on the Sega Saturn). It's your classic RPG game with plenty of humor with graphics that still look pretty good after all these years.

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[color=#0000CD]Both of my two most favorite games ever are very underrated. Or at least they don't seem very popular. But when I run into another fellow fan they also loved said game.[/color]

[color=#0000CD]Gotcha Force is a rather kiddish game yet still the game I've had some of the most fun ever playing with myself and friends. And it was on the gamecube too. What made this game just so enjoyable for me was the incredibly fun action oriented combat, the large variety of playable Gotcha Bots, and the co-op. The co-op wasn't campaign co-op but rather just some other stuff you can do with a friend where you pick your bots and he/she picks his. Then you can either go against eachother or work together to beat some computer opponents. And for a game that's obviously made for kids I got my ass handed to me quite a bit so it wasn't that easy. Although this is 10 year old Desu talking here but I honestly wouldn't mind still playing this game. For a non nintendo platform. I probably played through this game's campaign like six times.[/color]

[color=#0000CD]Mana Khemia is without a doubt my favorite game of all time. The first one that is. The second was a bit more of a disappointment...still pretty good but just loved the first so much more. A JRPG game that gets pretty creative with some of the things it does involving turns. The animations for attacks are pretty badass. One character even has a Giga Drill Breaker like attack where he jumps inside his dragon-like familiar and its drill turns into an arm. The characters are all super awesome and hilarious even though they may a tad bit cliche. Thinking about it Mana Khemia 2 improves on that but with a just tad bit more dull, confusing, and short story mode. Although I never bothered with the female character who does have a different story that does interwine with the male yet still being different but again it was mostly just because I loved the first so much and it just didn't feel as good. I probably should play the female route since I still have the ga-CURSE MY OFF TOPICNESS! Anyway, the story! Yeah, I liked it. 'Nuff said. Now does anybody have $10? I can get it on the PSN Store on my Vita and hell knows I WANT IT.[/color]

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omega boost for the ps1

damn near impossible to find nowadays but if you find a copy grab it. its one of the coolest mecha games out there and was way ahead of its time. the soundtrack was phenominal.

transport tycoon open source. a freeware version of the ultra popular transport tycoon(think RCT but instead of coasters you build highways) with online multiplayer and tons of free, user made dlc.

king arthurs gold: think minecraft meets tf2 on a 2d plane, build your base, undermine your enemies and steal their gold, last i checked it was free to play.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ninja Warriors for the SNES. My standard staples back in the day were FFVI and Chrono Trigger (for obvious reasons). But, whenever I needed a break from the grind of my RPGs, this is the one I'd always reach for. The gameplay was decent, it was a side-scrolling beat 'em up, and you played as one of three robot ninjas! How awesome is that? I actually still have my SNES just for these three games!

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  • 3 weeks later...

25 to life you get to choose cop or gangbanger shooter game

ape escape PUMPED AND PRIMED great game play and awesome boss battles

big mutha truckers you get to manage your own rig manage the money and upgrade your rig for improve you ability to make profit are you ready to be the most profitable truck driver

blood bowl now alot of people have given this a neg but its a real good turn base startegy game there no storyline but the gameplay is pretty good

bombastic a kiddie game with a easy storyline with real neat puzzles and orinigial boss battle battling system a must have

crazy taxi bringing back arcade look and gameplay with a great sound track to boot and mini games makes this a great title to play all the time

dr muto a brilliant doctor on an alien world who invetions will save his planent morphing into all kinds of different species their own weakness annd strenghts gathering stuff to invent more stuff as you go with a funny lines and a neat storyline

duel masters a easy to learn hard to master trading card game video game make your own character your own deck and duel to save the world show the kids and adults around town whos number 1 at a childern trading card game

ed edd n eddy the mis ed ventures each boy has their own abilities and weakness as you gotta work together again to get yoursleves out anthor mess you made the 3 eds are really in trouble now puzzles and booby traps and basic gameplay make this a pretty good game but not all that great

enchanted arms what can i say about this ? final fanasty ecse ? no does not give it justice you are a student who with his 2 other school buddies go into a forbbiden area of the magical school they attend in the future a great evil is awaken and turns out there something odd with the main character great rpg must have if you are into rpg

some one allready said god hand moving on then ......

grimgrimoire Lillet Blan is a young magician admitted to a prestigious magic school, the Tower of Silver Star. Though she attends normal classes for the first four days and meets the various professors and students, on the fifth day Lillet awakens to learn that everyone in the tower is dead. Before she is killed as well, she is suddenly propelled back in time to her first night at school. Lillet then proceeds to relive the five days before the tragedy over and over again, retaining the knowledge of magic she learns in those five days and desperately trying to solve the mystery to prevent the same events (or worse) from taking place on the fifth day. Over the course of the plot, Lillet discovers dark secrets about her classmates, teachers, and even the academy itself, all of which will lead her to the truth. a real awesome rpg rts game a real must have for fans of magic devils rts rpg sort of things

hyper dimension neptunia is a really great hard to find jrpg rpg game with a real grat storyline based off the video game industry rivialy with puzzles startegy alot of hidden junk to find alot of video game jokes and puns to boot a real mus have for everybody really

jackass the video game basicaly mini games but great one just wanna lay back play game laugh alot as well this is a game for you it also helo if you are a jackass fan as well

knd operation videogame great boss battles

leisure suit larry manga cum luade AND leisure suit larry box office bust a must have video games

mcfarlanes evil prophecy (NOT THAT GUY HIDDING IN THE CLOSET) a rpg where each character has their own element magic and abilities as they fight werewolves vampires and etc a neat storyline

neverland card battles you plays as a wondering lay back gambler who gets teleported into a hidden realm where a evil god is about to be unleashed with other transported there who seek wealth fame and power they kinda stand in your way more or less noble intentions oh there a orinigial turn based trading card game duel battling sysytem A MUST HAVE FOR THE STARTEGY RPG TRADING CARD GAME FANS

odin sphere has five stories. The protagonist of each story is connected to the royalty of each of five warring nations in the world of Erion. Each of these protagonists wields a 'Psypher', a weapon with a large crystal capable of absorbing 'Phozons', energy sparks released when something (such as an enemy) is slain. These five stories overlap and interconnect, and the protagonist of one story may be the antagonist of another. a must have for rpg fans

SHADOW OF DESTINY aka shadow of memories The objective of [i]Shadow of Memories[/i] is to guide player character Eike Kusch through the fictional German town of Lebensbaum (Life's Tree) as he travels through time to prevent his murder and unmask his murderer really great storyling twist and turns with space time paradox that we all love a must buy

sherlock holmes vs jack the ripper do i need to say more 2 epic english legend duke it out (not really more like jack keep on his toes to elude capture from the famous genuis seth as seth tries to capture this crimmnal) a must buy for any sherlock holmes fans startegy puzzle action jack the ripper fans

[i]time hollow time manipulation and paradoxes theme mestery action suspense video game well worth looking into[/i]

tak and the power juju a tribeman who must lift a curse from his people after an exiled shamman place it on em with real funny parts boss battles snowboarding a mst have game have not play it then get a ps2 and play it allready

yugioh the duelist of roses now i really should have to go it this since this is ycm after all but the game play is different and pretty cool in fact than the regular gaameplay you get play on both sides of the war that is waging as you are the chosen one lucky you a trading card startegy turn based fans can really but get behind this hidden gem

xiaolin showdown a basic beat em up with co op but still wortth mention as a good little hiddn gem

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