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Hierogliph Dragon (Hieratic)

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[size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]Monsters: 22
[b][3][/b] - Hieratic Seal of the Sun Dragon Overlord
[b][1][/b] - Wattaildragon[/font][/size]
[size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][b][1][/b] - Luster Dragon #2

[b][3][/b] - Hieratic Dragon of Tefnuit
[b][3][/b] - Hieratic Dragon of Eset
[b][2][/b] - Hieratic Dragon of Nebthet
[b][3][/b] - Hieratic Dragon of Gebeb
[b][2][/b] - Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon
[b][2][/b] - Hieratic Dragon of Su
[b][1][/b] - Galaxy-eyes Photon Dragon
[b][1][/b] - Honest

Spells: 12
[b][3][/b] - Hieratic Seal of Convocation
[b][3][/b] - Hieratic Seal of Supremacy
[b][2][/b] - Trade-In
[b][1][/b] - Dark Hole
[b][1][/b] - Monster Reborn
[b][1][/b] - Heavy Storm[/font][/size]
[size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][b][1][/b] - Mystic Space Typhon

Traps: 6
[b][2][/b] - Hieratic Seal of Reflection
[b][2][/b] - Hieratic Seal of Banishment
[b][1][/b] - Bottomless Trap Hole
[b][1][/b] - Mirror Force

Extra Deck: 15
[b][2][/b] - Hieratic Sun Dragon Overlord of Heliopolis
[b][1][/b] - Neo Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon
[b][2][/b] - Thunder End Dragon
[b][2][/b] - Gaia Dragon, The Thunder Charger
[b][3][/b] - Hieratic Dragon King of Atum
[b][1][/b] - Photon Strike Bounzer
[b][1][/b] - Number 61: Volcassaurus
[b][1][/b] - Tiras, Keeper of Genesis
[b][1][/b] - Wind-Up Arsenal Zenmaioh[/font][/size]
[size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif][b][1][/b] - Gustaph Max, the Super[/font][/size]-Dreadnought Railway Gun

[size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]Total: 40 Cards[/font][/size]

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I'm not an expert on hieratics, but I'd say that 3 Seals (vanilla dude) is too much. Also, switch 1 Wattdragon for Luster Dragon #2 (you know, Chain Disappearence and stuff). And I would consider dropping 1 or 2 Ennead (or Heliopolis, whatever) for some Gimmick Puppet Xyzs. Oh, and I don't really think that Future Fusion helps this deck that much...

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Agreed with Wildflame, FF is completely unnecessary here, as well as the Luster Dragon bit. 3 Seals gives you Neo-Galaxy, so you can leave them in if they test well. Apart from that, you probably want two TTs and a second Gaia Charger.

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Future Fusion really unnecessary.[/size]
[size=3]I will leave 3 Seals because Neo Galaxy-Eyes is 1 of my favorites monsters =P ([/size]not to mention that is the main OTKs card against XYZ decks.). (even if it is possible to do it with only two seals... using 1 Galaxy-Eyes or using Eset effect.)

[size=3]-1 Future Fusion[/size]
[size=3]+1 Mystic Space Typhon[/size]

[size=3]-1 Ennead (who invented this creative name for Ennead?... Hieratic Sun Dragon Overlord of Heliopolis, I will never remember this name in my life ¬¬)[/size]
[size=3]-1 Five-Headed Dragon[/size]
[size=3]+1 Gaia Charger[/size]

[size=3]Gimmick Puppet Xyz is bad, its destroy monsters and inflict damage, but Thunder End destroy all other monsters and attack directly, inflicting 3000 of damage.[/size]

[size=3]what is a TT?[/size]

[size=3]Now I need more 1 monster to Extra Deck...[/size]

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If you really need to fill that Extra Deck space, Tiras will often be better than Adreus, especially if you're setting up for an OTK. Torrential Tribute is good here, especially if you run Cardcar D, because unless they MST it, your opponent is going to lose whatever monsters they summon (short of a Lance or something) first turn while you're setting up for the OTK.

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[size=3]XYZ rank 5 is little difficult to do in this deck... then I only substitute Adreus for Tiras. ([/size]already 3 XYZ rank 5...) and to Summon it, I need of Nebthet and Eset, and Eset is better used to Atum or XYZ rank 8.

[size=3]-1 Adreus[/size]
[size=3]+1 Tiras[/size]

I never like Cardcar D... tribute it to draw 2, but end the turn x.x, I prefer Pot of Duality than it.

[size=3]Normally in my decks I put 2 Bottomless, 2 Torrentials and sometimes 2 Warnings, but in this deck I decided not put many of this cards.[/size]

[size=3]I thinking in put in this deck the XYZ rank 10, Gustaph Max, using 2 Red-Eyes (that is a little difficult...) what do you think? (to complete the empty space in the Extra Deck.)[/size]

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