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Website Contest


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I finally got an idea for a contest


Here's how it works,


1.YOU select a forum/website that has Mods, supers, and an admin.

2.you must pm me the link to the site you have selected so i know your not making it up.

3.the site must have at leased 1 admin, 2 super mods, 3 mods, and any amount of normal non special members.

4.You will be making 1 card modeled after the admin of the site, 2 cards modeled after the super mods of the site, 3 cards modeled after normal mods of the site and any amount of member cards

5.No two people can do the same website, You can enter spells but you need a field spell card that has something to do with your selected site's name such as (made up website) "Soup Site-Digisite" or something

6 you MUST state the website you are doing without a link to the site, so other people know what they can't do

7. more cards+good OCG+good pics+ good grammer= Happy Zeroshot

8. PRIZES: these prizes are up to you. for example, you can post your cards and say, "I bet 50 points and you donate the Points to me, winner gets all bets but 11 points, 2nd gets 10 points and 3rd gets 1 points

the end date will be established when I have 5 entrys or more

9. Cards must have something in common, for example: FrunkSpace-Zeroshot or Frunkspace-Type, as long as they have something in common

get card making, this took a lot of thinking and writing


I am also including the members of Frunkspace.com in this contest so when the winners are out, if you say stuff like "He didn't even enter the contest, Zeroshots stupid Whaaa i want my mommy" you will be negged


if you enter on Frunkspace your name will automaticlly posted here and your card in a spoiler











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