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YCLoveMaker Hotel: We Love You All to Death~!

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Ugh... I don't like Electric Shock.>_> The song is too repetitive and messy to me (like most f(x) songs). They have a really skilled singer (Luna), but too bad she's drowning under the robo-sound.c:


The thing with J-Pop, K-Pop, blabla is that they're pretty similar these days since Korean groups even release the same songs in Japan, just translated. Both are leaning more towards electronic sounds these days (the Pop side, although Rock has been a bit of a let-down lately too).


Uh... I doubt that anyone is really bothered by where what comes from or reads that much into it. But the Japanese music market is probably the biggest one in Asia, a lot bigger than the Korean one. Making it there isn't like making it in the US, but you can see that many groups are after that yen.

CDs in both countries are much more expensive thoug and usually have specials like photobooks, behind-the-scene cuts and such.

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You should have come in sooner Opal (smiles) I remember that you love Japanese and Korean music so you would know a lot of things about it..........which band do you like the most? I kind of have the same taste in music Dad does....


By that it means she enjoys just the song and doesn't really give two sh*ts about the band

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Cherry I believe Remo is just messing with you, but I could be wrong.


Now, has anyone gotten the new Fire Emblem game for the 3DS? If not then I highly suggest getting it . . .


FINALLY! Finally we get to play as a tactician again where you actually get a part in the story- thank God too because I was working on a tie-in with that for something. I am a bit off on the whole 3D aspect but it is still a good game. And [spoiler=spoiler]The downloadable content lets you "summon" old Fire Emblem characters to fight with you- the first one being Marth. *nostalgic sigh* 'Tis good to have Marth fighting alongside me, but I'd give Striker's right arm and leg to be able to fight alongside Lyn once more . . ."[/spoiler]

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Now, has anyone gotten the new Fire Emblem game for the 3DS? If not then I highly suggest getting it . . .


If I had a 3DS, I'd get it.


I'm trying to save up for one, but keeping the money saved up someplace is hard. I had $40 saved up as of the last 2 paychecks, but I took $20 out to buy art supplies... which left me short for the next week and a half. I usually buy my own meals cause packing a sandwich gets old after a while. So I took out the rest.


But it sucks, cause I REALLY want a 3DS. If I was allowed, I'd buy it using the loan I have out for my car and add an extra couple of months to my payment schedule.


But alas, my parents are too conservative about my finances to let me.

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Thar my suggestion is getting an old wallet, keeping it somewhere in your room, and just putting away whatever money you have left over from the week into that. I don't eat breakfast and my lunches generally cost me less than $10 . . . so if you cut and snip here and there you'll be able to save up the money for a new 3DS.


Hell! I actually had enough to buy a 3DS before Christmas and the only reason I didn't was because I wanted to buy a game with it as well- so the total would've been around $200.


And Striker, you signed the waver for the Hotel, so I have rights to your limbs . . .

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I signed no waiver Jake, and you know that. So try again, if you dare. And only Spike can say that he has my limbs. XD

Striker, I have your limbs, right here. *holds two arms and two legs out in front of me* So.... argument invalid.


I just realized, I don't think I've ever had the pleasure of meeting Pointy... You gonna now invite him into your room in the Hotel? Once I trade these in for a 3DS then I'll need another source of income.

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J-Jake...I meant "whacked" as in assassinated
lrn2mafiaspeak bro
But yeah, if there was any mafia I'd be in, it would the Russian mob
I'd probably be killed on the first day though tbh 

There's multiple terms. You could've used "Hit", "Off", etc. But yeah, Jake, lrn2mafia. You can't be a functioning reality TV Show Dad without knowing mafia talk.

And you gotta have more confidence than that, Remo.
Give yourself until the second day at least!
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Speaking of being killed off...

Why can't one roleplay I'm in either last or be active?

I wanna roleplay, but it sucks that all the good ones aren't accepting. And I'm bummed for being barred from Skyracy. Sure, I missed a good chunk of an important post, but that doesn't mean I can't be trusted to learn from that.


Anyway, mafia...

I wrote a fic about a mafia once...

'Twas one of my most progressive works, imo

But there were absolutely NO comments on it despite how many times it was bumped.

The same goes for my most recent fic for Advance Wars: Twilight Sunrise... one flaw in the transition from European names to American bashes the first impression despite how stupid an error it is.



>no sympathy


Not sure what's worse, though:


gangsters with grey suits, fedoras, cigars, and tommy guns;

or gangsters with jeans as low as their jeans, talking smack, freestyle rapping, and liquor in bags.

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Speaking of being killed off...
Why can't one roleplay I'm in either last or be active?
I wanna roleplay, but it sucks that all the good ones aren't accepting. And I'm bummed for being barred from Skyracy. Sure, I missed a good chunk of an important post, but that doesn't mean I can't be trusted to learn from that.

stop rping on ycm and rp on skype
it'll save you a lot of time and effort and frustration
so long as your rp group isn't terrible
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