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YCLoveMaker Hotel: We Love You All to Death~!

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[quote name='finiteGunslinger' timestamp='1355027359' post='6088773']
[color=#0000CD]Sorry, what was that again?[/color]


. . .

I didn't mean specifically [i]you[/i] you DF. That was a general you. As in sometimes I am faced with a douche bag and sometimes I am the one being a douche bag. Though in that sense it includes you . . . and Thar . . . and Striker . . . and everyone else on this entire planet. So stop getting upset about it

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[quote name='Stone Cold Loki' timestamp='1355027495' post='6088777']

It's still not relevant. For all you know, it might just BE an act.

[color=#0000CD]...ow...I think you just hurt my faith in humanity...[/color]

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[quote name='finiteGunslinger' timestamp='1355027647' post='6088784']
[color=#0000CD]...ow...I think you just hurt my faith in humanity...[/color]

Wait... you actually HAD faith? =o
Gosh, I guess I'll just soak myself in gasoline and ignite it.

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Yeah okay, let's just assume what I said was stupid because I'm supposedly "supporting" Striker, which I'm not. I'm just making a f*cking general statement aimed at everyone on the internet. Just chill the f*ck out, all of you.

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Thar they're all joking . . . okay maybe not DF since he has a habit of being serious but I'm pretty sure everyone else was joking. And good job on finding a picture of someone ion fire to post (^^)b

[quote name='Nathanael Darius Striker' timestamp='1355029061' post='6088807']
Guys, stfu! I don't need this drama at all. Can't we be civilized without ganging up on me for wanting to be a teacher. Geez, I expected better from you guys. That's including Desu. <_<

I understand your anger, but just let it pass. After all I am planning on being a English Teacher/Writer as well

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[quote name='finiteGunslinger' timestamp='1355029095' post='6088808']
[color=#0000CD]Okay, let's assume we thought you're stupid for supporting Striker and not because your general statement really was just plain stupid.[/color]

Yeah, let's just assume what I said was stupid because you say it's stupid therefore it's stupid and nothing else. Sounds great.

[quote name='Jake the Sage' timestamp='1355029240' post='6088811']
Thar they're all joking . . . okay maybe not DF since he has a habit of being serious but I'm pretty sure everyone else was joking. And good job on finding a picture of someone ion fire to post (^^)b

I tried finding a GIF, but they were all on tumblr and it wasn't on the page it linked me to. :/

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Well that one was good enough- to be honest I would've asked you to lite yourself on fire no matter what the situation is. Then again I am a fie bug . . . and d*mn right proud of it (^^)9

Now we need a topic. Who is planning on seeing "The Hobbit" when it comes out? If not that is there any other movie you want to see that is coming out or want to see made? Movies you've missed?

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[quote name='Jake the Sage' timestamp='1355029463' post='6088817']
Now we need a topic. Who is planning on seeing "The Hobbit" when it comes out? If not that is there any other movie you want to see that is coming out or want to see made? Movies you've missed?

My family and I plan on seeing the premiere on launch night. I've always loved the Lord of the Rings movies.

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Lincoln was bullshit. That was the worst usage of the most exploitable US president ever.

The Hobbit, is probably going to be long and dragged, if not outright disloyal to the books. Unlike LoTR, which was a trilogy of three long tomes which had to be ABRIDGED to be turned into movies; The Hobbit was a small book in comparison.

And it's going to be released in [i]three parts.[/i]

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[quote name='Jake the Sage' timestamp='1355029463' post='6088817']
Who is planning on seeing "The Hobbit" when it comes out? If not that is there any other movie you want to see that is coming out or want to see made? Movies you've missed?

I am, though I'm highly skeptical about it being split into 3 movies. I could maybe understand 2, but 3 is blatantly milking it and I can't help but feel they're only doing this for the money and not for making a quality film.
As for reviews, I heard the movie has a slow start and the CGI's sketchy, but that won't stop me from seeing it.

I still need to read the LOTR books and see their movies though.
For other movies, I want to see Skyfall, but I haven't seen any of the Bonds. I'll probably just grab the Daniel Craig movies and then go for it.

EDIT: Love how Mugen ninja'd me and is on the same page.
See, it's not a good idea.

