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Teen Titans: Heroes of the North OoC [CLOSED]

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Did a combat post against White-Out.
I had my character attempt to use ultrasonic pitches. I did this because of his extreme musical prowess, combined with his instrument of choice, the piccolo.
Considering the piccolo has naturally high pitches, I just came up with the assumption that with Hikaru's musical skill, he could pull off an ultrasonic pitch.

Of course, I'll edit my post if you deem it necessary.

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It should be fine, Shion! I'm just waiting for someone to make a post (probably not you, though) so that I can make the last GM Post without needing to doublepost. One more GM Post should wrap up this scenario nicely, although it will be a long one.

Are you guys enjoying the villains so far? Clearly, they're based on Jinx, Mammoth and Gizmo from the series, but I think I did a fair job of reformulating their powers and team dynamic. If all goes according to plan, we should be starting the next arc sometime soon, which will be very Kowen-centric. Thanks for your patience, Renegade!

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@Hydra(nearly called you Kresnik...lol): That is rather amusing

@Saiba: Obviously Shade is the Jinx of the team. Adamantor takes the spot of mammoth. In this team though there really isn't a Gizmo, White-Out is a fine character and completes the villainous team quite well, but he doesn't exactly strike me as 'brainy' like Gizmo. But yes, the two teams are fantastically similar, but yet tastefully different.

I am excited about the start of the new arc, I have enjoyed reading the action that has been going on recently but I am definitely ready to be back in the game.

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Okay, I'm glad to see that everyone is enthusiastic and interested in participating!

Hydra: Oh my god haha. I had never thought of it that way, unless I subconsciously planned the whole thing.. Too funny. Well, I'm waiting on a post so I can make the final GM Post! Don't be surprised if things don't go the way you planned, kiddos. ^_^

Renegade: That's true.. White-Out is definitely crueler and more mature than Gizmo. He hasn't really had a chance to demonstrate his technological inventiveness yet, but he [i]did[/i] design his own tools and weaponry.

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[quote name='Saiba Aisu' timestamp='1339620809' post='5956494']
Okay, I'm glad to see that everyone is enthusiastic and interested in participating!

Hydra: Oh my god haha. I had never thought of it that way, unless I subconsciously planned the whole thing.. Too funny. Well, I'm waiting on a post so I can make the final GM Post! Don't be surprised if things don't go the way you planned, kiddos. ^_^

Renegade: That's true.. White-Out is definitely crueler and more mature than Gizmo. He hasn't really had a chance to demonstrate his technological inventiveness yet, but he [i]did[/i] design his own tools and weaponry.

Alright then, maybe he does fill the chair of techno-nerd(I mean that in the most honorable way possible) left empty by the departed Gizmo.

@Saiba: Do you by chance watch/read Fairy Tail? If so, I think I found your inspiration for Evergreen.

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I have actually never watched or read Fairy Tail in my entire life, although I have friends who are quite fond of it. You are dead-on-the-mark, by the way. I used the information I found online from that character as inspiration for this Evergreen.. Although their powers are quite different.

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[quote name='Saiba Aisu' timestamp='1339640483' post='5956626']
I have actually never watched or read Fairy Tail in my entire life, although I have friends who are quite fond of it. You are dead-on-the-mark, by the way. I used the information I found online from that character as inspiration for this Evergreen.. Although their powers are quite different.

Well not only there powers, because I am assuming there is more to your Evergreen's powers than what has been revealed, but also their personalities. I must say I am much more fond of the Evergreen introduced here than that in Fairy Tail.

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I don't see how one can defeat a man completely encased in chunks of diamond. He would be immune to all forms of any physical attack less than covering him in napalm or acid and hoping it gets through the cracks, if any. From what I see, the current team has no weapons capable of damaging Adamantor. Hikaru could go for a musical attack, but he is easily countered by White-out. Kresnik can't draw blood through what is essentially diamond plating. I doubt that fists or evil Piranha plants could tear through diamond either. The only way I think the team could possibly counter Adamantor is if Kowen is able to supersize the chemical weapons of formic ants or the bombardier beetle or if they simply dig a hole big enough to trap him inside and bury him alive quickly.

