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[Finished]~Mini Monarchs~ Fun Contest! (Final Results Up) [Lock]


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Welcome all; this contest is for fun so first and foremost there will be no prizes, no entry fees, and no level minimum.
The contest will begin as soon as there are no longer any available slots. The due date is not final yet, but you can expect to have about 3 days in addition to whatever time it takes to fill up the 5 spaces. I am the only judge (criteria below).

[spoiler='Rules']- Each contestant may only submit one card, based on the Mini Monarch sub-archetype (see below).
- The card must be a Level 4 or lower monster card. This monster must only have one effect, and this effect must trigger upon summon (summoning conditions are permitted in addition to this effect).

Each entry will have different ideas on the Mini Monarch sub-archetype. I recommend skimming the [url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Monarch"]Wiki page on Monarchs[/url] to help your take fit in to the existing archetype ('Mini Monarch' is just how I refer to this non-existant archetype. You [u]do not[/u] have to name your card '... the Mini ... Monarch').

[spoiler='Judging']- The following are the criteria upon which your entry will be judged: Fit, Originality, Balance, and Clarity.
- Fit involves how well your Mini Monarch fits alongside the Monarchs.
- Originality is how original your entry is.
- Balance is about how over or underpowered your entry is (the less of either, the better).
- Clarity is simply how clear your card text is. If I'm sure I know what your text means, it'll score well. I will not make corrections.
- All categories are out of 10. You will recieve a final score out of 100.

After all entries have been judged, there will be a space of one day before a winner is announced. This time can be used to discuss the scorings. Only Balance and Clarity are subject to change.

Remember, this is for fun so... Enjoy! :D

[spoiler='Contestants']∂materasu - Entry Submitted - 2nd Place!
Sorin Markov - Entry Submitted - 3rd Place!
Beginning446 - Entry Submitted - 1st Place!

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I'll enter, something to do.


Lore: When this card is Normal Summoned: Banish 1 monster form your Graveyard to increase "Diregraf, The Life Absorber" ATK by the banish monster level x100, until the End Phase.

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Getting another entrant is taking a while - if there are no more by this time tomorrow, applications will close and judging will begin (seeing as both contestants have already submitted).

Edit: And now we have a 3rd contestant :D Thanks for joining; submissions open for one extra day.

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Results are up! Contestants have around 24 hrs to come up with reason for me to give them bonus points before a final winner is announced. This was unexpectedly close :D


Very appropriate alongside the existing archetype :). I originally deducted for the fact that this monarch is a group of people driving a machine rather than a single entity (as consistent with every other monarch)... but this is MINI monarchs. After reconsidering I think that your choice in this manner actually adds to the fit - now that I view the operaters/soldiers as the mini-monarchs rather then the Harvester, this card has a sweet symbolic touch. But I won't elaborate.
Also, maybe I'm being picky (I have a whole 10 points to play with) but I think this monster's archetype could be made a little more apparent. While having a 'Harvester' deck sounds pretty badass, its context in the title doesn't suggest at all that that's how other cards in this thoeretical archetype would be named. 'Combat'? I dunno... Unfortunately you lose out solely upon my uncertainty in this case. 9/10.

There isn't all too much to say. It's decently original, but the effect does lack a little. Also, DARK type. :P 7/10.

The first thing I notice about this card's balance is... 2100 ATK? It's great you've gone on offence for the 'fit' category but 2100 paired with such an effect is, personally, a little too good. 2000 or even 1900 would have been better. Nice effect, though :). 7/10

Pretty darn clear. 10/10.

[spoiler="Sorin Markov"][img]http://img827.imageshack.us/img827/6161/diregrafcard.jpg[/img]

Great :) I could totally see the 'Abosorbers' as a new archetype, and the card itself fits well with its offensive stats and effect. It also fits the concept of 'mini-monarch' - not quite so well as 'Combat Monster Harvester' - but its slender yet menacing appearance does net you some credit. If it weren't for the fact that the aformentioned 'Harvester' took the mini-monarch concept a step up, you would have yourself a perfect score. 9/10.

Much the same deal as the previous card (Harvester). The effect is lacking in my opinion, especially as all three entries manipulate the ATK stat. Seeing as this card would be hard to fit into any other type, you won't be deducted for DARK. Also it's just a beatstick. 7/10.

Speaking of it being a beatstick: it's a potentially HUGE beatstick that returns to unremarkable (yet decent) ATK in the End Phase. Problem? "HUGE". You almost got it. 9/10.

For the most part, the text is easy to understand. However: if a Diregraf is summoned while another is on the field, does only the one summoned gain ATK, or do both? I'm 99% sure it's the former, but a player could quite easily make a case against that. Due to the potential impact on balance, you will take quite a hit from this. 6/10.


Reminds me of Star Wars lol :D. Anyway, fits great. 'Droid' monsters seem like a viable archetype and... well I don't know. It's just a solid fit. It does have a low ATK stat but its effect generally makes up for that. It does have sort of critter-like appearance that doesn't help; monarchs are meant to be more intimidating. Then there's the 'Harvester', he raised the bar a bit and lost you a point. Sorry :P. 8/10.

Like 'Diregraf' it's a little much of a beatstick. There's nothing really special here. I guess it could double as a wall if need be... 7/10.

I don't see many problems here. It would possibly compliment your own big monsters a little too well, though, by targeting them. 9/10

No real issues. Little things such as the lack of a colon could be fixed, but in this case it doesn't affect clarity. 10/10.

[spoiler="Bonus Points"]
'Combat Monster Harvester' (82.5/100)
+++ Only entry not focused on beatstick-ing.
New TOTAL: (85/100)

'Diregraf, The Life Absorber' (77.5/100)
++ Scale up for atypical performance in 'Clarity'.
New TOTAL: (79/100)

'Battle Scanner Droid' (85/100)
+ Only non-DARK entry.
New TOTAL: (86/100)

Final Results: There were no additional points awarded.
1st: Beginning446 with "Battle Scanner Droid" - Congratulations!
2nd: ∂materasu with "Combat Monster Harvester" - Very close, you might have easily won out on Bonus points if any were submitted.
3rd: Sorin Markov with "Diregraf, The Life Absorber" - Personal favourite discounting actual results :) So placing is unfortunate...

There you have it :D Thank you all for participating.

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