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*Condescending dialogue about Jake's RPing skills*


I don't much like the idea of multiple threads for a war. It's a pain in the ass trying to keep tabs on all of them simultaneously. But FF have their own issues, due to people bawing about lack of appearances, or that you're not doing them right.

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Or it turns into a double-edged sword and you get a bunch of useless storylines.

Even with "good" groups, the probability of it happening is extremely high. But also keeping Fanfictions going is pretty tiresome in itself. Both of them require miracles to go on and run smoothly.


I can agree with that and yeah making a fan fiction is hard, requiring a lot of time an patience.


*Condescending dialogue about Jake's RPing skills*


I don't much like the idea of multiple threads for a war. It's a pain in the ass trying to keep tabs on all of them simultaneously. But FF have their own issues, due to people bawing about lack of appearances, or that you're not doing them right.

*remark about Broken not knowing what he is talking about*

I don't see why not, but that might be because I don't plan on joining. And again yeah you have a point with the fan fictions, but then again it is up to the writer to decide whither or not to add people into his work; those reading should just get used too it.

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Honestly I thought Nexev was always trying to be like Ice which kind of upset me. Nex is a cool guy but him trying to be Ice's yes man just got on my nerves . . . so I don't know if this war role-play was something he thought of or whatever but yeah I think it's universally going down as a horrible, horrible idea.


Well Cherry if they're going to complain then might as well make it worth it or, at least, give them a good reason too

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*Retort that I DO in fact know what I'm talking about*
The war was a stupid idea, and frankly, I think Nex might be slowly losing his mind, or trying to become Ice.

>Implying at any point at all that Nex had his mind
Wait, Ice?

Honestly I thought Nexev was always trying to be like Ice which kind of upset me. Nex is a cool guy but him trying to be Ice's yes man just got on my nerves . . . so I don't know if this war role-play was something he thought of or whatever but yeah I think it's universally going down as a horrible, horrible idea.
Well Cherry if they're going to complain then might as well make it worth it or, at least, give them a good reason too

I... don't see how Nex is Ice's yes man or Ice in any way. ... Have I really been gone that long?

Why do insert fics in that case though? The creators of the characters will never be satisfied. They'll continuously bother you until you go against whatever plot plans you had just to give them some action, or to post: "your character will get screen time soon, don't worry". No, people shouldn't complain to begin with and be thankful the author put them in the story or even gave them a damn line. It's so much better to just make your own original characters instead of trying to get the hearts of readers with their individual characters.

Which is why I refuse them, or if I do put in inserts, I make them extremely vague. I have a familiar formula to go by in which some of my characters may resemble people I associate with, but I'll be damned if I say it out loud anymore.
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Well I am doing the sequel for Trio of DEF, yes Broken I f*cking just mentioned it, but even before I began plotting it I let anyone who asked about their character this single sentence: If I can find a use for your character then I'll put him/her in the story though what happens to him/her is completely up to my discretion, so they might be just seen or actually become an important part of the story, but either way just count yourself lucky.


tl;dr I am using the characters however I d*mn well please. End of story. Any complaints can be left at the door.

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Well I am doing the sequel for Trio of DEF, yes Broken I f*cking just mentioned it, but even before I began plotting it I let anyone who asked about their character this single sentence: If I can find a use for your character then I'll put him/her in the story though what happens to him/her is completely up to my discretion, so they might be just seen or actually become an important part of the story, but either way just count yourself lucky.
tl;dr I am using the characters however I d*mn well please. End of story. Any complaints can be left at the door.

I don't understand how Fusion put up with everyone because I didn't even read DEF and I can just guess over half of the people in the thread complained. Hell, I was jammed into it and quite frankly, I didn't care what happened to me. Fuse could've killed me off and I'd say "nice writing there, Fuse!". Good statement on your end, it's not up to them what happens. They made the character, but you write the goddamn story.

I just think Insert Fics let the readers fuck with the author. They either get all buddy-buddy with them for an important role, or bitch and moan when they don't. They start demanding your creativity to be focused on what they want, not you. It sucks the fun out of it before the author just drops it altogether as a final "fuck you" to everyone.
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Laugh at their reactions because they can do nothing but whine as you give their character a vivid description of an extremely graphic, slow, torturous death for complaining.

hey if fuse wants me to be a background character thats coo
hey if fuse wants me to be the lead, thats coo
hey if fuse doesnt want to use me as a character, thats coo

his choice, not mine

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I started reading Assassin Mikara, but I never got far. I can never pay attention to one thing, especially if it's not a video or comic.