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[quote name='Otaku-sama' timestamp='1339651397' post='5956723']
I don't see how one can defeat a man completely encased in chunks of diamond. He would be immune to all forms of any physical attack less than covering him in napalm or acid and hoping it gets through the cracks, if any. From what I see, the current team has no weapons capable of damaging Adamantor. Hikaru could go for a musical attack, but he is easily countered by White-out. Kresnik can't draw blood through what is essentially diamond plating. I doubt that fists or evil Piranha plants could tear through diamond either. The only way I think the team could possibly counter Adamantor is if Kowen is able to supersize the chemical weapons of formic ants or the bombardier beetle or if they simply dig a hole big enough to trap him inside and bury him alive quickly.

Well if Luxa can toss him around then there are a couple of options. My personal favorite and less practical by far is submerging him in water if he's diamond plated then shouldn't he be just as dense? Which means he has to be in human form to swim and then we're back to a level playing field. Second I would say go for a nose bleed I was in a similar situation once and we just kept calling headshots and face shots till we got a nosebleed lol. Don't know if that's practical here but still it sounded like a good option to me.

I'm afraid of White-Out...He alone is a boss character. I think he reminds me more of an upgraded Shriek from Batman Beyond. His ability renders two senses useless from a distance. Who exactly can overcome that without some serious techno help?

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It depends if Adamantor's skin is literally a shell around him, or if he's actually transmuting his cells into a different state. If it's the later, he would still be vulnerable to Kresnik's anti-life energy attacks- the energy doesn't care what the actual traits of the matter it deletes are, only that it happens to be part of a living creature. Now, if Adamantor could turn his skin into silver, now [i]then [/i]she would have a problem.

Aside from that, Kresnik has pretty poor matchups against the H.I.V.E. members. Shade is covered in thick bandages that prevent bullet wounds, bleeding [i]and [/i]would block her Anti-Life Energy, and she has very sensitive eyes and ears that make her very vulnerable to just about all of White-Out's attacks.

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Kowen wouldn't be able to adopt any of his animal characteristics that allowed for better sight or hearing against the HIVE because of White-Out. As Otaku said I could use an acid to attack Adamantor with, but it is mentioned in my app that Kowen isn't the smartest guy so I am not so sure he would think of that strategy. He could though take on the arms of an army ant. Seeing as army ants can lift several times their own way, Kowen's strength against Adamantor would probably be sufficient enough to match him. I don't think Shade's bandages would help her very much from Kowen's signature 'claws of a Tiger'. Of course those poisonous needles would still be a threat.

@Saiba: Is this the arc you would like me to introduce the annoyance of Kowen's allergies? If so I think I will use Hydra's suggestion in making an allergic reaction to her blood in his system. If not then I can wait till a later town and say it is pollen or whatever. I will make my post later today. Can't wait to get back into this!

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Ahh, it makes me so happy to see all of you guys discussing the RP. If you will allow me, I'll clarify some of your points/questions, as they are good ones.

Otaku: Yeah, it's true that Adamantor is a tough cookie, seeing as his armor is extremely resilient to most forms of attack. Like the other members, however, he does have some weaknesses. The first and foremost being that unlike White-Out, using his abilities is inherently exhausting, meaning that there is a time-limit function in effect, making him poorly suited to longer matches. He is also susceptible to being picked up and bound (like Luxa did with her plants), and in some extreme cases of stress, his armor can be broken. However, I agree that he is definitely an enemy who must be fought cleverly, perhaps using the environment to one's advantage (he's basically useless in water). There are gaps in his armor to allow air to seep in, but it's difficult to exploit these, as he is capable of fusing his armor plates together and manifesting the gaps elsewhere at will. Also, if Hikaru can be given an opening, Adamantor is more susceptible than most to the music.

Beginning446: That's a good observation, Adamantor is pretty useless in water, for the moment. I watched a bit of Batman Beyond, but I don't remember Shriek, let me look him up.. And for me, at least, the best-suited to fighting White-Out is Kowen, as he can make himself blind as needed.

