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Yes, I just netdecked Peter Gross and made some alts [ChaosDerp.dek]

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I suggest for the Main Deck:
-1 Darkflare
-1 Eclipse
-1 Recharge

+3 Mystical Space Typhoon
+1 Tragoedia

Side Deck:
-3 Void
-3 Maxx "C"
-1 Chain
-1 Virus

+3 Royal Decree
+1 Return from the Different Dimension
+2 Forbidden Chalice
+2 Torrential

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[quote name='Aggro' timestamp='1338269907' post='5948673']
I suggest for the Main Deck:
-1 Darkflare
-1 Eclipse
-1 Recharge

+3 Mystical Space Typhoon
+1 Tragoedia

Side Deck:
-3 Void
-3 Maxx "C"
-1 Chain
-1 Virus

+3 Royal Decree
+1 Return from the Different Dimension
+2 Forbidden Chalice
+2 Torrential

Side Changes = done
Main Changes = I agree about trading one of them for trago, but MST always get milled by Lightsworn engine or Trooper.

[quote name='BehindTheMask' timestamp='1338262205' post='5948640']
>doesnt play a card that makes you win a majority of the time.

oh Ok.

I just want to prove that Chaos Dragon is strong even without FuFu.

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[quote name='Chris' timestamp='1338307547' post='5948788']
No s*** it's strong without FuFu. Doesn't mean you shouldn't run it. It's a one-card-win, and you're playing the best deck of the format, so may as well play all the win moar cards.

And Chaos Sorc should always be @3.

Alright, alright, I'm gonna use FuFu, geez. I just really hate that card...

[quote name='Manjoume Thunder' timestamp='1338308055' post='5948790']
triple redmd and triple eclipse is bad

zero fufu is hilariously bad

against what the hell are you going to side in torrential, replace with victoria / soul taker / dragon hate. The mirror is what you should be worrying about. (That and final countdown but you would lose to that regardless)

- 1 REDU
- 1 Eclipse
+ 1 Chaos Sorc
+ 1 FuFu

- 2 Torrential
+ 2 Victoria

- 1 Daigusto Emeral
+ 1 FHD

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