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YCLoveMaker Hotel: We Love You All to Death~!

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Eh, the whole 'they changed it now it sucks' was best coined by Stephen King's Misery.


Superjail! is awesome Desu, I don't care who says otherwise (even though I feel Season 2 was the worst), considering it's such a wonderful trip,

Yeah, drug trip.

and it's first season had a great death toll than the first two seasons of Metalocalypse.

Yeah, I don't care for mass death sequences and I actually like Metalocalypse.



I've actually toned down my hate for MLP in recent days , mainly because I've finally ran out of f*cks to give about a show with talking magical pink ponies. I won't watch it, but I can be around Bronies when they are without wanting to commit mass murder . . .

Congrats, you're maturing a bit.

Hell! I'm even including jokes about my past intense hatred towards MLP in Trio of DEF II

I saw previews for it and I just sighed, shaking my head, because it's like most Adult Swim shows now. Just complete inane idiocy. I've tried watching a lot of shows on Adult Swim, outside Toonami, and there is precious few I like watching. Boondock Saints and Black Dynamite along with Aqua Teen Hunger Force are probably it. Nothing else is funny to me.

Pretty much the same here. Except I've seen enough of the sh*t show to have a proper opinion.


And DF, sorry that DBZ was my first anime and that it holds a special place where my heart used to be . . . (>>)

You need to find more interests.

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Congrats, you're maturing a bit.


This coming from the guy who starts insulting someone when they misread something? Yeah you're definitely mature (>>)


Pretty much the same here. Except I've seen enough of the sh*t show to have a proper opinion.


Oh get off your high horse (X3) I've seen enough to know that I don't like them, but I'm not going to berate anybody for watching them either. I just don't get the enjoyment . . .


You need to find more interests.


(=_=) . . .




I actually know DBZ isn't all that, mainly because Akira Toriyama bent to his fans every single whim, but I still love it for having good actions scenes, when they finally got around to them . . .

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This coming from the guy who starts insulting someone when they misread something? Yeah you're definitely mature (>>)
I don't recall claiming I was mature but okay. I'm pretty sure those insults were perfectly legit.


Oh get off your high horse (X3) I've seen enough to know that I don't like them, but I'm not going to berate anybody for watching them either. I just don't get the enjoyment . . .
You said previews which implies not a whole lot. Also considering I don't even recall you giving MLP a chance. I think my high horse is a bit smarter than you.


(=_=) . . .

To be fair, you do.



I actually know DBZ isn't all that, mainly because Akira Toriyama bent to his fans every single whim, but I still love it for having good actions scenes, when they finally got around to them . . .

They're not really that good though.

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The fights in DBZ were kinda half-assed, I agree. After watching the original Dragonball, all they really did in Z was give the characters and plot devices steroids and crack. It may be mediocre, but I find it entertaining. WWE is a good parallel example.

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Well Jake, you do need spirit in order ot get into something. MLP is totally a girl's show, but I enjoy it honestly because I am frankly just a giant manchild, other than that, I can appreciate it for what it does.


Plus, I love musical numbers, so, friggin, much.

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Fanatics in general are pains in the ass to deal with, like the Sephiroth or Ulquiorra ones.


You mean Black? LOL (XD) I kid . . . mostly (>>)


I don't think I could ever be fanatical about something. If somebody doesn't like it I don't try to make them like it and I don't ignore good reasoning why the show isn't for everybody. Take Naruto. I like the show, but even I can admit that Naruto has GOT to f*cking get over getting Sasuke back . . . it's annoying. I like Negima, but I can agree that it takes a while to get into the big action scenes and the ending is horrible (only on account the greedy company tried to buy the writes from Akamatsu). I like-


Please stop


Fine (>>)

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Not just that, I've learned in general to not try and convince somebody to look at something from another perspective, because 99% of the time, all you accomplish is heaping unnecessary frustration out of not being able to change the person's mind, even if you had irrefutable logic. Though it also depends on the situation, I probably wouldn't let somebody act politically incorrect.

And by all that, I meant on the Internet. 

...maybe IRL too, but those are harder to let slip.


I don't think too many people have hung on to old obsessions from the old days. I haven't gone around with a Luigi avi in ages (though I am next month).

And I later realized I made a spring status the other day, but failed to mention the Springtime of Youth.

Like what the fudge.

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Fusion, I don't care how old we get or how lame it sounds, you will always preach the Springtime of youth.


Just like I will always ramble on about Technology, Jake will ramble at his "sister" Lora, Black will ramble about Caeda, and DL will ramble about loli (idgaf what he says, I know he does).

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Fusion, I don't care how old we get or how lame it sounds, you will always preach the Springtime of youth.


Just like I will always ramble on about Technology, Jake will ramble at his "sister" Lora, Black will ramble about Caeda, and DL will ramble about loli (idgaf what he says, I know he does).

I ramble on about MtG. We all have something to ramble on about.

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Go back to your old name. Grime-a.


I prefer this name. The original name . . . okay not original but the longest running one.


Fusion, I don't care how old we get or how lame it sounds, you will always preach the Springtime of youth.


Just like I will always ramble on about Technology, Jake will ramble at his "sister" Lora, Black will ramble about Caeda, and DL will ramble about loli (idgaf what he says, I know he does).


I'm not his sister.....


Creator, Lora's my daughter. Get your facts straight my friend.


And on a side note . . . I'm going to Chicago!!!

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I prefer this name. The original name . . . okay not original but the longest running one.



I'm not his sister.....


Creator, Lora's my daughter. Get your facts straight my friend.


And on a side note . . . I'm going to Chicago!!!

The murder rate in Chicago has increased by at least 10% in the last year.

Most being African-Americans. The second is tourists. Have fun man.


Grime-a is who you are by my terms and I think that it suits you more than Jake the Sage.

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I prefer this name. The original name . . . okay not original but the longest running one.



I'm not his sister.....


Creator, Lora's my daughter. Get your facts straight my friend.


And on a side note . . . I'm going to Chicago!!!


You missed me by a week. I was there and it was great. Make sure you go to Ed Dedevic's. Fantastic service they've got there.

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The murder rate in Chicago has increased by at least 10% in the last year.

Most being African-Americans. The second is tourists. Have fun man.


Watch the murder rate skyrocket just as Jake reports back how he had "fun" in Chicago


Remo wouldn't it be while I'm in Chicago that the murder rate would skyrocket?


But Daemon yeah I've heard about it and believe me I don't think we'll be going into the really bad sections of Chicago.

I could not say that without cracking a smile. It's Chigaco . . . the only reason we're going is to see my step-brother graduate from college.


I don't really care if he's graduating, but it gives me the chance to travel so . . . bonus (^^)b


Grime-a is who you are by my terms and I think that it suits you more than Jake the Sage.


Nope, Jake the Sage


You missed me by a week. I was there and it was great. Make sure you go to Ed Dedevic's. Fantastic service they've got there.


I'll remember that DF and try to make it there while in Chicago . . .


I don't think it's the murder rates that will go up Remo, but a death rate of a different kind.


Que (T_-)?

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The bad parts of Chicago you speak of sounds like a great place to choreograph a fight scene.


Other than that, I stopped by Chicago on my way to Wilmington about 2 years ago. We went to the Art Museum there. Not as inspiring as it could've been, but it was fun nontheless. Though I wish I could've bought a souvenir.

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