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YCLoveMaker Hotel: We Love You All to Death~!

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when humanity ends
move to mars


Or, again, the chances of intelligent alien life is a high possibility so you could always just move top their place and maybe even become a historical important person because, you know, you're the last human in the universe.


Well if you didn't have immortality, what super power would you have?

I just don't want to live like this.



Glad to see someone else reads Two Guys and Guy.

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Or, again, the chances of intelligent alien life is a high possibility so you could always just move top their place and maybe even become a historical important person because, you know, you're the last human in the universe.
Well if you didn't have immortality, what super power would you have?

Pretty much, being immortal has tons of perks. Being the last human isn't exactly a horrid thing either, because, hey, mate with aliens and carry on the species through hybrids.

Common answer, simple answer. I just feel like flight has so much more to offer than super strength and other crap.
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some gods just want to watch the world burn



actual life scientist broken

Differing opinions on it I guess. I don't think of it to be cowardly more so just the feeling of not caring for death is a better feeling.


Or in other words no longer having to fear death?

when humanity ends
move to mars


Yeah, who wants to float with nobody around? I'd rather be standing. Floating is for nerds.

Or, again, the chances of intelligent alien life is a high possibility so you could always just move top their place and maybe even become a historical important person because, you know, you're the last human in the universe.

How long would you have to float at an assumedly slow rate to ever possibly meet where other life might be? That being if in the time it took to get there any life was still around. Please note: you're going to likely have to travel a greater distance than what we can currently see in our most powerful telescopes and you're not going to be close to the speed of light. Not to mention if you did somehow meet with another race they're more likely to study you r immortality rather than try to preserve you.


Glad to see someone else reads Two Guys and Guy.

It's a good webcomic.



Pretty much, being immortal has tons of perks. Being the last human isn't exactly a horrid thing either, because, hey, mate with aliens and carry on the species through hybrids.
1) Implying our race is attractive to another.

2) Hybrids can't reproduce.

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How long would you have to float at an assumedly slow rate to ever possibly meet where other life might be? That being if in the time it took to get there any life was still around. Please note: you're going to likely have to travel a greater distance than what we can currently see in our most powerful telescopes and you're not going to be close to the speed of light. Not to mention if you did somehow meet with another race they're more likely to study you r immortality rather than try to preserve you.


Never said you would be floating. You could go up in a space ship via NASA and then just let the constant propulsion, which you'd get even when the fuel runs out, all the way to a intelligent civilization.

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Well, I'd reckon you'd live long enough for things like actual Enterprises (you just know some nerds out there would do it), but, thing is, even when you're immortal, you still gotta work, get payed and pay for your house, electricity. And you can't really have a wife as in the end you'll just outlive her, forcing you to get another one every 50-70 years or so.

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Or you know. You can revive Benjamin Franklin to ask him what was there on the other side of death, only to be told it's just a restaurant with terrible service.
Or just stab yourself to death. It'll take a lot more, sure, but you can manage.

how is the latter a solution to immortality if you cant die
is this a joke im missing
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that's... very Masochistic. But, if it's true immortality, meaning no aging/no dying/ no being injured, then... how would this work?

Besides, you can't just commit suicide and call it a solution! It's not manly!


Oh, then we're talking the kind of immortality that can't be injured at all. Being able to die would really depend solely on how far can chemical substances affect your body (Does poison gas work? Do you need to breathe? To eat? Do you even need your DNA to make proteins? Do you EVEN make proteins?)

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It's just a generalization that you'll have to find love to constantly that it'll seem pointless in the end.


Living so long will inevitibly leave you jaded to, well, everything.

Which isn't really an issue if you're Creator


Sorry I haven't been online in a while, I was playing GTa IV for the first time via RedBox and I now I shudder at the thought of GTA V

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Sorry I haven't been online in a while, I was playing GTa IV for the first time via RedBox and I now I shudder at the thought of GTA V




I mean, besides Niko being a bland, stereotypical European-accent character, I don't see what makes it so bad.

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I mean, besides Niko being a bland, stereotypical European-accent character, I don't see what makes it so bad.

No, I shudder at the thought of them improving on such a beautiful game


I still vividly remember being on the San Andreas side of the San Andreas Vs GTA IV argument, and now it will be the best of both worlds


I, without a doubt, will get GTA V and will probably play it nonstop until either my body gives out or I win the game

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No, I shudder at the thought of them improving on such a beautiful game


Oh, I thought you along with the majority of GTA fans were ripping on IV for whatever reason.

Everyone's saying it's a bad game and that San Andreas is better or some sh*t. I still can't put my finger on it, albeit San Andreas was pretty f*cking awesome.

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I had so much fun exploring Liberty City at my friend's house that I vowed to play GTA V.

And now that looks hella amazing.

I think they just announced that you get to scuba dive in this game?

How I would love to fight a shark.

It's going to have dynamic events similar to Red Dead Redemption


And think the map size was quoted as being "bigger than Red Dead, San Andreas and GTA 4 combined"


Which probably makes it bigger or at least as big as Just Cause 2 (of which the only reason I bought for its ridiculous map size)

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Which probably makes it bigger or at least as big as Just Cause 2 (of which the only reason I bought for its ridiculous map size)


<- got Just Cause 2 for free via Playstation+.


I find it kinda frustrating how it takes forever to get from place to place in that game. The fastest way to travel is by a private jet, which is nearly impossible to get in the air without hitting a tree, spiraling out of control, and crashing to your death.


Though the reason why I got the game was for the grappling hook and unlimited parachute combo. That and the amazing interactive environment. TEARING DOWN STATUES! REVOLUTION, MUTHAF*CKA!!


And I don't know why, but I find the stereotypical Russian voice-acting kinda cute.

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