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tutorial on lightsaber making


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to make a light saber to look like this i used paint.net for this lightsaber




first get any pic of a sword or a lightsaber it will make it as the background imiage wich its a good thing you want to be like that.


for my example im using this sword




second make a new layer set it to screen. paint bucket it black it should be like this you cant see the black cause its set on screen so its transparent to the pic. use the line tool to make a white line on the layer where the lightsaber to be at (thicker the better it looks like a lightsaber). use the pixel moving tool to make a box around the sword or lightsaber part use transparent gaustin blur to that part that you made.




then finnally make a new layer set it to overlay. paint bucket that layer any color you want. then go back to the bakground pic make sure the background and all layers have check mark next to them then copy. delete the second layer flatten the the imiage so it has only one pic that should be colored as the background pic make a new layer paste the imiage you copied set the layer properities you think should be right.


and there you have it. should look like this depend on the white line or the layer properties.



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thanx dude


well i thought someday ppl might want to be jedi masters lamo. so i taught them lightsaber construction


heres the links to paint.net tutouials on lightsaber making. incase my instructions are complicated





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