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YCLoveMaker Hotel: We Love You All to Death~!

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To be honest I have no idea which country you were born in. Mugen if I had to guess I would say you were born in America but that could be wrong. Hell I know Broken is from Australia so I can only guess . . .


Well yes that'd be true. I was born in America.


That is, so as long as your definition of america doesn't end at the Mexican border. Since it's a continent and stuff.


I was born in Argentina Jake, I've lived here my entire life save for one year in Paris. Until three weeks ago I had never stepped on US soil.

He's from Ireland


>.> Everybody knows this Jake


Seriously though where are you from bro?


F***, there goes my alibi.

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Well yes that'd be true. I was born in America.


That is, so as long as your definition of america doesn't end at the Mexican border. Since it's a continent and stuff.


I was born in Argentina Jake, I've lived here my entire life save for one year in Paris. Until three weeks ago I had never stepped on US soil.


Ah! Okay that clears things up and to be honest that is awesome. So you can speak French fluently, right?

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Not once did you tell me. I only know that you were in France, and timezones made an irritating mess.


But I did, specifically that I'd be coming back to Argentina in X months depending on WHEN I said it. Point being I said it a lot. Maybe just never to you.

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Isn't the general rule that everyone's born in America until proven otherwise?


Yes, yes it is. Like how there are no women on the internet, just FBI agents and all of that. It's not to make sense just keep us entertained until proven otherwise (83)


There is  the fact that I've said in various occasions that my case differs from the rule.


jus sayan


You've never said it in here or at least, if you have, I had completely forgotten by the time I asked the question again.


On another note:


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Mugen, for some reason, I thought you were Canadian... don't know why...


Nah.. he ain't polite enough to be a  Canadian (XD)


Now, as for Jake... wow. Where on Earth did you find that?


And honestly my brother found that and posted it to his Facebook. I have NO idea where he found it though

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Jake, I'm scared to ask, but... what did he do?


Quite simply he disappeared on me . . . couldn't find him. Looked inside, outside, in rooms I knew I hadn't been in. Couldn't find him,


Why did this scare me?


Last dog I had that just upped and vanished on me late at night I found the next morning dead for no apparent reason (B |)


So yeah I was kind of getting worried until I found him . . . under the bed . . . looking at me like "u called?"

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Oh, good. I though he'd done somethin crazy. Dogs like to hide under the bed. And turn up somewhere fifteen minutes after you've already looked there.

Cats are worse, though. You'll be lookin for a cat all day, and then he'll turn up outta the blue sleepin on the back a the couch in plain sight.

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Oh, good. I though he'd done somethin crazy. Dogs like to hide under the bed. And turn up somewhere fifteen minutes after you've already looked there.

Cats are worse, though. You'll be lookin for a cat all day, and then he'll turn up outta the blue sleepin on the back a the couch in plain sight.


Well he usually comes when I call him and for me to be looking for roughly twenty minutes makes it even worse.


Is anybody planning on seeing 'Man of Steel"?

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