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[quote name='Mugendramon' timestamp='1355029242' post='6088812']
Okay, I think I will make my first inquiry as a figure of authority or something.

Would you [b]please[/b] get off his back Desu?

[color=#0000CD]I will only because arguing with him has even less of a point than arguing with a mentally retarded rock. Quite frankly, not much difference between the two except arguing Thar replies and his replies make me want to gougue my eyes out with a spoon.[/color]

[color=#0000CD]But seriously, I don't give a f*ck if you're a mod. I just literally can't stand Thar's stupidity anymore. So I'm going to do the sensible thing and actually block his dumb ass.[/color]
[quote name='Jake the Sage' timestamp='1355029463' post='6088817']
Well that one was good enough- to be honest I would've asked you to lite yourself on fire no matter what the situation is. Then again I am a fie bug . . . and d*mn right proud of it (^^)9

Now we need a topic. Who is planning on seeing "The Hobbit" when it comes out? If not that is there any other movie you want to see that is coming out or want to see made? Movies you've missed?

[color=#0000CD]Nothing coming out soon I care for. I still want to see Ted, The Campaign, and Wreck it Ralph though.[/color]

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[quote name='Fusion X. Denver' timestamp='1355029881' post='6088828']
For other movies, I want to see Skyfall, but I haven't seen any of the Bonds. I'll probably just grab the Daniel Craig movies and then go for it.

Saw it yesterday. Only watched the one right before it.

Missed a reference or two, but nothing you won't tell from people around you laughing anyway.

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[quote name='finiteGunslinger' timestamp='1355030013' post='6088830']

[color=#0000CD]I will only because arguing with him has even less of a point than arguing with a mentally retarded rock. Quite frankly, not much difference between the two except arguing Thar replies and his replies make me want to gougue my eyes out with a spoon.[/color]

[color=#0000CD]But seriously, I don't give a f*ck if you're a mod. I just literally can't stand Thar's stupidity anymore. So I'm going to do the sensible thing and actually block his dumb ass.[/color]

Could you do us all a favor and restrict your proliferating language skills though? As much as he may or may not deserve it, I figure you shouldn't publicly insult him if he is what you say he is.

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Fusion I am with you. I've never seen a Bond movie before but that didn't stop me from seeing Skyfall. All you really need to know is who James Bond is and who he works for. Everything else is easy to figure out and it is a very good movie. Yet when it comes to "The Hobbit" I doubt I'll go see it since I'm not a LoTR fan; save for Smiegal who is awesome

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[quote name='finiteGunslinger' timestamp='1355030013' post='6088830']
[color=#0000CD]I will only because arguing with him has even less of a point than arguing with a mentally retarded rock. Quite frankly, not much difference between the two except arguing Thar replies and his replies make me want to *[b]gouge[/b] my eyes out with a spoon.[/color]

[color=#0000CD]But seriously, I don't give a f*ck if you're a mod. I just literally can't stand Thar's stupidity anymore. So I'm going to do the sensible thing and actually block his dumb ass.[/color]

Honestly, you should have done that months ago. Would've saved you the trouble of vainly trying to get me to shut up when it's proved to be impossible, despite how dumb I sound.

[quote name='Fusion X. Denver' timestamp='1355029881' post='6088828']
For other movies, I want to see Skyfall, but I haven't seen any of the Bonds. I'll probably just grab the Daniel Craig movies and then go for it.

Just gonna point this out: The intro will melt you. Seriously... Adele's best performance, right there.

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[quote name='Nathanael Darius Striker' timestamp='1355030060' post='6088832']
Mugen, I have to disagree with you. I loved Lincoln. We may have different tastes, but it is a great movie imo.

Its concept is flat-out absurd. Explain to me why it's appealing at all, will you? Just to get a different point of view. It might be nice.

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[quote name='Mugendramon' timestamp='1355030334' post='6088834']
Could you do us all a favor and restrict your proliferating language skills though? As much as he may or may not deserve it, I figure you shouldn't publicly insult him if he is what you say he is.

That is like asking a cat to love water. 9/10 it is NEVER going to happen.

[quote name='Stone Cold Loki' timestamp='1355030407' post='6088836']
Just gonna point this out: The intro will melt you. Seriously... Adele's best performance, right there.

Indeed. In fact for those of you who have yet to see it this might be an incentive to do so:

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