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XYZ island [OOC/PG-13/Started/NotAccepting]

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Anyone? Someone claim an NPC or join? (I understand I'll only get so many characters, but can we have just two more at least?)

Cherry_Blossom, for some reason I think you might do good as Tizu's assistant. I don't really know why, I just do.

Also, I'm opening two slots for people who just want to run a non-dueling character. Two people only, and you must create your own character to fit the NPC world created with these apps of the current NPCs. I hold final word on whether any and all NPC apps will fit into the Ducrown world.

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Name: Alexander

Gender: Male

Age: 21

Appearence: Alex is a young man with blond hair. He wears his pirate outfit when dueling. He wears a red jacket with brown pants and black boots (Think of a more fancy version of a classic pirate.)

Personality: Alexander enjoys freedom, and doesn't like to take orders. He also seems to want to do anything to show off, even if that means holding back in a duel. He is always calm, even when losing. When faced with near defeat, he just gathers himself and goes all out. He doesn't care about winning too much, and is just in it for the fun

Bio: Alexander was once the child of a weathy family. They never let him out of the house. He quickly grew tired of this, and fled his house to find freedom. He used his wealth to buy a deck and a pirate ship, and when off to gather rare cards. During his travels he found an insland with "Black Corn" (The number card) as well as several other numbers. Since then he has become a legendary duelist and collector, and has entered a few tournaments. He has lost several, but doesn't care

Region: He was born in England, but has traveled around the world with his ship


Deck Name: A Number Deck that revolves around blackwings and Gagagas

Personal items: A flintlock gun, compass, and cutlass

If you don't mind I'd like to request another character

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Sure, just want to point out one thing -- the region is the region you won the regionals in, so you need to give a definite answer.. I'm on my phone out in California, for ten days, so don't be suprized if I don't post often.

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*cracks fingers* Ok, what's happened while I was gone? Nothing? Sadness.....
(If you get that reference to one of my teachers, you are amazing at reading minds through the internet or I know you.)

Well then, BUMP.

For those with reserved 2nd characters, that is great, go ahead and post them, whether they be duelers or staff.

I know the spoiler says NPC (generally Non Playable Charecter(s)), but it means Non Dueling Extra Staff Character(s) That Is/Are Not Critical To The Plot, or NDESCTI/ANCTTP. I hope you see why I put NPC. So play one please!

Or even apply for your own NDESCTI/ANCTTP!

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Alright, I'm back!! Now, to buisness. I appologize in advance for any ramblyness in this post, I am trying to do several things to catch up here, in D&D, Minecraft(?) and *gasp* IRL.

No more reservations accepted. Those who have reserved spots, please post your character soon. I will send out PMs reminding everyone that this RP exists. Tomorrow at this time is the last time people may apply for NPCs. Speaking of which, I need to explain dueling. It will come.

Why did noone apply? Sadness. Alright, we have a good crew.

About dueling -- traditional post your turn, but following these rules:
0) Rules with higher numbers/more specifity overule any general rules that they may contradict.
1) You must post your entire turn as if your opponent did nothing. If they have any way they could do anything, put *pending reaction* at the end of your duel post.
2) If you activate anything that requires input from the person you are dueling, stop there and let your opponent reply. The response, if posted, must meet the size rule, so put some thought (yours and your character's) into it.
3) If you wish, you may work a complicated back/forth turn out via PM before posting. Then the turn player posts the entire turn and puts *PM collaberation* at the bottom. If you are lying, your opponent will know, and report you to me/a Mod for breaking rules and lying.
4) If on a *pending reaction* post, a response is posted in the middle of action, the rest of the turn player's turn is voided, and may change to react to reaction. New post continuing. If you would, use [ s] and [ /s] (without spaces) to strikeout any voided moves.
5) If possible, work out long chains via PM, and put *PM collaberation* at end of chain.
6) Other than these rules, most anything will work, unless it contradicts the general rules. Also, if any of this contradicts general rules, general rules wins, I just scratched this up without looking. If you think that an action may be called into question, do it another way or just ask if it is ok.

I think I got everything. Feel free to ask questions.

Also, BUMP for any NPCs? You can join for just an NPC until this time tomorrow.

NOTE: If I ever post a time, it is EST unless otherwise spesified.

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Sorry for any delays, but I ran into a problem that prevented me from posting until now.

Woot! Time to start, so:
Team United Nerds: You are going to stick to the one character.
Dread*star*: Sorry, you did not apply within posted times or reply to my PM, so you are not in this RP.
Here's to hoping we get everybody in the IC with more fervor than here (so far).

Ok, I am putting up the IC thread as soon as this is posted (as soon as YCM allows).

Basic idea to start -- follow Gladia's encounter with security / ship hand.

And, Ethan, I'll get to the spy via PM.

Also, all other NPCs have yet to be confirmed for appearance in the story. I'll get back on that.

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I'm going to be in the mountains (no Internet) for the next week (so I'm not going to be able to post). I just have time to write this out and post it, with YCM speed the way it is. So now, in the RP - Tizu has now called all guests to the dining room, with the buffet set out with mostly appetizers, but some from every nation and some more sustaining food. When I get back, I will have Gladia join you all and Tizu make his announcements / bring out dessert. Feel free to put whatever out on the buffet, and then go sit out on the grand table on the other side. If the two characters that have yet to join us are not with us when the boat shoves off, well, they've been left behind or have to deal with inserting themselves backwards into the story. They could possibly get to the island by another means, but I don't really know. Anyone not on able to turn into a bird capable of flying over water for 2+ days? I'm not being serious. Get on the ship and or make some sort of post or be left out. You have at least 24 x 7 hours of notice, some would say not posting for a week counts as forfeit, especially if you haven't appeared yet. And thanks, Takashi. Easy-ish mistake, just READ THE APPS, WOULD YOU? Could be some useful information to explore in-RP.

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Alright, I'm back. TeamUnitedNerds, I'm sorry, but you'll have to sit out on the RP unless you can find another way in or just play a staff member. I have to take a shower and boot my computer (on my phone now), but I'll post Tizu & Gladia soon. A reminder: Gladia introduces herself as Glad, a boy, and you should always check back on the OOC to look for announcements like this one. Anyone feel free to ask for something or just post about lack of Internet access. We should be able to work around it if we work together. I SHALL NOT LET THIS RP DIE! Sorry for rablyness and/or typos.

I am going to go ahead and ask: does anyone have a problem with me turning this into a fanfic (probably expanding details a bit) after it is done, as long as I stick to the original plot and put a link to the IC and OOC? (This should not effect the RP at all.)

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If you're on but unable to post in IC due to time constraints, why not put a note in this thread, the OOC that you'll post soon, just so I can know and wait to make a major event (like day passing, Tizu announcement, etc.) untill after you post?

Random fact: YCM's mobile page seems to run faster than the full site. Using that to my advantage by keeping up with XYZ Island on my phone.

Note: Will have basic island info up ASAIFLI ASAP. Within a week. (AsSoonAsIFeelLikeIt AsSoonAsPossible)

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Anyone have a question? Ask it, please. If you're having trouble making it four lines, add a bit of flavor text, like maybe a response to Tizu's "speech". You do not always have to post in straight linear function, you can cover your character's actions/reactions during the previous post. (I believe Takashi did this, and sat down while Gladia was talking.)

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