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Volcanic Heroes v5

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[quote name='b0b3rt' timestamp='1338507436' post='5950078']
Interesing build, how does it stack up against Dark Worlds, especially game one?

One of the deck's bad match-ups, especially during Game 1. Basically the only way you're going to win is with Shining during Game 1, so the strategy is to get Shining/Roach out as quickly as you can, while hampering Grepha via Super Poly/Blaze Accelerator. Stall with Utopia/Maestroke if you have to. Once you get to Game 2/3 the match-up becomes SO much easier due to DWs being absolutely neutered by Crows/Debunks/Bottomless.

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That's about my experience with Bubblebeat too.

Also, netdecked this for testing and I'm stuck wondering what the purpose of Rocket/Accelerator is. Is it just for the +1 to fuel Super Poly? Because using Shell to pop monsters is a bit of a waste.

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[quote name='b0b3rt' timestamp='1338516680' post='5950172']
That's about my experience with Bubblebeat too.

Also, netdecked this for testing and I'm stuck wondering what the purpose of Rocket/Accelerator is. Is it just for the +1 to fuel Super Poly? Because using Shell to pop monsters is a bit of a waste.

Besides Summoner Monk fuel, pretty much. Its not really needed, but I hate Shell being absolutely useless without Superpoly. Also serves as insurance against Rabbit, as Laggia is forced to negate it, even if you don't have Shell in your hand, and if Blaze is on the field, Laggia means nothing. But then again, the deck already does well against Rabbit.

Now that you mention it though, 3 Rockets and 2 Blaze is a bit excessive. I'm going to neg it down to 2 Rockets and 1 Blaze.

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