Hydra: That's an interesting technicality that I hadn't considered. I can see how it would make sense either way (for the diamond to be a shell, or merely a modified form of his own cells). I'll have to think about this one, because it involves all kinds of complications with consuming minerals that can be used to synthesize diamond, etc. But for the moment, I think we'll stick with the latter, meaning that Adamantor's diamond is organic and thus susceptible to Kresnik's anti-life attacks. I'm sorry if I made the H.I.V.E. agents too powerful.. But I did intend for an innate rivalry between Shade and Kresnik.

Renegade: Yes, exactly. Kowen is actually highly-suited to fighting most, if not all, of the H.I.V.E. agents. I'm not going to list all of their weaknesses here, but the fact that he wasn't present played a huge role in the Titans' defeat, as well as their lack of cohesion and teamwork. Feel free to go ahead and introduce the allergies whenever you please, we should be starting the next mission soon.

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I do love this RP it is such an excellent story. Better than most fan-fics and I can clearly see why neither of my characters was accepted. I already have the perfect character in mind so I hope another spot opens at some point in the future so I can go for a 3rd shot (third times the charm and all lol).

Praise aside which member of H.I.V.E. can make a man slit his own throat? Or is that something that has to be revealed later?

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Thanks guys, I'm glad you are enjoying the story so far. And sure thing, Renegade. Kowen's sacrifice has brought all kinds of unpleasant memories to the surface of Luxa's mind, and it's making her feel vulnerable. Remember, what she fears above all things—even more than being killed—is being responsible for someone else's death. Just in case you were a bit confused.

Beginning: I was actually planning to reveal it, but the way that the battle scenario turned out didn't really give me the opportunity. I guess I will wait until another chance comes up. It's definitely one of the H.I.V.E. agents, though.

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[quote name='Saiba Aisu' timestamp='1339898475' post='5958029']
Thanks guys, I'm glad you are enjoying the story so far. And sure thing, Renegade. Kowen's sacrifice has brought all kinds of unpleasant memories to the surface of Luxa's mind, and it's making her feel vulnerable. Remember, what she fears above all things—even more than being killed—is being responsible for someone else's death. Just in case you were a bit confused.

Beginning: I was actually planning to reveal it, but the way that the battle scenario turned out didn't really give me the opportunity. I guess I will wait until another chance comes up. It's definitely one of the H.I.V.E. agents, though.

It is very similar for why Kowen would be the one to defend the other teammates. His parents were killed and he couldn't help them. He doesn't want to experience that helplessness and grief again so naturally trying to protect another person would take priority over his own safety.

Also, I am kinda getting a 'Raven' like feel from Luxa. How she believes she won't be accepted because of her curse.

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I think there might be a problem with the balance of the extroverts and introverts in the team. From what I see, we have two extroverts and three introverts and somehow I don't think that is healthy for character development. The original Teen Titans had three extroverts (Cyborg, Beast Boy and Starfire) and two introverts (Raven and Robin) which brought the characters into somewhat of a balance. If there is going to be character development, Milani and Hikaru are going to have to be more active in encouraging interaction between characters.

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That's a good point, Otaku. I'm counting on Kowen, Hikaru, and Milani to be the extroverts and keep things moving in terms of interaction and character development! I definitely plan for Luxa to develop a softer side in the future, but until then..

ALSO, just made the new GM Post. This marks the beginning of your second mission, so let me know if you have any questions!

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Also, I hate to double post, but this is an important announcement. Tomorrow I leave for one of my summer jobs, a three-week position as a Resident Assistant (RA) at a language academy. While I will have internet access and fully plan to continue making GM Posts in my free time, I do hope you guys will be patient with me in case it takes a little longer.

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[quote name='Saiba Aisu' timestamp='1340213364' post='5959927']
Also, I hate to double post, but this is an important announcement. Tomorrow I leave for one of my summer jobs, a three-week position as a Resident Assistant (RA) at a language academy. While I will have internet access and fully plan to continue making GM Posts in my free time, I do hope you guys will be patient with me in case it takes a little longer.

Bummer, but totally understandable. I too will be leaving town(just for a few days though) in about a week and a half. I too will have internet access, but I will be slower to reply as well.

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