Case_closed Posted May 29, 2012 Report Share Posted May 29, 2012 I have no idea what the overall theme of this deck is, but it is HERO deck that revolves around Absolute Zero and The Shining. It has Debris Dragon to Synchro Summon Gungnir or Black Rose Dragon. It has Rescue Rabbit to summon out 2 Alexandrite Dragons to summon Utopia or Special Summon Galaxy Eyes. Monsters X3 Elemental HERO Neos Alius X3 Snowman Eater X2 King of the Swamp X2 Alexandrite Dragon X1 Debris Dragon X1 Dandylion X1 Elemental HERO Stratus X1 Swap Frog X1 Deep Sea Diva X1 Blizzed, Defender of the Ice Barrier X1 Penguin Soldier X1 Rescue Rabbit X1 Cyber Dragon X1 Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon Spellls X2 Miracle Fusion X2 Gemini Spark x2 Surface X2 Mask Change X1 Pot of Duality X1 Book of Moon X1 Fusion Gate X1 Super Polymerization X1 Reinforcements of the Army X1 Heavy Storm Traps X2 Hero Blast X2 Solemn Warning X1 Mirror Force X1 Bottomless Trap Hole X1 Solemn Judgment Extra Deck X1 Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier X1 Stardust Dragon X1 Black Rose Dragon X1 Ally of Justice Catastor X1 Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier X3 Elemental HERO Absolute Zero X2 Elemental HERO the Shining X1 Elemental HERO Wild Tornado X1 Chimeratech Fortress Dragon X1 Masked HERO Acid X1 Masked HERO Vapor X1 Number 39: Utopia OR any other useful Rank 4 Xyz Monster SIde deck will include all meta cards such as Card Card D, Gorz, Traoedia,or cards that make this deck transition to that of a Shining Gate Deck. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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