In any case regarding fics, I can't seem to write more than 3 pages of an Advance Wars fic I have all plotted out. I may or may not have put myself against a wall because where I am in the story is focused on one character in particular, but I wanna make a side perspective on the good guys. Problem is, I have no idea what the good guys are doing. Only the bad guys. How ironic does that sound?

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I wrote a story at one point where I wanted to let the readers in on what the villain was up to at certain points. Like Cherry said, I just put the main character into a situation with nothing to do with the overall story, so there wouldn't be much point in talking about her at that point, and gave the villain some screen time. Next chapter, it was back to our Heroine. I believe I did that about every five chapters or so...

Read [i]The Valley of Horses[/i]. They do a really good job of two parallel stories in a single book.

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In related news, my own Trio of DEF spin-off, Assassin Mikara, is nearly finished. One more chapter to go. If anyone cares to read it, then you know where to find it. Yes, it's an insert fic, no, I didn't get a long list of complaints from those involved. I rather enjoyed writing it, too.


Like Thar I began reading it but I had to kick it to the curb in order to keep working on my own project. I was planning on adding some things from yours, in fact I think I did take a few things, but no I haven't read much of it.


In any case regarding fics, I can't seem to write more than 3 pages of an Advance Wars fic I have all plotted out. I may or may not have put myself against a wall because where I am in the story is focused on one character in particular, but I wanna make a side perspective on the good guys. Problem is, I have no idea what the good guys are doing. Only the bad guys. How ironic does that sound?


You have a plot for Advance Wars? PM me about it because while thinking about this one I had a few ideas rattling around for one about that as well . . .

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Okay so apparently Thar's plot of Advanced Wars wasn't what I thought it was . . .


Now onto what I've been doing outside of work and college- I went to a flea market to attempt to find the last Godzilla movie I need on DVD. Yes, I said Godzilla. If you don't already know I', a giant (no pun intended) fan of the Big G. But though I failed, again, to find the movie I did find the next best thing . . . Gamera. So I bought the movies.


Then it hit me, I'll eventually find Godzilla vs. Gigan and then what? Well I decided on beginning to locate all of Gamera, then King Kong and finally Mothera; the last series should be completely impossible since I've never seen it anywhere but in a private collection (XD)


Again this is why I want to see Death Battle do Godzilla vs. Gamera

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Gamera is... who again?

Sorry, Godzilla, King Kong, Mothra, I know a bit about them, but Gamera.... not so much.

Now, what I've been doing outside of work...

Actually, I'm on the job 24/7. So, aside from work...

I've gotten to where I only need a few more pages to write on Assassin before it's finished. However, I've been playing Dark Souls instead of writing them. =p

That's all there is...

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However, I've been playing Dark Souls instead of writing them. =p


How far are you in it? I can't even get past the first boss. ><

I swear, I cannot land a single blow on it without being annihilated by his hammer, which deals damage even when he misses.

And it took me like 3 deaths to figure out that the first blow had to be a diving stab. That helped a lot. But still: the closest I got to killing it was down to like 1/15 of its health, which of course was when I was one hit from dying-



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Gamera is... who again?

Sorry, Godzilla, King Kong, Mothra, I know a bit about them, but Gamera.... not so much.


This is Gamera



He isn't produced by Toho like Godzilla or Mothera but by another company. He is supposed to be the savior of humanity and guardian of earth's children. As you can tell, he is drastically different from the walking natural disaster that is Godzilla

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Actually Godzilla clocks in at 100 meters tall while Gamera is 80 meters at his tallest. So there really isn't that big of a difference in height. Godzilla's most famous power is his Atomic Ray, however, Gamera's shell is nearly impenetrable to ray-type attacks.


Flip the turtle over and it dies eventually.


Actually Gamera can fly. Gamera pulls in his arms, legs, head, and tail into his shell, fires flames out of his arm and leg cavities and spins around like a flying saucer. So though you could flip him over he'd be able to right himself immediately.


Also Gamera feeds on heat sources, such as power plants . . . and considering that Godzilla is a walking power plant he could feed off of Godzilla himself.


Honestly they are evenly matched and it would be amazing to see them going at it for the title "True King of the Monsters"

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Jesus, been playing Persona 4 again, and I swear to god, literally half the time spent in that game is used trying to get the abilities you want on a fused Persona.

yfw p4 was less fighting than anything
and persona 3 was the exact opposite
unless you're trying to fight the secret boss in 3
because 4 you can literally just leave the game on and auto grind and then stomp on the secret boss
3 you better prepare for that shit we're talking world class grinding not just about fusing better get fucking orpheus telos
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